《Land of Ilragorn》Chapter 11-"I did"


"Around the time of entity 150000000 was born, there were entities who specifically targeted evolving creatures because they had no idea how to use their new body, so the first god made a mental dungeon to help the entities evolve safely. All stat boosts were taken away except for stats caused by skills because they caused misunderstandings of how strong or how fast you really are.

Well, that’s cool, but still, not cool enough to make up for the flies.

I sit there in a black void for who knows how long just waiting for something, anything to happen.

It feels like forever is going by, so I start walking, just to do something.

To my surprise, it starts to get darker, yes the black void just started to get darker, what is ominous about that.

Suddenly I notice a humming, not like a machine humming, but like a male masculine human humming a song, kinda like Perfect Cell from DBZ abridged, but with a much older tone.

“Hm hm~hm hm hmmm hmm hm hm~hm hm.”

It kinda sounds like the old song “Puff the Magic Dragon”, not a bad song, but really old.

As I keep walking, it gets louder, until its hum feels like it’s vibrating in my head.

Then I bump into something.


I look up to see the silhouette of a huge dragon, and when I mean huge I mean just it’s head is as large as the regular dragons back in reality, and the rest I couldn’t see how tall it is because of the void.

“What a pleasant surprise, someone actually took the time to find me, and how young, too young, well how long did it take you to beat your dungeon, oooh five out twenty-four hours. Very good, what is your results from analysis, excellent, very excellent. Sonny Boy introduce yourself to me.”

Is it talking to me, I started thinking I was dead around a minute ago, well if it thinks I’m excellent, then that means it doesn’t want me dead.

”My name is Kwehzalcoatl, I’m a Chocobo, who are you.”

“I go by many names, why don’t you pick one.”

Well, let's see, what was he humming a minute ago.

“I’m going to call you Puff.”

“Puff? Oh, I see Puff, you see me as a dragon, and the song I was humming, that’s perfect. Wait you know the song. Memory Keeper, no wonder, what year was it when you died?”

He knows what my title means, and what does he mean see him as a dragon, whatever might as well tell him.


“So the world didn’t end, that’s great."

“Anyway, since you did find me, might as well give you your reward.”


“Oh, you didn’t know, how lucky, since you don’t know, if you find me you get a couple of skills, just my little game.”

A couple of skills! Isn’t that a little overboard for how useful skills are! I mean in this world having more than five skills at birth makes you overpowered, if you get that for just finding him, how hard is he to find.

“Let’s give him this one, this one, this one, and this one.”

Did he just say he was going to give me four skills, how high up is this guy in the hierarchy of this world? Whatever I always take free stuff.

"Puff is giving you four skills..." "Telepathy LVL 1." "Lifesteal Touch LVL 1." "MP Manipulation LVL 1 has leveled up to LVL 2." "Telekinesis LVL 1."


Telepathy does that mean I will be able to talk with humans? Lifesteal is always overpowered, MP Manipulation, he must have just skimmed my status, it is still useful though. Telekinesis, does that mean I will be able to replace my old hands, that’s great, my biggest concern is now gone.

“You look satisfied, that’s great, you know what, I like you, here’s something else.”

"Puff gave you the title, "Puff's Friend." "Puff gave you the title, "Puff's Friend." "Can't activate Copy Entity Number LVL 2." "Copy Entity Number LVL 2 leveled up to LVL 3."

Why does this guy make me more confused with everything he says, whatever, it must be useful?

“Thank you, Puff.”

“Don’t mention it, I hope you stay alive long enough to see me again, but then again, anything can happen. Bye."

With that I fell into nothingness, not knowing what Puff looked like at all.

I woke up with the familiar scene of birds staring at me.

“Good morning my child, you look… sharper.”

"You're a War Demon Chocobo now, I like it, good pick son, I guess you can say you should DEMONstrate your strength to us now.”

That pun made me put my head back down on the floor, close my eyes, and try to go back to sleep.

“What? That wasn’t PUNny enough for you. Or would you like me to WARp you awake with shadow magic.”

“That last one didn’t even make sense.”

“WARtever, your no fun.”

“Still, get up and show me what you can do.”

“He’s obviously tired, it’s still early and he must have had a hard fight in his dungeon, let him rest.”

I am tired, but I do want to test out my skills, well I’ll sleep for a little bit.

I conked out and had dreams about the suvunktahs.

I woke up because of loud rustling near me and immediately focused on the sound.

It was a goblin, not a baby one, a full adult.

It was green with a flat face and a big nose, it had pointed yellow teeth that slightly curved outside of its mouth. It covered itself in the classic loincloth and had a small log club in hand. It was dark outside, night time, and there was a small breeze coming through the door that the goblin had come through.

I looked around slowly to not attract the goblins attention to see that there were three more goblins in the stable, the only way to tell them apart was their loincloths were made of different parts of hide, and one of them has a different color skin, blue, must be a variant.

I got up slowly but stepped on a stick, why there was a stick there, I have no idea, but it gave me the goblins' attention.

One of them laughed like a hyena, but the blue one covered that one's mouth, with a finger over its mouth for shushing it.

“You,” The blue one whispered.

“We fight out there, you and me,” he pointed as he talked.

I was about to yell but then realized that this was a good chance for XP and that the goblins should be weaker than I am, with my enormous stats and my evolution stat boosts for fighting multiple enemies.

This was a perfect opportunity to use my telepathy skill, so I used it.

(“Sure, let's fight, but not one on one, let’s do four on one.”)

He looked confused, “You want die.”

(“You don’t want me to die?”)


“I follow king, king want you die.”

Oh, shoot, there's a goblin king, how cliche, but still dangerous.

(“Just fight me.”)

“Ok, go.”

I walk outside to find more than 100 goblins wandering around, all have similar body structure, but some were different colors.

They are yanking on the handles trying to get into peoples huts, but none have succeeded.

I look back only to see that the blue goblin's club is about to collide with my head. It hits with a loud thump but doesn’t hurt. I kick the goblin in the gut, it goes flying into the other three, making him go off course, but also sending the other three flying as well. All of them hit the ground and slide until coming to a stop.

"Killed Goblin LVL 14 Entity #848954273632429678." "Killed Goblin LVL 20 Entity #848954273632429642 EXP 41 " "Killed Goblin LVL 17 Entity #8489542736543889629 EXP 34. "Would you like to activate Copy Entity Number LVL 3"


"Activated Copy Entity Number LVL 3." "Gained 68 VIT." "Gained 38 HP." "Gained Throwing LVL 1" "Throwing LVL 1 changing to fit race... Kicking LVL 1." "Kicking LVL 1 leveled up to LVL 2."

Hold on, I have kicked so much, why haven’t I got this skill.

No answer.

I looked to see what the rest of the goblins are doing, they are all running towards me.

I start to book it, but then I was on the other side of the village. I activate mind acceleration and start running, I go so fast that I have to use mind acceleration to make it look kind of normal.

What is my speed anyway?

"Target: Adolescent War Demon Chocobo LVL 19, Name: Kwehzalcoatl" "Title(s): Memory Keeper, Kill Stealer, Friend of the Suvunktah's, undefeated in duels, Damsel in distress, Pride, Puff’s friend." "Skills: Analysis LVL 5, Copy Entity Number LVL 2, Mind Acceleration LVL 5, Crushing beak LVL 2, Night Vision LVL 2, Foul resistance LVL 4, Magic Armor LVL 5, Recovery Magic LVL 2, pain resistance LVL 1, Heat vision LVL 1, Pepper Breath LVL 1, Shadow manipulation LVL 1, MP manipulation LVL 2, Telepathy LVL 1, Life Steal Touch LVL 1, Telekinesis LVL 1." "Stats: HP: 587+(50x134), STR: 1018+(50x134), SPD: 1039+(50x134), VIT: 488+(50x134), MP: 1282+(50x134), INT: 938+(50x134)"

That makes sense, my speed is way too high, I could probably go a mile a minute with this speed.

Wait didn’t one of them say there was a king goblin, I should probably kill that one first. I run around looking for a strong looking goblin.

I activated analysis on all the ones I could see, there were plenty of fire, water, and stone goblins, a couple of air goblins, and a horde of regular goblins, but I couldn’t see their king.

I activate heat vision to see that the people are still inside, just sleeping.

I also see someone outside, surrounded by goblins… I think I found the goblin king.

"Heat vision LVL 1 leveled up to LVL 2."


I run to the goblin king and he stood at about five foot, tall for a goblin, and also wore a leather cape, but didn’t look any different then the normal goblin.

I use analysis to see if it really is the goblin king.

"Target: King Goblin LVL 32" "Titles: Born Alone, Strong-willed, Avenger, King, Tightfisted Ruler.

Looks like this guys had a hard life, according to his titles at least, whatever tightfisted means it must be a good thing right.

Well whatever, if he’s going to kill people that means he’s the bad guy in this situation, right.

I run to the King Goblin and kick him, except I faze through him and end up killing 4-5 goblins on the other side of him from my kick.

I turn around to see his punch, I jump, but he hits my leg, doesn’t hurt, but sends me back a couple of feet.

I land on my feet and rush forward and kick him again, the same thing happens, what is happening.

If physical attacks don’t work, maybe magic attacks will work.

I use pepper breath, or as it would be better described as a meteor of death, the thing was bigger and faster than the condensed MP one was.

The king immediately ordered a bunch of water goblins to use something that looked similar to water gun from pokemon.

A combined effort of more than twelve water goblins put it out.

Making the king relax, but I was already behind him.

I used pepper breath again, the king turned around, but it was too late, he was engulfed in flames.

He died, simple as that. A text box appeared in my face, but I didn’t have time to read it because the goblins had found my position and were running at me from all directions, one was even flying.

Well, less flying and more hopping on midair must be the spatial movement skill that was offered to me in the beginning.

I activate crushing beak, magic armor, and kick because apparently, I need to activate a skill to kick correctly.

That must be why I was bad at soccer.

I start kicking things and immediately see the difference, now when I kick them they get launched farther, faster, and exactly where I want them to.

I start by killing ten with one kick, then nine, then seven, then four, then five, then five again, then another four, and then only one.

Why am I getting weaker?

Oh, wait, My buff is going down. There's about fifty left, so I start using MP Manipulation in my mouth, still tastes like off-brand Gatorade.

I activate pepper breath and it flies out just smaller than meteor of death size. I’ve also been intentionally killing the water ones, so there are only two left.

It kills more than half of them.

I thought about the other skill I got recently, what happens if I pour MP into my shadow. I activate shadow manipulation and then started pouring my mp in it, it starts getting bigger, wider, and it moves faster, I make a circle around myself using my shadow, catching all of them in it.

I get what I’m going to call the kickback or the emotions they have before my shadow messes with them.

To my surprise I don’t get the emotion of anger, I get responsibility.

They feel responsible for what, goblins are weird, are they like ants.

Anyway, I didn’t know what I needed to do now, I hadn’t gotten that far, I spread the thought that if I move, I’m gonna die.

All of them stopped moving. And then I killed ten of them, easy. I was really feeling weak now. I kicked one of them and knocked another two down, but only killed the first one I kicked.

I kicked the remaining eight and they all died.

It is morning now.

I saw mom walk out first, she starts yelling at me.

“Thank Ilragorn, Kwehzalcoatl, are you okay, do you know who killed all of the goblins.”

“I did.”

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