《The Adventure in Arios (Isekai LitRPG)》Chapter 18- Royal Coronation 1


Chapter 18- Royal Coronation 1

Reyna dragged Morpheus through the streets on the wealthy east side, she stopped to look at almost everything displayed in the shop windows.

“Reyna, I was wondering if there’s any stimulants I can buy? I haven’t slept for a day.” Morpheus asked.

“Hmm… You can try these. We take them when we need to fight fast enemies.” She said, pulling some strange brown balls out.

‘Berry of Speed’ This is a consumable which increases your focus and speed. It is grown in tempered environments. Quality-Common. Cost Estimation~>1 Copper. State-Preserved.

“So it’s like cocaine?” He mumbled under his breath, while popping one in his mouth. He laughed internally, ‘When in Rome’.

“What’s cocaine?” She asked.

“In my world it’s a stimulant, makes you feel good.” He said “Increases your senses, like a party drug.”

“I’d like to try it.” She said eagerly.

“It’s addictive, never tried it because it was a rich man's drug.”

Buff Received- Heightened focus and reflexes. +3 agility +10% increase to sense skills.

It wasn’t a dramatic increase, he could feel slightly more details from Arcane Pulse. It did seem to brighten his mood so it did its job.

“Oh this store looks nice.” Reyna said while pointing to the most expensive looking store on the whole street.

She marched in, meekly followed by Morpheus.

“Hello, welcome to my store, what can I do for you?” A lady behind the counter said.

“I was looking for a dress tonight, for the coronation.”

“Urm, Reyna aren’t we here for me?” He asked.

“Oh and something for this gentlemen.”

Morpheus looked at the lady behind the counter.

(Chimera, Fabric Master, Level ??)

“Oh a chimera, it’s nice to see one.” He said refraining from taking his ring off.

She paused for a moment, and Reyna chimed in.

“So the clothes?” She asked.

“Oh yes, are you representing anyone there?”

“Brevair and Sophia.” She replied.

“You must be their daughter then, silver and dark colours I’m guessing.”

Reyna nodded.

“We have lots of traditional Ervos outfits.”

The pair nodded this time and the lady seemed to hover out from behind the counter. She was part snake, like Medusa. He tried to hide his amazement but the lady noticed.

“I was made to look like Medusa, but I think I came out better looking than her, don’t you think?”

Morpheus chuckled. “At least you didn’t get her hair.”

The lady giggled back and motioned for them to come into a room at the back of the store.

Reyna and Morpheus sat down in comfy leather chairs as the lady brought out many outfits.

“He’d look good in that one.” Reyna said.

It was a three piece suit, the colour was a dark blue with silver fabric lining the outside.

“Would I?” He said.

“You can try it on, I can only do minimal adjustments if it doesn’t fit correctly.”

He went into a booth, thankfully with a curtain and tried on the suit.

“Wow Morpheus, it’s really a pity you aren’t my boyfriend.” Reyna said as Morpheus pulled the curtain back.

He chuckled and so did the lady.

“How much?” He asked.

“A gold and twenty silvers.” She said.

His tongue fell backwards causing him to cough.

“Jesus, a gold and twenty.”

“Who’s Jesus?” Reyna asked.

“Forgotten god, anyway do you think it’s worth it?” He asked Reyna.

“Well it is the princesses coronation, it would be good to catch her eye.” She said with a wink.


He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’ll take it.”

“Do you need any size adjustments?” She asked.

“No, I think it will be fine.” He responded.

“You do look very smart and handsome.” The chimera lady said.

He just smiled and reluctantly handed the lady her coin. He put the suit in his pouch and changed into his plain black clothes.

“Reyna, you not buying a dress for tonight?” He said while walking out of the store.

“No, mother has hundreds. I just wanted to have another excuse to go shopping.” She said while smiling, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him.

“BEHEMOTH!” A man shouted behind them. People began to run and scream in panic, trying to find shelter.

Morpheus panicked and pulled Reyna under a roof.

“What’s a Behemoth?” He asked her, pulling out his axe.

“Giant beast, someone seeing it in the city must mean it’s a flying type.”

“Shit that’s bad.” He said.

They both looked up into the sky to see a flock of enormous birds flying in the sky. One was much larger than the others, it’s wingspan was fifty metres and it was carrying people. It’s body was draped in gold and black fabric, which reflected up the sunlight hitting it.

(Tamed Alpha Quetzalgigantus, Soarer of Skies, Level α)

“Riders from Port Sivence!” Another voice boomed out and a a roar of happiness followed.

It was a sight to behold, they were majestic. They flew around the city a few times before landing in the Royal Quarters.

“Wow, so Port Sivence are beast tamers.” Morpheus asked, letting out a held in breath.

“Yeah, I should have suspected they’d show up in a fancy way, their king is very eccentric.” Reyna said.

“Quickly let’s head down to the port, I bet we can see some amazing ships.”

Reyna grabbed his sleeve and they ran down to the port of Ervos. Morpheus had not been down to the port yet, and he regretted it a lot. The port was beautiful, the slight smell of salt and the smell of foods lined the inner port. Further out, in the distance, hundreds of ships were aligned neatly, all coated in silver and blue.

“It's so nice down here, want to grab some food and watch the boats come in?” He asked Reyna.

“Sure, you're buying though.” She responded.

“Of course, my lady.” He said while bowing and outstretching his palm.

She slapped him on the back of the head.

“Don’t tease me.”

They grabbed pastries and sat over a bridge, it was noon and the sun beamed out over them.

“Reyna, I wanted to give you something. Loki gifted it to me but I want you to have it.” He said, pulling out his old pouch.

“Morpheus you should keep it, and it’s soul-bound to you, idiot.”

“Oh I forgot about that.” He said sulking. Morpheus’s attempt at being nice had backfired and reminded him of his rejections on Earth.

The pouch in his hand suddenly glowed a deep purple and it suddenly changed to be soul bound to Reyna.

“Thank you Loki.” He said, touching his tatoo through his shirt.

Reyna looked terrified, it was if a god had just listened to him.

“It’s ok, he likes to flex his power.” Morpheus said.

She took the pouch carefully and admired it.

“As if a god just obeyed you.” She said. “Thank you Morpheus, I needed a bigger one. It will remind me of you.” Reyna went in for a hug, Morpheus accepted.


“I owe you and your family a lot, it’s the least I can do. And he didn’t obey me I just asked politely.”

“If you put it like that.” Reyna said.

“I’m thinking that gods get angry when you just pray all the time. They want you to worship them in unique ways. Not bending over, hoping to receive handouts.”

“That’s an odd way to look at it. But then again most people haven’t met a god, so they just believe them to be omnipotent.”

“Good point actually.”

He shrugged his shoulders and the two just admired the view. Chomping away at their pastries.

They laughed and joked for a while, Morpheus told the whole tale about the trial called evidence.

“You really are the highlight of the gods at the moment.” She chucked. “Look over there, it must be the king from Southcross.”

The ship was massive, twice as large as the other ships at the port. It was covered in gold, it was certainly a king's ship.

“I bet they have someone from the Empire as well.” Reyna said.

“Why? Wouldn’t they come alone in their own ship.”

“Protection really, Southcross and the Empire are the closest by land and it would make sense for them to send someone with the king.”

“I thought we are in peace talks or something?” He asked.

“Well yeah, but there’s still a bloody history. You said your world is filled with that.”

Morpheus understood, a lot of people would have grudges against them. Many people could of lost family.

“Oh they're getting off, let's go join the crowd.” She jumped off and ran towards the boat along the dock.

He followed and they mingled into the crowd watching the king depart.

He was handsome and ‘king like’ as Morpheus thought. The Southcross King was draped in gold like his ship, next to him was a plain looking man who wore a red and gold robe.

In the crowd, Reyna whispered “The one in red is from the Empire. Their colour is red. No one will kick up a fuss as the man is with the king.”

“Who would want to upset someone drenched in gold.” He joked.

Beside the king were many beautiful women, and beside them were guards in full golden armour.

“He likes his women then.” Morpheus said.

“Rumours say they are Queensdale’s finest.” A man next to them said with a chuckle.

“I’d really love to visit sometime.” The young chimera honestly said.

“C’mon Morpheus let’s head up to the Main Street. We can find a place where we can watch them all.”

They ran back through the port, onto the main street on the East Side. They sat up on a wall; overlooking the slope down to the port.

Hours passed as they watched as all different kings and queens walked by them.

“Who are they?” Morpheus said, pointing to a group of men in plain armour.

“Scarecrows. Haven’t you heard of them.”

(Warrior, Battle Hardened, Level ???)

(Warrior, Blood Bather, Level ???)

(Mage, Nature’s Rage, Level ???)

“They are all over two hundred!” He exclaimed.

“Well most of them, the Scarecrows are a somewhat secret organisation. They hide in plain sight and scare away the unwanted.”

“I like the name actually, do you have to be two hundred to join them?”

“No, these are warriors and they represent the strength of the scarecrows. My parents fought alongside them many times. They even asked pops to join when he got his mark.”

“So they are everywhere?” Morpheus asked.

“Hidden in plain sight is a lose term. They apparently have secret hideouts in almost every city.”

“How do I join?”

“You don’t join dummy, you get asked.”

“How do I get asked?”

“How am I meant to know, go up there and ask yourself.”

“I’m tempted you know.” He joked.

He was in awe of these veterans, they didn’t show off, only their levels and aura set them aside from others. He felt a sense of gratitude towards them.

Reyna saw Morpheus staring intently. “The tales say they are the ones who helped the independent fight off the empire every time. They are called upon when their help is needed.”

“Like superheroes.” He chuckled.

“What a stupid way to describe them. They are paid for what they do, they are all so rich.” She said.

“Isn’t it everyone's dream to join them?” He asked.

“Well you can’t really draw attention to yourself, because then it wouldn’t be a secret organisation.”

“So there’s no famous battle hardened crazy warriors?” He asked.

“Oh there’s loads, Brevair’s mentor joined them, he’s marked by Morrigan, every time he kills something a tally is added to his body.”

“That’s terrifying. He is a good person right?”

“They all are, but he tends to do darker missions like kill lords who have gone off the rails.”

“Anyway isn’t it time to go to the guild?” He questionned.

“Shit, mothers going to turn into Kali!”

They ran towards the guild, both terrified of what the vine mage might do.

As they entered they were not there. A few seconds later the legends walked into the guild. People gasped and muttered as the two walked up to Morpheus and Reyna.

“Nice to see that you’re both on time, and Nvos where have you been.” Sophia asked.

“It’s nice to see you too, and it’s a long story.”

Sophia hugged Morpheus and he got a firm handshake from Brevair.

“My friends!” A voice boomed out from above. Lance stood atop the stair case in the most eccentric silver suit he had ever seen. He walked down and greeted them all.

“Are we all ready?” The beast-man said.

“Hopefully, and what’s with the fancy clothes?” Brevair asked.

The man sighed “Cavet wanted me to wear this, no fucking clue why but I bet some gays will be interested.”

“Well it’s not late to come out.” Brevair joked. “Is Ellana coming?” He asked.

“Yeah, she’s running around headless at the minute.” He said.

Ellana burst through a back room with papers falling out her hands.

“Can one of you ugly fucks help me.”

Brevair laughed. “Oh, how I’ve missed you Ellana.”

“Don’t get cocky bear man.” She chatted back.

Morpheus helped her with the papers and he got a good look at her. She was wearing a pencil navy blue dress with silver jewels hanging from her ear.

“Are we ready.”

Morpheus and Reyna quickly got changed and soon they were off. It turns out the four of them were in a team centuries ago and they had remained friends ever since.

Lance turned around as they were walking and spoke to Morpeus.

“How was the unique?” He asked.

“Fucking crazy, almost died twice.”

“They all are, why didn’t you bring a rope for that level?”

“I didn’t know.”

Sophia turned back aswell. “For what it’s worth he doesn’t have a head on his shoulders. It’s in the dungeon booklet under equipment section, I even wrote that part.”

They all laughed at him, thankfully he was use to banter at this point. And after a few minutes of walking they were eventually at the Royal Quarters.

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