《Eryth: Strange Skies [Old]》Announcement


This weekend's been a wee bit busier than the rest. Its usually the only time I get to work out some crinkles in the story and all that. The content's there but the continuity's taken a beating after a while, that reflects badly on the quality of the story. Therefore, for this week, the schedule might be a little sketchy as I hopefully take a small detour to patch some holes. It won't take long :)

Barring that,

A first time writer stumbles sometimes. Happens. Sometimes, the story is spontaneous, me, I just write what comes to mind. Though I do have little, well, maybe not so little anymore. I have notes on my phone and some on my drive which I jot down all the elements use for my world building. I even wrote the character sheet recently.

When I heard that the first two chapters were too clunky to make for an easy landing I went back to the drawing board. Turns out having someone with a brain to pick is very enlightening. I found the needless tautology that a grammar checker would not find, found the missing continuity and out of context clues that didn't mesh well. And I got some comments about the prose; it was going in the right direction.

But for the dynamics between characters, I would have been satisfied. However, see...features of a character can cause misconception. Case in point, the Harem trope which, need I say, everyone ...well, mostly everyone recoils from.

Its been milked dry; there is no novelty there. For some reason, as a plot device, its how do I say it, bland. I hope that doesn't come out as an attack, there are well written books with the trope, where the side characters don't come out looking like NPCs or 2D fixtures without depth.


Anyway, the crux of the matter is. I rewrote the first lets say 15 chapters that dwell on Arthur's (Artie's) entry into Eryth. It was a bold step; I wanted to change the atmosphere and have new readers look at my work and not say the first thing that comes to mind is a Harem route. So, I went and made it grittier, exposed the man to the harsher reality sooner rather than later. I think It worked...that is my opinion. I do hope you think the same.

And while the first Arc is not standalone, the change will only cause minimal issues with the continuity of the story's course.

Thanks for reading :)

Story continues sometime this coming week.

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