《Yuusha Isekai! Youjo Suki!》18. Rogue-Like


Aria looks somewhat teary eyed at Kaede's statement. Even if she has to kill demons, Aria's still a kind girl after all.

I realise I still haven't used Identify Other on Kaede, so I do so:






HP>> 18/18 (=STR+END)

MP>> 37/37 (=INT+PER)



Strength 7

Agility 30

Endurance 11

Intellect 16

Perception 21

Charisma 19

> (A natural with thrown weapons, especially Kunai, which have a near 100% accuracy rate, and may be thrown several times per second)

> (Some training with Short Curved Blades, +1 Strength and Agility to use)

> (Chance to dodge even if unaware of threat, +10 to Agility for dodges made proactively, upgrade of Heightened Threat Awareness)

> (Has some skill in the tending of plants. +1 Agility and Intellect to do so.)

> (Extremely quiet movement. +15 Agility to move without a sound.)

> (Highly dexterous. +15 Agility to Climb, Vault, Balance and Jump.)

> (Martial Skill, Doubles Critical Hit Damage on Sneak Attack, costs 2 MP)

> (Ninjutsu Skill, Summons a geyser of water to disorient foes and knock them prone, costs 10 MP)

> (Greater Ninjutsu Skill, Covers self with light bending illusion. Effective vs magical sight, but not holy vision, warding magic, or threat assessment skills, costs 10 MP)

That... dayum, I don't know how the whole title system does its thing on this, but it pulls no punches. With a destroyed village, she’s already more like a protagonist than I am!

Kaede suddenly gives me a glare, narrowing her eyes. It occurs to me that if she has Precognitive Evasion; that means she upgraded Heightened Threat Awareness, like I did. And if someone was asking my soul for an information printout, I'm also fairly sure that would feel threatening. I think about apologising, but...


"You... you examine your tools with a keen eye, yes? It is a feeling like the old master, that strips you bare, with a gaze." She states matter of factly.

Oh shit, a ninja jii-san who had identify other? He must have been scary! If the usual clichés hold with those, I guess that means the demons that razed her home must have been skilled.

Meanwhile, Aria gives me a hateful gaze and Kiku fidgets whilst grinning again.

"Nii is such a player... already stripping the new girl with his eyes, even in front of Aria-chan, hehehe..." Kiku snickers.

I think Kiku is developing a third side to her, an O RLY side, and I'm not sure what to think of it.

"Out of interest, this man is your sibling, sword-girl, yes?"

Kiku is put on the spot.

"Eh wot? Hells bells no. And um... sorry I didn't say... my name is Kiku." She replies.

"But is this not a term of familial affection, yes? Why do you hence address him so, Kiku-sama?"

Truly an assassin who strikes to the very heart of the matter. Kiku recoils and takes on an 'eheh?' expression, with eyes like a casual criminal caught shoplifting.

"It was something I mentioned offhand, about... my real sisters... and they decided they wanted to address me that way." I decide to throw her a lifeline. It wasn't untrue, per se.

Aria has put on her scary hannya face again, but can't refute it, since she wanted to keep up with Kiku for some reason.

"I see. Then if you are of mind to allow me to accompany you in your venture, I shall address you as Nii-sama also, yes?"

My nose almost explodes again from the excitement. I want to tear at a Kleenex and hold back blubby tears. The cold sternness of that delivery from her doll-like face!


"That would be fantastic!!" I almost shout, surging forwards and grasping her hands in mine.

She looks as startled as a deer in the headlights for a moment, then mildly confused, before her mouth briefly quirks up. It's fascinating, her subtle and stoic face really looks like it is trying emotions out for the first time.

Aria audibly sighs with irritation.

"Kekeke... holy bollocks, Aria, a challenger approaches." Rowdy Kiku has mirth instead.

According to certain internet communities, I am being quite a filthy sleazebag right now. Thinking of the children, or rather, being aware of Aria on an intercept vector whilst shaking in fury, I release the Ninja girls hand.

"Y-you r-realllly like making decisions like this on your owwwnnn, Oniii-chan..."

A shiver runs down my spine. I swear Aria is going to go yandere at this rate. I should probably attempt to restrain myself in the future... but doing that is like attempting to stop breathing for me. My brain struggles to spew out logic.

"I...I don't think it’s a bad call. It is normal to have a stealthy person in any successful party, for scouting purposes?"

Aria is blown backwards by my table slamming objection! Or at least I delude myself into thinking so, but she actually stands firm. Her jaw works as she glares.

"Um... he has a point, Aria. A rogue type is an essential catch... um... are you able to..." Kiku asks

"Yes. It is a standard part of training, dealing with life threatening traps whilst gathering information, Kiku-sama." Kaede replies whilst nodding.

“Just… do whatever you want… hmmph!” Aria pouts.

And just like that, Ninja-get!

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