《The Dungeon Hive- Volume 3》Part 3


The sun was out, a warm and gentle breeze was blowing, and even Moonsilver, his cranky horse, was behaving. It was a good day for a ride but Arnel couldn’t help but looked into the forest as they rode. The Great Kar Forest was once a source of pride for the people of Yachium. Although most of them had never stepped foot in the forest, the people of the city was proud of the fact that their city was so close to one of the great forest of the world. Now it was a place of fear. It was amazing how much change one rogue mage can bring.

Like everyone else, Arnel had by now heard the story. An unknown dark mage had taken residence in the Keg Mountains and a party dispatched by The Grand to haul him in wasn’t heard of again. The Grand then led a raiding party into the mountains himself but it too was destroyed. Now something has stirred in the great forest. A few years ago, a surge of magical energy erupted in the south and the Southern Homeless Plains became a land of ashes. Before the people of Yachium could wrap their heads around this development, a similar surge of energy was felt coming from the Keg Mountains. Coming so soon after the incident in the south, everyone believed that the two incidents were connected in some ways. Almost all the people near the Kar Forest disappeared that day. They were just never heard of again.

Since then, many people had headed into the forest. Some were sent by the Duke of Yachium to investigate the forest; others went in looking for lost family and friends. Most were who went in were never heard of again. The few who did managed to escape it say the Great Kar had changed. They felt a presence inside the forest, as if someone or something was always watching them. Some had told stories of seeing strange creatures and one half-mad hunter had even said that a giant plant tried to eat him. Arnel wasn’t sure if he believed all the stories but there was some truth in them. Soon after, reports came about strange creatures leaving the forest and encroaching onto the Homeless Plains.


Since the first sign of the monsters, patrols along the Kar Forest were increased. A few skirmishes occurred and for the first time, the people of Yachium saw the strange creatures. A combination of man and beast, they were abominations created by mad magic. Mages were both horrified and amazed by the creatures but Arnel was just a simple old soldier and he feel nothing but disgust at these monstrosities. He had heard whispers of how the corpses of these creatures were taken by the Mage Council to be cut apart and studied but if he had his way, all of the bodies would be destroyed and forgotten. The world had no need for such forbidden magic. That would never come to pass however so Arnel did what he could. Patrolling the area around Yachium was part of his job as a Guardsman of Yachium and he volunteered for patrols along the Kar Forest. He also used his status as a veteran Guardsmen to strongly back the Blades Council’s suggestion for an increase in the size of the patrols. Arnel took some small pride when he heard that the Duke took up the suggestion. In the past, a patrol had around six Guardsmen; Arnel now had nine others with him. Although an attack wasn’t out of the question but the monsters did so at their own risk.

Still, he knew he was being watched. It was not the first time he felt this. Since the death of The Grand, many Guardsmen patrolling the vast area had reported having the same feelings. However as uncomfortable as the feeling was, Arnel was comfortable about his safety. A loud sound behind him caused Arnel to turn around. A Guardsmen had fell from his horse and that surprised Arnel. They were all expert horsemen and the old soldier looked back at the fallen rider in worry. The patrol did not slowed though, rules had been imposed in such situations and moments later, the reason for the rules became clear.



Arnel immediately turned to the trees at the sound of the shout and saw them. Monsters charged out of the Great Kar Forest and they were Centaurs. Monsters that had the upper body of a man and lower body of a horse, they were troublesome foes that had clashed with patrols several times in the past. Usually armed with a spear or bows and arrows, they were fast and deadly but Arnel secretly smiled beneath his helmet. His squad was a distance from the edge of the forest and the Centaurs had to cover some ground before they reached…something hit Arnel from the side and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground looking up at the clouds. Ignoring the pain, the old soldier sat up and saw chaos. He cursed.


Rabbits the size of men, Bunny-Men were feared for two thing; their speed and their feet. The Bunny-Men must had been hiding in the tall grass and attacked while the patrol were distracted by the Centaurs. An ambush within an ambush; it was almost admirable. Arnel instinctively knew that they were in trouble and forced himself to stand up. His vision blurred and for a moment Arnel struggled to discern what he was seeing. Giant rabbits leaping at armed horses with their giant feet? Then his vision returned and his senses came back. He unsheathe his sword and flung himself into the fray. Arnel was not a great swordsman but he was experienced and immediately knew what he had to do. The old soldier raced to the sole Guardsman who was still on a horse. He was facing off against a Bunny-Man who was trying to knock his horse down. The typical underhanded tactic of the Bunny-Men involves leaping at horses and knocking the animals into the ground with a two-footed dropkick. Arnel angled his run to come behind the Bunny-Man and ran straight into the back of it. Using his momentum, the Guardsman plunged his sword through the monster. His smile went wider when he heard the death cry. He felt no sorrow about his tactic. This was war.

Arnel withdrew his sword and as the Bunny-Man lay dying at his feet, he looked up at the soldier he had saved. It was young Aaron and the veteran was glad. The young Guardsman had a wife and two children to take care of. The young father was already turning back to the fight when Arnel grabbed the reins of his horse.

“No! Run!” Arnel just pointed at the incoming Centaurs. “There are too many ofthem. Yachium must be informed of this. Ride to the city and inform them the monsters are on the move. Go!”

Aaron looked at the old soldier in horror and Arnel could do nothing but give him a stern nod. As Guardsmen, duty comes before honor. Reluctantly, the young father returned the nod and turned his horse away from the fight. As he rode off, Arnel looked back at the sky and smiled again.

It was a wonderful day to die.

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