《Evo-Gaming》Chapter 7


Chapter 7

I… I need a moment…

I can feel.

If I had tear ducts, I would be crying now.

You always take the simplest things in life for granted. Until they are gone and you have to spend 7 weeks in total darkness. Kevin, I hope you understand how I feel. Oh, silly me, of course, you know. You've been with me all this way. Sometimes, I forget things like that.

Okay, let's focus on how and why. So why do I see and feel? I don't know, I just craft stuff, you can't expect me to know how it works! Explain to me how seeing as a human works. See?... I don't have access to an anatomy major or google.

Sorry about that, I went on ranting spree again. Honestly, I blame Kevin for that. He brings out the worst in me.

Where was I? Oh, yes - how much I can actually see or feel. So I don't really hear anything, which is fine I guess? How much can you hear as cell anyway? As for seeing? Well, I wasn't expecting to suddenly start seeing without even a vision organ.

So what did I get? I can feel things now. It’s strange, but I like it. It's like I can feel things comings inside the cell constantly. I can feel something shifting around inside me. I can even feel the emptiness radiating from the spots where the always working inventory is gobbling up stuff. There is even a feeling of loss as something breaks and is remade anew. I can't really pinpoint what, but I know it's there. Then there is the neverending feel of movement coming from the spirals as they flail and help me stick to the bottom of the pond.

Unfortunately, I can't feel anything outside of me. Still, at least I can start guessing from which side the chemical particles are coming from. Maybe that could give me a general direction of where to find more.


Suddenly, the feeling of something large entering from the top side, finds me.

What's that? Is that another cell? No, it feels smaller than a cell. I can feel my body quickly start tearing the package apart. I feel the loss of energy from the process, but it's minimal and my passive energy regeneration doesn't even show a dent.

It's open; I don't know what's inside though. I got a bunch of new organic molecules in my inventory, but have no clue what they do. Strange, why would anyone or should I say any cell send out good things this way. Oh well, free stuff for me, I guess.

-Day later-

Okay, I got good news and bad news.

The good news is that basic inner cellular defence is done researching and I even almost have all the parts to build it.

The bad? Oh, nothing horrible, it's a teeny tiny thing. You see, it seems that I have caught a virus. Okay, I'll stop pretending, this is horrible. My energy reserves are almost dry and if I didn't have cheat-like inventory, which pulls things from outside in, I would have been resource-starved too. Even now I can feel my body bloating up on a brink of bursting, as I try to discard the virus as quickly as possible. That and the fact that this virus uses my energy when reproducing, has been a huge drain on my energy reserves. I'm down to 30/280 energy and I can't even make more mitochondria as I think the virus would just use that to spread even faster. Cell death by bursting from virus overflow is a real thing.

Seems that package wasn't as innocent as I Thought. At this point, I should have always expected the worst, but my newfound sense of feeling has left me happy and forgetful of this shitty place.


“Open crafting”


-Currently available mods:

Mitochondrion Miniature movement spirals Basic inner cellular defence Basic mutation chamber Primitive sensory system


Basic inner cellular defence - BUY!

Wait, not cool. My energy is dropping even faster now.


I can feel something small being created.


It's small, but it's endless. Even more so than the virus.


I can feel virus particles popping, waves of it radiating outward and colliding. My body is a battlefield where a ruthless, unending number of ants swarm and destroy everything foreign


Oh… it stopped.

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