《Yuusha Isekai! Youjo Suki!》13. Humor Me


Kiku goes ‘Uguuuuu, you wot!?’, whilst looking at the chipped and warped blade she threw.

“I’m sorry, Kiku. I didn’t think it might ruin your sword.” I apologise.

“Um… oh… well… these things happen? T-Though I’ve actually never seen anything like that, specifically, happen. This child is no longer good for throwing.”

“Can it be fixed?” I ask.

“Um… I think so… but not for a while. I’ll have to find a professional.” She replies

“Perhaps we could strip some of the carapace to help with your costs?” Aria suggests.

“Un… good idea…” Kiku nods.

So, at Aria's behest; we strip a couple of the few unburnt chitin plates from the crawler. I use my staff as a lever to help the girls hack them off, but the whole process still takes a fair while.

"This stuff valuable, then?" I ask.

"Absolutely. To a skilled monster-smith; this could make some pretty sweet armour. Not my thing; but regular troops and some guys love it." Aria nods assertively.

The plates, pried free, are surprisingly lightweight and have a black lustre. Two plates just barely fit into the sack after some creative rearrangement.

It’s interesting to me that there is a specialist 'monster-smith' professional. But makes sense, part of me oft rankled at the idea that your standard fantasy blacksmiths expertise with materials was so wide as to include things like this as well.

Speaking of materials, I also gather some of the tough and coarse glassy sand. Kiku looks puzzled.

"This is ground incinerated so hard by a meteor impact that it's practically glass." I point out. I'm not sure that’s entirely correct to be honest, as Geology was never a speciality of mine, but it sounds convincing.

"Is this for another weapon of yours?" She queries.


"Maybe." I add. I thought it was just a neat abrasive and a pretty coloured sand, to be fair, but I guess it could be used as some ingredient in a pretty horrid grapeshot once I figure those out.

We set off once more. We've gone slightly off track due to the chase scene, but Aria climbs a tree at the crater edge like some kind of monkey and confirms the location of the brook from before. She sure is an unconventional princess, but I guess I like that about her.

"Um... Elijah... you sure are staring up the tree intently... hehe... a view up her skirt must be a treasure to you after all..." Kiku smirks at me.

Oh shit. That was not my intent!

Aria leaps off like intending to drop attack me, and with some emergency reflex, I leap backwards.

"D-dooooon't dodge yooouu peeerrrvert!" She cries as she lands with a dirt rising impact that shakes the trees and makes several flocks of birds take flight.

No-no; I wasn't confident I could survive that with just 'Lolicon EX', Aria, with your crazy strength multiplied by gravity! Don't you know spamming drop attacks is a good way to cheese bosses?

"I was only marvelling at your climbing. Originally I was concerned you might fall but my worries were unfounded."

Aria pouts and stomps off.

She looks over her shoulder with a shaft head-tilt, blushing slightly.

"The tower isn't that far now. I can see it on the horizon." She says.

"You lead, then. I'll be behind you every step of the way." I reply.

"You better be. I can't let you outta my sight for a minute. Who knows what you'd do to Kiku..." She grins.

"Uh... what? If Elijah is sleeping with you, princess, I don't think he's very interested in sleeping with a fighter-girl like me." Kiku snarks.



"Now, now girls, sharing is a virtue, you know." I add.

"Oh be quiet!" They both yell, in perfect sync.

They look at each other and burst out laughing again.

"Seriously, I think Elijah will kill me with laughter long before Cultivator blows me up..." Aria snickers.

"You're right, Aria. Well, at least you'll die in his bed that way!" Kiku adds.

"Oh shut up, Kiku!"

They burst out laughing again.

They're such good friends already, aren't they? Makes me feel good just watching them.

As we leave the crater behind, I spare a final glance for the incinerated Crawler. I still get a slight sense of unease, as if something is still watching us, but its eyes are blank and unmoving.

"Rest in peace." I say under my breath to the horrid thing.

Don't know why I felt like saying that. Do giant insects turn into ghosts to haunt you? Flaming centipede rusalkas? It’s a fantasy world, so who knows what’s possible…

"Come on, Elijah!" I hear from Aria.

I shake my head free of dumb thoughts and weird paranoia, and turn to follow my cute charges into the forest.

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