《The Primordial》Prologue


—Surrounded by incredibly tall mountains, a villa was situated next to a small, picturesque lake—

It was the start of Spring, where everything was awakening and regaining its vitality. The trees and foliage were becoming greener while a multitude of flowers were blooming, all covered in dew with a fresh smell in the air. Birds moving to and fro, chirping endlessly in a beautiful tune, while the crystal-clear lake was teeming with fish of all sizes and colors.

Everything was suffused with life energy that was nearly tangible. This was a very rare area, especially in the Mortal Plane. Only the strong and influential could ever stay in a place like this.

At the back of this villa, a pavilion was overlooking the lake, where two women and a man were sitting and enjoying the scenery.

The man looked to be in his late 20s with hair as black as the night and a stubbly beard. He didn’t appear extraordinary; just average. Yet, when peering into his unusual, grey eyes, it was like looking into the ocean; deep and unfathomable. Like something was lying within, waiting to be unleashed.

The two woman looked nearly identical, seemingly in their early 20s, both beautiful, with a fair complexion and hair like gold, except one was a little older and mature looking with ruby eyes, while the other looked a little younger and innocent with the same grey eyes as the man.

“Mom, dad, can we stay like this forever? This is so much better than your stupid and boring sect. “ The younger girl asked expectantly, yet without waiting for a reply, proceeded to run towards that dazzling water to play around.

The man and woman turned to look at each other, both with a wry smile on their faces. They were husband and wife.

“What do you think, honey? This is the first time in over 10 years that Stella's been outside of the sect, especially with all of us together. “ The woman whispered gently, regret in her voice.

“I… You know I want that, but I have responsibilities as the future Sect Master, and we have too many enemies. It’s the safest place for her. We’re not strong enough to deter everyone… I’m not strong enough yet. After all, my cultivation might be fast, but it’s only been a little over 500 years. Even coming to the Mortal Plane for these few years has been a risk for us. The elders might only know where we went, but who knows how long it’ll stay that way? Not everyone is on master’s side. “ the man replied helplessly.

“We should leave today. It’s already been too long, and I don’t feel right. “ sighing, the man could only lament this situation. He was normally carefree, even in danger, but the situation had changed when he broke through a decade ago and became the youngest in history to reach his current realm.

Both of them had too many enemies. After fully displaying his might and talent during a recruiting tournament that the largest sects were holding, he destroyed several of those so-called geniuses, which caused many to start taking him seriously as a potential threat. Especially because of those geniuses, they absolutely had powerful backing.

His wife as well, she had many enemies, and the enmity only got stronger after pairing with him.

She was a rogue cultivator without any backing, mainly because she had only just ascended from the Mortal Plane. Many attacked her for her beauty, but unbelievably, she’s also abnormal.

Having more vigilance than most, no one really knew anything about her, except that golden hair and red eyes, but those traits were bountiful in the vast world.


That was, until she appeared as his wife. Those whose disciples or sons and daughters died by her hand realized who she was after displaying her strength alongside him. Two people, albeit not fully equal in strength, being able to skip cultivation levels in battle was incredibly rare. It was easy to connect the dots after that.

Over the long years, many of those defeated geniuses and ones who wanted to become famous, had forced both of them into life and death battles many times, causing them to have enmity with many powers.

Their only saving grace was the sect they joined; the ‘Boundless Sky’ sect. It was the most powerful sect in the Immortal plane, so it normally acted to deter many, yet not everything. Even becoming the sect master’s disciple and successor, wasn’t enough.

While both of their strength grew, and they could at least protect themselves outside, the same couldn’t be said for their daughter. She was well known because she was their child and her talent was superior to the majority.

“You’re right, honey. I can feel something tugging at my soul, but I don’t think anything will happen soon, so let’s stay a few more days, for Stella. Please. “Looking at her daughter playing near the lake, only affection was in her gaze.

Listening to those melodious, pleading words, Nox could only relent, pushing his instincts to the back of his mind.

****A few days later****

A man with short black hair and piercing, deep grey eyes was walking about inside a villa situated near the shore of a beautiful lake. Two enchanting women, one mature and one innocent, were near the lake, ankles submerged in the water.

Flowers on the outer edges were swaying with the wind, while white lotuses were floating gently on the surface of the water. It was a very peaceful scene.


A booming, tearing noise resounded above the lake, completely disrupting that picturesque environment, while a pitch-black hole suddenly manifested itself. A figure blurred into the sky from that hole.

A bright flash of light suddenly surrounding the lake, it lasted but a moment, before that figure emerged clearly from the light, floating above the lake. It was a burly middle-aged man.

“Hahahaha, I found you! Get your ass out here, Nox! “ a boisterous laugh rang from him.

“He broke the arrays! Stella, leave! “ a panicked voice left the mature woman’s mouth as she gazed towards the sky. With a wave, a gentle force shrouded and pushed the girl away towards the villa.

The middle-aged man chuckled and extended his arm, making a grasping motion. The energy around Stella popped like a bubble as she started to fly towards the man.

‘What!? This powerful?’

“NO!” shock appeared on the mature woman’s face, while she charged towards the man in desperation.

Energy erupting from her body, golden threads pierced through the air from her hands, towards the man.

“Futile. “ with a right-handed punch towards her, it seemed as if a mountain was collapsing. Simultaneously, the man chopped down his left hand towards Stella.

“Mom…” a weak voice left the girls mouth when the energy was only a few meters away.

‘Don’t worry, Stella, it won’t end like this, I promise... Be a good girl and wait… Your father will fix everything. When you return, make sure you find a way to help him; don’t let him lose his way. I love you so, so much. ‘ a gentle voice mixed with love and reassurance resounded in Stella’s mind, as a grieved yet determined expression appeared on her face. The woman sent her words via divine sense.


At their level of power, everything happened all too quickly.

–Only a few moments earlier–

Walking around the inside of the villa his family resided in the last few years, regret and yearning could be felt from Nox’s eyes. He wanted a life like this for his family, but his power still wasn’t enough.



“Hahaha, I found you! Nox, get your ass out here!"

Momentarily stunned due to the sound and presence, Nox awakened quickly.

“LIIING, STELLA! “ a deep, panicked voice boomed from him as he felt the hostile presence.

Moving in almost a blink, Nox froze in mid air like a statue. A young woman was falling from the sky, split in two. In the air above, being gripped by the neck, another woman had a massive hole in her chest with blood flowing from her mouth, oddly matching the color of her eyes.

Gazing at the silhouette falling, and the one being gripped, a jolt went through Nox's mind, bringing him out of his reverie ‘I’m sorry, Nox, I’ll be leaving first... Take good care of Stella… Only you… can bring her back… Don’t forsake yourself because of this... please, especially for her… This is all I can do… I… love you.’

Listening to that struggling, loving voice fading from his mind, an indescribable, immeasurable pain struck Nox.


Split seconds later, a massive flash and surge of golden energy erupted from Ling, quickly soaring above Stella’s body like it was gripping the void and keeping something from leaving.

A jade plate appeared in Nox’s hand, before he felt a vibration inside the ring on his hand. This was a spatial ring.

Reaching out, a dull, pitch black and red tipped sword with an ancient aura surrounding it appeared in his hand. Feeling a somewhat feminine energy conveying its will, Nox was drawn away from his pain, as he was inwardly shocked for a moment ‘A weapon spirit?’.

‘You can preserve Stella’s soul? Good! What are you called? Nyx? We’re very similar...’ Nox quickly conversed via divine sense, as he put away the plate and pointed the sword ‘Nyx' towards the light.

The golden energy then started coalescing into a small, ethereal white light, swiftly shooting into the red tip of the sword, disappearing within.

The man in the sky laughed loudly before releasing his grip, watching Lings figure fall lifelessly, albeit with a light smile on her blood covered visage.

“To think that she would sacrifice her own soul to save your daughter. Truly commendable. Alas, you two abhorrent kids killed several of my disciples, so your family will be used as an offering to placate their souls. “ The man’s voice boomed, as killing intent spread throughout the air. Energy starting to swirl around him, a massive axe appeared in his hand.

Gazing at that silhouette falling, then the sword in his hand which now housed his daughter’s soul, their bodies swiftly flew towards Nox, disappearing into his spatial ring. Slowly closing his eyes, only an eerie calm remained.

“It’s good that you know nothing will change, even if you resist. Because you didn’t destroy my disciples’ bodies, I didn’t turn your wife and daughter into dust. You should thank me for being so magnanimous. I’ve wasted enough time by not instantly killing you. You can die now! “ the man suddenly charged forth with a vicious momentum, as his energy exploded outwards.

Raising his axe and swinging it down diagonally, it made contact with Nox.


A massive shockwave of energy started spreading throughout a several dozen mile radius, creating massive ripples in space and leaving only destruction in its wake.

The mountains surrounding them, the lake, villa, villages further away; everything was affected. Yet, an unusual scene remained; the small lake was still a bit intact. It was a natural treasure with an abnormal amount of life energy, which is what allowed it to survive.

The man only briefly looked pleased at the destruction, before he felt an incredibly threatening presence from where his axe landed.

A massive surge of power spreading outwards like a wave, it cleared the dust and debris from the surroundings.

Feeling an incredibly evil power and gazing at the figure who blocked his strike, surprise and a hint of terror flashed across his eyes, before the man quickly regained his previous attitude.

“It’s surprising that an ant like you could take my blow unscathed, but you won’t ge-’

“Enough. A dead man shouldn’t talk so much.” a cold voice came from Nox. A voice suffused with so much killing intent, it was palpable.

“Come, Nyx, we’ll become Devils together! “ his voice erupting, it spread throughout the entire area.

Nyx gave off a seemingly jubilant him in acceptance, as an evil power suddenly spread outwards from Nox like a tidal wave ravaging everything in its path.

If one observed from high in the sky, what seemed like a thousand-mile radius had all life start to visibly wither and turn to dust. All vegetation and animals. Every village and city in its path. An incalculable number of living beings disappeared while the energy from them was completely absorbed. That energy became increasingly condensed before finally receding back to its source.

An unimaginably dark and bloody energy started forming a whirlpool around Nox, as runes with an immensely evil feeling appeared everywhere on his body and Nyx’s.

With one arm raising his sword towards the sky, madness appeared in his eyes, before the energy converged towards Nyx and his eyes once again regained their clarity. Nyx seemed to stave off the maddening energy entering Nox before it could corrupt him.

“Your sect, your allies, everything you know. Those elders who leaked our location. Anyone that ever had ill will towards us. I will not stop until everyone is destroyed. “

Hearing that chilling tone which could make even the devil king shiver, and the evil power ravaging everything, the surprise on his face instantly disappeared, replaced with a terrified and regretful expression. He regretted not killing him right away. Terrified because this was a method that absorbed life force for a sudden, powerful strength. It carried the immense risk of destroying the body and descending into madness. Yet, he was still lucid, and his body was fine.

Now, the only thought in his mind, was ‘Flee!’.

Swiftly turning around, the man flicked his hand, attempting to open a spatial passageway.

“Be torn asunder and turned into dust, not even your soul will be spared. “


Nox’s cold voice sounded beside his ear. Feeling that energy about to explode, only pure despair remained.

“NOOO! “ the man shouted as his face turned pale.

Swinging Nyx downwards with all his power, it was like someone cleaving apart the heaven and earth.

At that moment, it seemed as if the entire world became silent, with only something that sounded like it was being ripped apart remaining.

An incredibly large crescent only a fingers length wide was seemingly flying at the speed of light towards the man, while a tear in space and immeasurably deep gash in the earth was following closely behind. Everything was trivial before this power; it was unstoppable.

Not even getting the chance to flee, everything in the mans vision turned red and black, as the crescent of energy cleaved him in two. An injury so thin could be survived by an immortal like him, but a pain he never experienced before started coursing throughout his body. His insides corroding and being shredded into little pieces, it was as if whirlwind of blades was inside him.

Spreading from the inside to the outside, Nox could visibly see his flesh and bones being cut into pieces, as blood started oozing out from his entire body. Nothing could be heard from the man, as his throat was already split in two.

The light fading from his terror-stricken eyes, he very soon turned into nothing but a pool of blood that started to bubble and dissipate. It was a visceral scene, but no change could be seen on Nox’s face. It seemed as if only hatred and a desire to kill remained.

After floating in the sky for a bit, Nox descended to the lakes shore. The lake was cut in half and water was flowing rapidly towards the trench spanning the entire lake.

Gazing at the once peaceful scene that had been destroyed, a suffocating amount of grief, regret and hatred filled his entire being. Grief because of their deaths, regret for not being powerful enough to save them and resorting to such a repulsive method of gaining strength quickly, and hatred for those that betrayed and harmed them.

Bringing out a massive piece of heavenly jade that was immeasurably heavy, it was normally used for cultivation and crafting. Waving his hand, Nox began to cut and shape it into a magnificent monument dozens of meters tall and wide.

Pouring his remaining emotions into carving the beautiful scene of a woman gazing at a lake, surrounded by flowers, into that massive piece of jade, he placed it firmly into the ground near the actual lake. This would be his memorial for Ling. Something that will last for all eternity.

Carving her name and his farewells near the bottom, Nox took out his wife’s body from his spatial ring and placed her near the lakes shore, as a cold wind brushed against his back.

His emotions nearly going haywire once again after seeing her light smile, he gently touched Lings face. Removing his hand after a while and standing up, then looking at Stella’s bisected body that was preserved in his spatial ring, a strong resolve and murderous intent flashed through Nox’s eyes ‘I will bring Stella back no matter the cost.’

“Farewell, my love…” with a tender, final look, a flame suddenly lit from his palm, quickly descending onto her body.

Gazing at her disappearing body and the ashes flying towards the lake, Nox brought out an esoteric item from his spatial ring which started flashing and slowly condensing into a ball of light.

Now expressionless, only a desire for death and destruction could be gleaned from his eyes, before Nox and the light pierced forward into space, disappearing into the unknown.

For those in many planes, this was the advent of a vengeful devil.

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