《Zairen》Chapter 19


Chapter 19

Fuoosh! Zairen appeared in an open space.

“...!” Looking around, he gasped.

He was inside what seemed like an enormous clear-colored dimly lit box. He could see in the corner of his eye, far from the woman, was the large pile of herbs that he had bought from Grandpa Dinran - the interdimensional ring could store life, so he hadn’t hesitated to store all of his herbs here. Next to it was the container of Spirit Building Pills that he had just placed and also his black full-body cloak.

He could see all those items he had stored with his own two eyes! He was actually inside the interdimensional space!

However, in the next second, His thoughts were forcibly disrupted as the air was completely sucked out of his lungs! “Hah…!” An enormous pressure crushed down ruthlessly on his body, causing him to immediately hunker his body down! In an instant, he was already sweating profusely.

His eyes widened in shock. The pressure from the woman was actually this immense?

‘Holy...! Although I had experienced this already with my spirit energy sense… Physically being here is much worse! Just how powerful is this woman?!’

Zairen immediately turned to look at the source of the pressure, the beautiful black haired woman lying in the middle of the space.

“...!” As he set his sights on her, however, he suddenly found it even harder to breathe, and his eyes glazed over in incredulity. He felt that it was hard to close his gaped mouth.

This time, however, it wasn't due to the invisible pressure… But due to the woman’s beauty!

He had observed with his spirit energy sense that the woman was beautiful, almost goddess-like, but seeing with his own two eyes was something else! Even from a large distance of about fifty meters, her beauty couldn't be disguised. He almost couldn't believe his eyes, as if he was looking at a true god from the heavens. He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his entire life.


A perfectly symmetrical and unblemished face featured perfect long eyelashes, enticing red lips, and small flushed cheeks. The woman’s long inky black hair flowed perfectly down her body, and her kimono-like dress perfectly accentuated the woman’s golden ratio curves. Although her face was writhing with pain, in some sort of twisted artistic way, it only served to make the woman even more attractive.

“...” Zairen took a deep breath to calm himself.

Although the woman was undoubtedly impeccably beautiful, Zairen wasn’t so moved as to bow down to her. When he had become a Medical Saint, he had chosen to separate himself from worldly matters like appearance.

Furthermore, currently, he couldn't spare the effort to worry about something like that!

Breathing heavily, Zairen stared at the woman, deciding whether to walk toward her or not. Finally, after a few moments of thinking, he balled his hands into fists and decided to bite the bullet. He had already come all this way - he couldn't just give up now!

“...hu!” Inhaling, he slowly took a step toward the woman.

His face suddenly tightened. The pressure on him had increased! However, he had expected that, and he merely grit his teeth and continued to take step after step toward the woman.

He considered trying to shadow walk toward the woman, but he quickly calculated that the distance was much too far. He would run dry of spirit energy before even reaching a third of the way. Besides, there were no shadows to shadow walk across.

“Geh…” Without any other choice, he continued to take step after step forward. Every subsequent step was significantly more painful.

Tak… tak...

Is was like he was sinking into a vat of extremely dense liquid, which constantly pushed down on and seared into his fragile body.

Tak… tak…

Step by step, he worked his painful trek forward!

By the time he was thirty five meters away, his body was shaking and the sweat had formed rivers all over his body. Inwardly he was shocked and hurt, yet still, he continued to ball his fists and still didn't stop.


He continued to walk forward, but his pace had slowed, and his steps seemed unsteady.

Tak… tak…

Step by step… step by step...

Thunk! Suddenly, Zairen couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and fell over forward onto his hands.

“Ha…” He stayed there in that position for a few moments, breathing raggedly. Inwardly, he felt miserable. Who knew it would be so hard to even approach even twenty five meters from the woman?

However, even as he lay there, he looked up and narrowed his eyes, staring at the beautiful unconscious woman in front of him. The target was only slightly more than twenty five meters away. That was halfway!

He wouldn’t give up. Once he started something, he would see it through to the end! That was Zairen’s determination.

“Pu… pu… pu…” Like a baby, Zairen crawled forward on his hands and knees, his head hung low in exhaustion. Every foot he crawled forward was an even greater sense of agony on his body. He left a long trail of puddles of sweat behind him.

Pat pat, pat pat. His hands and feet were like little paddles slapping the floor as he exhaustedly traveled.

Woosh! Woosh! Zairen desperately channeled the spirit energy inside of him to replenish his stamina and nurture his body’s overworked muscles. His body was now trembling uncontrollably, as if he was a newly born doe.

However, his eyes shone in a savage light. He would not give up!

His struggle continued, hand by hand, foot by foot.

By the time Zairen approached within fifteen meters of the woman, he had already collapsed. He lay face down, his arms and legs lying motionless next to his body. Yet, even then, he still persisted, periodically wiggling his waist and stomach to shimmy forward like a snake.

Shuu… shuu…

His eyes were bloodshot, and his face was now completely soaked; he looked like he had just gotten out of a lake. However, his mind was whirling crazily: the more stress he was put under, the more he would fight back!

“Screw you… You… Piece of shit… You fuck with me?! I, your father, will show you…” Zairen spoke deliriously to no one in particular as he continued to shimmy his body.

Glancing forward within the corner of his vision, he suddenly spotted the figure of the laid down beautiful woman, only slightly more than ten meters away!

All at once, a gaze of madness infected his eyes!

Pausing for one last moment, he gathered his determination, and then channeled his last bits of spirit energy into his strained legs! “Hah!!!”

The next moment, he body entered the air, and he shot forward! Whoosh!

Bang! His body hit the ground and then tumbled like a ragdoll. Budududu… His body rolled forward and he collapsed into a heap just as he arrived right in front of the beautiful black haired woman.


The pressure instantly increased several fold! He instantly entered constant agony, and didn't even have the energy to cry out.

However, even as his body felt like it was it was getting flattened, his eyes shined and he duly felt a sense of pride. He had finally made it!

“...ugh!” After a moment of feeling like he was being physically crushed, he used all of his energy to tilt his head up.

Ignoring the pain, Zairen took a minute to use his eyes to scan up and down the woman's body, as he was too exhausted to do anything else.

After a few seconds of doing so, he finally couldn't bear the pressure anymore and ejected himself from the interdimensional space. As he manifested back in his room, he immediately flopped down on the floor and lost consciousness.

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