《The Black Knight of the Demon King》A Day Out With The Dwarf Princess.
Chapter X: A Day Out With The Dwarf Princess.
Donovan couldn't help from feeling a little concerned as he walked the city streets with the Dwarf Princess Camillia at his side.
He had forgone his pauldrons, red cape, and shield to avoid sticking out as much, but he had might as well wore these things, for he still was getting everyone's gazes. As for the reason why it was because the person he was traveling with was so small compared to him, and because most of the dwarfs had never seen someone as tall as him.
While there were humans and demon folk who came to the great city Kal Vorum, it was rare for them to see someone this big, so they couldn't help from looking at him.
As for Camillia, she didn't seem to mind these looks they were sending their way, and walked down the streets as if it was an average day for her, even though she wasn't the center of attention this time.
"Camillia, if you don't mind me asking, do you mind telling me where exactly we're going?" Donovan asked in a low tone that was loud enough to reach her ears and those that were within a few feet.
"We're going to see someone who might know where your missing attendant is." She answered, while keeping her eyes forward. "He's called the All-seer, and has eyes everywhere. Unfortunately, the crowd he is with isn't the nicest of people, so be prepared for some ridiculing or worse."
"I see," Donovan said with a frown. "so we're going to be dealing with the dwarven mafia, that's wonderful, I can't wait to see how this goes."
He didn't say this out loud, but he was pretty sure this is what she meant. That or she just meant that the dwarves they were about to meet had a short temper; it was one of the two.
After walking for another ten or so minutes, the two of them arrived at what looked like a high-end bar, which was a surprise, for he was expecting the building this All-seer to be at a sketchy place.
Nonetheless, the two of them entered with Camillia taking the lead, and Donovan right behind her.
Upon entering, Donovan was greeted by a bunch of rowdy and armored dwarfs who appeared to be having the time of their lives, which was something he didn't expect at all. It was because of the building that he didn't expect the dwarfs in it to be like this, for he had expected the dwarfs to be wearing suits, and acting very noble-like.
However, after closing the door behind them, all activity came to a halt, and the dwarfs slowly turned their attention to the two of them.
Donovan opened his mouth to speak, but upon doing so, Camillia began walking toward the bar. Seeing her do this, Donovan decided to follow her lead, but had noticed that everyone's eyes were still on them, and that the dwarves were still painfully silent.
"She must have nerves of steel, or she is familiar with these guys, for there is no way she could just stroll on as if nothing was happening." Donovan thought to himself before casting some looks and see that some of the dwarfs' hands were on the handles of their weapons.
Once they reached the bar, the dwarf who was working it said in a gruff tone. "What will it be, miss?"
"Not what, it's who, and the person I'm looking for is the All-seer." Camillia answered bluntly, her voice no longer carrying that gentleness or warmth that was usually found in it.
Donovan remained silent, but he had a small growl come from the men behind him along with some of the chairs being pushed back.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone-"
With no warnings whatsoever and movement as fast as a cheetah, Camillia reached over the tabletop, grabbed the man by his beard, and pulled him towards her.
The dwarves who had already rose from their seats unsheathed their weapons, and took a step towards them, but were stopped by Donovan who had taken his blade off of his back and had it aimed at the closest dwarf's head. He had been taken back by what Camillia had just done, but he unfortunately didn't really have time to ask her what she's doing or thinking, for if he hadn't moved, there was a high probability that he would have had an axe planted in his back.
"Now," Camillia started in a slightly more friendly tone as she pulled out one of her blades and played with it in front of his eyes. "what were you saying again?"
"I, I said that he's upstairs." He croaked as he stared at the blade. "He's in the room on the left."
"Thank you." Camillia said in a satisfied voice as she let go of the man's beard. As soon as she had done this, the man moved as far as he could away from the bar top.
The Dwarf Princess didn't seem fazed by this, and simply took out a small purse, and said as she placed it on the slightly bloody tabletop. "Sorry for the mess, but we're on a tight schedule."
The dwarf, whose nose had been broken at first was silent, but eventually, he signaled for his friends to lower their weapons and said to her. "I had it coming, sorry for being difficult, miss."
Happy with how things played out, Camillia turned around and made her way to the stairs with a shocked Donovan right behind her.
As they climbed up the steps, Donovan called out to her as he grabbed ahold of her wrist. "Hey, mind telling me what all of that was about?"
"Sure, I was in no mood to play games, and he tried to play games with me." She answered in a slightly curt manner.
"I see, and did it not cross your mind that there were like thirty people in there all armed to the teeth?" He explained with a small frown. He wasn't condemning her for actions, but he had to know what she was thinking.
"I did, but I knew you would have my back, and you did, which is something I'm happy about." Despite her talking in a curt tone, Donovan could hear the bit of warmth in her voice, but that didn't mean he was happy or approved of her actions.
Letting loose a sigh, Donovan said in a troubled-filled voice. "You confuse me, Camillia. You tell me you don't want war, but then very next day you slam a dwarf's head against a table, and act like you have no problems with killing him, just what are you trying to accomplish?"
"What I am trying to accomplish is peace, Fane." She answered sternly. "If I don't get a little bit of violent with some stubborn men, then my father loses everything, I lose everything. So I will do extreme things if it means preventing the Dwarven Empire from going to war, the question is, will you?"
Donovan said nothing, but it seemed like they weren't going anywhere, for she continued to stare at him. She wanted his answer.
"I guess, but I don't think that was the way to handle that situation." Donovan said in an attempt to change the subject.
"You don't know what I've had to deal with, Fane, so don't tell me how to handle these things." She declared in what sounded like a disappointed voice.
After she said this, she turned around and took a step up the stairs, but once again was stopped by Donovan who had grabbed ahold of her wrist.
"You're not wrong," Donovan started in a somber voice. "I do not know your situation, nor do I know anything about you, so I can't really be the one to judge you."
Camilia was silent.
"However, if you could enlighten me, tell me what you've been dealing with, then maybe I can help. I want to do good, and I want to prevent your people from entering this war, but I don't want to lose who I am while doing so, you know?" Donovan stated with a bit of firmness in his voice now.
"... This is who I am, Fane." She said after several seconds of silence. "I am someone who is willing to accomplish their goals, no matter the cost."
"Then..." Donovan started with a frown. "Then was the person I met in the garden fake? Were you just acting sweet and innocent to get my help?"
Camillia said nothing, and just simply freed herself from his grip by yanking her arm away, and then walked up the remaining steps. Donovan in response didn't try to stop her, and just stood there, for he couldn't help from feeling like he had been hurt by her, even though she knew nothing about him, and he knew nothing of her.
"Excuse me sir, but do you mind getting out of my way?" Someone requested from behind him causing him to turn around, and see a one-eyed dwarf standing directly behind him.
"... How long have you been there?" Donovan asked with a bit of surprise in his voice.
"Since she said no matter the cost." He answered truthfully.
"I see." Donovan said in response.
"Yeah, my word of advice is to probably not take all of this to heart because from what it sounds like, it sounds like she's been through a lot." The one-eyed dwarf stated before moving past Donovan after he had given him some space to squeeze on by.
"Thanks, I guess."
After speaking with the All-seer alone, Camillia exited the building to find Donovan waiting outside for her.
The two exchanged looks with one another, but that was basically it, for Camillia looked away not long after this and started to walk off towards the palace. Donovan in return didn't try to stop her, nor did he say anything to her. He just simply followed behind her in silence.
However, the silence eventually came to an end when Camillia stopped walking and said aloud in a low tone. "Hey Fane?"
"Yeah?" He answered, a little surprised that she stopped and called out to him.
"We're still allies, right?" She questioned, traces of concern could be found in her voice. "What had happened back there isn't going to change anything between us, right?"
"That depends on you." He answered after a few seconds of muteness.
Camillia said nothing, but after a while, she said hesitantly. "If, if I tell you what I've been through, and why I acted like that, would you listen and still be my ally?"
Donovan said nothing at first, but he couldn't deny that his curiosity was piqued.
"Sure, but can I request something when you do tell me all of this?" He said in response.
"O-Of course." She affirmed as she turned around to face him, traces of happiness in her voice. "If it is within my power, I will grant it, but in return I want you to listen to everything I have to say."
"I will." He promised with a nod of his head. "You have my word."
With that said, the two of them returned to the palace and entered through the palace's tunnel system, but to their surprise, and Camillia's horror the Dwarven Emperor Havel, and his most elite guards were waiting for them.
"I have many questions that I want to ask you Camillia, but first I have to deal with the Black Knight." Havel declared as he stared at his daughter before shifting his attention towards Donovan.
"Father, I-"
"Quiet." He coldly interrupted as he sent her a sharp look, which had caused Camillia to fall silent. "Now, do you remember what I said, Black Knight? To be specific, what I said back in the throne room?"
"If you're found outside of your wing, you will be deemed as the murder and executed." Donovan answered solemnly.
"Yes, I did say that, but I'm going to give you one chance, one chance to tell me what you were doing, and why you were with my daughter." The Dwarf Emperor declared as he lifted his hand off of his large warhammer, and raised his index finger to emphasize on the one chance.
"I can't answer that." Donovan said, which had made Emperor Havel furrow his brows. "Only your daughter can."
Looking at his daughter, he said one word. "Explain."
Thus Camillia told the tale of how she met with the Black Knight, and all of the events that lead up to this moment. However, she didn't reveal the information she had learned from the All-seer.
At the end of it all, Emperor Havel said, "I see, so you two were just trying to help."
"Yes, father." Camillia said with a single nod of her head.
"Well, it seems I will not be taking your head, Black Knight, but if you disobey me again, your skull will become paste, is that understood?" Emperor Havel declared as he stared at Donovan, who in return nodded his head.
"Good, now my guards will escort you to your chambers, and this time you're not allowed to leave it." Emperor Havel said before gesturing towards his guards to take him away.
"Father, wait I have-"
"No, your actions were foolish, and you could have gotten yourself killed or worse, now step aside, Camillia." He stated in a serious tone after watching his daughter get in between the Black Knight and his guards.
Camillia hesitated, and quickly glanced over her shoulder at Donovan who gestured for her to move out of the way with his head, but she didn't do that. Instead, she looked back at her father, and said, "I will not move."
Completely taken back by his daughter's response, Havel said, "What did you say to me?"
"I said that I won't move aside!" She practically yelled. "I have acted like your perfect little girl, and have done everything you have asked of me, but I will not let you take Fane away from me, not when I have things that we need to discuss!"
Donovan, who wasn't exactly sure what was going on couldn't help from thinking. "What the fuck is going on right now?"
"Camillia, what's gotten into you?" Her father asked with a confused look. "This isn't like you, the Camillia I know is sweet, innocent, and-"
"I'm only like that because you want me to be like that father!" She shouted in frustration. "Ever since mom died, you began treating me as if I'm something fragile that could break easily, but I'm not that, or at the very least that isn't all of me. I'm more than that, and I have just been keeping it all a secret from you."
Havel was speechless, and in all honesty, didn't know what to say to his daughter. His eyes had darted upwards towards the Black Knight to see if he understood what was going on, only to remember that a helmet hid his facial features, so he was pretty much useless.
"Camillia, I-"
"I'd appreciate it if you could trust me, father." Camillia interrupted in a much more calmer tone. "I know you're concerned for my wellbeing, but me and Fane make a great team, and I believe we can find out who was the one behind the murder of envoys, and the people that are plotting to overthrow you, but you need to give us a chance."
Havel was still at a loss, but with a sigh said, "Alright, I will give you two one chance to find out who is responsible for the ambassadors' deaths and who is plotting a coup. Do you hear me? I am giving you and only one chance to figure this out."
Shocked that her father actually agreed to this, Camillia said in an energetic tone. "Father!"
"Don't thank me yet, I'm not done speaking." He said in a firm tone before looking at Donovan. "Black Knight, understand that I'm trusting you with my daughter's safety. If she so much as loses a single strand of hair, I will destroy you, you understand? I swear it by the Stone that I will completely and utterly destroy you."
"I understand, and I will do my best to protect her." Donovan affirmed.
"I don't want your best, I want you to protect her, and make sure no harm comes to her, got it?" The Dwarf Emperor stated.
Seeing as he was practically asking for something that was borderline impossible, Donovan thought about saying something else, but realized that if he did he would most likely screw everything up, so he just said to him. "I got it."
Happy that the Black Knight got his point, Emperor Havel looked to his daughter and said, "Now can my guards escort him to his chambers?"
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