《Starting Today I'm a Kitsune! VOL 1》Chapter 9.5/ Gaelan/ The Fury of Immortals...


I glanced at Freya and Fauna as we sat down at the hearth. They were humming again, that Nisse song was done while working; light and airy music filled the Beach home's empty space. It was finally nice to have company. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought someone like myself would find a quiet haven to stay at once I was sold.

I tried not to think about that time in my life.

It was hard enough to recall losing Yulia to her inner demons. That alone would be with me for the remainder of my days. However, most did not understand Sentinal because Companions and Sentinal sometimes did not indeed become compatible.

I glanced at the work in my hands; polishing knives for the kitchen was something I enjoyed doing still, and it gave me time to quietly ponder my own existence--something I found myself doing quite a lot nowadays.

Fauna looked at me, blue eyes filled with concern and a gentle smile. As if checking up on me, I could feel the gentle probe of magic glancing me over. I usually would not allow something, but the gentle touch was like a bird's wings brushing by. Satisfied, she went back to work.

I glanced upstairs, Moto was speaking to Taka, and we all knew he was far beyond livid. More so, he had been terrified. It was the first time I had seen the composed and cool-headed fox lose any sense of control over himself than when he had landed on the porch to see Taka unresponsive.

There were legends of kitsune coming and claiming humans as a mate, or even Fey and Nisse. Sentinal and Kitsune were far too much alike for them to be compatible. However, it did not mean our kinds disagreed, more that we felt akin to siblings in nature where our power level sometimes matched. But all legends understood the fierce instinct to protect one's chosen partner. And as I had suspected, they were growing closer and closer over the time they spent together.

But I had never seen that kind of expression upon an immortal except one other time.

During the War of Old. When the Dragon-Kin had fallen to a blight in their land that drove them mad, it was a choatic rush to contain the illness and heal those that could be healed...and destroy the ones too far gone. Immortal's alike would find their loved ones broken upon the battlefield. And to stop an Immortal gone mad with grief is to fight them at their most terrifying.

I glanced at the Dragon. Ryujin was busy wrapping himself up; I had been unable to heal him, given that Moto had utilized foxfire, scalding the wound deep within the Dragon's flesh. But the Dragon did not look angry. Simply perturbed. "Love addled foxes are the biggest pain in my scales!"

I almost had the inclination to laugh at such a statement. Because anyone who had eyes could see how Motoyuki felt for Taka. She was aware as well, but timid due to some unknown wound in her mind.


I had not thought to trespass and ask her what it was, as Fauna had requested I not do so. Taka's heart had been going, but she had not been breathing well, and she was so cold I worried she was about to die. We had gotten her wrapped in blankets, made sure to keep her close, and utilizing magic to keep her heart pumping, we sat on the porch helpless as two immortal beings clashed in a fury.

And it had happened in the blink of an eye. The moment Ryujin did not have Taka, they had launched backward from the porch and transformed to their Dragon shape. Moto grabbed my short blade from my side without a word and swiftly followed silent but with the gaze of a killer. It was the first time I realized who he was as magic burst to life around him.

I was having a flashback to the War, seeing a lone Fey on the battlefield facing a Dragon of immesurable height with nothing but a blade in their hand.

There was no Sentinal nor Fey who did not know of The Wind of Death.

For a moment, I was awestruck. Over a thousand years ago, this was a Fey who had fought alongside his brethren and earned the name he hated most. Silent, quicker than the eye, and surrounded by slicing wind. Wind magic was difficult to control, it was easy to miss and when one did have it, the wildness of such an element was even more unpredictable then fire. One Fey Warrior had learned how to harness such a power, and there were many who had tried to follow in those footsteps, failing each time.

But he was reborn? I wondered how he had died in the first place.

[[Motoyuki, are you sure you wish to do this.]] Ryujin's fangs bared in defense.

But it was not as frightening compared to the golden-red flames that licked up the Kitsune's limbs. Hades itself had opened up beneath him and spewed forth it's wrath. Long fire licked strands of hair and tails blew back as he surrounded himself in blades of wind magic.

[[So be it.]]

The concussive blast that followed their charging forms knocked us all into the main living area, snuffing out the flames of candles and the hearth to a dark black.

I gathered my patient to me and watched as they fought in back and forth clashes, off the beach, diving into the mountainside. Smashing the landscape to pieces and uprooting ancient trees as Ryujin's serpentine body snaked its way towards the fox.

He simply stood still, glaring at his opponent with fangs bared and a glow burning in his eyes.

I nearly called out, but as Ryujin's massive tail crashed into the rocks Moto had just been standing on, the fox was sprinting up its body to dig the short blade beneath the scales with a blast of fire.

A low groan from the Dragon, and as the fox darted backward. Ryujin shifted to their human form, gasping and holding their leg. "Damn it all, Motoyuki, are you trying to kill me!"


"What did you show her?" The beast roared at them.

Ryujin responded with a snap, "She wanted to know how she died I--"

The response had been cut off as the fox slammed into Ryujin with an unearthly roar of fury. Fangs sinking deep into their neck and ripping flesh from the bone with a snarl as they gulped down blood.

The Dragon didn't even fight back; he merely shut his eyes and gripped onto the Kitsune. "It's alright...I understand. But as you can see, I don't know much...it was very jarring. And she didn't register it all..."

Blood pouring from his open jaw, panting as if he had torn his own beating heart out, the fox's ears slanted back as he growled low.

"I didn't know it would cause a problem..." Ryujin said, "I'm sorry."

The rage seemed to dim for a moment as the fox's ears flicked, catching something. Within moments-- Motoyuki was back, listening to something, a long limb wiping the blood off his face, smearing it in a war-like painting across his mouth. A deep breath of relief. "She will be back soon..."

"W-what is soon?" Ryujin asked, cupping his burned and bleeding wounds.

"An hour perhaps," Moto said in a grating voice as his appearance became less wild and more like the fox I knew.


Back upstairs, Moto and Ryujin, despite their argument, ensured Taka had everything needed. But Moto had informed me that I would be caring for Taka-- as he was not entirely in control of himself. That didn't stop the fox from bristling if I laid a hand upon her forehead to check for any sign of stirring. He would squash it down quickly and chew on the end of his pipe, staring at the Dragon on the opposite side of the room. Fauna had gotten them to calm down. I was rather impressed at her fearlessness of telling two powerful immortals that Taka would be very cross if she came to with them fighting.

They both had the sense to look ashamed--Moto most of all.

As Ryujin and the girls left to get things ready in case, Taka woke up, I glanced at Moto. "So, The Wind of Death..."

A jolt and he glanced at me, surprised. "Ah..." a exhale, "so you noticed."

"Only one person can utilize wind blades to such an extent Motoyuki...or should I say War Lord Ilvisar En'Orifeiel."

The fox paused and fiddled with his pipe. "It has been a long time since I have been called that."

As a Sentinal, I was aware of the proper etiquette. But the fox merely grimaced. "We merely thought you had disappeared from the eyes of the world. Last I had heard, you were releasing slaves all over the Realm."


I nodded, "it is your own tale to tell if you should choose to." I nodded in acknowledgment, and in return, the fox made the gesture for Sentinal thanking.

A touch of three fingers to his forehead and then reaching out to me. "On nah Ninorla." I give thanks.

"On fah sel Inorla." I replied with the same gesture. I accept your thanks.

There seemed to be a blanket of kinship that had stretched over the room. I enjoyed it as I rocked the kitsune in my arms. "She is quite something, is she not?" I asked.

He nodded and sighed. "I should not have lost my temper."

"You are Kitsune. It is a miracle you did not do worse." I laughed. But the fox was internally struggling with himself. "Would you like her instead?"

He shook his head, "I am too angry." But the wistful look he gave the sleeping woman was filled with longing.

Everyone had returned at this point, and a soft personal voice whispered in my mind--[[Please do not mention this to others. Ryujin is the only one who knows. But I do not wish to be treated differently due to the past Fey who has died.]]

So was that why Ryujin was far more accommodating to this wild fox than anyone else? He had even brought Moto tea, setting it down in front of him and slumping opposite of the fox to smoke his own pipe in silence.

Though bristled, they still allowed the other's company.

What an odd friendship.

A stirring caught my eye from my lap. "Gaelan?" Large honey-colored orbs blinked at me with worry.

"Thank goodness." Unable to help myself, I pressed my forehead to hers in a gesture of fey kinship. "Innea." Little Sister. She did not hear this, and I was glad as I felt the rare embarrassment sweep over me but kept my face still.

The benefits of fighting in the Fey army were learning to control one's responses, but that did not prevent the two Nisse girls from flinging themselves on us in a pile of happy squeals.

"Everyone OUT." We all glanced at Taka, who knew she was in deep trouble. But I was not about to argue with an angered Kitsune, let alone an ex Fey War Lord. And so we left, with Taka looking like a s colded child and trying to muster out any ounce of sympathy from Moto that she could.

The last thing I could hear was a choked off scolding, "Takara Tsukamotsu, do not act cute right now!"

I could not help myself but laugh out loud and take the girl's hands. "They will be just fine." I assured them.

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