《Zairen》Chapter 5


Chapter 5


Grandpa Dinran hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Ok Zairen. I’ll let you try.” He didn’t actually believe his leg would be cured, but he might as well let Zairen give it a shot. He extended his leg out towards Zairen.

Zairen reached out his hands and placed them on Grandpa Dinran’s injured leg.

Then, he slowly started to knead his hands, softly rubbing the leg’s paralyzed flesh.

“Huh, this feels pretty good…” Grandpa Dinran let out a groan.

Zairen smiled and continued to massage the leg. When he was finally satisfied, he paused for a moment, and then sped up his hands in a very rhythmic fashion.


“Whoa!” Alivia gasped. There seemed to be a very mesmerizing and mystical quality to the massaging, as if Zairen’s hands were a divine treasure.‘What’s this…?’ Grandpa Dinran couldn’t help but widen his eyes at this sudden change.

It almost seemed like Zairen’s hands were glowing! What was this miraculous massage? A seven year old boy knew how to do this?

Zairen didn’t seem to notice their expressions of surprise, however, appearing intensely focused on his task and continuing to massage up and down the leg.

As time passed and the massage wore on, Grandpa Dinran became more and more amazed. ‘I’m starting to feel… I feel a soothing sensation come from his injured leg!’

He involuntarily let out a sigh of comfort. ‘Wow, this is very extraordinary… Could it really be… that he can actually heal my leg?’

As time passed, Grandpa Dinran became more and more impressed. This was quite the massage! It might’ve just been his imagination, but after just a few minutes of getting massaged, he started to feel little pricks in his leg, as if his nerves were reconnecting and shivering back to life.


After years of his leg being completely numb, he could slowly start to feel with it.

“Wow lil bro! It looks like grandpa’s leg is getting better. You’re amazing!” Alivia said energetically.

She was right - Grandpa Dinran’s leg had visibly improved, becoming more healthy-looking and seeming to improve in complexion.

She closely observed Zairen’s enigmatic hand movements. They almost seemed to have mystical properties, contorting and shifting back and forth quickly in strange yet smooth movements!

“Zairen… where did you learn such a thing…?!” Grandpa Dinran couldn’t help but let out an amazed sentence. Now, he was sure that the massage was doing something. The longer Zairen continued massaging, the more Grandpa Dinran felt more and more pricks in his paralyzed leg.

He looked on in amazement as he suddenly felt that he was able to wiggle his toes… then his whole foot… then his whole leg!

He almost couldn’t believe his senses. Was this really happening?

After about half an hour, Zairen finally stopped massaging. His face was soaked with sweat, and his breaths were ragged. It seemed massaging was a very arduous task.

‘In my previous life, I could keep using Heaven Divine Healing for days without getting tired… But now I can only last half an hour. I really need to increase my stamina. However, I’m confident that all the poison stored in grandpa’s leg has been expelled,’ he thought to himself.

Heaven Divine Healing was a legendary massaging technique that Zairen had stumbled across during his many travels on the Dark Moon Continent. It took him seven years to master the supreme technique, and it could cure almost any injury and soothe any pain, including poisons, cramps, and broken bones.

When Grandpa Dinran saw Zairen’s exhausted appearance, he immediately stood up to support him.


“Zairen, are you okay?” Grandpa Dinran asked, concerned. “You shouldn’t push yourself like that.”

“But Grandpa… It was worth it. See for yourself!” Zairen laughed.

It was then that Grandpa Dinran realized… He was using his previously paralyzed leg normally! He was standing on it evenly with the other foot, as if it wasn’t injured at all.

‘He truly did it! My leg is healed!’ As he looked down at his leg, Grandpa Dinran’s face was filled with disbelief.

Patting the leg up and down and bending it this way and that, making sure that the leg could actually function, and finding that it actually worked like normal, Grandpa Dinran found that this situation was extremely surreal, and he quickly blinked a couple times.

His leg was healed…? Just like that? …and by a seven year old child he had just recently met?!

Rubbing the sweat off his forehead, he thought to himself: he must have gone senile.

“Whoa…!” At that moment, Alivia ran up to Grandpa Dinran. Immediately crouching in front of his leg, she felt it up and down. “I can sense the blood flow is stronger than before! Amazing, it really did work!”

“What’s… what’s happening…” Seeing Alivia’s confirmation, Grandpa Dinran mumbled quietly to himself, before looking up at Zairen again.

Slightly chuckling at Grandpa Dinran’s amazed reaction, Zairen smiled back. “I told you, Grandpa Dinran. You just had to give me a chance.”

“Zairen…” Grandpa Dinran paused for a few moments, looking up and down between his leg and Zairen. A few moments later, he looked up again and almost whispered, his eyes welling up with built up tears. “You… you… ”

Zairen only smiled. “Grandpa, we’re family. This is what family should do for each other.”

Grandpa Dinran looked into Zairen’s clear eyes. He could see Zairen’s caring nature behind them.

THUMP. Without another word, he pushed himself forward and blanketed his adopted grandson in a warm embrace.

“...!” Reacting to this sudden movement, Zairen was a bit taken aback.

However, only a few moments later, he immediately closed his eyes and and immediately hugged his new grandfather back. In his grandfather’s arms, he suddenly felt incredibly happy to be able to treat his new grandfather like this.

In each others arms, they could now sense that the bond between them had visibly increased. There was no doubt in their minds now that they were of one: they were kin.

It was now as Grandpa Dinran’s eyes reddened, he thought to himself: ‘Healed. Really healed… Am I dreaming? This can’t be actually happening, can it? My leg is really healed?’

He had spent the last nearly ten years stumbling around on his cane! But now… in just one short session… his leg had been healed? Was this actually happening?

He was truly incredulous.

Alivia watched gleefully from the side, and couldn’t help but sneak glances at Zairen. ‘That was so awesome!!’ She thought. ‘I wonder what mysterious place he came from that he could learn such a technique… I’m glad he’s my little brother.’


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