《Yuusha Isekai! Youjo Suki!》3. Lost Words


Yes, well… after mildly trolling Legato, I did indeed explain that my Ougi was to learn anything and everything, and I apologised for being a poor hero. He grimaced and Aria looked as though she was about to cry again. Poor girl’s had a lot of emotions today, but I’m thinking this one has a bit of shame mixed in there as she probably thinks her baka-side has wrecked the summon and she can’t live up to her Dad’s expectations and justify his worries.

After downing another goblet the Ninja Maid produced from somewhere, he continued the exposition dump to me.

“I am sorry, then, to have called you in this way. Preparations to send you back can be started up immediately, and you should be back in no more than thirty days. Oh, and to return to your original question, as you are separate from your dimension and whilst you are still under your world’s protection, you stop existing in the other world, but equally, you will return, when you do, to a time not far departed from when you left. I don’t know the exact timescale, as that varies by the world, but we have determined it to be quite small. Days equal minutes usually.”

Like an extended dream then. I could probably spend a couple of years here and still get to work on time tomorrow when I went back. And… it was a Friday night when I left, so make that four years. I might miss some calls, and not make it for the usual gamer’s meet-up, but that’s it. I doubt anyone else would notice much. Kinda depressing when you think about it, but that’s how it goes.

Of course, I’m not wanted here, though. It seems a shame to waste this opportunity, but I suppose I get why he’s eager to send me back so they can give it another shot… I could be useful, but not without training up loads for skill points. Given the immediate threat, they need someone who can punch the Eldritch Dragon Demon in the face pronto without issue. And someone ideally even stronger than their previous ikemen with Excalibur. I’m guessing he failed, since they know a fair bit about summons.


“I see. That’s good to know. So you will send me back and try the luck of the draw again? It’s unfortunate, but I understand…”

Aria looked even more morose and shook her head. It was the first time she had opened her mouth in a while.

“No, I’m done. You are my Etranger, Elijah. We have formed an inseparable bond of sorts with the process. If I did it again, I would die instantly.”

“Then; you have more siblings? A twin sister?” I replied with concern.

“No. I’m the youngest, I’m thirteen this year. That’s it, we’re done…”

Oh my! She really is dead centre in my strike zone! But… ahem! That’s some shitty news.

“And Jeraldine, the country, will you be able to seek protection from others? Will other countries summon Etranger as well?” I confirmed with Legato.

“No. We have long been allies with the adjacent Summerlands; but their hands are full, much like the other three countries which border the demon army and its territories. We are the last on the list to try out the summon process, as we have a heritage with it, as you may have ascertained from our knowledge of the process. Because five nations are united in front for now, we are holding them back, but gradually losing ground, and the regular forces can’t last against demons and the undead forever, when the opponent has limitless stamina and forces. It is said, right now, that we have perhaps a year, and this is with assurance of supplies from our rearmost neighbour, Tessalatoria, whom are not the most reliable, politically.”

Makes sense. Someone get the nerf-bat on that demon force, it’s too OP to not have to worry about casualties and supply points!

“As you have probably ascertained, my eldest daughter Cadence summoned the Etranger of world of Aden; Joshua Tiramoris, six months ago, and travelled with him into the demonic forces. They had some successes; but ultimately, he teleported back here, critically wounded, three months later holding her body, and rapidly fading away, returning to his world from the loss of his summoner, in the process. We will never learn what happened, but it was a grievous blow for us all…”


“…then, in grief, my middle daughter Melody also attempted to summon. I believe she erred, possibly trying to get Joshua again, which cannot be done, or possibly just attempting something beyond her ken. I don’t know for sure. She still lives, but never wakes from a slumber…”

Cadence, Melody and Aria. There is musical theme going on here, isn’t there? Thinking about it, I think Legato is something like that as well? Um… that’s not important though. Basically, I’m the final shot. Aria’s biggest sister is dead, and big sister is in a coma. Aria is actually crying now; silently into a tissue provided by Ninja-Maid. My new enhanced vision and Lolicon EX skill won’t miss that! This poor little girl. I want to protect her even more now.

Legato has descended into a sombre mood, understandably.

I think it through. There’s a lot of danger, by the sounds of things. Originally I thought I would get some boons from this place when I arrived, because that’s the normal scenario, but it seems that’s not the case. I’m going to have to go on a serious quest for skill-points. And I’ve got a year, probably less, to do it. I’m even being offered an easy way out, at the expense of all these people, because I don’t really meet their expectations.

I don’t know them that well though. Sure, they seem nice people, but I’m not some Shounen Protagonist who fights for their friends. I’m old enough to know that there is no such thing as black and white, good and evil, so I imagine the demon forces have their own viewpoint. I may even be stepping into the shoes of an aggressor, here. And as cute as this girl is, doing her gusu-gusu into her tissue, I have no obligation to risk my life (presumably) for her. I mean, I’ve got a stable life and friends and everything back home. It wasn’t a fantastic life, but I was content enough, wallowing in my own patch of mud.

So why do I still feel as though I should? I don’t know. But I was never one to allow an underdog to lose for no reason. It tickles my naïve sense of justice.

This feeling floods me with an annoying sense of duty and swells my chest. Ah! Whatever!

I stand up suddenly, surprising the father and daughter. Ninja Maid remains stoic as ever. The words fall out of my mouth uncensored and uncontrolled.

“Aria! I have decided! No matter how much I disappoint you. No matter how much it hurts. No matter how long it is. This quest will bind us and we shall become one together!”

Sometimes I swear this ‘Lolicon EX’ skill is affecting my speech.

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