《Monster Girl Fusion.》XXXI. Moo!


A mass grave filled with both the bodies of the fallen enemies and the scientist was both deep and long, the number of casualties was uncountable. Avelyn and Mandilyn had been at collecting bodies for hours. “Urk,” Mandilyn dry-heaved after she brought the latest body to the edge of the pit. She looked at her hands, and they were dripping in blood, maggots, and dirt. She dry-heaved again and smacked her palms together rapidly to rid herself of the insect larvae.

“Hah!” Avelyn laughed effortlessly, chucking a body into the grave. “Buck-tooth, you can’t handle a little dead meat?”

Mandilyn continued to almost throw up instead of answering Avelyn. The summer heat made the bodies decomposing much faster than it usually would have. “Shut up, meat-head! Just do the thing!” She shouted before she had to return.

Avelyn could not help but continuously laugh at the rabbit-woman hunched over and gasping for fresh air. Even though the breeding ground for flies was harshly revolting, the flying insects stared clear away from her, something with the intense heat she’d often give off.

“Just a second, buck-tooth. I’m not done enjoying this!” Avelyn taunted and continuously soaked in the miserable aura of the rabbit.

“Avelyn!” Mandilyn yelled out.

“Alright fine,” Avelyn said, waving her off. Around her, several spell circles lit up, each one intricate and magical in design. They bounced around the area until they aligned horizontally, slowly they raised just above her heavily fanged mouth.

“Huh,” Mandilyn said in bewilderment. The sudden use of a spell distracting her from the stench and numerous flying bugs.

A bright red beam exploded from Avelyn’s mouth, going through the center of each of the circles. The beam traveled through the pit, liquifying everything it touched, armor, corpses, and even the dirt. Once it reached its maximum distance, the beam expanded in the form of a magmatic eruption. The hot pool consumed everything that was beneath it.

Avelyn sighed heavily after doing it and put a hand on her chest. She turned to the rabbit-woman, “You’re welcome,” she smiled condescendingly.


Mandilyn rolled her eyes with extreme exaggeration while crossing her arms, in a monotone voice, she said, “Thank you.”

“Using a magma spell for clean up? Unorthodox, but it works, I guess.” Arslan said, approaching the two with a leash in his left hand, followed by a large black and white cow. “You’re going to have to work on that mana consumption. On the battlefield, there isn’t time to recoup after using up all your stamina like that.”

Avelyn blew a stack of black mouth out from her mouth and crossed her arms. “If that’s how it is, then practice more.”

Mandilyn cocked an eyebrow and immediately began zipping around the animal. Arslan watched her, but did not interrupt her investigations; she looked like she was on a mission, after all.

“Alright, I don’t get it. What’s with the cow?” Mandilyn asked.

“She’s going to help us with the clean up of this place,” Arslan answered. “And by us, I mean you two.”

Avelyn cracked her knuckles and then licked her lips, her reptilian tongue coming out further than her chin. “Alright, you only need a few of the body parts, right?”

“Hold it, Avelyn,” Arslan commanded. “You two really sucked on your own.” Arslan held up a totem in the shape of a cow. A magical circle went around it and caused it to burst into flames.

“Moo!” The cow shouted. Its muscles began bulging and throbbing. Each iteration was making it’s mooing louder and more distorted. The muscles in each limb swelled twice its size and had it gain a bipedal stance, its hooves split and became fingers.

While it was busy transforming, Arslan snuck his way behind the two girls watching the whole thing with varying expressions. “Ladies,” he whispered. “Meet the minotaur!”

The minotaur was breathing heavily; its cow head remained the same; however, the horns were now black, sharper, and more substantial. The body was humanoid and sported muscles that would make any ‘A’-tier adventurer shutter. A pink fleshy udder bounced around like jelly with every movement.


‘Mooo!” The minotaur roared its voice shaking the very ground. It charged at the group horns first. Avelyn moved to the front and grabbed on, but the minotaur had a backup plan.

“Whoa!” Avelyn was pulled from the ground and lifted; her body weight meant nothing to this creature; it was a far stronger opponent than any that she fought. Avelyn dangled onto the horns for dear life; for the first time in her life, she was being thrown around like a ragdoll.

It only took a minute of thrashing for her to let go and start flying towards the ground. Avelyn landed on her back, and she slid a solid five feet before stopping at the feet of Mandilyn. “Ow,” Avelyn whispered in pain.

“Arslan, you can’t be serio...ious” Mandilyn started to say but realized Arslan was no longer anywhere to be found.

“Moo!” roared minotaur as it grabbed Avelyn by the leg and pulled her back into the fight. Pissed off, Avelyn kicked the beast in the snout temporarily making it let go, the minotaur covered its nose and allowed her some breathing room. Until a brown magic circle was underneath its foot, the moment, it stomped down a rock pillar shot up from beneath Avelyn and sent her skyward.

The minotaur then positioned itself for Avelyn to land on the horns.

Just seconds before Avelyn was going to fall back down; there was a flying kick to the minotaur’s face. Just for a second, it was like time slowed, seconds became minutes only because the kick was highly ineffective and the minotaur. Regret showed slowly on Mandilyn’s face. The minotaur grabbed her and slammed her into the ground; seconds later, Avelyn landed right next to her.

“Y-you’re welcome,” Mandilyn said while wincing in pain.

“Shut up, buck-tooth,” Avelyn growled.

The minotaur stood above them, mooing victoriously and beating its chest. The monster was filled with pure ecstasy being able to punish the weak and inexperienced.

“This b-bitch,” Mandilyn grumbled while trying to pick herself up from her dirt imprint, for sure her arm was broken, but pain to her was temporary while victory would be everlasting. “Hey, Fire-breath,” she called out.

“What,” Avelyn replied.

“I have a plan; you see those udders?”


“I’m going to kick them.”

“That sounds really dumb, buck-tooth. Anything different?”

“Kick the shit out of them, but you have to distract them.”

Avelyn sat up and sighed, “Fine.” She ran towards the minotaur.

The minotaur cockily readied its hoof-fists in a defensive posture. Seemingly this action pissed Avelyn off. She stopped and planted her foot in the ground and threw a punch.

The minotaur covered her face with her arm, blocking the impact. She was moved slightly from the force. She moo’d arrogantly and grabbed Avelyn by both shoulders and lifted her. She slowly squeezed inward. For the first time, Avelyn screamed in pain.

Mandilyn finding the opportunity came from underneath with her lightning-fast speed. At point-blank range, she used the udders to stop her movement. The pink flesh-bags went so far inward the monster dropped to its knees in an instant. The minotaur let out a moo of pain. The moment Avelyn was let go, she put all of her strength into a single uppercut. Knocking the creature out, just out of pettiness, she even took, and deep breath in and scorched the minotaur’s head until only ash and skull fragments remained.

Both girls immediately feel to the ground, exhausted.

“Nice work, fire-breath,” Mandilyn said with tears slowly coming from her eyes.

“Maybe, you have earned the right to be called a warrior, Buck-tooth,” she replied. The two girls laughed off the pain and exhaustion.

“You two did well,” Arslan said, coming into their minimal view. “Even though your opponent outclassed you, you found a weak spot and took advantage of it and came out victorious.”

“Woohoo,” Mandilyn said sarcastically, still laying on the ground.

Arslan pulled out his knife, slicing the minotaur’s heart out. He placed it in a jar, then shouted, “I don’t need the rest...whos hungry!?”

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