《New Game+》Chapter Eighteen: The Blue and the Yellow


A huge light beam flashed across the city. Several skyscrapers were halved and the upper half started to collapse.

Several of the UN soldiers were still running as they saw the collapsing skyscrapers. Though they were directly under it, they didn’t display even a hint of fear.

The soldiers suddenly stopped running and gazed at the falling debris.

“Commander, we can’t make it there on time!” The soldier screamed. A blue gem embedded on a silver ring started glowing as the soldier screamed.

Another soldier continued to gaze at the debris of the skyscrapers continued to fall towards them. For some, it was imminent death. But to Inhumans such as themselves, this would simply amount to an obstacle course. Death was the most unlikely result of evading falling buildings.

“I wished I paid more attention to General Humphreys math lessons.” A certain soldier sighed.

As the debris were 30 meters from the ground the squad immediately used their Force Boosters and soared towards the debris. What followed next was expert maneuvering of acrobatic actions paired by timely boost. They would kick and use debris as a foothold and dash higher towards the sky as they evaded and dodged the steel beams and broken concrete.

Suddenly a light flashed far on their east side.

“EVADE!” A soldier cried.

A large dark blueish electrical beam blasted towards them. Two soldiers were unable to react on time and were engulfed by the beam and incinerated them.

The wind pressure that followed from the powerful blast affected the rising soldiers and disoriented them. Some managed to maintain focus and continued to rise across the debris but three more succumbed to the disorientation.

“Will!” A soldier attempted to dive back down to save them but another soldier tackled him upwards.

“We can’t! It’s too dangerous!”

The remaining soldiers continued to rise through the falling debris and finally made it out of the falling half of the skyscraper.

The soldiers landed on what remains of the upper half and the soldier who attempted to dive down fell to his knees.

“No. Not Will!” The soldier started to cry.

“Get up.” Another ordered.

“Now’s not the time to cry. Will’s not dead. Look! Commander Carlean’s here!”

The soldier looked up in hope and true enough, there stood one of the strongest soldiers in the Gryphon Army. Commander Seeker Carlean was using the Four Force Accelerator to evade even more of the electrical blast. He was handling three of the fallen soldiers and was throwing them to safe positions.

“He can see light speed attacks!”

“He broke through! He must be on the Surmounting Stage!”

“We still have hope team! Come on! We have to head down. On me!” The soldier bravely announced and dashed towards an area where explosions and gunfire continued to hail.

Seeker was now blasting and zipping through the city. He used buildings as footholds and would dash towards another. His speed continually broke through the sound barrier. The electric blast managed to aim precisely at Seeker but Seeker was able to dodge the attack at hairbreadth.


“I WILL KILL YOU!” Seeker dashed faster. His falling tears would immediately be whipped out of the wind pressure that Seeker continually faced. His heart was heavy. His body was wounded on various places but all these pains were no longer something that Seeker paid attention too. He would kill that damned spaceship even if he would give half of his body to entropy.

On the other side of the battle stood a huge spherical ship. The ship continued to emit electrical energies that would fry anything that touches it. Occasionally it would concentrate the electrical energy and blast it off to a direction. Some smaller electrical blast was used to attack various areas where enemy soldiers were detected. A majority of the electrical charges, however, were aimed at the flying and evading Ranked Hero.

Several missiles managed to hit this spherical ship and it the ship trembled. The damage that this Gargantuan had taken was immense that it was only a miracle that it could continue to utilize its star technology to keep it afloat. On the upper half of this ship was a large hole that penetrated deep within. The damage it received at that point disabled its electrical shields allowing missiles and rockets to inflict damage towards it.

Seeker would dash behind buildings and The intermittent blast would carve holes into these buildings but no matter how many times the ship fired, Seeker would evade it.

As Seeker neared the floating ship, he dashed on top of a building and waited for the ship to shoot him. Seeker down the building as an electrical beam blasted through the building in half. Seeker then jumped on the many falling debris and used it as a foothold. He gave one strong dash and shot through the air onto the roof of this spherical ship. The Gargantuan emitted a powerful shockwave of electrical currents that surged around the ship. Arcs of lighting and beams continued to shoot out of it. Almost every side of the ship was emitting these lightning attacks.

But this didn’t stop Seeker. He continued to force through and evaded the electrical beams and reached the upper portion of the ship. Seeker quickly zipped through and dove down the hole.


The Captain of the Gargantuan sighed.

“It looks like, we gambled too quickly boys. See you if there’s an ‘other side.’”

He sat down with a grave expression and tried to accept his death.

Apart from the people in the main bridge of the Gargantuan, no one else knew of the monster that was now in the ship. Most of the ship’s crew were caught unprepared. It was as if a gentle breeze passed by. A breeze that caused death.

Men, and women and even some young teens and kids on board the Gargantuan all met the blade of the Death Tide.

A loud sound similar to a loud rocket launching echoed through the hallways of the ship. Masked within this rocketing sound was an angry howl of a man. Once someone would hear this loud shout, it was too late. Blood and gore were all that would be left behind as Seeker dashed.


Everyone on the bridge was prepared. They had accepted their death the moment Seeker dove in. No one could even use the self-destruct sequence as the immense suicidal attack of the enemy Commander has penetrated deep and even damaged the Star Controller.

As the crew peacefully sat there, some of them would be halved, some beheaded. The captain stood there witnessing the death of his crew.

“What rage.” The captain thought. Everyone on the bridge was either halved or dismembered into three or four pieces but he simply received a stab. He would die. But it would be slow. In his dying moments, he experienced the slowing of time. He saw the hole on his chest and reminisced how his actions led to the death of everyone on board.

Seeker reached for the main controls and used it to move the Gargantuan towards the main forces of the African army.

He controlled the ship and initiated a kamikaze attack on the remaining enemy forces directly under it. The ship continued to emit electrical surges which killed several soldiers and destroyed several large humanoid robots.


The crashing sound echoed loudly. Several of Earth’s soldiers then started to come out and shot at the survivors of the crash. The soldiers of Earth were cheering. Victory was assured.

Seeker dashed out of the wreckage and landed in the nearby area where some of the soldiers were cheering. After confirming their victory, he fell down in fatigue. His attire was pitiful. He had several wounds and burnt marks. His synthetic clothing was in tatters.

Several soldiers immediately ran to Seeker.

Seeker looked at them and smiled. Tears, however, continued to flow in Seeker’s eyes.

“Commander.” A soldier immediately reached out to help Seeker stand.

Several soldiers assisted in carrying Seeker. People were cheering. Ranked Hero Seeker Carlean finally managed to eliminate the remaining threats in the sector.

An echoing sound was heard on the skies above. A small flying object could be noticed as it approached in tremendous speed. As the figure drew near, people started recognizing it.

“World Champion!” Some of the soldiers exclaimed excitedly.

The blurring image immediately locked on towards where Seeker was and zoomed towards the area.

In just a matter of seconds, the small figure was already standing in front of the limping Seeker Carlean who was being supported by two soldiers.

The figure was an Asian man of average build and height. He wore a black synthetic clothing similar to what Seeker wore. He wore a slightly larger version of the Four Force Accelerator that Seeker also had. He had a strict face and a pair of red eyes that looked like that of a demon.

“Report.” The man commanded.

“Commander Seeker Carlean reporting Sir.” Seeker did not even bother to salute. Rather, he had no strength to do so.

“Carlean? Report. What is the status of your mission? What happened to your General?”

“General has received tremendous damage and is currently incapacitated.”

“What? The Realm King is incapacitated?” The man quickly observed the surrounding wreckage and realized the intensity of the battle.

“Gargantuan's and Titans huh? How bad is it?”

“His life is not in danger. But it might take a while for him to recover.”

“That’s both good and bad! We can’t afford an incapacitated World Champion! Where is the commanding officer next in line to take command?”

Seeker was silent for a few seconds.

“He is right in front of you, Sir.” Seeker answered.

The man frowned.

“I see.” The man solemnly replied. There was dread and even regret in his voice.

“Alright. As of this moment, you will stand as the acting General. Make your report General.”

“Yes, Sir.” Seeker paused as tears continued to flow down his eyes. He, however, maintained his fierce gaze and serious look.

“We have succeeded in destroying their main Orbital ship and acquired the plans and location of another Gigas Class Orbital scheduled to launch. However, they were expecting us. The Aragarians deployed several Gargantuan in an attempt to ambush us. We managed to destroy all of it. Not even one managed to retreat but…” Seeker paused. He tried to contain his crying and sobbing voice.

“Commander Indigo and Commander Mikado has fallen in battle.”

The man frowned again. He had expected this but hoped that his expectations were wrong. He turned around and did not respond to Seeker. The surrounding soldiers were shocked to hear Seeker’s sentence. Some even fell on their knees and started crying.

Seeker gripped his fist in frustration. The synthetic gloves did not hinder the force which caused his palms to bleed. The tears could no longer be stopped. Seeker, who had the capability to master his own emotions with his Unlocked powers, started to cry.

The blue gem embedded on the back of the World Champions head started glowing.

“Head Quarters. Reporting the situation here in South East Asia. Mission Moon Seizer is a success however General Realm King is injured. He may not recover in time for the next mission. Also…” the man stared at the crying soldiers around him. He sighed.

“This mission’s success is attributed to the brave sacrifices of World Champion, Commander Lynd Indigo and Ranked Hero, Commander Meryl Mikado. I am handing the mantle of command of the Realm King’s armies to Surmounting Ranked Hero, Seeker Carlean.”

The man dashed out and flew to the high skies racing towards another battlefield.

Seeker continued to cry. Even the soldiers around him were tearing up. In the eyes of most soldiers, they were victorious, but as of that moment, only a few soldiers knew about what they lost in this battle. They lost two great leaders that day. Hope became a far fleeting thing only to dream of but never within their grasps.

Seeker woke up. There were tears in his eyes. He was about to massage his head but remembered that Charles had connected several high-tech probes and wires to his cranium regions.

“The cons of the Unlocked mind.” Seeker sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

“What an accurate nightmare.” Seeker laughed bitterly.

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