

Aaaand that's it. End of book 1.

So! An open ending... like 90% of Chinese novels' ending. I'm prepared to take some fire from this. Just hoped the flame won't burn my laptop down.

There's a bit over a hundred chapters, months of writing. At last, it reached the ending I envisioned. Since the start of the cult arc, this is how it would go down and I made that imagination into reality.

I received precious feedback from many of the readers, some help me grow as a writer. If nothing else, the grammar is better now than when I first started. It was horrendous if I say so myself ^^

Will there be a sequel? I very, very much hope so. So why I haven't write it? Well, turns out writing is not so simple. At first, I thought "how hard could it be?" and just jump in writing the messy early chapters of this novel like a leaping monkey from a window. After almost a year of writing, I picked up a little bit of wisdom along the way and give my respect to all other writers out there.

The greatest issue for me is the time it took to write the chapters. Oh, I have fun writing this novel so I don't intend to stop. Viers' story is nowhere done. He just got new powers, must leave the town he was in for a hundred chapters, and finally, see what's beyond the horizon just like what he always wanted.

I admit I'm afraid. If I write the sequel and it turns out to be just another isekai story. New novels are popping up every day and I'm afraid I can't write something as good as them. Uff, the pressure...

A sequel of Horizon, at its core, is a power fantasy story. And Viers would be Viers, his character is like a sword already finished forging. There's no changing these two points or it won't be a sequel anymore. But my fear of creating something mediocre and the writing time must be allocated give me pause. I deeply regret this, since Viers' story and his world feels like having so many untapped potentials. Just like some of my reviewers said about this novel.


Since this is the end of this novel, any thoughts, impressions, advices, or sugestions you leave here would be much appreciated. What's lacking in this novel, too dark, MC is unlikeable, lame cultural references, what you want to see in the sequel, things like that. IF, you want to show praises, that's fine too. I like praises, although I don't know if I deserved it ^^

For now, I'll take some time off from the keyboard and piecing things out together.

Last but not least, I thank all of you readers that have accompanied me on this journey, especially my patrons.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Stephen Emrick, ikorack, gattala, Austin Gibbs, Cooper lesniak, Giuseppe Ritella, Boltaruas, Meep, BetterMan, Larry

You guys are awesome. My eternal gratitude to you all.

And I feel it's fitting to end this with one of those "references"

I'll be back.

Sincerely, Avery Light.

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