《Domain of Man》Webdomain of Man: Interlude 1
[02:03][RooDzz]: Why is it all black?
[02:03][Beholeth]: Who invited you lol
[02:03][Cantre11]: You’ve got to tweak it, zooming out and in again, it worked for quite a few people.
[02:03][Beholeth]: No spoonfeeding, we’ve got enough people involved already
[02:04][Cantre11]: We haven’t even hit our first puzzle yet. See if you keep saying that.
[02:04][RooDzz]: For the record, I used to read the blog before this all started.
[02:04][Beholeth]: Holy shit, really? What was it like before the ARG started?
[02:04][RooDzz]: This is an ARG? I just searched the url to see if I could find out what was going on and found this chat
[02:04][Cantre11]: Next level ARG, lots of preparation.
[02:04][Free Parking]: If you get past the blackscreen, be prepared for a lot of butts.
[02:04][RooDzz]: What?
[02:04] [Free Parking]: They’re all naked. I’m not even sure if this is legal, necessarily.
[02:04] [Cantre11]: Greatest Ninja Survivor Island does it all the time.
[02:04] [Free Parking]: Not like this. These actors are pretty convincing, too.
[02:04] [RooDzz]: What’s have I actually missed so far?
[02:04] [Beholeth]: Not much. So far, it’s been three naked people stumbling around in cave tunnels. It seems like it might be dark there, they’re holding hands and hugging walls.
[02:04] [Cantre11]: Pretty sure the zoom thing is a glitch, or maybe part of a bigger puzzle.
[02:05] [RooDzz]: I can see them now. What the fuck? That kid can’t be an adult.
[02:05] [Misser D]: Anyone figure out what the box is for?
[02:05] [Cantree11]: What box?
[02:05] [Misser D]: There’s a submission box cooked into the HTML with some fucked up code. Got any professionals?
[02:05] [LaForest]: I’ve been looking at it pretty much the whole time. I can’t tell how it works or what it does. I don’t know why the parser isn’t rejecting it, actually.
[02:05] [Beholeth]: You still never told us what the blog was like.
[02:05] [RooDzz]: Some girl’s blog. She used to do photography.
[02:05] [Free Parking]: Of what kind? Herself?
[02:05] [RooDzz]: No lol, landscapes, sunsets, that sort of shit. I use it for backgrounds and things like that. Very rare she posted a picture with herself in it.
[02:05] [Beholeth]: could be important. Anything you know about her?
[02:05] [RooDzz]: Holy shit
[02:05] [Cantre11]: What?
[02:05] [Beholeth]: What?
[02:05] [Free Parking]: What?
[02:05] [Misser D]: LaForest, you figure out any way to submit anything?
[02:05] [Beholeth]: combo breaker
[02:05] [RooDzz]: I’m pretty sure that girl is the one who ran the blog.
[02:05] [Cantre11]: Which one?
[02:05] [RooDzz]: The one hugging the wall, right side relative to the totally-not-underage boy.
[02:05] [LaForest]: I’m digging, give me a bit.
[02:05] [Beholeth]: Bingo! We’ve got a clue. Thanks, new guy.
[02:05] [auger]: They are the same person.
[02:05] [Cantre11]: Bit too early to say that, could be an actor. Like, what if this ARG is playing us? Closer look at that girl (as close as fixed cam will let me get) and she looks familiar.
[02:05] [Beholeth]: ‘closer look’ indeed lol
[02:05] [Cantre11]: Fuck off, the important bit is that she’s famous.
[02:05] [Free Parking]: What kind of famous? E-Famous or All-Famous?
[02:06] [Cantre11]: It’s the crazy girl from awhile back. Maybe this ARG is her second gig?
[02:06] [RooDzz]: No fucking way, I should have gotten her to “sign” a photo or two.
[02:06] [Beholeth]: Any bead on who the other two are?
[02:06] [Free Parking]: I’ve got nothing. I’ll go digging through common trends. Crazy people, newly famous?
[02:06] [Misser D]: I think this girl’s a bit too specific for it to be ‘newly famous’. Go with ‘impossible insanity’ or the like. She did a number on our psych scene, after all.
[02:06] [RooDzz]: I was clicking around and I sort of untethered the camera.
[02:06] [Beholeth]: Bet this guy’s part of the ARG.
[02:06] [Cantre11]: Can’t disagree, there. How can you move around the camera?
[02:06] [RooDzz]: Try clicking the corners, it inches you around.
[02:07] [Cantre11]: Why does this work lol
[02:07] [Beholeth]: My POV just clipped through the wall and by God there are tunnels for miles
[02:07] [RooDzz]: I see them too. Where the hell is this place?
[02:07] [Misser D]: I’ve got a few hunches. Comparing it with all the tunnels I’ve been researching, it’s gotta be either subterranean Russia or the Esta Tunnels.
[02:07] [Pughly]: No one told me this was a horror ARG.
[02:07] [Beholeth]: Who are you?
[02:07] [Pughly]: Cantre11 invited me from the general. I was gonna stay quiet and final boss it to derail just for funsies, but this is fucked up.
[02:07] [Cantre11]: Reminder that we should move to a chatroom with user lists.
[02:07] [RooDzz]: What do you mean ’horror ARG’
[02:07] [Free Parking]: No results for the other two. Also, user lists are too modern. I like the retro feel.
[02:07] [Cantre11]: IRCS had user lists, dumbass.
[02:07] [Pughly]: Pan your camera into the next tunnel over, past the bend. Set up an autoclicker, by the way. If you’re using a MNI, sensitivity to max. It’ll hurt a bit, but you’ll need it. Good luck with this shit lol I’m out
[02:07] [Beholeth]: Oh my fucking God
[02:07] [Cantre11]: What?
[02:08] [Cantre11]: Where’d everyone go? Why is it quiet?
[02:08] [RooDzz]: This is fucked up, I had to go vomit.
[02:08] [LaForest]: Am I missing plot? Just figured out how to use the box, though.
[02:08] [Misser D]: It’s a big plant.
[02:08] [LaForest]: Lame
[02:08] [Misser D]: It’s a big plant with glowy bulbs, shitloads of spikes, and it’s eating some naked people. Gruesomely.
[02:08] [Cantre11]: aaaaand now I’m glad I didn’t check the next hall. I’m about to see it one way or another though
[02:08] [RooDzz]: Why?
[02:08] [Cantre11]: The group is running towards the bend, they can actually see a little of the light I think.
[02:08] [Beholeth]: Are we going to get GG’d already, or is this supposed to happen?
[02:08] [Misser D]: How do we use the box, forest
[02:08] [LaForest]: LaForest. I have no idea how or why, but it’s got a console feed.
[02:08] [Cantre11]: They just turned the corner. They’re standing and staring.
[02:08] [Misser D]: Any idea what it’s for?
[02:08] [LaForest]: I sent some shit and the girl perked up. The famous one, I think.
[02:09] [Beholeth]: Oh shit son. Think this has anything to do with the Schizophrenia?
[02:09] [Cantre11]: Damn, that might be right. Anyone know how she described them?
[02:09] [RooDzz]: disparate voices that said random shit.
[02:09] [Beholeth]: and she never listened to them, just complained about them to doctors.
[02:09] [Cantre11]: I’ve been submitting stuff to the box over and over again. They’re still stunned in place but she seems to be perking up.
[02:09] [RooDzz]: I’ve been doing that too. What are you guys sending?
[02:09] [Cantre11]: “KILL PLANT”
[02:09] [Beholeth]: Do a flip
[02:09] [RooDzz]: I kinda got the feeling Beholeth would do something dumb but are you serious?
[02:09] [Cantre11]: I thought it might be like one of those old text RPGs
[02:09] [Beholeth]: Hey, flips are totally valid evasive maneuvers.
[02:09] [Misser D]: I’m trailing the murderplant down the new tunnel it’s digging. It’s turning around.
[02:09] [LaForest]: Let’s all send the same shit at the same time.
[02:09] [RooDzz]: I’ve been sending “Run away”
[02:09] [Cantre11]: OK
[02:10] [Beholeth]: Haha she actually did it this is awesome
[02:10] [Cantre11]: yeah, neat premise for an ARG-
[02:10] [Cantre11]: We forgot to tell her to grab the other two.
[02:10] [Misser D]: This is brutal.
[02:10] [RooDzz]: Do the Esta Tunnels have plants that do that?
[02:10] [Beholeth]: Maybe it’s the radiation
[02:10] [Cantre11]: Do you two not see the people getting broken in half?
[02:10] [RooDzz]: I mean, it’s really fucked up and scary, but it’s just an ARG, right?
[02:10] [auger]: Do not count on it.
[02:10] [Misser D]: anyone know who ‘auger’ is?
[02:10] [Beholeth]: He said something weird before too, if anyone’s an ARG tool, it’s him
[02:10] [Cantre11]: Who are you?
[02:10] [RooDzz]: She just ran back to the plant
[02:10] [Cantre11]: Holy shit, stop her
[02:10] [Free Parking]: What is she doing?
[02:10] [auger]: Humanity’s birthright.
[02:10] [RooDzz]: She’s drawing magic circles lol
[02:10] [Cantre11]: She’s trying to do magic? Who’s telling her to do that?
[02:10] [Beholeth]: Not I
[02:10] [Misser D]: Not x2
[02:10] [Free Parking]: Not x3
[02:10] [RooDzz]: Not x4
[02:10] [Pughly]: Not x5
[02:10] [Cantre11]: Didn’t you ‘leave’?
[02:10] [Pughly]: Oopsies, really wasn’t me though
[02:10] [LaForest]: Me neither
[02:10] [RooDzz]: I’m pretty sure it’s auger. He must have a spammer set up or something.
[02:10] [Cantre11]: Damn, why didn’t I think of that.
[02:10] [LaForest]: I did, though. I’m sending at least five orders a second and she’s not even reacting now.
[02:11] [Beholeth]: We’re getting choked out? Give me a moment.
[02:11] [LaForest]: Holy shit, where’d you get those?
[02:11] [Beholeth]: Don’t worry about it lol
[02:11] [RooDzz]: My site isn’t responding
[02:11] [auger]: Your petty tricks will not win the day. Behold.
[02:11] [Beholeth]: Haha fuck, they’re all gone. Took months to horde, dude. Not cool.
[02:11] [Cantre11]: Site’s back online. Was that you, Beholeth?
[02:11] [Misser D]: More important things to deal with. She’s screaming about ‘getting out of hell’ and shit. Is this a clue?
[02:11] [RooDzz]: Is that shaking just me?
[02:11] [Beholeth]: I think it’s for everyone. Even the plant is panicking.
[02:11] [RooDzz]: Where’d she go? She was there and now she isn’t.
[02:11] [LaForest]: Box is locked. No idea how to re-open it.
[02:11] [Cantre11]: I think we’re offline. I just lost sight of anything, for real this time. Zooming doesn’t help.
[02:11] [Beholeth]: Hot damn was that a ride. Already my favorite ARG of the year, if not decade.
[02:11] [auger]: The floodgates will open once more, in time.
[02:11] [Cantre11]: You’ve got some questions to answer, auger.
[02:11] [Misser D]: Yeah.
[02:13] [Beholeth]: he’s gone lol stop waiting
[02:13] [Pughly]: I’m pretty sure that’s it for today. Are we setting up a schedule/group?
[02:13] [Beholeth]: I’ll handle watching, just hit me up with a group invite, same user
[02:13] [Cantre11]: sent
[02:13] [RooDzz]: I’m using the same name, too. I don’t have a clue what’s going on but I want in.
[02:13] [Pughly]: I usually go by ‘uPuggo’ or ‘uPuggos’, try those.
[02:13] [Free Parking]: neFree3
[02:13] [LaForest]: same name
[02:13] [Misser D]: maus∈r.
[02:13] [Cantre11]: Got a feeling this is going to be a ride. Buckle up.
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