《Zairen》Chapter 3


Chapter 3


Time passed quickly in this manner. For the next few days, although Zairen spent most of his time training in his room, he got along with Alivia and Grandpa Dinran very well.

Before he knew it, a week had passed.

During this time, Zairen discovered that Grandpa Dinran was actually a hawker, and would spend the day running a stand in the village central square selling herbs and medicines to other villagers. Alivia would assist him by spend the day picking herbs that grew around the shore and forest to help keep up a stock.

Grandpa Dinran mostly left Zairen alone in his room, knowing that he had just gone through a traumatic, near-death incident in which he had been separated by everyone he had ever known. Alivia, on the other hand, fully played the role of an energetic older sister and would boisterously barge into his room to try and bolster Zairen’s spirits, which would startled him but still caused him smile.

Zairen seemed to have gone crazy. During this week, he cultivated almost constantly, waking up at dawn and sleeping at night, just to continuously train his Silent Shadow Art. He also never forgot to periodically input his remaining spirit energy into the mysterious black stone that was studded on his sword. He was obsessed with becoming stronger, as he could never forget that it was because he had neglected his training that he had died to those bandits.

Currently, it was bright outside, and the sun shined brightly onto the cabin, creating a pretty portrait.

Yet, inside of Zairen’s room was the exact opposite atmosphere. With the curtains drawn, Zairen sat on his bed training his Silent Shadow Art, and an eerie, shadowy atmosphere permeated the air.

Just at that moment, he heard a knocking on the door.

“Hm?” Zairen looked up.

He could tell that the person knocking wasn’t Alivia, as when she visited, she would barge straight into the room, resulting in Zairen often panickedly barely managing to put away his sword before she had arrived in front of him. He wouldn’t be able to explain how he had conjured a sleek black sword out of nowhere.


If it wasn’t Alivia, then it must be Grandpa Dinran.

Wondering what the kind old man wanted, Zairen instantly retracted his sword, and the shadowy atmosphere disappeared. “Come in.”

The door opened, and the old, hobbling thin-haired man he knew as Grandpa Dinran walked in. Wearing an old white shirt and a kilt-like drape over his legs, his aging face was fixed in a kind smile. When he saw Zairen, his eyes seemed to light up. “Hi Zairen… can I come talk to you for a moment? I have something I want to discuss.”

Zairen lightly nodded. “Of course!”

Seeing that Zairen had consented, Grandpa Dinran slowly limped into the room, resting much of his weight on his cane, before sitting down in a chair across from Zairen. Zairen’s eyes flickered imperceptibly as he took a quick glance at the leg he had been limping on.

Grandpa Dinran waited until he had settled into his chair before starting to talk. “Wow, Zairen… you’ve been here a while already. It’s actually already been an entire week! How have you liked it here?”

“I’ve really liked it! You and Alivia have been really kind to me,” Zairen replied seriously. He meant his words - Alivia and Grandpa Dinran truly had been kind to him, even being kind enough to bring meals directly to his room.

“That’s great!” Grandpa Dinran laughed.

However, soon after, his face suddenly turned serious.

“What’s wrong?” Zairen was a bit surprised to see Grandpa Dinran’s change in expression.

“Well, actually…I’ve actually been meaning to ask you, Zairen…” He paused. “This subject could be uncomfortable for you.”

Hearing that, Zairen racked his brain, but could not think of anything that Grandpa Dinran could be referring to. “Grandpa Dinran, just tell me.” He urged.

“Zairen…” Grandpa Dinran seemed reluctant to speak. “Are… are you an orphan?”

Zairen was a bit surprised at this sudden topic.


He thought carefully before replying: “Yes… I guess I am. I don’t know where either of my parents are. How did you know?” He answered truthfully: his father disappeared when he was six and his mother had left right after he was born.

“I knew because children on trading boats are rare. Only an orphan without anywhere to go would board one.” Grandpa Dinran smiled ruefully.

“Oh…” Zairen understood the reasoning.

Grandpa Dinran placed his hand on Zairen’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Zairen… It must have been hard.”

Zairen was slightly startled. He didn’t expect this type of response from Grandpa Dinran. After a moment, he said hesitantly: “Grandpa Dinran, it’s not too big of a deal since I can take care of myself.”

Grandpa Dinran only shook his head. “Zairen, you are only a seven year old boy; how could it be that easy?”

Zairen paused for a moment, and was about to refute.

However, he caught himself and instead said: “I guess you’re right, Grandpa Dinran.”

“Zairen… I’ve been thinking.” Grandpa Dinran continued. “You have nowhere to go, you’re a good kid… and Alivia already seems to see you as a little brother.”

Zairen’s eyes slowly widened. He had an inkling of what Grandpa Dinran was suggesting.

Grandpa Dinran cut straight to the point: “Zairen, will you be my adopted grandson? You could live with us as part of our family.”

Zairen stared at Grandpa Dinran, his face full of shock. He had really only recently met this man, and yet he was willing to take care of him, even to the extent of adopting him?!

Zairen felt touched in his heart. He would never have expected Grandpa Dinran to be so caring!

He thought about Grandpa Dinran’s suggestion. He had a good impression of both Grandpa Dinran and Alivia, and wouldn’t mind living with them for a long time. Besides, where would he go if he didn’t have a place to stay?

“Grandpa Dinran. It would be my honor to join your family… If you are really willing to take in a useless kid like me.”

“That’s great! There’s no way that you’re useless.” Grandpa Dinran exclaimed, and with one movement, enveloped Zairen in a bear hug. His smile was so big that it stretched from ear to ear.

At some point, Alivia had been standing in the door frame, and at this moment she ran over and hugged Zairen as well. “Little brother! Welcome to the family!”

“Uh…” Zairen couldn’t say anything. The large embraces were crushing his chest… and not only in a physical way.

He felt a rush in his heart that he had not felt in over twenty years: it was the feeling of family, of kinsmanship. At that moment, he felt like he truly belonged.

Thinking back, he remembered the last time he had had this feeling: it was when he was young, when his father had taken care of him and taught him the Silent Shadow art. However, his father had disappeared from his life shortly afterward.

Zairen’s eyes reddened, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit emotional. He had just met these two strangers… and yet, they were willing to take him in, even consider him a part of their family. He would certainly treasure these people for the rest of his life.

Zairen embraced the grandfather-granddaughter duo tightly. He felt very grateful that he had met them.

They displayed true kindness, which reminded him why he had become a vagrant doctor in his past life: to help others and bring smiles to their faces.

Zairen had found a family.


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