《Land of Ilragorn》Fifth Anniversary Character contest thing- My first character contest- Incha


Character: Incha (Pronounced EEN-KA) from NotaR0B0T’s Land of Ilragorn.

Race: Spirit Elf (Description below)

Class: Monster Tamer (Not mentioned in the story yet)

Role: One of the main character's parents' owner's friends (the main character is a baby chocobo.)

What she was supposed to do in the story- She was meant to be a translator between the monsters and humans, as the monsters understand what the human races say, but the human races can’t understand what monsters say.

What a Spirit Elf is: A spirit elf is a race that can see and hear spirits, bold cliche I know, but she is one of the only races that can talk to monsters this way. You see spirits exist everywhere, but can’t do much, so they are always bored. One of the only things they can do is talk to themselves, so they do, a lot. Spirits repeat everything they hear, monster or race they repeat everything, not to talk to anybody, as their species is as boring as it can get, but to just do anything. But spirit creatures hear, and spirit elves use it to their advantage, to become monster tamers, the strongest class ever, in this world’s opinion. After all, why would you do something to get strong when you could be lazy and do nothing while your loyal protector gets stronger.

The Long-Legged Tribe: From the story itself…

"The Long-Legged tribe started when a group of twenty Sapien people wanted to live on the surface of the world to see every beauty the world had to offer. They were met with dragons in the day, behemoths in the night, and kraken's in the ocean, they could do nothing but run. However the people with smaller legs couldn't run as fast as the people with long legs, so they were accidentally used as meat shields while the fast long-legged people had children and made children with longer legs than them that went faster than them until you see the Long-Legged people today.”


The lack of different languages (also a little bit of world-building): This world is one where overpowered beasts go everywhere, when I mean overpowered, I mean that dragons are born with stats between 100-400, while the MC himself was born with stats between 3-4, and all of the human races excluding beastman are nearly the same. So with all of the races being backed in a corner with no choice but to help each other near the start of creation, the concept of language was never invented, they all knew the language the world creator gave them so they used that. Then when the races revolted against their creator, and they lost, the creator punished the races by getting rid of their link with the monsters. That’s where the spirits creatures come in, although they are a rare race and species, they are almost all monster tamers, monsters get stronger easier, grow up faster, and have a more versatile set of moves then the races do, so why not use your communication skills to get an army of them (Not to say that the races are weaker, they get a class system, which allows them to get stronger skills faster than monster, and grow in their stat category. Mages get more INT and MP faster, Warrior’s get more STR and VIT faster).

Incha’s outward appearance: She always wears a cloak, not something fancy, just a tan cloak with a hood that nearly covers her entire face. Under that cloak is an Elf with dark purple hair, pointy ears that point slightly downwards, bright yellow eyes that are always darting around, looking at the spirits. Her arms, torso, and head only account to thirty-percent of her body, the rest is her legs and feet, this shows that she is part of a tribe called the Long-Legged tribe. She has a slender body, with decent curves, nothing out of the ordinary for a fantasy world. Her usual clothes beneath the cloak are clothes she made herself, usually blue shirts, and gray knee-length shorts.


Her character: She is seen as timid and shy because she always says umm between her words, but actually she is trying to not stand out. She has to differentiate between what people say to her and what spirits that heard a conversation at the other house are screaming to cure their boredom. When she was a child she used to answer every question she heard, which weirded out everybody when she started answering the people who had the villagers class who used the skill “gossip” to make themselves whisper to everybody they chose, this caused many of the villagers to start fights, but she didn’t understand that then, the villagers got more distant and she realized that she shouldn’t have answered those questions. This caused her to think before she spoke, but the villagers were creeped out when she had long pauses between her sentences, this caused her current phase, thinking while talking. The cloak is another way not to stand out. She thought that maybe her hair and eyes might be another reason they were avoiding her, it wasn’t, but she doesn’t know that.

Her friends (If you are judging this in the contest, just read the first two sentences unless you want to read it all): She only has two good friends, Url (Pronounced UR-UL, and her girlfriend (Also not said yet in story) Rukra (Pronounced RUE-KRUH). They are the reasons the villagers stay away from her. First of all, Url is an oddity in the Long-Legged tribe, he has the regular human body shape, although he is more than six and a half feet tall. Since he is a normal shape none of the villagers can accept him, but he still wants them too, he doesn’t care if they won’t accept him, he just wants to hear their gratitude once, but they can’t, their instincts tell them not too, because if he breeds he might make another regular-legged person. Rukra isn’t exactly avoided by the community, well she is when she’s with Url and Incha, but she is well-liked in the community. She started hanging out with Url first because he was the only guy that treated her like a normal person, accepting that she likes girls as well, as Rukra is very open with her sexuality when asked. She was asked who she thought she was most likely to date in her inn and she said Incha, but she has dated guys. The only reason she isn’t avoided is that unlike Incha, she’s bi, not lesbian.

Thank you to the judges that read this and have a good day.

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