《Eryth: Strange Skies [Old]》91. The Gloves Come Off


Some people do mistake the Avensi for feathered beastkin, it is debatable however if they do fall under that umbrella. That said, it is easy to spot one from said race by their feathered elfin ears, plumage and down feathers on their heads in place of hair and ostensibly, one to three pairs of wings depending on the caste.Their feet retain part of their ancestry as they have slightly longer phalanges as well as scales. That said, everything about them from the face to their torso is similar to hominid physiology; their women included. There are, however, as many distinctions among them as there are colors of plumage. For the sake of anthropological discourse, we shall recognize them according to their own segregatory castes. Majorly such castes fall into the Gestia, Volturi, Striga and Corvani. Excerpt by Valerith Quillworth in his book: An Exposition on the Genesis of Races



“ There is something I must confess.”

”Must be the fever talking,” Arthur replied in jest. He tested the water with his sword gauging the depth. While the obsiderite goggles accorded him some night vision, it was hard to peer through the river’s running water as it gurgled on the rocks. He didn't want to have to slip and fall in there. At best, the footing was also precarious as slow moving water had allowed algae to proliferate.

Meanwhile, Nora's breath was warm and ticklish against his neck. Arthur had taken off her mask when he'd thought she wasn't breathing before he’d realized Nora barely had to breathe at all. Then she'd mumbled about Arthur tasting and smelling tantalizing in her fever dream as she shivered like an invalid.

The last [Shadow Port], supposedly having pushed herself to wring out every thaum of mana from her reserves, the dhampir had collapsed in a heap. Arthur had been worried that something bad had happened to her, maybe the paralytic poison had overcome her vampiric constitution. It just turned out she'd bottomed out her mana and she was paying for it dearly. Some of her wounds had stopped healing midway, or were healing too slowly. That's when they realized something was wrong with her.

Her body had also become as cold as a slab of marble with occasional hot flushes that came and went sending tremors through her limbs. Consequently, Arthur had done the only thing he could. He’d taken off his cloak and draped it over the woman while its enchantments hid them from their pursuers as they kept moving. There were about two uses left on the enchanted cloak before Arthur had to reimbue its rune matrices with mana―which was not an easy task by any stretch. It just about took an hour to recharge and even longer if it was using the ambient mana.

Arthur had been lost at what to do until Nora came around from her mana deprived fugue. They were in no condition to fight the groups of goblins that'd come out in force after that lightshow with the vespertine. Therefore, they were lucky they'd ported to a hidden grove of trees before Nora had slumped from mana overdraw.

”Why?” Arthur questioned, straining his ears for sounds of the gobs. They weren't exactly inconspicuous about their search either. Their hubbub rose and fell over the hills, easily cluing him on where most of them had gone. Given their numbers, Arthur and Nora had grossly underestimated the force that had descended on the village.

”I didn't want you to have to see the ruthless side of me,” she whined deliriously.


”That was you being conservative?” Arthur said surprised as he raised a one arched brow. ‘I can't believe you let us get whooped by a bat person because you were so insecure,’ was what Arthur wanted to say but he reserved his comments; it was rather insensitive for him when Nora was debilitated like that. However, his pride was still wounded after that encounter. It was constantly on the forefront of his mind even more than the bone-deep weariness that plagued his body after adrenaline had petered out.

”Yes,” Nora murmured, as she bit her lip and turned her cheek to rest on his shoulder. “Besides, I was weak....”

”You're kidding; you took off like half a dozen of those things―sorry people,” Arthur hastily corrected himself. He grunted as he exerted more force in his legs to clamber up the other bank. A sword smith would’ve thrown a fit to see a sword used as a cane.

”No,...I...I haven't had blood in a long while,” Nora mumbled hesitatingly. She paused as if waiting for Arthur to blanch away; a twitch of her cheeks told Arthur that she’d grimaced while she’d said it. Arthur was, however, preoccupied as he tried to find purchase against the slope. They would be upon the village soon; hopefully Umbra had gotten there safely.

“ Some of my skills didn't seem to work.”

”Wow, and you didn't think to tell me this?

Nora blushed a faint pink that was barely discernible. Not that Arthur could see it as he was carrying Nora on his back.

“Before all of this, you didn't need blood?”

Nora grimaced as if the very thought of blood made her want to burf. Yet, she remembered the first time she'd gotten a taste of Arthur's blood. Her gums felt sore from having to fight against her protracted fangs.

“There was―there was a substitute. The Blood Rose; even then I seldom needed it. A wine made from it is said to imbue vitality.”

”Huh? That's interesting,” Arthur said. The river had been numbingly cold in spite of the fact that his boots kept out the water. He tried to wiggle his toes to get the feeling back in them and was rewarded by pins and needles which had him gritting his teeth,

”Hmm,” Nora said, leaning her chin against the back of Arthur's shoulder. Arthur was never one to mention it but, the impression of Nora's bosom against his back was giving him goosebumps. He had to stymie his heartbeat from quickening, an exercise in futility.

“ Speaking of blood…” Nora muttered. “ You didn’t tell me what caused your nose to bleed.” Arthur almost stumbled as the sword’s scabbard found soft ground. His lungs were burning at that point and his ankles were rather sore from many near sprains. He sighed tiredly as he thought about the task ahead. Giving Nora a side eye, he saw that she’d shaken off some of the stupor; she was no longer fighting droopy eyelids.

“ I was viewing something on my Psiphone,” Arthur said as he began walking. Just one more hillock and they’d start descending towards the village. The river and its adjacent riparian forest wound around the knolls, it was easy enough to follow that. “ For some reason I cannot explain though, it caused a reaction. I felt the mother of all migraines I think,” Arthur murmured. “ I cannot account for the nose bleed; your guess is as good as mine.”

“Did you…find what you were looking for?”


Arthur cast about for more stable footing, they were descending a slope. He said,“ I think I have a sister…” His heart throbbed as he remembered the woman in the phantasmal renders of his videos. Was he the one recording them unprompted or was his sister the one who pushed him to it? From what he saw, his sister seemed like the physical sort ,what with the get up he'd seen on her.

“But something’s bothering you—” ever perceptive Nora said. Her voice was still coming back to her and it sounded rather breathy and sleepy. And close enough to his ears?—sultry.

Arthur shrugged, feeling indignant about what had happened back then. “I got locked out of it; I can no longer access them and somehow Arcis can't fix it either—I don't recall my sister's name unfortunately.”

“I'm sorry,”

“What for?”Arthur said, stopping.

Finally they reached the bottom of the hill. Nora was finally able to stand on her own feet, though not without letting go of Arthur's arm.

“I didn't know ,” Nora said, meeting his eyes for the briefest of moments. It was then that Nora felt the proximity to her bond and bleeding through from Umbra was wariness? While Umbra’s use of concepts to communicate was at the level of a creche going child, there was no mistaking the allusion that Umbra was trying to communicate. Nora whirled in the direction of the village

“ Arthur,” Nora nudged him. “ We have a prob―”

The rest of Nora’s words were drowned out by the incessant chimes of Arthur’s arcane watch which buzzed almost audibly. Arthur retrieved his Psiphone so both he and Nora could see what the fuss was all about. The Psi rune was pulsing a deep crimson―it was the panic signal. Unfortunately, there were no [Message] spells expounding on what the cause had been so Arthur drew up the worst case scenario. Only one thing would’ve sent the synth on a full red alert.

“ Nora, we have to move, “ Arthur said, then meeting Nora’s wide eyes. “ What is it?” he asked worriedly.

“ There is a dwarf in the village―” Nora’s voice hitched; and that confirmed it beyond a shadow of a doubt. If discomposure had hit him there and then, he would have been paralysed to the point of lassitude. Having several things thrown at him out of the aether would have brought up Arthur short before this. But not this time; Arthur was already working on a plan of action.

It was then that Umbra emerged. Even Arthur could feel the guardedness of the faerie-beast as she padded towards them. Nora let go of his hand and walked, shakily to the beast; as soon as she touched her. Her posture straightened; Umbra let out a rumble of relief as she nosed Nora’s torso. “ There there, you did good…No, you don’t need to worry about the necromancer,” Nora said as she stroked her fur. The strength seemed to have returned to her; maybe their bond allowed them to share mana? As for the necromancer, they’d tried what they could for him. Callous yes, but the man had been implicit in accepting some sort of risk when he’d joined them.

“ Arthur,” Nora called out.

“ How many?”

“ One…”

Arthur furrowed his brow. It really didn’t stack up, unless they hadn’t known where to find them. The only reason they were even casting their net this side and , if his hunch was right, Arcis' side was that they’d split up to find them.

‘Something is definitely not adding up. Why did they only send one? Powerful? Then it’s only a matter of time. [Message] or not they’ll find us if they manage to narrow it down to Dorn in the first place. I cannot vacillate because they could have a way to intercept [Farspeak] either. Then Arthur thought about the old elf Volemhir―Metaphorically speaking, he was a wizard at this sort of thing. If someone could ward communication spells against eavesdropping, it would be him. He bit his cheek thinking about owing the obnoxious old man a favour as he raised the Psiphone to speak. Nora and Umbra were watching the vicinity.

“[Psia], hail Volemhir Wintersheart.”

“ [Notice]; absence of relay cannot guarantee the stability of the [Farspeak] matrix. Hailing Volemhir Wintersheart.”

“ Arthur Sturmdrache,’ the grumpy elf practically shouted over the hail. “ Boy, where are you? Do you have Scrolls of Teleport? You’d sooner get to your offspring if you know what is good for you.”

“ I know Elder volemhir,” Arthur said. “ Why do you think I hailed you? Can I get a connection to her without being eavesdropped?”

“ Hah, despite your folly, I still remember you having a good head on that stump you call a neck. Prudent of you to reach out to me.” the elder grunted. “ I am only doing this for free because your young lass is a very intriguing individual.” he added almost smugly.

“ Huh, never thought about bridging [Farspeak] before, only you would think of that…hmm, what should I call this feature ah yes. Proxy―”

Arthur was tempted to run a hand through his face, as he forestalled the Elder. “ Elder Volemhir, I know you have all the time on Eryth,” he sighed. “ I need you to reach my daughter post haste…”

“ Ah yes, dwarves―” the elder almost spat. “ Patience young scion as I bridge this matrix…hmm; needlessly convoluted. Should I layer it on top perhaps; mesh it into the construct? '' The elder continued. Arthur tuned him out, he’d know when the hail went through. At the very least he was sure the synth knew something was up on their side. She would always come through.

Tens of leagues from the village of Dorn. Elena, Bruhilde and Nevine watched in disbelief as the synth girl squared off against a dwarven Mage-Hunter. Brunhilde was the most befuddled most of all; she didn’t have the foreknowledge that Arcis was barely even human. No, she itched to smash through the windscreen glass to get to the girl. Even without [Analyze] she could tell that Arcis would be outmatched; she was wrong. As for the synth in question―

Was the statement that initiated the fight mere bravado? No, Arcis knew what she was doing and how she was doing it. Even though she said it almost gleefully, internally she was , well…very serious; she was part Numen after all. Well, maybe a little―however, that was neither here nor there. While she did not have her soul-twin’s analytical abilities, she had her memory.

Part of that memory had documented the training katas of the Aldmoorian guard as they trained the first time she’d been a guest at the guard house. As she jumped down onto the promenade deck, she felt the motions come to her.

They were awkward at first, not structured for use on such a small body which had not the reach which the katas had been created for. But she had the speed and the force behind her blows. She had rune wands, why didn't she go with that? Easy, she wanted to throw the Mage-Hunter off her game from the get go.

‘ [Affinity Augmentation; Aer]’ gave her agility and compounded with her small stature, she was up in the dwarven woman’s face―eyes wide Eatrude only had a millicasion to put up a cross guard before Arcis cracked a Ter augmented fist on her.

The blow thundered against the woman’s heavily armored armacus sleeves with enough force to decimate a boulder― and momentum which would have broken her bones made her skid all the way to the deck railing as her boots squealed along.

She’d used a defensive skill to blunt the blow. Silence reigned across the deck as the two sized up one another. Arcis was only slightly shorter than the dwarven woman, coming up to her chin.

Despite her obfuscation artifacts, the woman flinched as Arcis’ [Identify] pierced through her magical protection like a knife against chiffon cake. Meanwhile her own [Analyze] was rebuffed and the backlash was akin to headbutting a wall. The dwarven woman shook off the look of surprise and peered over her shoulder. She had been a couple paces from careening overboard.

She flicked her wrist, scowling at the new scuff that marked her left armacus then her face changed into an almost manic expression.

“ Who are you lassie? “ she grinned. “ No―don’t answer that. My contract didn’t say I needed to bring you back in one piece,” she said, flexing her shoulders which popped so audibly that Arcis could hear them from where she was.

She took one step, “ I am going to have brea―” the rest of the words dropped off snatched away by a crack of air― of motion as the Mage-Hunter blurred into Arcis. She didn’t even see the skill or spell activate!

She barely saw the gauntleted end of the right armacus as it came for her head. She twisted her neck out of the way, ―but a hook was already coming from the left. The Mage-Hunter was ambidextrous! She put up her own augmented arm catching the blow which rang out like a scalding slap on her skin .

The synth moved to part the woman’s arms away from her body by pushing her own arms outwards at the same time the woman threw a kick towards her open side. The intersection of movements ended up pushing them away from each other. The entire exchange had occurred in a breath.

“ Hoh, you’re fast. I’ll give you that…” Eatrude said, as she walked diagonally to the synth. Arcis followed, suit circling the other way, keeping her distance. She was drawing upon her assimilated knowledge of combat to see where the woman would come from next.

“ But I can tell you’ve never fought someone before―your movements are too stiff…Like you’re reading them from a tome,” she hummed. “ Let’s see if you can learn by doing,”

The only warning she received was another crack of air displacement. This time, her synth eyes locked on to the movement and as if the frame-rate on reality had dropped, she saw the Mage-Hunter move like a cut-out animation across the deck. The closest thing she could use to explain the reaction was that, somehow [Vector Lock On] was throttling her perception. She sidestepped the Eatrude’s advance―and when motion returned to real time the Mage-Hunter had stopped with her back to her. Surprise was palpable in the air, both for the synth and the dwarf.

“What in the rusting slags?!” she heard the woman curse as she turned around. Arcis got a brief glimpse of the svartanite dual blades on her back, she hadn’t drawn them yet. Neither had she drawn her runewands.

“ I retract my words, you’re no mageling are you? Why do you use mana the way you do? A hybrid class?” the woman muttered, changing things on her armacus. “ Ah,” she paused. “ That’s it―” she slammed her gauntleted fist against her palms.

‘What’s it?’ Arcis almost asked before she reined in her curiosity. She shifted her weight into her right foot as she watched the woman’s muscles rippled beneath a black leathertight body suit. Her own dress fluttering in the wind made her feel underdressed for a fight. But she trusted her skin more than anything. However, it wouldn’t do to get complacent; she wanted to end this fast and get back inside before the rest of the hijackers got to the bridge.

“Why in the Pits am I treating you like a whelp?” Eatrude said; she almost went to slam her forehead before she caught herself. “ And you’re not even taking me seriously are you?” She asked, not that Arcis would deign to answer.

“ Have you ever killed before?” she suddenly blurted. Arcis almost took a step back but her flinch was all it took for the Mage-Hunter to know. “ Ah, no wonder I didn’t feel any bloodlust from you: I have met child assassins before―its all a game to you isn't it?” the Mage-Hunter said.

Then she grinned looking over Arcis’ shoulder. Arcis looked back and her eyes went saucer-wide as she saw the Sturmjager rise from the clouds. Unfortunately by the time Arcis realized her Scan bubble had been breached, Eatrude was already on her. The synth felt the Mage-Hunter’s aura multiply several fold then she received a gauntleted fist to the cheek. Arcis was swept off her feet, ragdolling across the deck like a stone skimming water before she smacked onto the exterior of the bridge.

“ Owie,” the girl winced. “I really felt tha―” she twisted her head to the side but the oncoming blow was an uppercut that hit her in the throat, whiplashing her head forwards before the resultant force threw her into the sky. “ Schiz―” she barely shook off the synth equivalent of having her brain rattled; the Mage-Hunter was already in the air with her axe-kick already poised to strike.

“ [ Mountain-Fall]!” The dwarf bellowed an augmentation skill for the first time. As a Mage-Hunter she’d known better than to announce her first augmentations knowing in one on one fights, there was no need for it. Now she was smug as she caught the synth on the backfoot.

Up in the air, Arcis barely had any mobility. She couldn't fly― and somehow she knew that skill might just punch her through the deck. She only had a split-casion to decide. ‘I’m sorry Papa―’ she said, internally resigned , and un-holstered her rune wands from their strung together harness.

’ It turns out this world needs such weapons after all―” she thought grimly. She still couldn’t get why her father was averse to replicating earth weapons. Well, the rune wands did take inspiration from there but they weren’t really guns were they? And once again, reality buffered―Eatrude’s foot came for her shoulder. Her synth brain was being throttled as [Vector Lock On] picked Eatrude as a target, highlighting her chest.

[Line of Evasion] too told her all that she could dodge , the incorporeal trajectory lines in yellow, swayed and broke in the air. Behind the Mage-Hunter, she saw the Sturmjager in its entirety with its fearsome armaments; she doubted Elena could fly as well as her. She had to end it and end it fast. It was doubtless that the Mage-Hunter would die from what she was about to do. So she channeled Aer mana into the runewands on her left, and raised her right towards the Mage-Hunter.

Arcis saw the shock crawl across the mage-hunter’s face at a slime’s pace and almost wanted to say, ‘What? Thought they were decorations?’ Her mage vision, synth equivalent of Mana Sight caught the mandalas, as the matrices manifested on the runewand’s muzzle shaft an instant before they flared. Two shots rang out, recoil on her left twisted her out of the way of Eatrude’s kick streaking from above, the other punched into the dwarf’s middle.

The Mage-Hunter’s anti-magic shield was none the quicker, activating then sputtering as her chest plate dented. Time resumed, and the recoil of firing both rune wands took hold―it threw the Mage-Hunter into a spin through the air and flung Arcis down onto the deck. She bounced once, rolling across the decksole along with her arcane weaponry; no bones broke but the hurt singing through her body was a foreign feeling.

She crawled towards her rune wands, vision swimming as she staggering on her knees to stand up. The metal on the things was a sturdy magillium, an alloy of fae-steel and mithril, she exhaled a breath of relief and cast her eyes about. The Mage-Hunter was nowhere to be seen; she had no way of knowing if she’d gone overboard or―

Arcis didn’t dwell on it for long, she had to warn the others that she’d seen where the boarding intruders had come from; Arcis turned towards the bridge and waved so Elena could see her and hailed her on the telecry ear cuff.

Something on the deck had also caught her attention. There was a small orb latched on to the bridge’s hull and she warily walked closer so she could get a look at it. Other than the scrawling of runes on its surface, it didn’t seem to doing doing anything.

“ Arcis!” Elena cried out in relief. When the girl had been harried and worse, thrown into the air. She’d been apprehensive that the synth eaten more than she could chew. The sylvani had, of course, misgivings about the synth; she’d still not gotten over it. In fact, the fight with the dwarf left her even more conflicted than anything when she saw the artifacts on the girl’s back; she hadn’t even used them for the first part of the fight.

Elena had internally screamed at the girl to just go all out from the get go and end the encounter so they could get things over with. She was literally on the edge of her seat, even Brunhilde had to be restrained from doing something stupid. Then she did it, she somehow used them in the most vulnerable moment and they really didn’t disappoint; she thought maybe she could get one of those things too.

“ Elena,” Arcis spoke through her ear cuff waving across the wind screen as if she could see her. While they could have felt the feedback of vibrations from Arcis dueling the Mage-Hunter, there was no way they could have heard the sounds of fighting. Not even the fight occurring below deck could be heard through the iron wood bulkheads.

“ Arcis?” Elena replied, voice shaking. “ That was scary―please come back inside.”

“ Haha,” the girl chuckled. The sylvani could forget that, for a moment, she was an ordinary girl as the wind caught her hair. She was looking past somewhere above the bridge and frowning. “ We’re not out of the woods yet…we have company behind us.” Elena felt her stomach sink from dread. Attacked from within and without, what could she do?

So loathe as she was to do it, she swallowed her pride and deferred to the synth. She seemed to have everything put together, Elena almost wanted to laugh at herself. Arcis’s answer was grim, cut and dried as she walked towards the windscreen and picked something up, looking at it in confusion. Elena wanted to ask about it but there were too many things running through her mind chief being what to do about their situation. The din of fighting was still ringing from below deck.

“ Step on it…” was her answer. It wasn’t that she was being rude as her mind was elsewhere; she still seemed to be on edge as she surveyed the deck for the woman she’d fought while holding the orb like some sort of trap. Even Brunhilde and Nevine who had been quiet all the while could agree that the altercation with the Mage-Hunter had been too brief and almost too easy.

“ Huh?” Elena mumbled, as she looked towards Nevine as if he had an inkling of what the synth had meant. Step on what? Even Nevine had no idea. Nevine of course pointed that out―

“ Fly faster...” the synth yelped at the slip of the tongue. She’d used an unfamiliar expression. Elena chuckled at the synth’s peculiarities; she was like her father.

“ Are you sure?” The sylvani said in hesitation, “You’re still outside,” Elena added, worried about Arcis losing her grip on the deck. Elena didn’t know much about aerships, but even she thought the Stormbreaker was missing some very important enchantments that would negate the wind buffeting the promenade deck. They weren’t flying that fast but if she did, and she had a first hand experience of how fast was fast on the ship―her line of thought was truncated short when something changed.

Suddenly Elena’s worst nightmare was happening right in front of her eyes.

“ Arcis! Behin―”

Eatrude had something against drawing blades against children. Even then, she made sure that their deaths were merciful; some of them had to die. But that was no child, Eatrude realized as she fell away from the ship.

The dwarf's chest hurt, bruised where she’d been punched through by a spell; her enchanted cuirass saved her though there was an inwards dent pressing against her sternum.

The matrixes had activated so fast her Aegis spell hadn’t managed to deploy in time. She was still alive, but she had a job to finish―she remembered the Orb of Waymarking still had some use; at least for one person. She activated it whilst drawing her blades of svartanite steel.

Before her fall carried outside the range of the Orb of Waymarking, she was whisked away, the motion jarring as the magic compensated for her motion. It felt like being pulled in two directions at once and almost made her nauseous .

It was not recommended that the artifact be used like that; Translocation magic was a mixed bag―but she made it. Her emergence point was where the Orb of Waymarking had hit the ship; before equilibrium in her ears had even been reestablished, she activated her skill, [Aspiro].

Unlike [Haste] it did not have the backlash of feeling lethargic after expending a lot of mana and energy in movement―she blurred into the girl’s back in a lunge with both swords extended in front of her.

“ Don’t worry abou―”

“Arcis behind―”

The brief flare of Llcus mana in her Scan radius was the giveaway. One was from the orb and another had appeared behind her as she registered the Mage-Hunter’s aura. Arcis jerked away from the swords but she’d been caught awkwardly with one runeward in her armpit, the orb in her arm and the other rune wand on the other side.

So she did the only thing she could think of―she shoved the orb in the way of one sword and riposted the other with the rune wand in her arm. As a result, one of her rune wands fell from her arms and went skittering on the deck. Her reflexive action saved her; whatever material the orb had been made of stopped one sword short as sparks flew. The other rung harshly against her rune wand, granting her a short moment of respite.

In doing so however, she lost one of her weapons.

Then they were facing off again. This time, the Mage-Hunter seemed warier than ever as she eyed the one rune wand she had in her arm as well as the orb which had a slash on its surface―it would not see any teleports anytime soon. On the other hand, Arcis would not get any more chances to draw her weapon, not if she was slower than a Mage-Hunter on Aspiro.

“You'd had your fun lass ,” the Mage-Hunter said with a stony look on her face. “ Don’t know what those artifacts are,” she looked at the one on the deck and the one on her hand. It was right between them as Arcis stood with her back to the bridge and Eatrude with hers to the bow.

“ I wager you can’t cast spells without them,” she grinned, then she unfurled her eyepatch. Arcis almost flinched back ― it wasn’t from the double eyed pupil as much as Elena was yelling into her ear. “ Will you surrender or will I have to cut it from your hand? Not proud of it but…i’ve dispatched magelings who were just about as old as you,”

‘Uh, Elena, now would be a good time to get going and pull up the bow will you?,’ Arcis spoke over the hail. The Mage-Hunter didn’t catch on the covert communication as she scrutinized the synth. When Arcis didn’t react, the Mage-Hunter theatrically flicked her swords to her sides as she glowered at Arcis with a three pupilled gaze. “ The moment you decided to draw your, whatever those artifacts are was the moment the gauntlet was off lass.”

“ Rot everything to Pits! I sure hope you know what you’re doing!” was the only warning before the ship lurched and pitched upwards―inertial change staggered the Mage-Hunter for a moment before she was using her Ground Anchoring enchantments.

It was just enough for Arcis who almost increased her weight by half as she used Ter augmentation at the same time the other rune wand skittered towards her from the sloping deck. And it was to her advantage that the mage-hunter didn’t move using her skill again as Grounding Anchor and Aspiro would have counteracted but when she did; Arcis was ready for her.

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