《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 33 - Returning to Dumont


“How is it you look so energized after all that?” Eclis stared at Richard, utterly drained from the days meeting. Richard on the other hand was pacing the room with a grin on his face.

“I think I’ve seen a new side of you I never knew your highness.” Eclis glared at him.

“Just call me Eclis while we’re alone.” They’d simply influenced policy, yet he was treating it as if a new age were dawning.

“Have you given thought to which faction you wish to align with?” Richard spun to face Eclis again. It took a moment for Eclis to think of how to respond. The more time he spent with Richard, the more he wished to prove Jazz wrong about him. Eclis had a lot of plans for the factions, but he first had to discern how much he could trust with Richard.

“How did you manage our politics all on your own this entire time.” Eclis sunk further in the chair. Going to war was less taxing on him than dealing with the political posturing in court. What would he give to just live in peace again at his estate.

“It wasn’t easy.” Richard sighed and for once looked conflicted on what to say. Words came easy to this man so Eclis was immediately intrigued. What could he be hiding to cause him to hesitate? “Heinrick and James certainly added to our troubles your highness.” Richard stubbornly continued using his title, as if to nail in that was what Eclis was. His mouth opened, but it closed again. “I had to make a lot of tough decisions.” He looked regretful but said no more. For now, Eclis decided it was best to keep him in the dark. He’d have his elven knights look into Richard. They were one of the few races that could remain undetected even to a vampire. If they found something before he confessed… He dismissed the thought.

“I left you in charge because I trust your judgement.” Richard flinched. A knock at the door interrupted their discussion before Eclis could prod him further. In the hall, was the unfamiliar advisor for the crown prince.

“Apologies for the interruption your highness,” He bowed to Eclis, “Count.” And nodded at Richard. “My name is Thomas Vetinier, I am the advisor for Claude Alenta.”

Richard quickly glanced at Eclis for an indication of what to do. “Come in then.” Thomas didn’t enter though.

“The crown prince simply wished for me to deliver these letters.” He handed them to Richard.

“I’ll ensure the Prince receives them then.” Richard tucked both in his coat pocket. Eclis wasn’t familiar with Thomas, nor with Claude since he was crowned a prince after Eclis had been imprisoned.

“One is addressed to Jasmine as well.” Neither Eclis nor Richard showed any reaction.

“I shall make sure they fall into the right hands then.” Richard smiled cordially. Thomas once again bowed before leaving.

“I didn’t expect them to move so fast.” Richard sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose. It was bold of the prince to contact her already. Publicly handing the letters in this way would ensure the entire palace knew by tomorrow that Claude had made a move. It was likely on the advice of the Imperial faction, seeking to secure Eclis to their side swiftly with a contract. When Richard turned back to Eclis he was surprised by smile he saw there.

Claude’s move had finally decided things for Eclis. He hated the god of fate. He’d denounced her when she’d gotten in his way at the start of his campaign, yet all of her predictions came to be. Once she revealed the future it became etched in stone, unchangeable both by her and those involved. The idea of reading yet another of her works through Jazz’s memories made him uncomfortable. Yet… The novel she’d written would prove useful to him.


The coming days at the palace were filled with back-to-back meetings. Tonnes of gifts were presented to Eclis. Many were of rare texts, enchanted artifacts, or weapons. Some of the vampiric nobles remembered Eclis’ tastes but most would be purchasing their info of him through favours or from the thief’s guild.

The Mercantile faction gifted Eclis a mountain adjacent to his estate, thus nearly doubling its size. For them, it was a show of wealth and power but Eclis could tell from the gift that it seemed they hadn’t been able to buy off a spy in his estate. Had they, they would’ve picked gifted something more specific than land adjacent to his property.

The dominion faction gifted Eclis oceanside land near Elsewhyre, boasting about the scenery and fishing near it. It seemed Eclis was correct in assuming one of the Knights at the estate was acting as a spy for them. He had purposefully let slip about building an oceanside retreat for him and Jazz while speaking to Heinrick in the barracks.

Both factions had come with Roses for him to meet, and each took great pains to introduce them to him. The girls were all former Tyrrans, sent to the palace to compete for a nobles contract. They had perfect mannerisms, beauty beyond compare and a sophisticated air about them… None of them had the same fire in their eyes, or sense of life that Jazz exuded.

Lastly, an Imperial faction delegate came. They were the faction with the oldest power in Ganimede and the men he met were all people he knew already; many having fought beside him in the war. They spoke with him late throughout the night and Eclis appreciated that none of them tried to force their Roses on him. A smile came easily to his face. They knew the kind of people he liked and the kind of flattery he recognized. Instead of baubles and land, they presented him with a promise. Something interesting would be waiting for him at his estate. A gift given out of discretion and out of the purvey of the Emperor. Interesting.

The weeklong trip burned through Eclis’ patience but by its end, he’d managed to secure stronger ties to each faction and get a better idea of the political pressures in the Empire. More pressingly though, it revealed to him a very problematic issue he would soon have to face head on. He couldn’t stand the thought of Jazz contracting with any of these men. Once a contract was made it was only a matter of time before the relationship deepened. It wasn’t that he was jealous of others, it was the fear that she would be taken from him. The idea of her falling for another person and betraying him like Roselyn did froze him in place, yet it was a reality of their position.

Eclis’ thoughts were interrupted while he was on his way to the palace’s teleport stone. “Eclis Dumont, second prince.” It was Clarence, Donners right hand man. Eclis and Richard continued to walk forcing Clarence to keep pace with them.

“The Emperor wishes to extend your stay at the Palace your highness, there is still much to do.” Clarence was phrasing it as a request due to the fact that Eclis was a prince. Etiquette dictated that the emperor could not order his princes as he pleased unless it was in times of war but that didn’t mean that they’d dare to refuse.

“Deliver my deepest regrets that I cannot stay to aid his Emperor.” Clarence failed to hide his surprise. “I’m needed at my estate.” Eclis provided no further explanation. He didn’t need to. Clarence gaped like a fish out of water, but with a harumph he left.


“Was that wise?” Richard sounded concerned as he peered back at the retreating figure of the king’s advisor.

“Does it matter now? Obedience has gained me nothing but pain. I will put my house, and the Empire above all else going forward. I expect you to do the same.” They fell silent for the rest of their journey home. When Eclis caught another glimpse of Richard’s expression he looked determined.

The carriage was already waiting beside the teleport stone when they’d returned. He could close the distance to the front doors in mere seconds, but etiquette prevented it, along with so many other freedoms he’d once enjoyed. Outside the carriage window Eclis watched gardens roll by, basking in the light of the moon listening to the melodic sounds of the Sleipnir drawing him closer to his home. This place was where it all started. Eclis’ transformation into a vampire, the evolution of his race… The revolt. He did everything in his power to claim this home as his own, yet once he had it he was kept from it for a millennia.

At the front doors a welcoming sight greeted him. Alphonse stood vigil welcoming his master home, like he had every day in Eclis’ previous life. He didn’t appreciate it then, but seeing it again was a treasure. Beside him Heinrick grinned like he had a secret he was eager to tell. Eclis eyes lingered on Jazz who looked like tired as she waited beside Heinrick. But she did wait. When her eyes met with his he could hear her heart begin to race and watched as a slight flush filled her cheeks. Her hair shone a bright silver in the moonlight, stray wisps of it catching the light like stars. The Emerald in her eyes was still visible to him in the dim light as they sparkled with life and curiosity.

“Your highness.” Alphonse beamed, opening the doors for everyone.

“You two look as beat as I’d expected coming back from the palace.” Heinrick slapped Richard’s shoulder hard causing him to stumble forward as he laughed. Richard still managed to bow his greeting to Jazz as they entered.

“How was it there?” Jazz looked between Richard and Eclis, tilting her head in concern.

“Politics were never my favourite thing.” Eclis sighed. He suppressed a smile after noticing how Jazz stiffened the moment he placed his hand on the small of her back to escort her. “Are you tired?” Alphonse seemed to be leading them to one of the entertaining rooms, rather than their quarters.

“Exhausted,” She sighed, “Ethan and I spent my entire day deciding on dresses.” She rolled her eyes and the half smile she wore suggested she’d rather have done anything else. “Specifically, something to make an impression when I enter the palace for the first time.” Eclis’ expression darkened.

“That day isn’t far off.” They entered one of the smaller entertaining rooms. It was a retreat room for the men during balls, where they could sit, drink, and socialize. Heinrick followed them in heading straight to the liquer cabinet to pour some drinks. Jazz happily sat next to the fireplace, her maids draping a blanket over her lap. Eclis sat in the chair beside her while Richard joined Heinrick near the liquor. Heinrick wore a smile as he distributed glasses, joining Jazz and Eclis near the fireplace.

“There will be a hero’s welcome for us in two weeks. The palace has planned a parade and both of us are expected to attend.” Jazz didn’t attempt to hide her unease upon hearing the news.

“So soon?” Eclis nodded. He noted how regretful Richard looked staring at Jazz.

“The parade is meant for the people of the Empire. Already every inn in the capital is filled and temporary camps have been set on the outskirts to accommodate the influx of travelers. If we delay things will become more difficult for the citizens.” She nodded. Jazz was proving to be a pragmatic girl.

“We’ll be attending the parade on the side lines, right? We won’t be in it… Right?” She looked uncomfortable with the thought.

“Don’t you want to be on stage with me Jazz?” He smiled. He’d grown fond of how a simple smile broke her train of thought, sending her eyes darting away. Teasing her was quickly becoming a favourite pastime of his.

“He is the most handsome man in the Empire.” Richard interjected, trying to be helpful.

“He is,” She averted her eyes in an attempt to calm herself. How cute. “It’s just I’ve never really wanted to be in a parade.” Jazz hyper focused on the glass of wine Richard handed her, refusing to look at Eclis once again. He could smell the anxiety she was beginning to feel.

“It’ll be a new experience for you then.” The wine went down easily for Eclis, but drinking the red liquid only reminded him of how thirsty he was. His eyes flashed as they lingered on Jazz’s neck. “And we’ll be in the carriage the entire way through. You don’t even have to wave if you don’t want to.”

“I’m glad. I was imagining we’d have to stand on a float.” She took a deep sip of her wine.

“A float?” Richard tilted his head curiously, likely wondering what sort of parade traditions were occurring in Tyrra.

“I need to warn you though, once we’re in the palace I won’t be able to treat you preciously. I’ll be treating you like I do every past Rose I’ve had.” Eclis quickly changed the subject. A float was likely something from her past world and Richard was the last person who needed to know that just yet.

His odd words brought her eyes back to him finally, “What do you mean?”

Heinrick spoke for him. “There are many who want to bring the prince down, lass. If they think you are important to him, you’ll be targeted instead.”

“And become a burden for you all.” Jazz looked a little dejected.

“Protecting you will never be a burden to me Jazz. I’d just rather not have you deal with any of that sort of attention in the first place if I can help it.”

“It’s simply so you can enjoy your time at the palace unimpeded. Once his highness has re-established himself in the Empire your position as princess and duchess to the Dumont house will be secure and safe.” Richard tried to be as reassuring as he could with her.

Eclis had many Roses in the past. Most loved the spotlight they’d earned being by his side. If she were like any of them he’d half expect her to throw a fit hearing that she’d be treated so callously in public. Instead, her eyes looked calculative while she thought over the situation.

“So, you’ll act distant and callous at the palace then?” He nodded, “I don’t have to act any different though, do I?” She always took the conversation in curious directions.

“You can do as you please.”

“Good.” She smiled brightly at him.

“Now you have me curious. What are you thinking?” When she let her guard down her expressions became easy to read, but he found her difficult to predict despite that.

“That I want to do as I please.” She shrugged. Heinrick chuckled as he poured himself another glass. “I’m assuming there will be a ball after our arrival?” Noticing his queue, Richard chimed in.

“Yes, your highness. At the palace gates you’ll walk the carpet to the emperor where he’ll welcome you and Eclis as the Empires Prince and Princess. After the welcoming ceremony, you’ll enter the palace proper with the emperor. From there retire to your room to change dresses. The night will start with a grand feast throughout the capital, though you’ll be attending the one held in the palace. After that, you’ll meet with the delegates and nobles of the Empire who will swear fealty and loyalty to you as the Imperial Prince and Princess.” Eclis smirked seeing her face fall, little by little as the list went on. “The first dance will be held by the emperor, and then you’ll be expected to dance with the nobles.” He gave her a delicate smile, “It will be an entire night affair.”

“Am I expected to attend the entire night?”

“Yes,” He quickly reassured her when she grimaced, “Though parlors and powder rooms will be provided where you can rest, you are expected to be in the main hall both for the start of the ball and at its conclusion.”

“That…” Her eyes quickly darted to Eclis. He understood what she’d meant to say. This wasn’t something ever asked of her in her past life. Rose candidates from Tyrra often struggled with length of balls held in the Empire and here she was being thrown right into it without any prior experience. Her face grew resigned. “Alright. I think I understand why Ethan was so insistent on multiple dresses.” Richard smiled, pleased with her answer.

“Yes. If you will have me your highness, I’d like to offer my services to prepare you for your entrance to the palace. I understand you have some wonderful instructors, but I know these people and the palace personally.” He kneeled in front of her. Jazz often wore her emotions like a painting, but she was still capable of hiding what she was thinking when she’d wanted to.

“Thank you, Sir Vetter. I’ll be in your care then.” Richard beamed. When she smiled back, Eclis found that for a moment he couldn’t look away. When she turned to look back at him, his eyes once again lingered on her neck. The sound of her heartbeat sung to him, and the scent of her skin made his fangs almost extend. It would seem he wasn’t going to last many days longer.

“Will we dance together at the ball?” Jazz tilted her head, her expression giving no clues as to what she was thinking. Richard returned to his seat, happily allowing Heinrick to refill his glass.

“No. It would be best if I keep my distance from you, like I would with my past roses.” She didn’t look dejected, instead, a smile crept across her lips. That bothered him. He’d prefer it if she were at least the slightest bit upset about it. He wanted her first dance…

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