《Handyman》Chapter 10: Maternal Care


Talo lay across unblemished white sheets. His breathing was deep and even. Paquine attended him even in his unconsciousness. He already soiled himself three times, but even that didn’t wake him. Rather than concern, Powaw took this as a good sign that his gastrointestinal tract still functioned. Paquine remained nervous and did what little she could do to keep him hydrated.

Every twenty minutes or so, she chanted in orans. Her water magic would gather above her, pulling moisture from the air and two basins by her side. One basin was filled with the holy water that Brother Caloner blessed just two days earlier. The other was filled with élan water, a precious liquid that substantiated from the remains of saints. It was collected for barter by a great many religious communities. Caloner supplied this as well, still concerned at the possibility of harming the Grand Duke’s son.

After Paquine gathered and mixed the liquid above her, she brought her arms down over Talo. She would wave her hands slowly back and forth over his body. The mixed vapor would condense over his skin as her hand passed. Even though the toddler did not quite reach 100cm long, it was tiring work. She worked her hips into the motion to reduce the load on her arms and drank mana rich shakes to maintain her energy. She would only take a two hour break to sleep, leaving two nurses to care in her stead.

The cost of such care was overwhelming. Ignoring the cost of labor, which was of a standard that it couldn’t be bought, the materials used each day could be traded for the entire harvest of an average farmer. Still, this kept his body in pristine condition as he slept.

Please, please wake up, Paquine thought. I can’t let you fall under my care. I shouldn’t have let the lecher close to you. I should have shielded you with my own body if I had to. I should—


“Aaaaaaaa,” cried Talo. He immediately massaged his temples.

“Marquiiiiiiis,” squealed Paquine. She dove down and held him against her chest. “You’re up, you’re up, you’re up! You had us so worried.” Talo began to flail his arms around while yelling into her chest. “That’s it dear, let it out. I’m here, you don’t need to be worried.” Talo began frantically pushing against her. Paquine leaned back and said, “Is everything alright?”

“Huh, huh, couldn’t breathe… Thank you, but maybe you can sit back a bit?” Paquine frowned at this. She just didn’t want to let him go. He was so adorable and cute, and he was her charge.

“Could you let my mother know I’m up? I’m starving.”

“Of course, My Lord. Please drink this in the interim.” Paquine took up a glowing origami crane and crushed it in her hands. His diction improved markedly, she thought.

“How long was I out?” Talo began to look around the room. He was somewhere in the palace he had never been before. The walls, tile floor, and bedding were all white. There were a few pieces of mahogany furniture that seemed in stark contrast to the blanched theme.

“Two and half days, My Lord. Let me put some pillows behind you, to help you sit up.”

“No, I’m quite fine. Where is Caloner? I need to have a long conversation with him.”

“Be careful sitting up, My Lord.” Paquine moved to support his back. “I don’t think meeting with such a man is the best idea until you’ve recovered your strength.”

“I feel fine now, really. I’m actually surprised I don’t need to go to the bathroom or anything.” All of the staff assigned to Talo were quite surprised at how early he potty trained. Paquine didn’t want to shame him by letting him know he soiled himself several times in his sleep.


Suddenly the door burst open. “My baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyy!” Alsoomose rushed to her son’s side and scooped him up into her arms.

“Be careful, Your Grace. He may—”

“Oh my HurHur, my sweet HurHur! Are you alright, can you speak? I’ll kill him myself if he fried your brain.”

“Mom! Please...please stop spinning. I’m fine. I’m just hungry.” Talo then put on the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. “Milk?”

“Yes, of course. Anything you want dear.” She immediately flew open her blouse and started feeding him. She slowly stroked his head, and whispered, “There, there, it’s ok. Mama's here.” After a few minutes the milk ran dry in her left breast. “That’s it for that side dear, let’s switch.”

“That’s the best mom. I really am quite well. In truth, I’ve never felt more invigorated.”

“Oh, look at my baby using big words.”

“Quite true mother. All the more reason, however, that I need to speak with Br. Caloner. There is much to discuss, now that I understand more about the state of Mankato.”

“Shhhh..., baby. You don’t need to worry over the state of the world. You are still mamma’s little baby.” At this she began nursing him on her right breast. Soon, it too went dry.

“Of course, I will always be your little boy.” More doe eyes, come on sell it, schemed Talo. “That means I can have more of the milk I need to grow right?”

“Oh...dear… I don’t know sweetie, I didn’t express any while you were out. That might be the end of the milk...forever.”


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