《Zairen》Chapter 13


Chapter 13


Crane Toppler was frozen in midair, his fist stock still. His face was at first confused, and then shocked.

“...” Moments later, his body crumpled and he collapsed onto the floor, in front of the still Black Cloak.




All the jeers froze in the audience’s mouths.

None of the audience could believe their eyes. What even happened?

Did Crane Toppler… just lose?

All of the sudden, a massive uproar arose from the stands.

“I couldn't see anything! Did that puny Black Cloak really defeat him?”

“Black Cloak… what the hell did he do?”

“Maybe Crane Toppler tripped himself… somehow.”

The jeers had all but completely stopped, replaced by stunned musings. Everyone looked at each other, confused. What just happened?

Standing there somewhat casually, Black Cloak continued to stay silent. Pointing at Crane Toppler’s body, he gestured to the referee that he would keep on fighting.

The stunned referee quickly came back to his senses. Running up to Crane Toppler, he examined his body and then proclaimed: “Winner: Black Cloak!”

A murmur spread through the crowd, and as the realization sunk in, many people suddenly let out anguished cries.

“No way…!”

Their money!

They had all bet on Crane Toppler’s victory, some even betting large amounts. With Crane Toppler’s unexpected and sudden loss, however… didn’t that mean they had now lost everything?!

Black Cloak, on the other hand… even though he had bet only 10 measly copper coins… he had won an enormous amount! All that money they had bet, he would get a sizeable portion!

However, the biggest winner would be the Bindan Arena itself. With so many bets, their commission gain would be gigantic.


“I bet 4 silver! That was half my salary…”

“Black Cloak… what did you…”


Peering out onto the anguished crowd and gesturing for the arena employees to carry Crane Toppler’s body off stage, the referee looked a bit confused.

What had happened? The fight had happened so quick, he had barely even seen anything. Crane Toppler had charged forward, and the next moment, he was collapsed on the floor.

Everyone knew that Crane Toppler was no pushover, either. He had once beaten four strong opponents in a row, and his speed and precision were almost unrivaled in the arena.

If there was an extensive fight with exchanging blows and with Black Cloak finally winning in the end, it would be easier to accept. But… within a few moments, and without even getting touched, Crane Toppler had fallen. Maybe he had been more fatigued than he had appeared, and just happened to have vertigo in that moment?

So lucky! This seemed like the most improbable outcome!

He gave a side glance toward Black Cloak. The short statured man was still standing there casually, as if nothing had happened. Was it just luck… or was it possible that Black Cloak had actually done something?

At that moment, a growl emanated from the back of the stage. “I’m next! Let me get on!!!”

“Huh?” Surprised, everyone quickly glanced backward toward the back of the arena.

As people saw who it was, their eyes suddenly widened, and there was an uproar.


“It’s the man himself!”

“He’s fighting?!”

“Wow, what an honor to see him again!”

“Yes, I’m here!” In the back of the arena was a large muscular man, sporting menacing scars on his chest and back. He spoke confidently and projected his voice out far and wide, giving an impression of crushing power! “Let me crush this lucky pipsqueak!”


“Next up is Komanji! He once went five rounds undefeated, and is a crowd favorite!” The referee immediately excitedly turned and announced to the audience.

“KOMANJI!!!” The crowd immediately went wild. It seemed that the name “Komanji” had a big impact. Loud cheers rang out from all around the stadium.

On cue, the scarred muscular man strode up from the back of the stage, carrying a self-confident smirk.

“I don't know what the hell you did, Black Cloak…” Komanji snarled. “But that fluke isn't gonna happen again. Prepare to get beaten to a pulp!”

“KOMANJI! KOMANJI! KOMANJI!” The entire crowd was invigorated by Komanji’s fighting words.

“Black Cloak is screwed now. “

“That midget may have gotten lucky against the skinny Crane Toppler, but now he’s against the huge burley legend, Komanji!”

“He’s out for blood!”

It was true. Komanji was enormous. Compared to Black Cloak, he looked like a mountain!

Although this Black Cloak fellow might have gotten lucky against Crane Toppler, against whom he had to fight next, he wouldn't have a chance!

Komanji was famous in the Arena, and a crowd favorite, having beaten five incredibly strong people in a row before, which had included Crane Toppler! He was popular was using powerful crushing moves rather than quick, flashy jabs and blows.


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