《Land of Ilragorn》Chapter 1- What the heck is a Suvunkta?????


"Welcome to the Land of Ilragorn new entity #859452952375928432"

"What? Ugh my head," I complain. I have a major headache, probably because I just made out with the ground.

"Your future stats and skills will be based on your entity number"

"What the heck does that mean. Stats? Skills? Entity number? How hard did I hit my head? Why is this thing in my face?"

"Generating possible evolutions and starter skills..." "May take up to 5 minutes, starting timer..."

"Who's there?" My head is pounding.

Nobody answers and the only thing in the box was the timer going up, so I decided to wait it out.

"4:58...4:59...5:00, skills generated." "Starting Evolution: Wild Infant Chocobo LVL 1" "Choose 1 starting skill: Aerial movement LVL 1, Anti Magic LVL 1, Buff up LVL 1, Bone Catalyst LVL 1, and Copy Entity Number LVL 1."

"What the heck does that mean? Wild infant chocobo? Like that bird mount from the Last Fantasy video games? Aerial Movement, Buff up, Bone Catalyst? This isn't making any sense," My head still feels like it wants to explode, though it isn't getting any worse.

"Wild Infant Chocobo: Baby version of the land fowl chocobo, a bird commonly used as a mount for adventurers." "Aerial Movement: The ability to move in mid-air. (LVL 1 is able to do one jump in mid-air, LVL 5 is able to run on mid-air up to 1 minute, LVL 10 skill evolves into Flight LVL 1.)" "Anti Magic: The ability to diffuse or deflect most magic. (LVL 1 is able to diffuse and deflect bottom tier spells, LVL 5 is able to diffuse and deflect most mid-tier spells, LVL 10 you will be to diffuse and deflect top tier spells, Note: If you have this skill you will not be able to use magic.)" "Buff up: Strength stat raises. (LVL 1 is 20% up, LVL 5 is 75% up, LVL 10 is 150% up. Note: If used 100,000 times will evolve into Berserk Strength LVL 1)"

"Bone Catalyst: User is able to have complete control over their bones. (LVL 1 is able to strengthen bones slightly, LVL 5 is able to use their bones as weapons, LVL 10 users bones will have major difficulty breaking and will be able to completely control users bones no matter where they are.)"

"Copy Entity Number: User gets a percentage of the stat points and 1 skill from a targeted entity. (LVL 1 Can get 15% of a random stat and 1 random skill at lvl 1 from a targeted entity, LVL 5 Can get 60% of a random stat or 25% of a chosen stat and can see a third of target's skills and get 2 skills, LVL 10 Can get 100% of a random stat or 50% of a chosen stat, and can see 2 thirds of a targets skills and pick 3. It can only be used if you can see targets Entity Number. Note: You can only see targets Entity Number if target is dead or has 100% trust.)"


"That was way too much information, my brain is about to burst, so I choose one of the skills and then I will get it, hold on, can I think of the possibilities of each skill?"

Warning: If you don't pick a skill in 30 seconds, you will not get one 30... 29...

"What! That is way to fast, I need more time!"

25... 24... 23...

"Whatever, I will just choose quickly. Aerial movement, it turns to flight which is what got me into this mess so no, Anti Magic, Magic is cool so no, Buff Up, too basic so no, Bone Catalyst, sounds creepy so big no, Copy Entity Number, copies stats and skills which is what half of the anime protagonists use, but getting 100% trust or killing them sounds hard..."

5... 4... 3...

"Whatever Yolo, I choose Copy Entity Number."

"Confirmed will now begin soul transfer."

"Soul what? Like transfer to another world, does that mean I actually died?!?"

"Affirmative, welcome to the Land of Ilragon, I hope you make an impact on the world, good luck entity #859452952375928432."

The text boxes disappear and I instantly feel sluggish and wet. I am barely able to move, but I can see that I am still halfway into an egg. I look further down and see that all of my human features are gone and replacing them is a disgusting pile of wet yellow feathers, with some tinted black at the ends of the wings. My feet looked way too big for me and I only had two toes with an extra on the back. I look up and see that an adult pink chocobo is staring at me.

"Who a-are y-you," I struggle to ask. It backs up surprised, which gives me an obviously confused face and asks, "You're sentient?"

And then I fail to try to look intelligent by saying, "No, I-I'm able t-to ask rand-dom quest-tions on accid-dent," dang it, with this beak it is hard to speak normally.

"Well, it's just surprising, it usually takes us chocobo's a month to be able to comprehend what we feel, yet you just came out of your egg and are already snappy."

She studies me more in confusion and the yells abruptly, "You even are already showing signs of magic storage!"

"What-t's that," I ask and then immediately my stomach growls.

She gives whatever smile a bird can and then says "Let's feed you first, then I will give you the common sense of the Land of Ilragon."

She throws up next to me and then looks at me like she is expecting me to eat it. "Ummmm... Can I have something else maybe, like I don't know, meat that hasn't been in somethings mouth." My old parents forced me to eat vegetables when I was younger, so when they gave me a choice of a meal I always went for meat, that gave me the nickname carnivore from my parents and friends.


She looks hurt by my comment but says, "I guess you can try to eat the suvunkta's your food attracts, but they are usually hard to catch."

"What the heck is a suvunkta," I ask.

"The little bugs flying around your food."

I look at the barf again and see that a couple of flies are around it. "You mean those?" My head starts to hurt again.

"Acquired skill: Analysis LVL 1- Able to see a part of a target's status (Lvl 1 is able to see targets name, LVL 5 is able to see targets Titles, LVL 10 is able to see targets skills.) Target: Suvunkta LVL 4

The boxes disappear again and my headache also disappears, "Ummm I just got the Analysis skill is that normal."

"Not for a 5 minute old, but yeah it usually is one of the first skills you acquire."

"And the headache for when the box appears."

"That will also eventually disappear."

Great, I don't think I would be able to take the constant headaches. So to get rid of my hunger I try to go towards the fli- I mean suvunkta's and take my first steps in this world.

I fall on my beak.

The chocobo laughs at me, "No matter how much of a genius you are, you still need to start at the basics."

I would've blushed if I could, but my wet feathers blocked it, "Shuddup."

I finally get my balance and try to take my first step.

I fall on my beak again, and she continues to laugh at me.

I try again, this time I am able to take a step, nearly falling again, and the suvunktahs are right in front of me.

I chomp down randomly, trying to keep my balance, and eventually get one.

"Ate Suvunkta LVL 6 Entity Number 844873489402392375" "Gained 3 EXP. Activate Copy Entity Number LVL 1?"

Well, might as well test it "Yes."

"Activated Skill Copy Entity Number" "Gained 3 strength, Skill: Mind Acceleration LVL 1."

"What's Mind Acceleration," I ask.

Mind acceleration: The ability to increase thinking ability and reaction time. (LVL 1 increases cognitive ability, LVL 5 triples reaction speed, LVL 10 skill gives the skill Future sight LVL 1. Note: uses no mana)"

I eat a couple more and get 14 EXP, 4 speed, 1 defense, and 3 mana from 5 flies. I got no skills from the rest of the flies, but it leveled my Mind Acceleration to LVL 2, so it was either me using it or it stacking, maybe both?

During this the chocobo was just staring at me, "you never answered me, who are you?"

"Oh you can't guess, I'm your mother," She says and I nearly fall down again, but it seems I can keep my balance, maybe strength and speed help my stability.

"Well, then should I call you mom?" I ask.

"Go ahead, call me whatever you want," She replies.

"Ok, I will now call you Big Bird."

"Nevermind, just call me mom."

"So are you going to tell me 'the common sense of the Land of Ilragon'?"

"Sure, first do you have any questions."

"What's Magic Storage?"

"It's the miscoloring in your feathers. It shows us your magic attributes and the earlier you get it, the more mana you store until it is stable."

I look at my nearly dried feathers and see at the end of my wing feathers were black feathers and at the end of my tail were red feathers. "I have red and black feathers, what does that mean?"

"You have the shadow and fire elements," Mom says dryly.

Fire and Shadow, how edgy, "Is it rare to have dual elements?"

"It's uncommon, but not unheard of," Mom says

"Is there anything else I should know?" Just then a lot of wind was stirred up. My mother ran and picked me up and went into a bush, through the bush I could see a giant red flying lizard.

It was as big as the tallest tree in the forest and looked strong enough to stop a car going 200 miles with a flick. I couldn't move until I couldn't see it anymore. We both stayed quiet for a while.

I finally said, "Was that a freaking dragon." Mom seemed like she smiled.

"Welcome to the Land of Ilragon."

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