《Fayde of the Void》Update on hiatus


I have been meaning to put out an update for a while now. Sorry for the long hiatus. Due to the popularity of my fiction, Empire of Souls on webnovel, I have been focusing on that story for the past several months. That doesn't mean I have given up on Fayde of the Void however. I have put too much time and effort into the story to give up on it and I plan to start writing again for it soon.

Another reason I haven't written in a long time is also due to the fact that I am considering rewriting the earlier parts of the story. I feel like a change in the main character is necessary (to make him a little more assertive) and also some of the other aspects of the early story need to be changed. I am considering whether to make the story a little more gritty instead of light hearted. Also, I wanted to change some of the earlier encounters and also have a little of a darker overall setting. There are various other things I have thought of changing as well like the RPG elements a bit, expand on some of the different events and also develop some of the characters more.

Anyway, I would love to get some feedback or thoughts from you guys who read the story. I know you guys probably just want me to finish Volume 4 already lol. I am considering releasing this story on webnovel as well and if I do that, I really need to improve the story. I am just not satisfied with a lot of the earlier material as it is now and want to retain more readers throughout the story.

Please share your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, whatever as long as the conversation is positive. Thanks a lot and I really appreciate the many of you who have stuck with the fiction and continue to wait patiently. I really do feel a lot of guilt about leaving the story hanging for so long but my time is limited and there is only so much I can do at the moment. I will have more time over the summer to hopefully do a lot of writing.

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