《The Dungeon Hive- Volume 3》Poll & A Thank You


Ladies and Gentleman, that’s it. When I first started the story of The Dungeon Hive over two years ago, I had an ending in mind. I wanted to destroy the dungeon core.

I’m an old school gamer and in the past, that’s what we did. As characters, we enter a dungeon, destroy it and come out with the loot. I wanted a story that shows the same thing, only told from the perspective of the core. I was kind of surprise when I manage to get some fans as I thought the story was kind of niche but I did get them and it encourage me to keep going. To be honest if not for the fans, I would probably have stop with the project way before the end. So to my fans, I say ‘Thank you’. You guys had been great.

That’s not to say I didn’t make mistakes along the way because I did. The launch of my first book, Fantasy Begins, was poor and although I rectified the issues within a month, the damage was done. Although I do have sales, there is a lack of reviews on my books. Instead of continuing the story from The Dungeon Hive, I created a new thread on RRL for Volume 2 and Volume 3 as I treated them as new stories. In hindsight, that may have been a mistake.

However I did managed to self-publish two books with a third on the way and I’m not losing money yet so on the whole, I think I would consider this project a success. My working title is Hive End but like Book 2, I have release a poll here so that fans can decide on the title of Book 3. Please look out for it on Amazon when it's out and once again, Thanks!

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