《Doomed Dungeon》Chapter Seven, Going Out With a BANG!


There is only over nine-hundred little fuzzy fuckers charging over here not a big deal.

He noticed he had a couple notifications blinking. The last two spiders that had been under his control had pushed his available mana to ten away from the next level. In addition to that, the initial deaths from the ten male spiders that were devoured by their mates gave him an additional seven hundred mana to deal with. He wasn’t sure what the requirements or capacity for the next level would be, which meant he wasn’t sure if he would be able to make an additional level. While the adventurers where about to start dealing with the first wave of spiders he checked the notifications. He had three awaiting his attention.

Level Up! Current Level: 5

Congratulations you successfully gained a second floor, created a floor boss, and filled mana to capacity.

+ Passive Mana Regeneration Increased to 600/day.

+ Select One Ability

- Dungeons Aura

-Mysterious Journal


+ Next Level Requirements: 7 Rooms, 25 Creatures, Fill Mana Capacity to 450.

Without making any decisions yet he quickly looked it over the notification. The selection was an important decision and not something to be rushed. It really made it difficult to decide since none of the abilities had a description. He would need to choose carefully, it might take him a couple hours of brain storming to decide. He had only a vague idea of what the abilities might be, however he didn’t have time to reflect on the choice right now. He knew he currently only had five animals under his control, so he couldn’t have level up. He never had issues with having too much mana. It had always been not enough. He wasn’t sure what this would result in. He Checked out the next notification.

Mana Capacity Full

-Need 20 More Creatures to Level

-Over Flowed By 240

-Unknown Consequences May Follow

- Currently Holding 690/450

Aw well shit I didn’t get bumped up an additional level that kind of sucked.

It was really unfortunate that he had all the extra mana. Was it supposed to dissipate? Overflow into the Dungeon? It always assumed it would just disappear and be an unfortunate loss. He could feel his ore shaking uncontrollably. He needed to get rid of this excess mana. He also needed to help the adventures as they would begin engaging the enemy any second now, which he realized which just result in more wasted mana. As long as he created more creatures now. Not only was he for sure going to level up, but he would be able to help them fight. He checked the last notification


-30 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

-25 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

-20 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

-15 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

-10 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

-5 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion


-4 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion


-3 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion


-2 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion


-1 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion


Bastill pumped out seven Bloody Fox’s out in record time, dropping his mana down to sixty mana. He very nearly exploded. He promised from then on to watch his mana very carefully. He would never let such an event happen again. Just then a massive mana surge happened in the other room. His core started vibrating again. He felt like he was about to shatter. He focused in and noticed that the mage in their group had sent off a devastating area of effect spell frying the first twenty spiders that swarmed towards him. He Already had more blinking notifications.


Mana Capacity Full

-Need 13 More Creatures to Level

-Over Flowed By 240

-Unknown Consequences May Follow

- Currently Holding 1460/450


-30 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

-25 seconds until Spontaneous Combustion

This just isn’t my day…

He made fifteen more bloody foxes, which would now allow him to level up in the next surge. He watched as the adventures fought. In barely no time he leveled up. But after reading the new requirements he knew he wouldn’t be leveling up again after that.

Level Up! Current Level: 6

Congratulations you successfully gained a 7 rooms, 25 creatures, and filled mana to capacity.

+ Passive Mana Regeneration Increased to 700/day.

+ Pick a Catalyst

- Demon Heart

-Angel Feather

-Cinders of Phoenix

-Mermaid Tear

-Bottled Hurricane

-Living Diamond

+ Next Level Requirements: 2 Floor Bosses, Fill Mana Capacity to 550.

The last floor boss I made Knocked me out for over a day. If I stop paying attention for thirty seconds I will freaking blow up right now.

As more spiders died, he continued to make more fox’s. He needed to keep making creatures and keep himself out of the blowing up mana range. Once again he didn’t have time to make the decision about what catalyst to choose, He needed to focus on staying alive. He glanced at the adventurers. A couple of the them were doing well despite the odds however the youngest ones where stringing. He was sure even the older ones wouldn’t fare well against the number eventually. The first wave of spiders had been pretty weak. He felt the next wave was even larger and their simple spider brains were raging at the death of their kin. He had never seen them so angry before. They were already reaching the peak of their max height, which made them stronger then the last wave as well. He didn’t know why but he felt it was his responsibility to help the adventurers. He spoke to his loyal companion, “Kitsune go help the adventurers, I will continue to send out reinforcements.”

Kitsune charged into the next room with every Bloody Fox available.

** ** ** Alice Everglade ** ** **

Alice could feel the dense mana in the dungeon vibrating angrily. Derk had completely lost his mind when he saw the hordes of spiders approaching, “Why the hell did it have to be spiders? Is the dungeon pissed off or something? Can dungeons get pissed off?”

Carter seriously replied to the group, “Dungeons are known to hate a very deep-seated hatred for adventures that who use puns against it’s creatures. One of use probably smarted off with poor humor.”

The mage had always been very stoic, with the only ever speaking to give detailed information about the creatures they were fighting and their weaknesses. At first, she had nodded her head, she had never heard about dungeons being overly emotional about bad wit. She frowned at that thought. Derk started freaking out more, “Shit I said a fox pun earlier you don’t think that I…”

He was interrupted as Daniel started laughing more then he had during the whole trip. He actually started crying a little. Stelle had quickly joined in. Soon followed by Alice herself. Derk realizing he was the butt of the joke got pretty pissed off until he started to chuckle as well. Carter continued preparing for the wave of spiders with complete seriousness, however Alice could have sworn that she had seen one side on his lips tweak into a grin. It was gone before she was certain though. She knew that she liked Carters sense of humor now.


They were currently arranged much like how they had been while traveling though the dungeon, with Alice and Derk up much closer to Daniel. A slight variation however was that the two supports were now on the front line as well. Stelle was by Alice, while Carter was beside Derk. They were backed against a corner and staggered in an arrow formation.

The mana in the air seemed to stabilize. When the first wave of spiders came into range, about twenty feet away, she heard Daniel order Carter to battle, “Carter old pal? Why don’t you show the younglings how you start the party for old times’ sake, eh?”

The man whipped out a staff from nowhere with a wave of his hand. The ring on his hand sparkled as he did the move. Then massive mana surged out of the tip of the staff sending a booming aura. It looked like a ghostly ball of fire, yet it held no heat. That was until it landed in the middle of the first wave of spiders where it blew up and sent a wave of heat coursing back to the group. He decimated at least fifteen of the spiders as far as she could tell, while also injuring a ton more. The mana in the air was chaotic once again. It seemed to hum with power. Until it calmed down.

The uninjured spiders arrived at the group first. Alice couldn’t be distracted by focusing on others. She would occasionally see in her peripherals Stelle bashing in some of the skulls of the spiders in a spin, or Daniel swords afterimages, but that was all she saw. The rest was all a dance of a spear. The head slicing at joints and stabbing into weaker areas of the carapace. The wooden shaft wood bend under the pressure ever so slightly, which increased the devastation it delivered as it connected in a strike. Her thrusts held slight turns that would nearly drill into the creature when it made contact, she would continue turning a bit quicker and harder upon entry to the body, which caused it to rip apart.

She was quick. She was unstoppable. She was the Spear Goddess. She knew no defeat. Only victory. Her enemies would tremb….

Son of a bitch! It fucking spit webbing in my eyes.

Forgetting any sense of arrogance, she quickly called out to Stelle, “Webbing in the eye’s, can you help?”

She continued using slashes in front of her trying to remember where they had been. They had almost finished up this wave with only ten or so remaining. She heard a voice behind her, “Alice stop flailing the spear and don’t move. Everyone else shift over for a second and cover us.”

She was pulled to the side and stele helped clear the web out of her face. Looking back, she saw the ground littered with spiders. She felt exhausted. She had gone through about seventy-five spiders in all. That had been a tough fight. She noticed Derk had his Axe in the arm that used to hold the kite shield, with the kite shield tossed to the side, while his right arm was limp at his side. He saw her looking and smiled, “Don’t let them bite you, it has a numbing agent. Feels worse than having your legs fall asleep.”

She nodded back, noticing he had several cuts on his body. She looked down and noticed she also had a few. The rest were practically untouched. Derk looked over to Daniel and Carter and asked, “So is it over or are we totally fucked?”

Daniel began to talk, “The are pretty weak around rank F, but the ability to swarm us with numbers will even take me out eventually. I’m hoping that was most of them, but I don’t think we will be that lucky. However, I don’t think we should give up hope so easily.”

Just as he finished speaking we heard a marching and within the next couple seconds another wave appeared. They looked bigger reaching two feet tall. There were more then there had been last time. Instead of marching through the doorway on the ground like they had before. They emerged from every angle from the door. Instantly spilling out onto the ceiling and walls. All headed to their location. There was at least two hundred charging. They also looked amazingly pissed off.

I hate to think this, but I agree with Derk. We are totally screwed.

Carter was just about to launch another blast of mana when they heard loud Growling coming from the other room. Suddenly the biggest bloody fucking Blood Fox they had ever seen leaped out of the next room and looked directly at them. It had a dominating aura and eyes filled with a dark purple. Carter seemed to always pick the best moments to talk. He once again in the most serious voice said, “Damnit Derk, this is why you don’t make Bloody Fox puns. Team say hello the Floor Boss. Looks like his name is Kitsune.”

Stelle looked at the menacing beast. Trying to keep the doomsday bright and chipper she tried adding to there current gallows humor. She was shaking in fear but spoke none the less, “W..we..ll maybe it jus..jus..st wants to play?”

Daniel joined in,” Here kitty kitty!”

The fox looked directly at him and snarled. Alice chose now to speak up, “It’s actually from the dog family...”

Then tens of smaller forms sprinted past it and entered a brawl with the spiders. The whole team was shocked as the watched the spiders get shredded apart. Daniel spoke, “Lets not waste this chance. Give them hell.”

Carter launched several exploding spells to decimate the ranks and tried his best to avoid hitting the foxes. The largest fox spent his time aiding any fox or human that started to get over whelmed. They pushed the spiders back and began fighting at the door, which helped lower the amount that could attack at once. If they had known they were about to be ambushed by so many they would have tried to secure this location earlier. The mana in the dungeon seemed to be inconstant fluctuation. It would feel like it could explode until it calmed down.

While Alice fought she noticed a fatter fox fighting by her side. They all did their best, but they couldn’t hold the position. The spiders slowly pushed them back as the numbers grew larger and larger. There were now tens upon tens of the foxes out helping. Several had just died in the last minute, which seemed to make the energy in the room vibrate even harder. Carter released five massive missiles of aura in rapid succession each targeting the heaviest spots of infestation. The vibrations in the room suddenly stopped as a massive explosion sounded down the hall. It felt like the universe had just been ripped in half. All the creatures stopped. Even the spiders. They began to retreat back upstairs.

Alice looked down at her side to see the fat old fox lay dying at her feet. She bent down to comfort it. Stelle went around to attend everyone’s injuries. She applied magic where it was serious and used more mundane methods when it wasn’t life threatening. Alice continued to pet the poor dying creature as she herself bled from a several different wounds. She had several area’s where she was just completely numb. She was soon joined by the floor boss who sat down on his haunches by her side. She felt immensely intimidated until she saw small tears forming in it’s eyes as it licked the fox’s wounds.

When they were all patched up they attempted to go to the surface but were met with hundreds of spiders marching around the first floor. They only attack when the group stepped onto the floor. The group decided their best bet was to stay below and hope for a change above. As they came back down the stairs they saw several fox’s dragging the fat old fox to the last room with the floor boss at the front.

The Fox seemed to no longer have any interest in the adventures. They were all solemnly heading back to the last room. They all seemed rather upset and mopey to her. Without many other options, Alice and her group followed the remaining foxes in. There was around a hundred of them wondering around. They looked around the room and saw a hole in the floor and the ceiling. The ceiling hole was starting to close, though they could see spiders wandering around up there. Apparently, it kicked into a room on the over floor. With nothing better to do everyone went about trying to keep their mind off the situation they were in. No sense lamenting over being stuck in a dungeon. They had plenty of food still and decided to start planning an escape in the morning.

The team split up and went about their own coping mechanism. Carter started playing with the hole in the floor, casting balls of light down only to have them disappear eventually. It was agreed that they wouldn’t sleep near it for fear of falling in. Derk went right to sleep. Unknown to him, several foxes joined him forming a massive puddle of cuddling. Alice was sure he’d probably freak out when he woke. Stelle actually joined the floor boss with the dying fox. There was nothing she could do to save its life, but she said she could rescue the kit foxes and have them grow up healthy. The massive Floor Boss seemed to understand and nodded approval. While she performed the C section, Daniel was lost in a journal. He was obviously already making up plans to present tomorrow. He also currently had a perpetual frown, which made her think that they didn’t have many options. Alice wondered around the floor until she came across something interesting. She walked over to Carter to show him, because he seemed the most knowledgeable and she also didn’t want to distract Stelle or Daniel right now. As she arrived next to Carter, still playing with the deep hole, she held out her hand and said, “Hey Carter, I found this over by the back wall and thought you might find it interesting. It looks like a well-cut Amethyst; however it’s cracked and missing half of the gem.”

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