《Doomed Dungeon》Chapter Thirteen, Evolution's Myth Origin of the Platypus
** ** ** Dungeon Core ** ** **
It’s time to make sure I am ready for the next wave of adventures that come. I’m not sure how much time I will have before several groups show up. I need to be fully prepared.
After slowing his influence expansion pace to a sudden halt, he had a lot more mana then he knew what to do with. He spent the constant influx on creating new creatures. The first that he started with where the creatures in the breeder rooms. Since the Hares now had vampiric powers and bred quite fast by using their one and only Queen, Wenent. After discussing with Kistune, Bastill decided that he would be a fair dungeon and give the other creatures an equal opportunity to live and thrive.
Currently the Blood Foxes and the Dracula Hares were at a stale mate. The Blood foxes at first had been more powerful, due to living and fighting longer, but after a week of several Dracula Hares surviving. They had begun to fight back. The two sides battled and would occasionally have deaths on both sides. The reproduced at about the same pace as well which lead to the stale mate. In order for there to not be mass war Bastill had made Den’s for both of his creatures. His two floor bosses Wenet and Kitsune didn’t have any interest in fighting each other or any others. Wenet focused on producing more Dracula Hares, while Kitsune would watch over his kits that were already grown up.
Bastill noticed that Kitsunes eight offspring would occasionally split up to ambush the Dracula Hares. There stealth attacks were always cunning and when they needed to retreat they were quite elusive. Though they only retreated once when one of them got injured, due to reinforcements from the Dracula Hares that caught them off guard. They even used a simple distraction, which reminded Bastill of his silly younger years. He had grown up from that life though.
Other than that, they all seemed to have different methods of fighting, which intrigued Bastill. However, he could spend time watching them in detail after he had a better set up dungeon. Currently he felt he wasn’t prepared. His master had always had high expectations causing him to either spend hours crafting what he had thought was already finished. Apparently, it’s not finished when you thinking but when it feels like it. Bastill used that same feeling and knew he was still lacking as a dungeon.
The breeder room creatures however were constantly slaughtered. They stood no chance. The Grey Squirrels, Hedge Hogs, Racoons were ravaged daily. The Beavers had an easier time due to living in the streams. In fact, there breeding room now directly connected to the streams underground. However, in order to build their armored dams, they had to harvest the large ferns. They also needed to eat, which would lead to death. To help the creatures out he went about forcing their evolution. He also learned how to knock out the creature before he began to inject it with mana. All he had to do was pour in mana and swell certain parts of the brain first, which would cause it to collapse unconscious.
For the Beavers he gave them spurs on hind legs that produce a numbing venom. Nothing too serious just enough to slow down predators. He increased the durability of its pelt. He altered its muscle structure making it sleeker and quicker yet stronger as well. He increased its size to two feet tall doubling its size. The teeth he found to be very ineffective for harvesting ferns not to mention self-defense. To fix this he altered its face for higher proficiency. By reconstructing the teeth, he turned them into what looked like a bird’s beak. He made it rather flat and slightly wide. He made one side a sleek smooth blade while the other side was a jagged saw blade. Just for giggles he made them also lay eggs.
New Creature Evolved
Learned Serrated-Billed Platypus
To the Grey Squirrels he heavily upgraded their fur’s armor. The squirrels always died the easiest. They were just too dumb. He had attempted to make them smarter but every time they woke up they would go and drown themselves in the stream. Apparently, they were smart enough to know that their existence was useless. It was quite tragic to see several squirrels commit suicide one after another. With that failure he changed his approach.
When you can’t fix stupid, just make it stronger.
Instead of making them smarter he made them bigger and stronger. He had created giants at the end. He sunk more mana into their fur coat making it dense and impenetrable without great effort. He gave them hulking strength and size. Each now stood at twelve feet tall, while on all four feet they were six feet tall. They were true monstrosities now. To give them another fighting chance for their great stupidity he increased their regeneration speed to one health point every five seconds, giving them a total of twelve every minute. The average human only regained one each minute.
New Creature Evolved
Learned Troll Squirrel
He was quite pleased with the Hedge Hogs’ natural defense however he felt that it was still lacking. The hedge hogs had tiny spikes all along its back and could tuck up into a ball. However, the spikes still quite effective enough to protect them. In fact, they could be easily rolled into any nearby stream and drowned. Most the creatures had long teeth which also could easily puncture their fur and not be affected by the spikes.
He decided that he would turn the defense into an offense. He made the hedge hogs reach a foot tall, since their current size was pathetic. He further increased the spikes to harden, become more numerous, and to become needle thin. The biggest improvements that used the most mana was the increase in lean muscle mass. He also created new muscles that would further the path of speed and dexterity. The end result was quicker than the Dracula Hares and Blood Foxes. They also had a nasty habit of attacking by charging and jumping at their opponent. Then at last second, they would curl up in a ball. The attacking creature then would receive a face full of needles right in the face. Bastille was quite pleased with the result.
New Creature Evolved
Learned Stone-Hedge Hog
Finally, with the Racoons he had an entirely different idea. They were already quite clever and sneaky. He altered their bone structure to where they stood up on too legs. He then made them four feet tall. He increased their fur to be slightly more durable. He also expanded the size of their skull and brain. He gave them a highly functional brain, but the biggest change and most drastic alteration was the opposable thumbs. He was happy with the end result.
New Creature Evolved
Learned Racoonoids
The new creatures had a better survival rate that made the hunting more strenuous. They made the other creatures work for their kills and got kills themselves, however they were still plant eaters. They only killed in self-defense. They still ended up dying occasionally, but the difficulty they caused made the Bloody Foxes and Dracula Hares stop the infighting between each other. Now that the creatures from the breeder rooms could kill the predators, the predators entered into a hesitant truce.
Bastill moved onto to the next project, which was the Dungeon Aura. He still hadn’t figured out the Dungeon Aura Ability. But after playing god for a while by creating new creatures he felt that he knew what he needed.
I probably need to incorporate a catalyst into it for it to work.
The real question now was which to use. He thought that the Angel feather was sacred and quite rare, but he felt a strong sense of nostalgia with the Ceremonial Blood. It had come from his death as a human and birth as a dungeon core. He hadn’t yet used the Angel Feather and was looking forward to seeing it in action. However, that didn’t mean now was the right time to use it. Deciding to go with the feeling he had in his core he decided to go with the Ceremonial Blood. Focusing on the Ceremonial Blood he brought the feeling of it into himself as he began to focus on the Dungeon Aura Ability.
He could feel his mana capacity drop suddenly as the dense mana in the air began to take on changes. It got thicker and rippled with power. There was another change to the consistency of it however. It felt different. It felt unique and similar to him. He looked at the new notification he had received throughout the process.
Dungeon Aura
Well that explains the changes, I wonder how it affects me.
He noticed that the description in the ability had changed. It no longer just said unknown. He thoroughly checked it out.
Dungeon Aura
-Awoken with the power of Ceremonial Blood from your past. Dungeon Aura in its current state has increased effects growing and developing your creatures. As well as a 15% bonus to the dungeon creatures combat ability, and a 10% bonus in dungeon creatures’ characteristics.
I guess using the Ceremonial Blood was a good mood. It seems like the Dungeon Aura can be increased by how it says current state. I wonder how I increase it. Well nothing I can do about that now. I will discover it as time flows.
With another task added to his never-ending task list, it might seem daunting to some, but he enjoyed the work. It kept him busy and gave him goals to obtain. He moved on with his next two goals. First, was to make one room onto the third floor so he could level up. Second, re-making the Goddess of the Dungeon in the entrance room. He checked his Stat Menu before going to work.
Having the Goddess of the Dungeon in the first room will be a grand feature for the next adventurers.
He decided to construct the third floor first despite his weariness from building rooms. It would give him some leeway when he started crafting his angel. Within the first few minutes of making the room he discovered the skeleton of a large mammal buried in the room.
I wonder if this could be useful?
Stat Menu
Level:9, Race: Dungeon Core, Name: Bastill
Mana Capacity: 1/850, Mana Absorption: 4000/day, Creatures:656, Rooms:61, Floors:2
Statue Copy- Capable of copying existing statues for a mana cost.
Statue Animation- Used to give souls to sculptures.
Loot Distribution- Used to spawn treasure in chests and drops from killing beasts.
Expand Consciousness- You can now use mana to expand your body around you, which in turn gives you a greater area of control. Current mana cost: 1 mana per every 4 cubic foot.
Passive Mana Absorption- You no longer need to pull mana to you. It is now naturally drawn towards your core. Current rate 4000/Day. To increase grow stronger or larger.
Stone Touch- Due to your talent and diligence your ability working with stone has increased. You have a great understanding of the stone you work and are able to make stone you work on glow with radiance.
Dungeon Aura- Awoken with the power of Ceremonial Blood from your past. Dungeon Aura in its current state has increased effects growing and developing your creatures. As well as a 15% bonus to the dungeon creatures combat ability, and a 10% bonus in dungeon creature’s characteristics.
Observe- Ability to see the level and vocation of other creatures, while seeing the whole stat menu of dungeon creatures.
Forced Evolution- Ability to see inject mana into a creature body part or characteristic, which will evolve the creature and raise its level and abilities.
Dissolve- Lets you dissolve matter and recreate learned matter with mana.
Mind Speak- More complex form of basic communication with lesser creatures.
Materials -1 cubic foot
Quartz:5, Granite: .2, Marble:10,
Insects- Leaf Imitator: .2, Stick Bug: .2, Praying Mantis: .3, Centipede: .3,
Animals- Grey Squirrel:10, Red Fox: 35, Hedge Hog: 12, Racon: 25, Deer: 40, wolf: 45, Bear: 60, goat: 35, Hare: 12, Beaver: 20,
Created Beasts- Bloody Fox: 90, Dracula Hare:80, Vampiric Rabbit Queen:120, Racoonoids:80, Stone-Hedge Hog:70, Troll Squirrel:90, Serrated-Billed Platypus:75
Toad Stool: .1, Moon Shade: .5, Mandrake root: 1, acorn:.1, fern: .1, elder berry bush: .1, whistling leaf: .1, and elves ear: .5, opal:5, diamond:5, amethyst:5, ruby:5, emerald:5, sapphire:5, jade: 5, moonstone: 5, topaz: 5
Fluid- Per Bottle
Medium Health Potion: 20, Mineral Water: .01
Ceremonial Blood??
Angel Feather
** ** ** House of the Fox ** ** **
Though Bastill found the environment and ecosystem intriguing. He never put in the thought and ideas that Kitsune provided him. Kitsune would give him updates of the situation in the dungeon letting him know what needed to be adjusted. He was the one that suggested to increase the prey’s difficulty. After all his kits would grow soft with weak prey.
Now that the master finished the Misson ‘Deadly Prey’ that I suggested, it looks like he will be fully enthralled in the next Mission ‘Playing With Rocks’. For as powerful as Bastill is he plays around a lot, but with power comes pleasure so it’s only fair.
Kitsune was currently watching his kits Hunt. He called them his kits, but they were fully grown now. To him they would always be his kits though. Due to being in a dungeon they matured at a much faster rate and thrived in the battle against the Dracula Hares. Well at least they had, but currently the Dracula Hares and the Blood Foxes had a truce. They all wanted to focus on the more formidable prey.
Since the prey has breeding rooms with masters weird ‘Sex Drive’ statues they reproduce at a greater rate. The truce was a logical decision on my half to propose to Wenent so that the ‘Improved Meat’ didn’t take over.
Wenet and Kitsune didn’t hate each other. They respected and understood each other’s positions. They had let their underlings fight each other to grow stronger. That was there job to have strong citizens to protect Bastill after all. Kitsune rather enjoyed talking to the large rabbit. He had nicknamed her the swift one, for her speed surpassed his. She truly was a glorious warrior. He often would travel over to her domain to hat and bounce ideas off her. She wasn’t as clever as the Kitsune, but in his opinion two brains are more productive as one. She had also agreed with his ‘Improved Meat’ concept.
He also had brought his kits with him several times so that they could meet the other Floor Boss. This helped teach them that the Hares and Rabbit were not the enemy but merely a competitive partner who had the same goals. She would occasionally spar with them to teach them a bit about humility.
Wenet went easier on the ‘Kits’ for she knew Kitsune held them dear to her. She seemed to enjoy the sparring sessions with them and would often chat with them after and give them life advice. The sparring was really one sided. It also wasn’t supposed to be too violent. She would often just deliver a sick kick, which would cause them to fly into the wall if they weren’t paying attention. Per Kitsune’s instruction she also sent them flying if they got to arrogant.
Good, Good. It’s an immensely valuable lesson. After all an arrogant fox is a dead fox. Ruby I will make them all strong for you darling.
Another idea he had given to Wenet was creating Elites. He hadn’t named his own elites yet but he was working on it. He personally was grooming his offspring for the position, but he wasn’t going to pamper them. Wenet also decided to work on the Idea as well with his guidance.
Love can’t be smothering. They need to earn what is their’s. Besides they take after their Mom and I. They don’t need pampering.
He turned his focus onto his eight kits. They were currently some of the most powerful Blood Foxes besides Kitsune himself. Kitsune had named them all after gems, since his spouse was named Ruby. There was Ruby, her namesake, Topaz, Opal, Diamond, Amethyst, Emerald, Sapphire, and Jade. He loved them all equally and pushed them all to get stronger. He didn’t want to lose any. When they hunted, they would hunt as a group. Out of all the foxes that teamed up they were the most coordinated and fluid.
While most Blood Foxes started a level fifteen, the majority would rise of two level eighteen, with the strongest at twenty. The kitsune’s kits were currently all-around level twenty-five. Kitsune had recently reached level thirty-five. He probably would be higher, but he spent his time watching his younglings. His Blood Sap had turned into Blood Drain giving him twenty-five percent boost characteristics while also gaining him back five percent of his health with each additional taste of blood. While the kits had upgraded from Blood Sip to Blood Sap, which gave a ten percent boost to characteristics. These effects lasted until the battle faded.
His kits were currently taking on a Troll Squirrel, with Ruby leading them into battle. Each of them had different methods and behaviors in battle. Ruby would use all of her assets and even through in a few moves that Kitsune wouldn’t have thought of. She was a natural planner and leader. Topaz’s claws could always be seen in the fray of the fight. He loved to swipe and scrape with lighting fast procession. Opal contributed with his thoughtful tricks and cleverness. He and Ruby would always converse over the plan before taking initiative. Diamond focused more on his constitution and enjoyed brawling on the front line. Amethyst was known to bite down and not surrender her grip. She would always go for the throat. Emerald and Jade both liked to time their attacks together. Typically involving Emerald feinting while Jade would make the attack. Sapphire had a habit of always assisting others that were in danger. She was prone to lunge at the enemy to knock it back before it could hurt her siblings.
Ruby came trotting up, behind her siblings on their way to go see Kitsune. She listened into their discussion as they began to quietly discuss what was on their minds.
“I don't know what he did to the squirrels, but I think Bastill somehow managed to make them dumber,” said Amethyst.
Opal replied, “I wouldn't let him hear you say that. I heard when he got angry he caused a bunch of squirrels to kill themselves.”
“He wouldn't do that, after all I am Amethyst, so I am probably his favorite creature,” said Amethyst.
Topaz joined in, “Bastill doesn't have favorites. If he did it would more likely be one of the floor bosses.”
Diamond joined in as well, “Amethyst can’t be his favorite after all I am his favorite. He promised that he would make me the next floor boss. He even said he would use the angel feather that dad hears him muttering about using.”
“What?! No way he did not say that,” Sapphire silently added.
“Why would he chose you!?,” Emerald and Jade added in together.
“Yeah, you’re the dumbest and slowest. You sunk a lot of your characteristic points into constitution and strength,” Amethyst spat.
Opal decided to invite Ruby into their conversation a well, “What do you think Ruby?”
Everyone waited to listen to her input. After all she and Opal always came up with the most insightful observations, “I think I want to get dad’s opinion on our performance, so we can go hunt again. If we are talking promotion though I did here dad talking to Wenent about forming an elite team, but he hasn't said anything about it to us yet. That’s what I am focusing on.”
This incited a lot more intrigue between her siblings. Diamond cut in again, “You don't think he is considering other foxes, do you?”
“No way we are family he has to choose us,” Amethyst contributed.
Opal decided it was his time to chime in again, “But knowing him he would only pick those that earn it.”
Kitsune watched his kits as they tried to stealthy make their way over to where he lay. He had heard their entire conversation, but in an effort to keep the mystery about his selection didn’t say anything.
It is better to let them think I won't choose them. It'll make them work harder. Hmm I wonder if I should mention that ‘giant hole of death’ in Bastill’s main room to him. I hope he didn’t forget about it. You can’t just cover it and call it good. He does realize, that right? Maybe he forgot. I will ask him later about it. He seems busy now ‘playing with rocks’. There could even be new prey down there. Hmmm more ‘walking meat’.
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