《Land of Ilragorn》Chapter 21- Back to the Filolials


Apparently the monster summoning has to assign monsters to be able to summon something, and it’s random what you summon, I have a maximum of five monsters to summon at LVL 1.

The Minotaur, Kobold, Dragon, harpy, and centipede all agreed to be my summons, which is fine by me.

The minotaur tried to talk the gargoyle to be my final summon, as well as the filolial, but neither of them wanted to be near me.

Also, the fire spirits and moles didn’t think they would be very good on the surface world as moles have very bad eyesight above ground and fire spirits burn everything.

Not really a good thing in a forest.

I don’t know really what to do, so maybe I’ll go meet invisibrat, see his progress.

Or show him my own.

I meet Suvunkilbub as soon as I leave the dungeon.

I wait for her to say something.

I wait… Oh yeah, I have to activate mind acceleration.

“-u done with the dungeon for today or are you leaving for the road right now."

“The road.”

“So you were listening, oh should I slow down.”

“No I maxed out mind acceleration, I have future sight now.”

“Good, that skill has kept me alive since before I was a divine beast.”

I say goodbye to Suvunkilbub and then walk outside.

It’s been a long while since I was outside.

The first thing that I notice is the colors, I would have walked past all the flowers before, but now that I was cooped up, I notice everything, pink lilies, a lone blue rose looking flower on the ground, the moss on the trees.

The second was the sounds, the chirping of the birds, regular ones, not filolials, the sound of flowing water, showing that a river is nearby.

The third was the breeze, it wasn’t strong, but it moved my feathers slightly, it felt good.

I’ve overlooked nature way too much, it feels like my senses each of them are getting a good stretch.

It’s time for me to go.

I set towards my original nest at a calm pace, confident that I won’t really have much of a challenge in this forest, I mean, I’m the only thing above level 50 I’ve ever seen.

I see a couple of dinosaurs, I mean dragons, they look like a stegosaurus, but they are different colors, they are red, white, and green, in order of descending size.

All of them could fit more than ten of me inside of them though.

This is a problem, I’m the least threatening looking thing in this world.

I mean I’m red and black, but that doesn’t mean anything.

How did Suvunkilbub get so strong when she is a literal fly, she must have gone through heck and back.


I reach my old nest, it didn’t take more than fifteen minutes, it looks like a monster has gone through it, doesn’t matter anymore.

I sit down in the bush that I hid in before I was strong enough to do much.

It still fits me, which is kind of sad, because it feels like so much has happened since then.

But really looking back on it, the last time I was here was 16 days ago, so I guess it is appropriate.

I needed a place to sleep for the night anyway, the sun is about to go down.

When it’s the morning I say my goodbyes to it, the circle opening in the forest surrounded by shrubs that has two rocks, the ground was filled with lengthened grass, which was pushed down on the spot I slept and some footprints of a dragon.

It wasn’t much, but it was home.

Anyway let's move forward, I’ll go check on invisibrat.

I set towards the village, it should take about four hours to get there on foot, or it used to.

Now I have speed up, and about 3000 SPD, as well as being able to fly.

It should take thirty minutes.

I start running, I'm not good at flying yet, but there are a few parts that will be easier if I’m flying, like the lake, we had to go around it before, but now it’s easy.

Running through the forest at high speed is a new experience, it feels I was meant to run, which I probably was.

The breeze increased three-fold, along with the trees getting closer faster.

I have to activate mind acceleration to keep up with myself, which means I’m too fast.

I have dodged a dragon, scared a behemoth who was asleep, passed a hedgehog, and I flew over a bunch of trees that fell from a battle between dragons.

I also stopped at the lake for a drink, it wasn’t bad, I shot a pepper breath at a crocodile/water dragon, it tried to eat me.

I killed it, and ate a little bit, half-cooked from the pepper breath, wasn’t terrible, tasted like pepper and seaweed, first time trying to eat something I killed.

When I was in the dungeon Suvunkilbub had meals for me at the end of the day, so I didn’t starve.

But alas, I got to the village, it obviously wasn’t expecting anyone, because there were no guards.

I walked into the village, the huts had no doors so I could easily see inside.

The place looked deserted, but there were tracks all going in one direction, all going towards the chief's house.

“Please we beg you, please, bring him back.”

“Please, he is being worked too hard.”


“He needs more food, you can obviously see he is malnourished.”

“He hasn’t slept enough I bet, just bring him ba-”

“Enough!” It was the chief's voice, leaking with anger.

“I’ve had enough, it was his decision, I can’t bring him back, no one can.”

“Ummm, is this a bad time, I can go.”

Every single one of the filolials turned their heads behind them.

“Who is that, chocobo scum, how did he get passed the barrier.”

“He’s a variant, but he’s only an adolescent."

“He needs to go, yes go vermin.”

“YOU!” The chief's voice shook the air.

“Yes if it’s you, then maybe, just maybe.”

“Who is he chief?”

“Maybe what?”

“I don’t recognize him, and analyze says nothing.”

“Wait, that coloration is he.”

“No way, I thought he left for good.”

“He did, he doesn’t go to the nest anymore, I was part of the team that went back and forth.”

“You, you started this, now go fix it.”

“What?” I am utterly confused, they are spewing nonsense.

“Go get my grandson, bring him back.”

“Uhh, why?”

“Because you caused his thirst for power, and that made that feathery bloke seek him out.”

“What uh feathery bloke.”

“The royal instructor filolial, now hurry and go.”

“Why can’t you do it?”

He started pouring bloodlust.

“I’ve tried, but he said he absolutely wanted to get stronger, which caused the royal instructor to protect him.”

“This is getting nowhere, let me explain?”

It is the invisibrats mother.

“So, my son was down that he couldn’t get stronger from watching you and getting your advice anymore, then a royal instructor showed up and offered to teach him, he immediately accepted and has been training since my father asked him to come home, you with me so far?

I nod.

“But he says he wants to get stronger, so my father tried to force him home, but the instructor stopped him, now my father is getting lonely from not being able to see him, which is making his work bad, so we are trying to ask him to try again, but my father is putting his work on you now.”

“No I’m not putting my work on him, he’s the whole reason my grandsons out there, if it’s him they can duel and then my grandson can win, and then he can be happy and back here.”

“You don’t know the reason he’s out there do you?”

“Of course I do, he wants to get stronger than the vermin chocobo, that’s easy to tell.”

“No that’s not it, he wants to win for you.”

The chief is shocked speechless.

“What, what does that mean?”

“He hears all the filolials ridiculing you for not raising him to be strong enough, but all you can say is he must have had cheated, we all know he didn’t cheat, we don’t care if he cheated, the group of filolials that ridiculed you already left, but my son heard those words and wants for you to be able to say that your grandson was beating up chocobos before he was even an adult.”

The other filolials looked down at the ground when she said that filolials were ridiculing the chief.

The chief was looking down as well, processing what he just heard.



“Yes you, follow me.”


“You are going to duel my grandson.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why, this is just like a vermin, backing out of a duel because they were trained by someone strong, you need some backbone.”

“No that’s not it, it’s that I’m probably the strongest living thing in this village.”

“Just because you have lived for three months and evolved doesn’t mean you’re the strongest, stop getting drunk on your power.”

“What’s your LVL?”

“Just use analyze for that information, seriously use your resources, I’m LVL 38, way stronger than… what LVL are you, I can’t use analyze on you?”

“I’m LVL 53.”

Just a pause, nobody moved, was that a tumbleweed that went by.

“Do you expect me to believe that?”

I undid hide status.

“Look at my status now.”

He did, and you could tell the surprise on his face was of pure horror, followed by the other filolials.

Once everybody had the same look I redid hide status.

“I’m so sorry, Kwehzalcoatl, I can’t have you duel my grandson.”

“No it’s okay, you don’t have to talk formally, I’m not a formal person anyway, it’ll be hard for me to bear with that.”

“Okay, good, I don’t want to disrespect such a powerful entity.”

“But I’ll go to invisibrat anyway, I was planning to talk to him.”

“Invisibrat, who's that?”

“A nickname for your grandchild.”

“Why would he need a nickname.”

“I don’t know, I just gave him one.”

“Anyway, where is he, I’ll go talk with him, I’ll tell him that you miss him, but I won’t force him to come back.”

“He’s that way.”

The chief pointed towards the opposite way I came from with his wing.

“Okay, see you.”

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