《Yuusha Isekai! Youjo Suki!》21. Negotiation


The full plated demons helm and joints creak slightly as he momentarily hesitates

"I am Kerkyon, the baron of the Van'atel steppe. I tell you my name in the interest of honour."

Looks like a knight, talks like a knight. Aria and Kiku, stood some distance from his left side, and still battle ready, look somewhat gobsmacked. I suppose talking to the enemy is something they wouldn’t ever conceive.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"Hmmph... what a foolish question. As you have doubtless ascertained, my mission is to end the lives of the ones known as Sages."

Well... yeah... it was kind of a captain obvious thing. I get the impression his patience is very low for me already, so stepping on a second mine like that is not an option.

"Why is it you war on humanity at all?"

"Why does the Etranger believe his enemy will enlighten him? He merely has to follow his calling and fight."

"In my world, we like to think fighting is the last resort." I state... which is partially true for some of the time.

"Naive. When a disease spreads, you remove the carriers before they fester."

Scorched Earth policy, is it? I can kind of understand. Fortunately, I was never one of those weird human rights activists. I liked to think my morals avoided outright slaughter, but I was the kind where logical justification could overrule atrocity, as long as it had good evidence.

Similarly, I don't feel hate in his statement, just a matter of fact attitude. Perhaps I'm not much of a champion of humanity, but I'm well aware how scummy people can be, and though my gut feeling was generally positive about those I've met so far, who knows if my sense is accurate? Fundamentally, I'm in this because I'm loyal to cute girls and supportive of underdogs.


"Is that all? If you lay down your arms, I will grant you and your charges a swift death. Your struggle is merely a waste of my time." Kerkyon gloats.

No room for negotiation. There never was. He has his orders, and he is the type to follow them to his grave. I still wish I had further information... well, why not try it...

I use Identify Other.









STATUS: Electrical resist is 90% whilst surrounded by air.


Identify Identification has cancelled further information!


I feel a shock feedback in my head that gives me an ever increasing splitting headache! I deactivate Identify Other and it fades, just before I scream in agony. I still stagger backwards as my vision swirls and my ears ring, like I’ve just been hit by a flash-bang. Shit!

"YOU DARE! HOW DO YOU!? DIE!!!" He shouts, not wasting any further time, and charging right at me, great sword performing a rising vertical sweep at me, suddenly.

"ELIJAH!" Aria squeals, launching herself towards me. She won't make it.

Thank god for Precognitive Evasion saving me twice in one day. I almost feel my spine breaking for being strained so hard, but I bend backwards in rapid reaction, staggering completely off balance.

It still hurts like a bitch as the tip of the great-sword runs up my torso, splitting my tunic and my chainmail, and missing my nose by less than an inch. But it has prevented me from being instantly bisected.

I fall prone on my ass for the second time today, and Kerkyon brings the blade round in an overhead to finish me, but Aria is now there, and slams into him at full charge from the side, swinging her spear in an arc. His enmity must have been truly overwhelming for him to not block her over focusing on my death.


His armour takes most of the blow, however, and he backflips away from Kiku's and Kaede's supplementary strike before any hits can skewer him.

The girls take up positions guarding me again as I quickly roll to my feet.

Identify Identification, eh? That kinda sucks. It was apparently a huge faux pas to use my first big trick.

But even the tiniest information it granted me gives me a plan. I look over the Sage, who is no longer heaving for breath at least, but is still crouched down, looking sort of out of it. We really did just get here in time. Well, I think so… hard to tell with that robe.

Kerkyon is now almost shuddering in fury, but knows he can’t just come and skewer me this time with the girls directly in front of me. This is a serious crapshoot, but I think I have to bet on it. I whisper to the girls.

“Ladies; I have a plan, but I’ll have to ask you to keep him busy for a minute? And when I shout ‘now’, Kaede, you must use your Serene Wave Jutsu on him.”

There is a subtle nod from Kiku and Aria almost straight away. Kaede spares me a strange glance for a moment before putting her eyes back to the battle, but I assume that was an acknowledgement.

They all glance to one another, and with some surprisingly well timed synergy, burst forwards once more.

Round two, start!

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