《We reincarnated as a two-headed dragon!》Chapter 7: A human? No, a magical beast!


I don’t hate spiders. I'm afraid of spiders... I have a phobia of spiders!

Spiders were one of the few things that horrified me in my previous life...

“I… I think we should look elsewhere, I don’t think there are lykanoss in that direction...” I said.

“Huh? But the footprints we have followed lead in this direction! We must be very close to the lykanos’ territory.” Said Amelia.

“I... I know, but there may be a way around this area...”

“What are you talking about? We don’t have much time left to complete the quest... Wait! Don’t tell me you're afraid of spiders...” She said.

“No! No, of course I'm not afraid of spiders...”

“Kyle... We promised ourselves to be honest to each other!”

“I... All right, I admit it... I'm afraid of spiders.” I said.


She's making fun of me…

“Sorry... Sorry. I didn’t want to make fun of you. It's just... You always look serious, I didn’t think insects could scare you!” She said.

“Everybody has a weakness…”

If these spiders were small, it would be fine, but trusting the size of these cobwebs, these spiders must be huge!

There is no more time to lose…

I gather my courage, then go straight ahead.

Everything around me is covered with white spider webs, be it bushes, trees and even some parts of the ground. Fortunately, the spacing between the trees is large enough to let in the sun's rays, so the lighting is good.

Suddenly, I hear noises.

Click click click click click!

These noises seem to come from all directions!

I can finally see the thing that is the origin of the noises: a huge spider, black with red legs at least a meter tall and a meter wide, comes in my direction...

This creature is horrible!

I'm using [Appraisal], maybe it’s not as strong as it's scary.

The skill [Appraisal] is now level 3.

Arnive (magical beast) – level 6 – HP: 105/105 – MP 25/25

Description: Group Attack. Very vulnerable to fire.

Active skills: [Poisonous strike), [Thread manipulation].

Group Attack?

Oh no!

An arnive is coming on my right.

Amelia tells me that two more are coming from my left and from behind.

I'm surrounded!

It's bad, even though I've become a dragon, my phobia of spiders has not disappeared, I'm paralyzed because of fear...

The arnives are getting closer to me...

“Kyle, pull yourself together! These spiders are sensitive to fire. Let's create a wall of fire around us to prevent them from approaching!” Said Amelia.

Good idea!

Amelia's call allows me to regain my senses.

[Fire breath]!

Amelia and I are firing around us.

A wall of fire stands all around us.

It works!

The arnives don’t dare to approach and remain at a distance. But there is still a problem, I can’t get out of this wall of fire myself. Although I can spit fire, I'm not immune to it...

What can I do to get rid of these arnives?

“Kyle, be careful!”

I don’t realize until too late that an arnive managed to jump over the wall of fire.


It is about to hit me with its sharp legs from the air!



Ahh!! The arnive slightly pierced my neck, it could have been much worse if Amelia had not activated in time the skill [Reinforced scales]!

Amelia catches one of the arnive’s legs with her mouth and throws the arnive outside the wall of fire.

I can’t let Amelia fight alone, I must pull myself together, I must...

My body! What's happening to me?

I feel a strong pain running through my body although I am not under attack.

“We have been poisoned! [Reinforced scales] strengthens our physical defense but can’t do anything against poison...” Said Amelia.


“Do you know how to purge this poison?” I said.

“I don’t know, maybe there is an antidote somewhere, or maybe level up can heal us.” She answered.

I see... Whatever happens, we can’t stay behind that wall of fire doing nothing, we must go on the offensive.

Even if I take damage, I must go through the flames and attack those arnives.

I can vaguely see through the flames that the four arnives are surrounding me outside the wall of fire. They must know that I am poisoned that is why they have come closer. However, they are out of range of [Fire breath].

I rush out of the wall of flame, ignoring the pain that the burns cause me and run towards the arnive in front of me.


I use [Dragon roar] to immobilize it and prevent the other arnives from helping it.

Amelia and I use [Bite] and tear its front legs.

It screams and finds itself on the ground, unable to get up.


The other three arnives are coming in my direction, so I don’t have time to kill it.

Amelia and I target two different arnives then use [Fire breath].

However, they dodge the attack by changing direction quickly through their spider silk. This is probably their skill [Thread manipulation] ...


The remaining arnive pierced my body with its front leg!

It hurts!

I only have 32 HP left. I am also poisoned... I’m really in trouble...

I notice that the arnive’s leg remained stuck in my body!

It’s trying to remove it...

It's my chance!

I'm going to take advantage of it being stuck to kill it with [Fire breath], it will not be able to dodge. Meanwhile, Amelia will use [Fire Breath] to keep the other two arnives away.

[Fire breath]!

The arnive in front of me ignites and screams in pain.


Hurry up and die...

The arnive has been reduced to ashes!

You have killed an Arnive : XP + 60.

Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 30.

Congratulations! You are now level 6.

1 attribute point available.

1 passive skill available.

Active skill acquired: Lightning speed

Congratulations! You are now level 7.

1 attribute point available.

Lightning speed (Detail)

Type: Active skill – physical (support).

Level: 1 / 10

Description: Boost your speed with the power of lightning.

Cost: 20 END

Range: -

Cast time: none.


Cooldown: 45 seconds

Effect: SPEED + 250 for 5 seconds. (+ 0.5 second by level)

Two level up at once!

“We are no longer poisoned!” Said Amelia.

Perfect! Thanks to the level up, I am no longer poisoned, and I have recovered all my HP, MP and END.

I will be able to kill the remaining arnives easily.

My skill [Dragon roar] is available again.


The two arnives advancing towards me stop and tremble.

Amelia and I then target one of them and use [Fire breath].

You have killed an Arnive : XP + 50.

Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 25.

It seems that because it is very vulnerable to fire, the damage I inflict on it with [Fire breath] is greatly increased.

The other arnive flees after seeing its comrade reduced to ashes.

It's time to test my new skill!

[Lightning speed]!


I feel an electric current flowing through my body.

I’m chasing the arnive which fled.

How fast!

I catch it easily and block its road.

The arnive is surprised but tries to flee in another direction.

I don’t give it time to do so...

[Fire breath]!

The arnive catches fire, screams and is reduced to ashes.

You have killed an Arnive : XP + 50.

Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 25.

Congratulations! You are now level 8.

1 attribute point available.

1 passive skill available.

I am now going back to the last arnive. The one to whom we have torn the front legs earlier.

It is still on the ground and looks scared seeing me approach.

[Fire breath]!

You have killed an Arnive : XP + 60.

Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 30.

Congratulations! You are now level 9.

1 attribute point available.

Phew! It's finally over...

“It was an intense fight! We have gained three levels!” Said Amelia.

“I really thought we were going to die.”

“Now let's choose our new passive skills...” she said.

“Wait! We must ensure that the area is safe before.” I said.

I carefully check my surroundings... There is no enemy.

Choose a passive skill

Eat All

You can now eat rotten or poisoned food without consequence.

Light Sleep

Reduces your needed sleep time by 35%

Let’s see…

“[Eat All]! We choose [Eat All]!” Said Amelia

Passive skill acquired: [Eat All]

No way!

“Amelia... I already told you not to do that anymore...”

“But ... But ... Sorry ...”

Choose a passive skill

Magical Resistance

Physical Resistance

Poison Resistance

Fire Resistance

No restriction

No restriction

Alignment : Evil only

Alignment : Good only

You gain MAG RES +1% for each INT point

You gain PHY RES +1% for each STR point

Reduces poison damage taken by 75%

Reduces fire damage taken by 75%

These alignments again... When will I be able to change mine?

Hmm... I have a lot more points in INT than in STR, so I should choose [Magical Resistance].

Passive skill acquired: [Magical Resistance]

“Hey, you didn’t ask my opinion...” Amelia said.

“Oops...” I said

“I wanted to make the same choice anyway!”


I spend my attribute points, and then hit the road.

You have spent 1 attribute point: VIT+1

You have spent 1 attribute point: VIT+1

You have spent 1 attribute point: INT+1


Name: No name

Race: two-headed dragon

Path: none

Evolution: baby dragon

Rank: F

State: normal

Level 9/10 – XP (110/130)

HP : 95/95 (0.5/s)

SPEED : 225

PHY MOD : 0%

MP : 112/112 (0.5/s)

PHY RES : 0.05%

MAG MOD : 10%

END : 55/55 (0.5/s)

MAG RES : 9.05%

ALIGNMENT : neutral

“We are level 9/10, what will happen when we are level 10/10?” I said.

“I don’t know. Something good, I hope.” She answered.

I still have ‘4 hours and 05 minutes’ to complete the quest. However, I don’t know if I'm on time. I just hope I will leave this area soon…


My progress is now slowed down. Indeed, there are more and more spider webs. These spider webs form walls and block the passage. So, I must make detours to get around them...

I think I'm lost. Because of all these damn cobwebs, I lost my way...

Fortunately, there are no enemies around.

“Kyle, are we lost?” Asked Amelia.

“I think so…”

After walking at random for several minutes, I finally arrive at what seems like a huge spider's nest.

At the entrance of this nest I can see a... Naked girl?

This girl spots me and stares at me.

She has long black hair, a cute face, a perfect bust and...

Wait, it's not a girl! It's a creature, half human and half spider. The upper part of its body being humanoid.

“Is she a human? Don’t tell me that humans of this world are half beast ... [Appraisal].” Said Amelia.

Princess Avia (magical beast - unique) – level 1 – HP: 15/15 – MP: 10/10

Description: Youngest daughter of the arnives Queen.

Active skills: [Commandment], [Telepathy].

So, she’s a magical beast and not a human.

Princess Avia examines me with curiosity. She doesn’t seem to fear me.

Although she seems weak, I must stay on my guard.

“Khlqfc qvfh wlfkhaf lqkhqp” said Princess Avia suddenly.

“She spoke! Did you understand what she said?” Asked Amelia.

“No, not at all...” I said.

“Can you understand me now?” Said Princess Avia.

“Yes, we can!” Said Amelia.

“How is it possible?” I said.

“I used [Telepathy], this skill allows us to communicate through our thoughts without the need for words.” She answered.

I understand. So, there is a skill to communicate with other people without the need to know how to speak. It's good to know.

“This my first time seeing another magical beast! What kind of magical beast are you?” She continued.

Huh? She wants to know what kind of magical beast we are?

She doesn’t want to know what we are doing on her territory or if we are here to kill her?


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