《Doomed Dungeon》Chapter Eighteen, Wake Up Call


** ** ** Dungeon Core ** ** **

Bastill spent the day absorbed in his creature’s antics and activities. The Hares and Foxes were preying on animals while the higher ups seemed to be holding a contest to decide who would become the first elites. The Platypi spent there day trying to build their fern damns bigger. The Troll Squirrels strolled around as dumb and happy as ever. The Stone-Hedge Hogs were busy grazing when they could and speeding towards predators while tucked up in a spiked ball flying through the air.

The greatest shock was when he looked at the development of the Racoonoids. They had created their own language and rules behind his back. He had even watched their last ruler get dethroned after the Racoonoids finally snatched it out of the walking chest’s mouth.

He watched as their tiny little world was divided by the little dagger he had made for adventures. The blade would reappear in the walking chest, though he suspected the Racoonoids didn’t know. He felt a sting of pain in his core as he watched the division in the breeder room. There were those that didn’t agree with the new dictator that wanted to rule through fear and power.

Bastill never considered that his actions could have led to such a situation to occur. He watched as one of the Racoonoids used stealth to glide away from the turmoil boiling in his old home. It felt wrong to do nothing, but he couldn’t directly fix the problem without mercilessly killings the new dictator. Instead of directly interfering he decided to only assist slightly. He made another Breeder room further away from the original Racoonoid breeding room.

Pushing thoughts of the path to follow he lead the stealthy Racoonoid to the new breeder room. Inside he left several simple tools and designs etched on marbled tablets. The tools were sculpting tools and designs were statues that could be crafted. In the designs there was Kitsune and his Kits, Wenet with her eggs, and all the other creatures in the dungeon. He had left out several granite blocks for them to practice with as well. He also left a map of marble blocks that he had left around the dungeon.

After going through some of the Racoonoids records Bastill had managed to grasp their basic language and left instructions. The instructions stated that gifts from the gods would be bestowed upon them after completing sculptures and advancing in their craft. It also gave advise on how to start practicing the skill.

He felt better after giving a new home and profession for the Raoonoids. He watched as the little Racoonoid scampered out of the new room to gather those that had fled from the new leader. Bastill felt satisfied with the result. The dungeon would now slowly develop new statues at the hands of the new clan of Racoonoids.


After reflecting on his creatures and watching their daily lives he came to better ingrain the fact that it wasn’t just him anymore. He had others trying to live out their lives within his depths. His aspirations to survive and continue on the life of a dungeon core were reinvigorated.

He wouldn’t give up on himself or his creatures. They were his creations and they had their own daily struggles and problems. He wouldn’t neglect them or fail them. He would continue on stronger than ever.

The contest for elites was already underway as Bastill kicked his mind into gear and started to complete his tasks with new fervor. The first task was making the new creatures.

He had no clue how to give a creature gills. But managed to skirt around the problem by not having the creature live under the water but on top of it. He took the stick bug and lengthened out its limbs giving it a span of around half a foot. He then went about redesigning its original slow twitch muscles into fast twitch muscles. It was no longer a slow moving motionless twig looking like bug but a fast and active water speeder. By using the surface tension on the water and by making sure the stick bug was rather low in density he made it so that it could remain above the water.

He then developed its habitat further by making little ponds in each room that was connected to the streams. He also gave them a small breeding pool room. He created the entrance so that only a bit of water would appear in a long tunnel allowing them to flow gently on top through it.

He hoped it would give the Serrated-Billed Platypus a better meal and a way to hone their reactions. The Water Skater, which he named it, wouldn’t need to eat since it would be fed naturally by the dungeons aura

The next creature design was the leaf imitator, he rather liked the design already. He changed it just enough to perfectly blend in with the Elder Berry Bushes ad also increased its side to half a foot so it would match in size. It was simple yet effective. He didn’t even create a new breeder room he just created a smaller version of the Caring Mother of Fertility which only effected a certain range of feet. He then placed it in the middle of one of the largest elder berry bush patches. He expected this Elder Berry Leaf Imitator to help the Stone-Hedge Hog work on its perception.

The last creation was for the Racoonoids. Seeing how closely they copied humans own civilization he felt the best solution was to give them a taste of human life. He ended up shrinking the goats size and setting a small heard of ten in each of the Racoonoid breeder rooms. He would leave it up to them to raise them for slaughter or to milk them.


He turned his attention back to the two factions of Racoonoids. One built on betrayal and death wielding the first bladed weapon in its species, while the other built on survival with a new purpose and way of life to follow.

The one he discovered was named Niccolo was gathering up his followers under the knifes blade. He was taking over the largest fern hut and taking note of everyone they had and who was missing. A lot had fled but he sat down with four of his closest Guards and discussed plans to hunt them down.

Chicane, meanwhile with the help of four other Shadows, helped guide those seeking refuge to the new Safe Zone. The Shadows were those who could use stealth it turned out. He had managed to bring the Researcher, ten guards, and twenty families with them. Each family had around ten members. They had a total of two-hundred and seventeen citizens. A little under half of the original population.

Despite the atrocity that had just occurred they continued forward taking to the new sculpting. Some grasped the skill easily after hard practice, while others struggled, but they ended up sculpting several bricks and the began to build houses with that. They were doing the best they could.

Reflecting on the Racoonoids he realized how similar they were to humans. The acted not on instincts, but on emotions and feelings, which made them unpredictable and dangerous.

They really do resemble humanoid racoons. There human characteristics are spot on too. Betrayal… They kill each other over nothing and no nothing in reality. Identical to those humans. Just like I was killed for no reason. The weak fall and the strong live and strive. I will be strong this time around.

He had never felt such bitterness towards humans before. Reflection has its bad parts as well he realized. Upon reflection on the Racoonoids lives he had developed a little bit of resentment towards the human who put him in this condition, but it was more than that it extended to more of humanity. He could grow rather cynical in nature if he didn’t watch his thoughts carefully. He cleared his mind and pushed such negative thoughts away.

It won’t do me any good to give in to anger. Not when there are things to do and promises to keep.

He tried thinking more positively and recognized that Chicane’s group despite their conditions continued forward regardless. That was the characteristics he wanted to focus on. Not the back stabbing, but the perseverance.

He was just about to continue onwards when he felt the presence of someone come into his dungeon. On reflex he observed the newcomer. He could hear Kitsune howling in rage, but turned away from it.

Observe Analysis

Level: 70, Race: Half Dwarf, Name: Jefferem Blight Age: 42, Vocation: Paladin

Well shit who is this? They better just be here for a peak…

He couldn’t believe the analysis he saw, but a second later his fear was increased. The next figure to step through was none other than his doomsayer Claire. She had also grown several levels.

It makes no sense! I should still have plenty I time… A year from the five hasn’t even past yet.

He snapped out of his boggled mind and paid attention to the two. His rekindled life could end here without his focus. He listened to their discussion, “I am not really sure to be honest. The original dungeon entrance was that one floored shit hole we just came from, but all that shit hole was shallow as hell. All that’s left of that dungeon is the floor bosses now. I guess this is where the real dungeon core is. Still confused about what happened, but hey don’t cry over dead undead right? The spider infestation should be over. We will inform the guild and let them know that the dungeon isn’t a concern. The spiders won’t be a problem anymore now that the statues are gone. We should get them started on developing this dungeon. It doesn’t like it’s ready. It’s really quite weak still; I can tell just by its aura. It’s still missing a lot. Let’s head back for now.”

He was trying to make sense of what all was happening. It seemed he was safe for now, but Claire was waiting for him to grow before killing him a second time.

Alice must have reported back, and the spiders must have fled and cause a lot of destruction, which led to her checking up on me. That was a close call. Talk about a wakeup call.

As soon as they had entered he could tell that Kitsune was going insane. He had ignored it at first due to the situation and needing to pay attention to every detail of what they said, but now he turned his attention to Kitsune who was fleeing out of the dungeon. Wenet was coming with him. Even though Wenet was much faster than Kitsune, she still lagged behind by ten feet.

He had never seen Kitsune so frantic and desperate in his life. The Blood Fox raced with every ounce of strength it had out of the dungeon as Bastille made the connection.

Oh no, the Kits…

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