《The Dungeon Hive- Volume 3》Part 38


The land south of the Great Kar Forest is dark. The soil is black and the air filled with ash and soot. This is the land of the Demons and within the land lies a mountain called Mount Morningstar. Within this mountain, behind a labyrinth of tunnels, lay a red crystal. The red crystal is the Fire Hive, the Creator of Demonkind and it is the sibling of The Dungeon Hive. And it is very angry.

Home to the countless spirits, the Fire Hive felt the death of The Dungeon Hive the moment it happened. The distance between the two Hives was great but the Hives always have a connection between them and the Fire Hive felt the absence of The Dungeon Hive the moment it was destroy. The spirits within the Fire Hive could not believe it. It immediately create its Eye and it rushed towards the Keg Mountains. When it arrived at the underground forest, it saw the aftermath of the battle and the pieces of its sibling.

All the spirits within the Fire Hive were stunned and even with the evidence in front of it, more than a few of the spirits could not believe it. The Fire Hive was confused. This was impossible! The Dungeon Hive could not be gone. The Fire Hive did not know what to do but after some time, disbelief became acceptance. The Fire Hive had to accept the truth; the Dungeon Hive is dead. Their sibling has been destroyed.

Then the acceptance became anger. How dare these humans destroy their sibling? How dare they destroy one of the Hives? It was at this time that one of the spirits within the Fire Hive made a suggestion; a suggestion that all the other spirits immediately agreed to. The Fire Hive gathered its power and released a message to all of Demonkind.


It was just three words. Three words that would ignite a feud between humans and demons that would last for centuries; KILL ALL HUMANS!


High up on the mountain called Big Keg sat a sad dragon. The dragon look down at the long tunnel he had previously flew out of and not for the first time wonder about the things he could have done to prevent this. He could have flew back sooner. He could have just crawl out of the tunnels instead of letting the Hive blast a big hole to the surface. He…he could have done more.

When the Kin went berserk and tore into the humans, the dragon had at first been delighted. As a former member of the Hive, he felt the change from Big Keg but thought it was just the Hive doing something to help them in the battle. He thought it was some spell the Hive had just created and happily continue his hunt for humans. In hindsight, that was a mistake.

Only after the battle did he notice the difference. A hole in his heart telling him that the Hive was no more. All the Kin felt it and he was no different. He flew back immediately and when he reached the hole, he saw them. The bodies of humans who were all stuck to the side of the long tunnel by long stone spikes. He flew down to the underground forest and saw the destruction.

The Hive was no longer in the clearing, parts of the forest was destroyed, and even the Porkasus was badly injured. The dragon immediately understood what had happened. The humans had used the long tunnel to jump down to the underground forest and attack the Hive directly. Seeing the wanton destruction in the underground forest, the dragon knew that the Hive and the Porkasus had put up a great fight. It just wasn’t enough.



The dragon heard the sound and saw that the Porkasus beside him. It had recovered well under the administration of the Kin and is now almost back to full health. The dragon took a good look at the flying pig and noticed that the Hive had improved it. The Porkausu was much bigger than before and the tusks it now had look very menacing. The flying pig was looking down at the underground forest and the dragon couldn’t help but comfort it.

“You did everything you could,” the dragon told the Porkasus. He didn’t know if the Porkasus understood him but it wouldn’t hurt. “You have nothing to be ashamed about. At least you were here. I was not.”

The flying pig gave the dragon a questionable look and then look up in the sky. It then the dragon another four oinks and for some reason, the dragon thought he could understand the flying pig. A last gift from the Hive? Four oinks means four lights but what does four lights in the sky means? What does that…the dragon finally understood what the Porkasus meant. He look at the Porkasus in disbelief and exclaimed.

“No way!”

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