《Yuusha Isekai! Youjo Suki!》5. Press F to Cry


Plans for the future: Pick up new party members and grind like a farming bitch.

An awe-inspiring idea. Unfortunately, I don’t have a strategy guide, and I’m not Korean. So things like fatigue and un-optimised play are going to be real issues. I don’t have any big cheats besides my huge skill tree, and I won’t know the stats of the Megazombie dragon until I meet it. At that point, it will be too late to realise I haven’t got a good enough level.

Not to mention, I’m from that portion of slothful, indolent citizenry in a developed nation to whom the definition of murder is restricted to using a can of fly-killer. I’m suddenly going to have to de-humanise and slaughter wholesale things for personal benefit. Given the world-state I’m sure eventually one of these things will be at least human-shaped. If I break at that point and can’t take it. If I balk at burning flesh and spilt guts and monster welfare and how things are going to be here. If I try to impose my post-modern ideals into a place where they just won’t fit. If any of this happens, I’m probably a dead man. Or at least, I will be relying on Aria to bail me out.

This is the real problem. In actual web-novels, it feels like the protagonists are always convenient psychopaths from the start. I guess psychology isn’t the number one concern of the teenage power fantasy. God knows people complain about it anyway.

But this, this is real. Or at least… I perceive it to be real. Everyone is the protagonist of their own story and all of that.

To be honest; I don't know how to tackle this predicament right now.

"D-Do you like the city?" Says Aria, interrupting my stupor.


"Ah yes. It is as lovely as the girl stood with me."

"N-ngh t-thats not true..."

She smiles radiantly as she looks down, blushing, and fidgets again. She loves this place; huh?

Well, I didn't lie. I didn't expect much; but this city really is something... it has a grandeur that only gothic architecture can provide, crowding a peninsula, and the azure sea stretches out beyond. Flags and banners flap lazily in the wind; the streets are lively, and a sewer ensures it doesn't even smell that bad. Unlike what one should expect from a renaissance-era city, it was clearly planned out to a good extent. Its character is akin to a gentle castle town from my home; but vastly larger.

"I thought you would be shocked by the vehicles though, it’s kinda boring you didn't react..." Aria cutely puffs her cheeks.

Ah yes. It has hovercraft! They're not everywhere like earth, and they're slow and not elegant. More like flying steel skiffs. They glide along stealthily though; and some can rise vertically, without fumes.

"I was a bit surprised. We have steel things called cars in my world that are faster and make smoke and can't fly, but they are similar."

"Kaarrz? How weird. You said there was no magic, so I thought..."

"Oh right. It’s not magic. They burn fuel to make it move."

Aria looks confused as we walk down the concourse; passing another skiff which is loading some merchant’s cargo on-board with big iron pallets. We arrive at a militaristic building which is oozing with people in various martial gear. Some of them nod to Aria, and she seems in a good mood now.

She has since changed into a green tank top and a pink skirt with a flowing regal blue cloak and matching blue knee socks. There is also a suspiciously Christian-looking holy symbol round her neck, and a large blackened steel pike slung over back which is nearly half again her height.


Despite her lack of armour, it’s pretty majestic and she looks at home with this setup; rather than that noble dress. I knew already she was a spear-girl; but the dissonance between her and her pike is still a startling reminder of her explosive strength.

Funnily enough; I must not stick out too much even though I’m sure I’ve been gawking a bit. I've been given some chainmail with green livery from the castle to go over my padded tunic, and a solid, beautiful staff. I think Legato and his advisers still weren't too enamoured by me when I was presented to the inner court just an hour ago; but I haven't been thrown out at least.

I probably look like a guard or ward to this baka-princess. Not that she needs it.

I follow the confident; strutting paladin princess; passing by furtive glances from warrior types and enter the building. I can assume with some confidence that this is the mercenaries guild.

Much like when I was on the street, I identify several people on the way inside the large archway using my new skill. Aria is actually pretty powerful compared to the average here; the highest level I’ve seen was a rare few in the high teens, so I guess it’s due to the capital being sort of safe.

The inside resembles a lively cross between a tavern and an armoury. Many martial looking men and women mill about; some jesting, drinking, and dicing, and others sparring and sharpening weapons. It’s nothing if not atmospheric.

I should point out everyone is human. No pointy ears or little ones with beards. The ages and hair colours are wildly variable; but that’s all. It’s a mild disappointment to any otaku coming into a fantasy world when he finds there are no cat-girls; I mean, we want them so bad in reality that thousands of dollars fly into kickstarters for games about them. But at least there's the anime hair; and for some reason, since its natural, it actually looks good on people, unlike hair-dyed people on earth.

I followed Aria to the centre of the building's rowdy common area; where there hovered a trio of peculiarly large brass spheres that swirled with mysterious symbols. Gradually these coalesced into English I could understand, and I could see this was a terminal that worked liked the BBS or forum for the guild. Magitech at it’s finest… and probably saves on them having loads of receptionists.

Aria tapped new request, and then, request party member. I guess it all truly begins here, huh?

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