《Land of Ilragorn》Chapter 8-Pride Taking Over


I look back at the white Chocobo to see a giant purple snake behind about to lunge.

"Look out!!!"

I activate mind acceleration and magic armor and jump and push her out of the way.

The snake chomps me...

Am I okay? I open my eyes to see the black void all around me.

Is the system going to send me another message, but where is the red boxes.

I wait for a little while and start to feel cold.

I come to the conclusion that I died instantly, but what is happening?

I realize I still have mind acceleration and magic armor on, I still feel something is wrong, so I decide to keep them on.

I am still feeling cold though, none of my skills generate heat so I might just have to deal with it.

I move around to find I am limping, I guess they couldn't heal me entirely in the other world, I use recovery magic.

"Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 32%"

What? I'm poisoned, is this an hallucination I'm seeing because of the snakes poison.

Wait so I'm alive, thank goodness, I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

I start to spam recovery magic on myself, I need to heal myself for long enough until someone gives me an antidote.

"Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 34%" "Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 36%" "Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 38%" "Spirit Elf has raised your stats and skills temporarily."

What, a spirit elf did, dad's friend? Whatever, it was a boost anyway so it should help.

"Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 49%"

That helped a lot, but it obviously made me tired faster, whatever, shape up Sam, no, shape up Kwehzalcoatl, just deal with it.

"Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 60%" "Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 71%" "Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 82%" "Recovery magic, healing poisoned stab wound, recovered 93%"

I fall down in the void, nearly fainting, but then I see a light, it's my mom and dad fighting the snake, barely winning.

I get up and start running towards the light, I trip and fall, I am too tired. Is this the extent to what I can do. Is this gonna happen more times. Am I just gonna get injured and wait for someone to help me.

Nuh uh, no way, do you really think I would allow that, people are fighting for me to live.

If I find myself being weak, then I will just get stronger.

I get up shakily, I feel something pushing me down, I ignore it, I feel as if my wound is dissapearing, the poison dissapating, my energy restoring.

I run towards the light, towards my mom, towards my dad, towards the snake.

"Mind Acceleration LVL 4 levels up to LVL 5 (You have tripled reaction speed)"

I'll take everything I can get.


I run and jump and smash onto the snake pushing it to a tree it was in front of.

I use crushing beak on the snake, but it's way to large for me to fit my beak around it so I'm just crushing some loose skin.

I suddenly see the tail going down and hitting me as a vision in my head, I dodge and then the snake hit it's self, causing more damage to its self than I have caused it yet.

I have no idea what that was, I also don't care, if it's helping me kill this snake I will just accept it.

I keep close to it so it can't swing it's tail at me carelessly. I have another vision of it crushing me with it's body. I dodge to my left, it hits itself on the ground.

I use my claws/talons to scratch its eyes and jump on its head and stand on its right side so it can't see me.

It jumps back in pain, then I see another vision of it slamming me against a tree, I jump off. It hits its head against a tree breaking several branches.

It's clearly pissed now, good so am I, you put your entire fang in me and poisoned me, you will pay.

I run to it's blind spot and try to claw him, I decided I can't bite him, I would just waste energy, crushing beak crushes, however I can't reach the bones then it's useless.

I claw him, but it doesn't go in far, claws are too short, this fight has made me aware that I am severly lacking in ranged attacks.

I realize my first rush might do some damage, making momentum though is going too be a pain, I start to run away in it's blind spot to make distance. Once I am far away enough I turn around, The snake notices me again too.

I start running to jump kick, but I get another vision of it biting me in mid air, I start running faster, faster, even faster.

I'm running past my full speed towards the snake, I act like I'm going to jump, the snake sees that and puts it's head up to catch me in it's jaws.

I keep running and get close enough to flip kick its chin. It launches backwards from my momentum boosted kick into the tree again, this time it's head is pushed into a sharp branch that the snake made when it hit it's head against the tree.

"Killed Hallucination Boa LVL 37 Entity Number 835294929416373840" "Gained 6043 EXP, Kwezalcoatl is now LVL 19" "Activate Copy Entity Number LVL 2?"

"Yes," I say out loud and then the world goes black.

Incha (prounounced EENKA) POV (The Elf Girl) Just before Kwehzalcoatl gets chomped.

I can't believe it, Flashfires alive, we looked for her forever, and when we find her she has a child too, this is bliss.


"Watch out, Watch out, Watch out," I'm a spirit elf, meaning I can hear spirits talk, spirits are usually excitable creatures, when they hear something they almost always repeat it, so if a monster talks I can understand what they say through the spirits.

But what do they mean 'watch out.'

I look around and my heart stops, Sholl is on the ground and the new baby is nearly eaten.

I scream, alerting everyone.

They all see the baby and freeze, except for Flashfire, she went berserk mother mode and was running up to the snake. ShadowStealer saw this and started to join her, but she rushes past him and kicks the snakes head knocking out the baby.

Url acts on this and catches the baby. It had magic armor on, how did it get that?

"Rukra, take Sholl and get to the village to bring back an antidote."

"But Sholl is the strongest here, she can kill that thing."

"She's also the fastest, now get going or this little guys gonna die."

She hesitates, then runs for Sholl, "Let's go get an antidote and healing supplies Sholl, hurry up."

"Yes let's hurry master... Yes let's hurry master... Yes let's hurry master..."

"Incha look after the kid," he carefully hands me the baby.

"I'm gonna grab some healing herbs that I know grow around here," he runs off into the forest.

He still has his magic armor on, but part of it is pierced, with some poison that had leaked in.

Then a green light envelops him once and then dissapated, he has healing magic.

He begins to continuously glow with green light and I decide to put him down and use my skill Rank Up on him.

The skill ranks up a targets stats and skills to their max, but it uses more of their energy, hopefully he can withstand it.

He pauses, probably confused about my skill, but continues a second later.

I look up at the fight with the snake, it looks like Shadowstealer calmed down Flashfire with his shadow magic, she now seems like she has control over herself.

They don't look like they can win, they try to flank him, but he swings his tail and they barely dodge.

They don't seem like they can win like this.

I realize that the baby has his wound closed, but the poison still seems to be affecting him, and he seems terribly exhausted, my rank up skill must have been too much for him.

He stops glowing, does that mean he's fully healed.

He gets up and starts walking towards his parents, no, that is the last thing I'm supposed to let him do.

I try to push down on him to keep him down, but it doesn't work, he is too strong right now, how does this baby chocobo have more strength than I do, that would mean he has over 200 strength.

He keeps walking, half dragging me until he starts running and I can't hold on, he drops me and runs to the snake, then I notice something, he is glowing, not green, but red.

What does this red aura mean, it seems to make him stronger, but what is the cause.

He is running straight towards the snake. When he reached the snake he kicks it into a tree, causing visible damage.

Then he immeadiately starts biting away at the snakes skin, causing no damage.

The snakes sees this and swings his tail at the baby, which he dodges almost like he saw it beforehand, and the snake hits itself.

He stays close for some reason, so the snakes decides to lay on him, and it misses again, how?

The baby uses his claws to scratch out the snakes eyes, and then jumps on the snakes head clawing at it, then the snake jumps back to slam the baby on a tree, but the baby jumps off again.

The baby backs off a lot and then turns around looking to charge, the snakes see this and looks to catch him.

The baby starts running and he starts to jump and the snake sees this and raises his head up to bite, but the baby doesn't jump, he runs up and kicks the snake in the head with a flip.

The snake flies back hitting a branch, impaling it's head. It is dead.

"Yes... Yes... Yes..."

The baby collapses, leaving us bewildered to how the hell did this child chocobo beat this snake.

Url comes back, "I'm back, where's the kid."

I point at the little guy.

"Why is he over there, I told you to look after him."

"Ummmmm, he um he killed the um snake."

"Really, now stop playing jokes and help me gring these herbs, Rukra will probably be here in five minutes."

"He really did Url."

"Sure, we'll ask him when he wakes up."

He doesn't believe me, but right now the priority is to heal the baby so I will forgive him for now.

He starts grinding the herbs, I help by creating a leaf cup to pour it in to help him drink it.

Url may be a little big and scary, but he is also kind and thinks about people before himself, and he also knows his limits.

The baby starts snoring, it's kinda cute, but I can't forget his red aura and the determination that was in his eyes while fighting the snake.

Rukra comes back with the antidote and we make him drink it.

"Let's head home."

"But the baby is still asleep."

"We're also screwed if a dragon comes to eat us."

She thinks about what he said, "let's move out."

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