《[What If] ▪ To Love Ru [Dropped]》[V1] - C.7 : Fear, Anxiety And Freed


The two mother and son make their way towards the rest area. Although Ringo is still in shock, she has mostly regained her senses, the slight tremble has also disappeared. But now that her thinking capability is fully function, she is left full of questions and slightly afraid.

To be honest, her son has always been an odd ball, he's way too mature for his age and sometimes does weird things that leave both her and her husband speechless. Still, they love him nevertheless. As for his weirdness, they try not to think of it as much and consider it his special trait.

That's on the outside, however. Both of them know deep down something is wrong with their son, they just don't want to admit it. They're too afraid of the possibilities. It's different now, after that demonstration, it's hard for Ringo to continue to ignore that feeling.

"R-Rito... What was that just now?" She shutters, looking down at her son who has remained quiet for quite some time, completely unlike his normal self. That handsome face she sees everyday has never been so unfamiliar to her.

And the atmosphere around him seems a bit sad. Guilt is present but it's soon overlapped by fear, something she has rarely, if ever, seen on him. Seeing him like this is a first for her, and she realizes whatever he's hidding from them, it must be something big, bigger than what they could imagine, something he'd rather lie to his own parents than talk about.

The sight of him overwhelmed by fear makes her heart ache in pain. Her motherly instinct forcefully presses down her curiosity. Gently, she puts her hand on his head, his hair, which was neatly combed just this morning is ruffled into a mess by her.

"What are you doing, mom?!" Rito grumbles in annoyance, if there's anything he hates more than being touched by old hags than that's someone messing up his hair.


He react just as Ringo had expected, that moment, her fear disappears, she understands no matter what happens, he'll always be her son. It doesn't matter if the sky were to collapse, nothing could change that fact. Hugging Rito in her arms, Ringo whispers in his ear.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, you'll always be my son... Nothing could change that." Not even Gods - She thought.

This unexpected move leaves Rito tongue-tied. Back when he was Rainer, he never cried, even when his legs were torn off by the three-headed dog Ceberus, or when his comrades died on the battlefield fighting the Empire, he didn't shed a single tear.

He thought that he could no longer cry, not after what he had experienced... Today, a mere mortal proves him to be wrong as drops of tears fall silently down his face.

Rito knows he can't hide the fact that he's a reincarnator from them, not anymore. They deserve to know the truth, about him and his past. It's very simple, if they can still think of him as their son after knowing, he'll stay. If they can't then he'll leave. It wouldn't be the first time he had to survive on his own anyway.

They return home that evening, nearing dinner time, bringing back a few bags worth of new clothes and as they eat dinner, the Yuukis each has their own thoughts.


Having a great economy system, it's to no one's surprise that Japan quickly rises above its neighbors, becoming one of the richest country in the world, only slightly lagging behind the U.S and China.

As such, the people's standard and needs for necessities are naturally much higher, this in turn lures many big companies to set up their branches here, which adds to the ever growing weath of Japan.


And while this would normally be considered a good thing, in this case, not so much. You see, despite being third place in term of wealth, the Land of the Rising Sun has an enourmous weakness, that's its lack of lands. About 73% of Japan are either mountainous, scattered plains or intermontane basins.

This creates a big problem for the government as they can't deny all those big companies access to the country, but they themselves also have their hands tied due to the sheer difficulty of expanding the lands.

Of course, this is their problem, it has got nothing to do with Rito whatsoever. In fact, he even feels glad that they haven't found a way to expand into the mountains yet, 'cause if they had, he would no longer be able to enjoy this peaceful atmosphere anymore.

Staring up into the stars, Rito lets his mind wander about. He thinks of many things, he thinks about the now destroyed organization that captured him years ago, he thinks about his disciple, that little brat with unkept spiky black hair that wouldn't straighten up no matter what he did, then he thinks about his life in that world, but in the end it all comes back his life as Yuuki Rito.

It hasn't been long since his reincarnation, four years at most, but it was the first time he felt so happy. He didn't know having a family, being cared for could be this good. And he knows telling them his secrets might destroy everything, in fact, he even had second thought a few times already...

"But they deserve to know..." Rito mutters, his eyes never leave the starry night sky. This could be his last day with his family so he wants it to be as memorable as possible, and what could be more memorable than this beautiful spectacle given to us by the universe?

Showering under the brilliance light, Rito immerses himself with nature, all the tension, anxiousness and fear that haunted him seem to go away as he falls into deep slumber, his thoughts cut off, the tiredness he felt is drowned out by a feeling of sastisfaction, now that he has decided to give up his secrets, the invisible pressure he has purposely ignored before disappears as if it had never been there. For the first time after regaining his memories, Rito can truly relax, freed from his burdens...

That night Rito didn't come home, he stayed out in the mountain, sleeping. It's unfortunate that no one was there to witness it, but it's quite a sight to behold, something that even the more aggressive animals didn't want to destroy.

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