《Omnia Online》Announcement


Good News!

This book is complete at 24 chapters, or just over 66 thousand words. I’ve never written so much, or had so much fun writing in so short of a time, I’m thrilled to be at this point.

While I wanted to have the whole book available here, I can't publish on Kindle Unlimited without agreeing to let them have it exclusively. I really like the KU service and think it’s a great way for readers to find new authors without buying a lot of books they find to be garbage.

Book 1: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B01JMA52RO

My Amazon Author's page: https://amazon.com/author/cbooth

The second book will also be published on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited before the end of September.

Thanks to all the people who have been reading and following the story. The support I have received from you has helped provided some of the motivation that I needed to write this book.

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