《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 31 - The Imperial Palace


Eclis stood in the middle of an ornately decorated room. The ceiling was two stories high, held up by carved agate pillars. Various mythical beasts, heroes, and hunters adorned each pillar telling a different races fable or legend from the base all the way to the roof. The walls on either side of the grand hall were adorned with massive floor-to-ceiling stained glass windows, each depicting different points of the founding of the Empire. Some were dedicated to a hero of each kingdom. The largest stained glass window sat above the throne. It depicted the fable of Eclis, the hero who drove back the humans and liberated the free peoples. He smirked at the sight of the Emperor sitting beneath his legacy. Had Eclis been a different man in the past, their positions would be switched right now. He had no plans to repeat his mistakes.

“And what of the matter of your mysterious new Rose? How does she play into all this? Who is she?” Instead of a hero’s welcome like he was due, Eclis had been ordered to teleport directly into the Imperial palace. He was marched to the grand hall to be interrogated. Only the Emperor, the advisor and the knight commander were present. If they had allowed the other nobles to be present, they would’ve protested this spectacle the Emperor was trying to pull. Throughout the interrogation, Emperor Donner Regis hadn’t spoken, instead letting his advisor ask every question. He had changed greatly compared to what Eclis remembered of him. Gone was his neat humble attire and easy-going demeanor. Gone were his shining golden eyes and warm way of speaking. In their place sat an Emperor with sharp cold eyes calculating Eclis’ every move and word. His burgundy hair which was once left to do as it pleased was now perfectly styled back, not a single strand out of place. He wore purple and gold symbolizing his status and crowning his shoulders was the tail of a sphynx, its stinger dangling like an amulet above his heart.

It was apparent by Donner’s expression that he had hoped Eclis would lose his temper or reveal something that could be used against him. The entire interrogation was set up in a way that would have set off Eclis if he were the same person as his past self. Public sentiment was still in Eclis’ favor, preventing Donner from taking direct action against him. Contrary to Donner’s expectations, before him stood the picture of a perfect subject. A man completely free of madness and in complete control of his own faculties.

“Jasmine Lancaster. She just happened upon my cell.” He seemed bored talking about her, “She’s a fallen noble who took on the crime of her family most likely.”

“And for what crime was she interred?” Eclis’ expression nearly faltered. In his mind he calculated every step he’d need to dispatch both the knight commander and advisor, before ripping through the Emperors throat with his fangs. The scene played out beautifully in his mind; both from the potential counters the knight commander and donner would try, down to exactly where he’d drop each of their bodies. Not a single muscle moved, however. He gave no indication of just how blood thirsty he was.

“I don’t know. Didn’t care to ask.” Eclis spoke in a monotone voice. He knew just how infamous he was for his apathy towards his past roses. The only person Eclis couldn’t protect Jazz from was the Emperor and Eclis was no stranger to Donner’s grudge against him. The only safety he could give her now was to make everyone think of her as a tool to connect themselves to him with, rather than a weakness they could use against him. At least until the time he’d gained enough influence that he could ensure her safety completely.


“Heartless, even for the woman who granted you your freedom.” Donner Regis finally spoke, not bothering to hide his disgust. A thousand years sitting beneath Eclis’ shadow had hollowed out any semblance of the brother-ship they once shared. He rose from the throne clearly agitated. Unspoken between them was the ghost of the Rose that betrayed Eclis. It was on Donner’s orders that she acted, yet after a thousand years he had deluded himself into blaming her death on Eclis. “Welcome back Duke Dumont.” It was clear there was nothing else he could do. Without the backing of the Empire’s nobility, Donner could not overpower Eclis and have him killed here. The mere sight of him standing so confidently coupled with the fact that Donners very palace was built with Eclis’ legacy enshrined made his blood boil. He took a deep breath calming the rage building within.

“May the sun never rise, and the moon guide you.” Eclis spoke the imperial greeting completely unperturbed.

A bead of sweat trickled down Clarence, the advisor’s face. The man had been elated to hear that he’d be meeting with Eclis privately to discuss matters of his escape before court the next day. It had become apparent throughout the farce, however, that that wasn’t the Emperors true intentions. Guilt marred his conscious treating the prince this way.

“Eclis, the matter of your official welcome to the Imperial palace is upon us. There is to be a parade through the capital and a month of festival activities in its wake. The Imperial family would like for both you and your Rose to attend.” When Eclis didn’t respond Clarence continued. “We have heard that your Rose has taken ill of late. What date do you believe she will be well enough to attend?” Jazz was certain Richard was a leak in his castle but Eclis knew there were many more spies planted by multiple factions in his house. Already more were attempting to squirm their way in. It was yet another thing he had to purge this world of.

“In two weeks. She should be fine in two weeks.” It would give her enough time to settle into her new role, but not enough for her to risk an awakening. Seeing how Donner was reacting, delaying things would only work against them now.

“Then we will make the necessary preparations. Court will be in attendance tomorrow.” Clarence bowed his head paying respects to Eclis like he would any Imperial prince. He waited in this position for another extended moment before Donner finally dismissed Eclis.

Eclis stalked from the courtroom, furious. There had been a sliver of hope within him that after suffering for a thousand years the mysterious hate that had poisoned the Emperor would have dissipated. Now it was evident there was no such luck to be found. Richard fell in line with Eclis as they traveled through the white polished halls. Adorning each wall were colourful tapestries and paintings. White or black marble busts guarded windows as they passed, though no light fell on them. Another feature of the palace was its ability to guard its halls from the UV that harmed lesser vampires.

“I take it things did not well between you two.” Both men were using magic to conceal their voices. The Emperor preferred knowing what was happening in his palace, so nothing was sound proofed. While the vampiric nobles were careful with their words, it was their roses that revealed every secret while they gossiped.


“No. It would appear that our relationship is still strained.” Richard knew full well exactly what happened between the two men during the war. He clenched his fist in frustration knowing his two brothers no longer thought themselves as such.


“No.” Eclis cut him off. In the past he would have agreed with Richard and tried in vain to repair this bridge. “House Dumont will move accordingly.”

“As you wish.” They moved the rest of the way in silence. Eclis would not be using his residence in the capital so as not to alert the general population that he was already here. Instead, rooms were provided for him in the palace.

“Ahh, the rose atelier rooms, these symbolize-“ A single glare from Eclis shushed Richard. He wanted to lighten his friend’s mood by explaining the symbolism behind the rooms he was given but Eclis was not one to care for such trivialities. Since his escape Eclis had been quelling his rage with work, but in this palace nothing was private. As a result, he now had nothing to do. While lounging on the parlor couches Eclis opened a channel directly to Heinrick.

“So, how’s Donner?” Their channel was likely tapped so the fact that Heinrick was disrespecting the Emperor now by calling him by his first name made Richard snap.

“Heinrick hold your tongue, he is still your emperor.” Heinrick just gruffed in response.

“His majesty is doing just fine. How was Jazz’s training today?”

“The crazy wench picked up two swords, and a glaive.” Both men knew to be careful while talking about her on the channel. Neither wanted her to earn excess attention by appearing to close to them.

“Why was she near weapons?” Eclis brows furrowed slightly despite his efforts to keep his expression neutral.

“She didn’t tell you?” Heinrick looked amused.

“Never mind. Tell me when I get back.” Eclis schooled his tone back to that of boredom. He didn’t wish to reveal anything else about his Rose here.

“Suit yourself.” Heinrick shrugged. “James has reported finally. The eastern border has been secured and he’s moving now to implement a new baron there.” Since Eclis’ return, he had sent James to secure the border territories. In truth, they were tasks that should be shared amongst all his vassals but Eclis only sent James. Every time he saw the man the image of Roselyn would appear in his mind. It was unfair to take that out on him, but it couldn’t be helped right now.

“Good. Send him with my response afterwards.” Eclis meant to Ilsimar but Heinrick already knew that. If they didn’t reach out first the elves would take offense.

“As you wish my lord.” Heinrick smiled mockingly. He didn’t like how things were between James and Eclis, but it was still too early to begin protesting. Unlike Donner, Eclis still treated his vassals like his brothers in arms but that didn’t mean Eclis was in a place of mind where they could expect rationality out of him. Eclis was constantly furious except when Jasmine was present. Heinrick was planning to use that fact to help him bring James back.

Eclis cut the channel and glared out of the window. He had been curious to see what sort of weapon she would choose. Not only had she failed to tell him they were doing so, but she’d also gone and done so while he was away.

“Then, shall we begin?” Since Eclis needed no rest, Richard had scheduled back-to-back meetings with every faction in the Empire. Already, delegates from other kingdoms throughout the Empire were arriving at the palace to meet with him. Richard had also hoped to begin preparing Jazz for her debut into society too since many of the delegates would wish to meet with her but his access to her was restricted by Alphonse’s rigorous schedule. He’d already protested her treatment to no avail. The poor girl was suffering and sick enough that she needed to exercise, yet Eclis was forcing her to meet with so many tutors on top of assigning Heinrick as her personal trainer. He sighed.

The rest of the night was spent meeting with the closest nobles to the Dumont house. Eclis took an avid interest in socialising with them much to Richard’s surprise and enjoyment. Normally, Eclis would keep the conversation revolving around business and after that was finished, they would be swiftly dismissed. Instead, Eclis spent time speaking with each noble on topics he had once dismissed as gossip. By the time they needed to head to court they had resolidified many relationships and strengthened Eclis’ position. Building and maintaining political connections was something James and Heinrick had been neglecting so the responsibility had fallen squarely on Richards shoulders.

“You’ve grown into a very wise Duke.” Richard sounded as proud as he felt.

“Have I?” Eclis gave him a questioning look wondering where the sudden praise came from.

“You used to completely ignore the nobles unless they’d impressed you on the battlefield.” It was how Richard as well as every other vassal had come to join the Dumont house. It was also because of this that they had so little political influence compared to the crown prince. “Today I feel we’ve already resolidified some friendships I feared were gone.”

“I plan to take my role of prince seriously.” More than seriously. From how his first meeting with Donner had gone, Eclis suspected that the Emperor had more in mind for him than just being left to rot in Tyrra. In order to keep him in check they needed influence. Eclis’ expression soured seeing Richard look with such enamour at him.

They entered the court room to the herald’s announcement and a standing ovation. Many of the nobles had brought their roses to witness the day and participate in the policies discussed. Naturally the first thing to fight over was the Empires response to Tyrra.

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