《Eryth: Strange Skies [Old]》59. The Voiceless Part I


"Before the Beginning, there were five. But one was greater than the other four. Yet peace pervaded for eons. After a time, however, the four said to the great one to let them add to their number; they’d grown weary with monotony. For the Void was dark and silent, existing without light. Power roiled through the aether lacking direction. So the All Mother acquiesced to their demands and decided to give the Power, Intent. Thus, the four broke from themselves their essences and added to hers and in the Void, Form was born. Power and Intent begat Mana and there was an explosive rejoinder that rippled across the Void. Thus came the First Beginning..." -Excerpt from The Book of Records: Beginnings, Church of Thea.

They kept watch through the night; a human, a dhampir and a grimalkin—like first time parents hovering over a newborn babe. A strange incident it might have been but stranger things had happened still, like setting off a magic reactor in the basement and living through the fallout.

Despite that, the residents of the Sturmdrache mansion were too sleep-worn to be persnickety about things.

Thus, they took it in stride, watching over the child as they lay in the covers. There was no sign that they were alive save for the mana in them and the chaotic fluttering of eyelids as if caught in a nightmare.

Watch they did, until their eyelids failed them and one by one, they all fell asleep. It was then that a pair of eyes fluttered open just as the first shafts of daybreak had just begun diffusing through the bedroom curtains.

Poke, poke. Chubby fingers prodded and poked the man lying on the edges of the bed. They were half-sitting, half-sleeping on a chair. A ruby haired woman slept on the other side of the bed.

“Ow,” Arthur woke up, “ Whoss tha bwhig ihdea?” he yawned, drawling some of the words as he wiped at his eyes. He was met face to face with a little pair of eyes with irises that glistened like prisms, shifting from hue to hue like light diffusing through a drop of water.

Draped in Arthur’s oversized pajama shirt, was the strange child. Obviously, the shirt was many sizes too large for them and one lapel was drooping off to the side; some buttons had also come undone. They stared at him with the curiosity of a kitten.

‘Oh it’s just you,’ Arthur’s wakefulness finally caught up. ‘Hmm, that’s strange, I don’t have my mana sight on; are their eyes supposed to do that?”

“Morning little champ. Do you know where you are?” Arthur asked the child.

The child cocked their head to the side as if they didn’t catch what he was saying.

‘Hmm, do they even know Erythean Common? They must, mustn’t they…they’re what, five or six years old?’

Adjusting his pajama shirt on them, Arthur added. “Do you understand me?”

The child zoned out, as if frozen. The hue-shifting of their irises stopped.

“Uuh, what just happened? Did I just break them?” Arthur thought out loud, surprised by the change of events. Just when he decided he was going to wake Nora, the child came around.

Their irises had settled on blue with a gold band between their irises and their whites. Nora also stirred and woke up, stretching her lithe limbs as she smacked her lips. Then she realized where she was; definitely not her bed.

“Oh! She woke up!”

“Hey, how’d you know she’s a she?” Arthur narrowed his eyes.


“A girl knows…just ask her.”

“Mmh,” Arthur turned to the child with a one arched-eye look. There seemed to be understanding in their eyes so while pointing to Nora and himself in turns, he asked,

“Are you a girl…? Or are you a boy?”

They pointed to Nora with the floppy sleeves of Arthur’s pajama sagging like an oversized shirt on a small body would.

‘Okayyy…a she then.’ Arthur revised her identity.

“Awh,” Nora cooed, moving in closer to lift her up by her armpits.

“Eh, Nora, be careful though, she’s quite hefty,” Arthur joked.

“What do you mea— oh!” Nora exclaimed. “Thank Thea for vampiric strength then.” the petite woman heaved, carrying the girl by the crook of her arms.

“Well, morning to you two,” another female voice called from the open doorway to Arthur’s bedroom. “ Ah,” she squeaked, on seeing Arthur bare of his shirt.

The sylvani woman turned her gaze elsewhere ,“ Master Arthur, Oonaris be my witness, I didn’t know. I assumed because the door was open and Nora was here with you—”

Arthur snorted a laugh at the flustered sylvani woman. From the disheveled hair, Elena had just woken up.

“Good morning to you too,” Arthur responded jokingly. Aware of spring’s chill nipping at him, Arthur went to his wardrobe and threw on another shirt.

“She’s got your eyes,” Nora said, “Blue and flecks of gold.”

“Hmm? What are you suggesting?”

“Is there something you haven’t told us? Might she have had an ‘accident’ like yours?” she enquired, stressing on the word ‘accident’.

“You’ve got a point… children just don’t appear out of thin air.” Arthur said, leaning against the closet as he folding his arms. “ But that’s just a coincidence; I doubt she’s even human.” He narrowed his eyes, “ We don’t know what she is.”

“She’s not human?” Elena chipped in, sidling closer to Nora who was cradling the child.

“She’s got magic, but no pulse…her eyes were also changing colors before you came in,” Arthur commented. “Also, she just appeared in the house,” Arthur said in half-truths.

“Oh,” Elena remarked, pinching the child’s elbow. “You’re right, she’s kind of cold for a young girl.” She turned to regard Arthur, “What are you going to do with her Master Arthur?”

“How would I know?” Arthur shrugged as he pushed off the closet. Nearing the trio standing in the middle of his bedroom, he added, “She’s barely made a sound.” Lowering himself so he was level with the child in Nora’s arms, he asked, “Do you have a name?”

The girl shook her head; she tried to speak out but nothing came out of her lips. She frowned and tried again…nothing. She looked at the three with sad eyes; she looked as if she might cry.

“No, no…don’t, cry” Nora cooed, rocking her. Laying her head on Nora’s shoulder the girl seemed to be pacified.

“How’s today’s schedule?” Arthur asked offhandedly.

““Clear!”” both women chorused; before looking at each other and giggling.

“Oh,” Arthur raised his brow, smiling. “Then we have quite a long day ahead of us.” He said, pointedly looking at the girl in Nora’s arms. The child stared, goggle-eyed at the three adults. Her scleras were the purest white of a months old baby.

Breakfast was had and plans were made. The girl ate too, and ravenously at that. First order of business was to get her decent clothes before Arthur took her to the guild master to see if something could be worked out.


Hopefully, her parents or place of origin could be traced. On the other hand, Elena and Nora planned to go to the Griffin’s Roost to tie up some loose ends with Halen. The [Innkeeper] probably thought that Elena had barricaded herself in her room again.

Good for them, at least they wouldn’t have to explain that Nora could teleport; that would invite scrutiny from many people. [Shadow Port] and other teleportation skills were themselves rare as meeting a dhampir in the streets of Aldmoor.

And that Elena also knew that Nora was a dhampir meant that the two had become close friends. Arthur had no doubt that other details had been passed among the two given that Elena was so enamored with her stay in the mansion.

Sometime later, the girl, who was yet unnamed, was covered in a cloak and riding double with the man of the house as they went to see the [Seamstress].

The Jade Spider’s Weave was the name of the establishment. It was a middle class business that provided garb for anyone wanting to splurge a little and came at the recommendation of Hanna through Elena.

Arthur also knew where the shop was; he’d gotten his first formal wear there in the earlier days when they were just settling in. It was the only place whose clothing came close to the weaving of the sylvani shirts he’d carried along from Lysfall. Nora also had a good sense for these sorts of things.

“Here we are,” the youth said, for the benefit of his ward who once again stared, starry eyed at the beautiful frontage of the seamstress’ establishment. They dismounted, handed Bessie over to a hostler who stabled her among the dozen stalls attached to the premise. A ding of the doorbell announced their entrance.

The girl, for that was her identity, gazed at the new sights; the strange fabrics draped on mannequins, flowery evening gowns, sharp suits and a motley of casual wear. She compared the pajama shirt she wore and the children sized clothing on display and just about knew that they had come here for her sake.

“Well hello hello,” a svelte woman called out, on seeing the potential clients. “Oh, it's just you Master Arthur.”

She was the only one in the establishment at the moment as this early in the morning, her own employees had yet to arrive.

“Morning madame Apaxvn…”

The girl gazed up at the sylphlike woman with dainty hands which seemed to be all over the place with gesticulations as if her words weren’t enough to convey her emotions.

She turned towards the man who held her by the hand, so tall she had to crane her neck to meet his eyes which regarded her not unkindly. Then again she turned towards the woman, squinting her eyes while she did so. The girl was trying to understand why the woman was different from the man and the other women back at the big house.

[ Jade Arachnea |Threat Level: Unknown]

The woman flinched and her inverted pupiled eyes stared back at her. A dark look passed through her face so fast the girl almost missed it.

“Madame Apaxvn, is something the matter?” The man noticed that the woman had gone quiet for a moment. His gaze darted between the two before realization dawned on him.

“Oh, my apologies. We came to get her clothes not mine…” he added hastily.

“Me oh my, so soon?” the madame giggled impishly, a smile replastered on her palish face.

“I assure you madame; there are circumstances…hehe,” he chuckled nervously. “I’ll pay for a set of five ready-made outfits for her if you have her size.”

“By all means. Come to me little nestling,” the woman crouched, beckoning the girl. A measuring tape materialized from her fingers as if woven on the spot.

“Go on…” the man motioned. The girl looked from the madame to the man hesitatingly; she did not wish to part.

“I’ll be waiting here, don’t worry,” said her minder reassuringly. She shuffled towards the woman, pajama shirt trailing on the floor like a bride’s train.

The woman grabbed her by the shoulders then she furrowed her brows in surprise before draping the measuring tape under the youngster’s armpits. Pretending she was adjusting the tape against her back, she whispered,

“That was rather uncivil of you, young one.”

She lowered the measuring tape to the girl’s waist. “Didn’t your pa teach you not to peer into other people’s souls?” she smiled with a predatory gleam in her eyes. The girl tilted her head obtusely.

Shaking her head in wistfulness, woman sighed, “Goodness me; what do they teach young ones these days? I’ll let you off because it was an honest mistake. Tell you what—I’ll even toss in some extras for you because your papa is a good patron of mine,” said madame Apaxvn waving at the youth who was looking at a frilly dress and he waved back.

The [Seamstress] was generous to the point of adding inner clothes to the girl’s purchase. When Arthur protested she said something about clothes being wasted on her and that girls always had to have many outfits in their wardrobe. Arthur thought she was just chastising him for forgetting the child’s underwear; how embarrassing that he’d forgotten such an obvious thing.

After she’d gotten dressed in a romper that complimented her minder’s outfit they walked to the Adventurers Guild. Like a father-daughter pair out on a morning walk, they blended in with the daybreak crowd going to work.

“We’re here kitten,” Arthur remarked, when they’d stepped outside the guild. “I hope you don’t mind the name because I don’t know what to call you.”

The horse was left at the Jade Spider’s Weave because there was ‘no parking’ at the Guild building—what with all the traffic moving in and out. They entered the main hall and as was the adventurers’ wont, all eyes turned to regard the entrants.

The sudden action might have spooked the girl because she buried her head on Arthur’s shoulder. But that wasn’t really it as Arthur thought. She’d forgotten about the madame’s words and her ability just happened to activate, landing on a group of adventurers— of all the people; Destiny’s Edge, the gold Rankers.

[Ar'lerith Stringsong | Celestial Archer Level 37]

[Erriroul Duskstone | Axeguard Sentinel Level 35]

[Nolan Bluecastle | Firestorm Dualblade Level 34]

[Iefyr Waring | Shadow Rogue Level 34]

[Alphonse Wysafiel | Everfrost Cryomancer Level 35]

She wanted to scream she was sorry and tell her minder to run away but she had no voice; she couldn’t move air. It was then she realized that she couldn’t breathe like the man whose chest rose and fell and whose warm breath breezed over the nape of her neck. Then the [Shadow Rogue] materialized in front of the duo via [Shadow Step].

“You looking for a fight [Mage]?” the rogue sneered, staring down Arthur with menacing eyes. They were the same height. If Arthur was cowed, he didn’t even show it.

“Huh, why would I? —I barely know you…” her minder retorted in a calm and measured voice. His eyes also glinted dangerously, promising a storm. All attention turned to their kerfuffle as tensions ran high in the Guild hall.

“Leave the lad be Iefyr,” the dwarf [Axeguard Sentinel] grumbled whilst tipping back a tankard of what was unmistakably, Firewater from the way the tankard steamed—watered down Embercap Tears Whisky.

“Iefyr—do we have a problem?” Aame a booming voice followed by the sound of heavy footsteps treading down the stairs. Another man of storm, the girl sensed.

The [Shadow Rogue] harrumphed, “No guild master, no problem here.” The girl’s minder shared a look with the guild master and stepped past the rogue to head towards the office. The rogue tried to do the old fashioned shoulder bump as a show of dominance.

Though he was higher level, rogues weren’t exactly strength types— his shoulder bump was rebuffed. Before anyone could notice what had happened, the rogue disappeared in a puff of shadows and emerged among his teammates nursing a bruised shoulder.

“I hope you don’t mind the boy. Lately, he’s been in the dumps or so it seems,” the guild master said as they settled down. He activated the privacy wards just in case. “And what do we have here? I didn’t know you had a daughter…” he added, peering at the girl who sat on an extra chair while her eyes surveyed the guildmaster’s office.

“Seriously,” Arthur chuckled. “She’s not mine; she’s the reason I came to see you by the way.”

“Ho? What's wrong?” Orhill frowned.

“She just appeared out of nowhere and in my workshop too. Don’t you find it strange?”

“After flooding half the town with mana?” Orhill shook his head with a wry grin, “I don’t think there’s anything stranger.”

“That is going to need a lot of time to explain. Time which I do not have today as I’m trying to get to the bottom of this girl’s existence.”

“Appeared out of thin air you say?” the guild master hummed. “Teleportation? The Void Syndicate…sorry, the void mages who were causing havoc have gone underground and no movements have been detected from them so far. I assume the [Guard Sergeant] apprised you of that during your interview?”

“Yea, I think he did. Though I don’t think there was any Locus mana pointing to a teleport on her at the time I found her,” Arthur looked to the girl who was in her own world; she was playing with the frilled sleeves of her romper as any child would. For the two men, it was an endearing sight that enkindled paternal instincts.

“Mmh,” Orhill contemplated, “perhaps the Guard might help; I have my hands full as it is.”

Arthur exhaled, “I thought so. I’m guessing that’s why you didn’t come during the incident. I thought you should know that the [Guard Captain] came in person.”

“Truly? —did something happen?”

“No, nothing really. But when she left, I had the feeling I would be under scrutiny. It was thanks to the Lalilab’s patriarch that they barely asked more questions.”

“That I know as much. Any update on the project?”

“So far so good. That thing about working with the Lalilabs’ patriarch was a step in the right direction. I hadn’t known Pyrtherite crystals were a regulated material before then. Also, I might need to bring the man on board; under a Geas contract that is.”

“Do you trust him that much? Then I won’t gainsay it,” the guild master sagged against his seat as he stroked his beard.

“There is one other thing,” Arthur leaned forward as a serious countenance fell over his face. “The incident that brought the Guard to my estate might have some tie-ins to a dwarf conspiracy. We need a meeting to debrief and also I fear that one of your employees might be on it.”

“Nevine,” Orhill frowned. “I’ll keep an eye on him. When is the briefing? I’m assuming there’s going to be three of us?”

“Elena’s recovery party. I’ll ask Nora to bring the invite…It will be the perfect cover for a secret meeting.”

“Is your house warded against scrying and eavesdropping?” the guildmaster enquired.

“I never thought to check…” Arthur said, tapping the armrest while he side-eyed the child. “Do scrying spells work two stories underground?”

“No…That’s absurd.” Guild master Orhill guffawed. Then he came to an understanding. “Oh, so that’s how you’ve done it…” he smirked. “You do have a good head on your shoulders lad.”

The two men prattled on and on about other less significant topics of discussion. Except for the investigation on the dungeon as that one was a cold case. The guild inquisitors did not find a clue of whoever had led the attack on Wyvern’s Woe. None of the members had come forward with any new information that would have shed a light on the incident either.

Arthur also heard that they were taking more manageable jobs on account of their deceased party member. That said; he had one more stop to make at the town Guard. But he needn’t have bothered because they’d already come for him—they were waiting outside the guild building. Adventurers and the Guard were like oil and water; there was an implicit understanding that the Guild building was outside their jurisdiction.

Heading the group of four town guards was the [Guard Sergeant] himself—the rugged Garyson Grizzlythorn— such a weighty name for such a severe man.

“One of yours?” the guard sergeant asked pointedly.

“No,” Arthur shared a look with his ward who had barely made a fuss all this time. No tantrums and no restlessness whatsoever.

Arthur was beginning to fear for the child’s state of mind. She was simply too quiet but not in the sense that she couldn’t talk. They’d already confirmed she was mute— little did they know they’d misdiagnosed her.

“Then you’re going to have to come with us, Mister Arthur…” Grizzlythorn narrowed his eyes. Though it wasn’t really a threat.

“Why—am I being arrested?” Arthur asked, looking around the street. Passersby were going about their business unperturbed by the happening; perhaps this was normal for them?

“No,” the [Guard Sergeant] reassured. “It’s just standard procedure; just making sure everything checks out.”

“What do you mean everything checks out? Have you been watching me?” Arthur voiced suspicion lacing his tone.

“I’m afraid I cannot answer that sir,” Grizzlythorn sighed, hands on his waist. He looked around the street as Arthur had done. There were a couple of adventurers rubbernecking to see what would happen.

The group of guards and their sergeant were sticking out like a sore thumb too. Some bounced from foot to foot; they were wary of appearing as if they were cornering a father and his daughter out on a walk.

‘Well then; I doubt there’s an equivalent of Miranda rights hereabouts. I’ll just go with them—It’s not like they might do anything since people have already seen them.’ Arthur thought, as he stepped down the stairs. Then they were escorted to the Guard barracks

“We will hold her until someone comes to claim her Mister Arthur. If no one reports a missing child, we might ask for your intervention where possible; seeing as you’ve spent the most time with her.”

“Erm, fine.” He looked at the child sitting in the chair. He sighed—he felt terrible just leaving them when they’d spent the most time with him. But he had to go and leave it to the professionals, hoping they’d find her parents.

For a child, they were curious and not at all intimidated by the grizzly [Guard Sergeant] who had the aura of a wild animal. Any other child would have immediately broken down in tears especially during the time when the Guard Sergeant was grilling Arthur.

Most of the queries concerned the girl’s appearance and were carried out under truth crystal and truth detecting skills; they found nothing incriminating on Arthur. Fortunately, they didn’t ask about the incident with the mana explosion.

Arthur left her changes of clothes with a female guard who would be her caretaker for the time until they resolved the case or barring that, return the girl to him if he wished to adopt her.

Well, Arthur had a lot on his plate really; he wasn’t ready to be a father when he had so many things in the pipeline. Nonetheless, he left in a dour mood—barely a day and she’d already grown on him without a word said even. He imagined what would have happened if she could talk.

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