《Land of Ilragorn》Chapter 23- Bird mentor.


“Now who might you be my Precious Disciple.”

His sheer power terrified me, but a witty comment never escaped me “Your mom.”

The old filolial stared at me a second, “Your mom.”

He backed off from me and started pondering, “I’ve never heard that comeback, it’s practical, can be used in various situations, can easily break tension, mildly funny, but can be a little insensitive, hmmm, I’ll use it later, anyway seriously, who are you, you’re a chocobo, not a filolial, and an adolescent, you shouldn’t be able to fly, and you’re overflowing with MP, as well as no control over concealing it, but you can’t be targeted by analyze.”

As the filolial was taking apart my situation, I decided to speak up, “Umm, hello I’m Kwehzalcoatl, and I was sent by your disciple's grandparent to ask him to come back, as well as catch up to him since we are on friendly terms.”

He paused, “You have a name, lucky son of a vermin, life must come easy for you, who gave it to you?”

As I’m not sure if I should randomly give out Suvunkilbub’s name, I decide to go the other way since this guy is a fan of humor, “Nunya.”


“Nunya Bizness.”

He paused again, “Who told you these jokes, do you have a comeback for everything, you’re only, ten to twenty years, no younger, only an adolescent, so less than one year, but has the MP of a twenty-year-old dragon, who has the time to make up jokes, these are calculated, is there a Chocobo mentor who spends its time in a cave just to make jokes?”

“No, let's just say I made them up,” I guess people don’t have much time for jokes here, with the constant death and mayhem, but Cyko had been sitting for a long time, he could have made some good jokes.

“Let's just say hmmm.”

“Yeah, let's just say,” he’s on to me.

He stares at me, but eventually let the subject drop, “Anyway, the brats up there, if you can get up there and find him, he’ll hunt for your meal tonight.”

“That works,” I start flying up.

I may go up slowly, but I level up fly by one, and I got a little boost.

The mountain isn’t super tall but still took a few boring minutes to get up there.

The top of the mountain looked like a secret paradise, it isn’t cold, it is actually kind of warm, it isn’t huge up here, about the perimeter of the average house.

It is filled with grass, a few trees, and a pond that if anybody went in water would go off the edge of the mountain.

“Took you long enough, now *big yawn* find the brat.”

“Sure invisibrat’s as good as found,” I activate heat vision.

“Invisibrat, a name combining invisible and brat, it’s…” I start to ignore his analyzation as I try to spot invisibrat.

But I can’t, it’s like only the old filolial, a couple of bugs, a couple of dragons on the ground and other things, but no adolescent filolial.

“Do you need a hint?”


“Dodge left.”

I wasn’t ready for it and got hit, it didn’t hurt, but sensing a battle I put on my magic armor and mind acceleration, as well as buff and speed up.


Then I see it, he’s jumping around, just like I told him to, but the grass is betraying him showing his position every time he lands.

However I can’t follow him for long, as his trail of jumps disappears, and then I get hit in the back.

Oh yeah, he has that skill, teleporting to the back of his opponent, that gives me some information.

I watch him, only my head turning to see his location, just waiting.

Then he disappears, I quickly turn to where my back was previously and do a wide kick, you would think that a wide kick would leave me open, but I am so fast that I actually catch invisibrat in the kick.

Or so I thought, the old filolial is there and he stopped my kick with his frail yellow wings as if it was nothing, then he knocked invisibrat in the head with his back, as invisibrat was invisible, where even heat vision couldn’t see him.

Okay, even this guys eyes are powerful, how can I compete with that?

Unless he smelled him, but that is a completely different story.

Invisibrat comes out of invisibility and rubs his head with his wing.

“Were you trying to die?”

“What? No, this guy is almost the same age as me, why would he be strong enough to kill me in one hit.”

“He ran away from an LVL 100 Kung Fu dragon and if not for this mountain might have survived on his own, what did you think, that if he could nearly keep up with an LVL 100 dragon he only had really good SPD, that’s not how this world works, Ilragorn, kids these days, think that they’re the strongest in the world.”

“I’m not the strongest, you’re stronger than me, grandpa’s stronger than me, that baby Chocobo’s should still be stronger than me, there's more that I don’t know too.”

“Use ‘as well’ not too, I’m a battle teacher, not a word one.”

“Okay, so who’s this.”

“I don’t know, say’s he knows you.”

He stares at me, “maybe, nope, not anybody I know, everybody I know has an analysis, he doesn’t.”

“Okay Invisibrat, so you don’t know me?”

He pauses with two blinks as if to see if he sees me right.

“Invisibrat? Ohhhhhhhhh, that’s who you are.”

“Long time no see, just wanted to let you know, your grandpa wants to see you, maybe you could visit him, he got really depressed, the filolials are begging him to come to get you.”

“No!” His yell made it seem like it was his final decision.

“Why not, he misses you.”

“If I may interrupt, I may seem like an old bird, but if you try to change his decision…”

His speech slowed down and his voice got lower, “Then you’re gonna have a bad time.”

“Where the heck did you get that reference.”

“Where? Have you heard the original source? I got it from a skeleton in the northwest, cold place, he had a ton of puns, a skele-TON.”

“Okay, that is weird, did you kill anybody near there?”

“Well yes, there was a lich memory keeper there about five years ago that I killed, he had made a skeleton army full of those puns, as well as fish, goat, and some yellow creature chimera’s.”


“Another memory keeper?”

“Oh, are you one, that explains your jokes.”


“What? It isn’t uncommon, don’t think your special, though I have seen less around this year.”

“What’s a memory keeper?”

“Someone who keeps their memories of their past lives.”

“Does that mean that you're older than me?”

I paused to think about that.

“Not physically at least, mentally yes.”


“Yes mentally.”

“No, what does it mean?”

“Oh, it means my brain is smarter than yours or something?”

“What’s a brain?”


I was stopped by the old gramps.

“Ask analyze.”


Did he just use the equivalent of asking google in this world?

Whatever I’ll do it too.

"The Brain- A part of your body located in your head that is where you think, also said to hold the soul."

That is so helpful, it’s a dictionary, timer, calendar, and ID all in one.

“Anyway, I came here for the reason to visit you invisibrat, check your progress, I guess I should go and train myself some more.”

“Train you say? What for?”

I explain my situation to them.

“So you’re telling me, you’re attempting suicide?”

“No, I can do it, it’ll be easy.”

“I just got on to him for thinking he’s the strongest, your generation is arrogant then.”

“I have a race skill that gives me +50 to all stats per opponent.”

He stopped, “Maybe you can win, how many did you say you were facing at once?”

“Around 2000.”

“How confident were you in front of them.”

“Pretty confident, to the point they thought I was suicidal as well.”

“They suspect you, and probably already put countermeasures.”

“How can you tell.”

“I know them well, the goblins, don’t like them, but the leader is smart and has lived for a long time, seen almost every skill.”

“So, what do I do about his countermeasures?”

“The leader is smart, but most goblins are weak and, well dumb, get them to overreact and then an opening will be pretty clear, I guess.”

“Okay, that’s not very clear.”

“Well, there's nothing I can do unless you want me to train you.”

“Aren’t you supposed to hate me?”

“What? The old feud between our races, when you get as old as I am, you realize you really don’t care, now this offer won’t come free, I need you to do something for me after.”

“Which is?”

“Kill the goblin kings, the annoying buggers, the last time I trusted them I nearly died, which was about 50 years ago, just get em good.”

“You have any quarrel about this Invisibrat.”

“No, why, having more than one will be fun.”

“Okay then.”

“Okay, can you show me your status, then I will know where to go from there.”


I turn off hide status.

“Check now.”

He jumps up from a lazy position to straight up on his legs.

“What the ****.”

“Watch your profanity.”

“How old are you again?”

“Physically three and a half months.”

“Cyko, Suvunkilbub, Puff?”

“Puff is a dragon that appeared while I was still unconscious after my evolution, the rest I met at random.”

“Why do you so many tier 3 skills, and Combustion, that skill is terrible, why would they let you pick it?”

“Fifteen days in Cyko’s Dungeon, and I picked combustion because I thought it was strong.”

“Well, that explains your level.”

“What’s a dungeon.”

“Ask analyze.”


“Now, since your skills are good, we need to see if you can use them.”

Old Coots POV

Three and a half months, he has to be lying, the only thing that I don’t understand his skill Copy Entity Number, never heard of it or seen it before, must be a new skill one of the gods proposed and is getting live tested for balance, anyway this kid is way too strong, it took me 150 years to get to LVL 150, which had been inconsistent leveling over the years, once you get to LVL 50, things run and stop going after you, because they know they can’t survive.

“Any way you can start whenever just charge me.”

I won’t go too strong on him, I’ll just dodge.


He shoots a pepper breath at me from point-blank, it’s huge, but I know it’s LVL 10 so it wasn’t too much of a surprise, I easily dodge.

He was right behind it and nearly gets me, but I activate electric dodge, low-level electric skill, sure it’s level 10, but I don’t think I need to use it’s evolution right now.

He reacted, must be mind acceleration, he uses a flamethrower, also LVL 10, I dodge that and then steam comes out and the entire area is filled.

I can see him thanks to the true vision, but he can also see me for some reason.

I didn’t see a steam skill, so he must have used a combination of skills, which is smart for him only being here for three months.

Anyway he charges me again, faster than he should be, but he just charged me, didn’t activate another skill, he should have activated another projectile as he doesn’t know where I am, but he knows where I am, even then he should activate reckless charge or something, hell activate dragons beak.

I simply dodge and try to knock him out.

But he reacts like he knew what would happen.

Oh, future sight, the skill that shows you any attacks that are fatal or can knock you out, well, I just have to activate electric dodges tier 4 skill, Godspeed, a skill that counter-attacks on instinct, just gotta make sure to knock him out instead of killing him.

Easy enough, he charges again, and it works.

“I can work with him.”

“How much stronger is he than me?”

“Stronger indeed, stronger indeed.”

After a long pause, I get.


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