《The Dungeon Hive- Volume 3》Part 4


Contrary to popular belief among the Kin, it was not impossible to lie to a Werewolf. For Werewolves, words were secondary. Interaction between each other was done by scents, movement, and bodily contact. Werewolves could read your mood via body language and your scent but they had no ability to read minds or powers to call out a lie. So it was not impossible to lie to a Werewolf, it’s just very difficult to do so. However for a couple who sleep with each other and were raising five cubs together, it might as well be. The Speaker knew she had no chance to keep anything from the Alpha, her mate knew her too well, so once the decision was made and they had passed the point of no return, she told him everything. He reacted pretty much as she expected.

“I can’t believe you did that!” The Alpha fumed. “What got into you? Ordering an attack on the human patrol and deliberately allowing one of them to get away. That’s just stupid!”

“It is part of the plan.” The Speaker replied. “It was necessary.”

“It is insane! Your plan to stop Kin from killing each other is to start a war and get humans to kill Kin? It’s madness! What got into you?” The Speaker sat on the ground and quietly watched as her mate paced in front of her. At times like this, it was best to let him vent. Her mate was practically screaming and the Speaker was glad she had sent the cubs away for the night. “This plan of the Fox Mother is crazy! You should know better. You should have said no! You should have come to me!”

“You would have try to stop us. You are too…”

He was so fast all the Speaker saw was a blur. The Speaker’s head slammed into the ground. She blinked and a moment later saw the Alpha on top of her, his right hand firmly around her neck. His neck tighten but the Speaker kept calm. Angry as he was, she knew her mate would not hurt her. No matter how much she deserved it. The Alpha’s voice almost broke.


“Thousands will die for this! Not just humans; Kin! Thousands of Kin will die. Our people! Our Kin! Win or lose, they will die because of this.”

“I know. They will die, and the Kin will grow stronger with their death. It is already done.”

The Speaker answered with a whisper and for a moment, the Alpha looked at her with a look he never had before. Disgust. Then the moment passed and he lifted his hand from her neck. He sat defeated beside her and the Speaker sat up. She began to lick his fur in apology and submission. He did not response but he didn’t push her away either. The Speaker knew she had won. She waited patiently, continuing to give her mate attention, and before long the Alpha responded.

“I take it Thunderstep and Quiet Hop agreed with your plan?”

More than agreement, the leaders of the Centaurs and Rabbit-men were enthusiastic about it. The Speaker knew better than to say that though so she answered with a simple, “Yes.”

“The Fox Mother is in so that means the Foxkin would fight. I don’t think you would too much problem convincing the Bull-men. The other Kin races are too small in number to object…but why didn’t you just go to the Creator?”

The Speaker can’t help but smile at that. The Fox Mother had asked the same question. “For one simple reason; this war has nothing to do with the Creator. This war is for the Kin. This is a war of the Kin. We must do it ourselves.”

“That may be so but it will be easier if the Creator ordered it. No one would object and besides, the Creator has no love for the humans. It won’t object. It may even help.”


“I doubt it. We shall be fighting away from the mountains and the Creator fight best defensively. Besides, it is busy.”

“The Unique.”

The Werewolf couple was silent for a moment. The ‘Unique’ was a term the Kin used to describe the two one-of-a-kind creatures made by their Creator; the Porkasus and the Fox Mother. These two creatures were so powerful that the Creator never created another version of them but currently the Creator was making another such Unique creature in the lower tunnels. The Kin had never seen the creature before, only heard the occasional roar from it but if the Porkasus and the Fox Mother were any sort of guide, it will be powerful.

“We still need to tell it,” The Alpha finally said. “It would want to know. You will tell it.”

Once her mate decided on something, he was very stubborn and since the Fox Mother also believed the same thing, the Speaker knew better than to argue any further. “Very well, I shall tell it but you need to speak to the Chieftain.”

“You want me to convince the Ratlings?”

“Yes,” The Speaker nodded and then asked just to be sure. “You would fight?”

“It’s too late to stop now but you already know that. Isn’t that’s why you didn’t come to me first?”

“This is necessary. With victory, this war will make our people strong.”

“If we win…” The Alpha paused for a moment before sighing. “By the 99 Gods, for our people we shall destroy Yachium and kill thousands. To destroy a people just to make another strong...is it worth it?”

The Speaker hesitated but then remember the sad truth; she cannot lie to her mate. “Yes.” The Alpha turned to her and she continued. “To make our people strong, I would destroy a hundred Yachium and kill a hundred thousand humans. I shall do whatever I must.”

The Alpha looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. Then he looked away. Sometimes not being able to lie is a horrible thing.

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