《Horizon》Chapter 23 - Lights On Lights Off


The astral projection showed him something he couldn't understand. There were ‘lines’ on his body, sometimes it pulsed with vibrant green glow, the pulse traveled like a ripple on the surface of water, when Viers saw the lines on his projection, it reminded him of some high-tech circuit board, the lines were usually empty and hard to see, only when the pulse came every ten seconds or so he could see its shape. It spread to all of his body three-dimensionally, torso, head, limbs, until the tip of his fingers. It didn't spread on his skin, it was akin to the nervous system although not completely similar.

The pulse was coming from his chest, the place where his Intio was when he saw it on Manastream layer. In this computer-circuit like layer, there was a bright green glowing ball instead of his Intio.

This is not possible. Am I a cyborg or my body is actually metal hardware? A machine uploaded with the memory of Viers Isuel and another being from Earth? What the hell is this…

No, no, wait a minute… the shape is certainly high tech and computer-ry but let's not jump to conclusion Viers… So what is this exactly? Green glow? Pulse? And while my Intio looks quite small and ordinary, this green ball glow gives me the impression of strong and full of energy… Is this… my life energy? My life force, qi, chi, ki, or the like?

Possible… so what did it do? The pulse… is that normal? Or perhaps that's the healing factor? Hmm, let's poke it with something, can I do something to this green ball? Muuummhh, mind power!

Despite Viers’s effort, there was no change to the ball. He tried a few times more and yet, all of his actions didn't give him any results.

Isn't this thingy supposed to be controlled by meditation and the like? I’m already in meditation so why doesn't it do anything? Is this ball uncontrollable? No, no way I will accept that reasoning, I will control it, there must be a way available for me… So is this life force thing physical or magical? Unknown, qi or ki should from the body, in my own humble opinion... no idea if that's true or not. Since my mind power doesn't work... should I use something magical then? I think this is a good opportunity to use my Victa.

Viers used his Victa, it's like moving his own limbs, very easy and felt natural for him despite the first time of doing so. He instinctively knew that he used one drop of his Victa, which there were two, as time passed his Victa increased automatically and another drop was produced while he was busy exploring his body.

With the Victa consumed, Viers felt there was something added to his being, he knew not of what but he knew he could channel it, used it for his purposes. His body was like an empty fuel tank and now there was fuel in it, Viers once again willed the green ball to do something, he willed it to stop the pulse. Soon the green ball was no longer pulsing.


Great, great, I really can use my Victa to do something to it, okay, should I log out and test my theory then? Cut myself? How long the block on the pulse would last? Wait, no need to get hasty Viers, if I log out from here, when I log back in the astral projection may not be here anymore… I spent quite an effort to make this so I should use it fully. Now, what should I do next...

If that pulse is the healing factor… what are the super senses? Mmm, some uncontrollable discharge from the green ball? Then I should… take some… what's the good word for this? Some… juice from the green ball and put it in my sensory organ? Eh, whatever, just do it Viers, do or do not, there is no try!

So what's the best super senses to have...? Let's put it on my ears, eyes are scary if something goes wrong, blind is not good. Nose is good but troublesome, better leave it for the second option. Taste is useless at least for now, what good it would bring me if I can taste more? Touch is not good, because I don't want to be more sensitive, ‘nuff said. Ears seem to be my best option... or maybe not, but whatever, I chose the hearing for my first super sense and no one can stop me! Muahaha!

With the Victa he had remaining, he took something from the ball, Viers was jubilant after he saw his theory was possible, the green ball was still glowing strong as if nothing happened to it. Viers channeled the energy to his projection’s ears. The computer-circuit like lines glowed with the bright green color as the green energy flowed through it like a glowing river, Viers felt it was beautiful. From his chest, it moved slowly to each side of his head, Viers stopped the energy to where he believed his ears organs were. He let the lines filled with the green energy to stay still for some time while he willed it to infuse his hearing organs.

Before long, he felt the energy remaining from his one drop of Victa was depleted. The green energy that he held to stay on his ears rescinded, slowly it returned back to the center of his chest, to the green ball. With no green energy, the lines were no longer glowing, however some green glow remained on both sides of the astral projection’s ears.

Viers watched this phenomenon intently. Bit by bit the circuit lines around his ears area were changing color, it was now glowing purple-colored and no longer green like before. Viers was confused.

So does it work? Why it turned purple now? And manipulating or taking some energy from the green ball was quite costly, my Victa was consumed very fast… so I have super hearing now? I don't feel any different, but maybe in the real world something has changed.


Sooo... it seems this is it. I don't think there’s anything left to do here, it’s about time to go back.

Viers thought as he looked around, he looked at his Intio for a while then returned his gaze to the astral projection, at the glowing bright green ball.

I must name this, too mouthful for me and hard to remember otherwise, what’s a good name for this Spring of Wisdom? If I analyzed it correctly, this should be my life-force… meh, okay-ish I suppose. So that green orb represented my life-force hmn?

I will call the green energy like thingy my life-force and the green ball my life-orb then, the storage of all my life energy… why is it so abundant? Because of the flower? Is this what Guo Song meant about the gift of higher beings? Oh well, my head hurts from thinking so much, time to go back to the real world and test if that pulse really is my healing factor or not, log out.

When Viers opened his eyes, he let out a long relieved sigh.

I thank whatever higher power in this world, that I could log out.

Viers looked at the time, it was 3 o’clock, he was inside the realm of consciousness for about 3 hours. He stood up and started stretching, his body felt tense after sitting for so long. While he did so, he planned his next action. To cut himself, again.

His knife broke so he went to the kitchen to borrow the sharp object. The dorm was silent, he could hear the sounds of every step he took very clearly, Viers thought that he could hear more sensitively now but that also could be only his imagination so he didn’t pay it much thought.

After he arrived in the kitchen, he used the knife to make a 5cm slit on his palm then and there. Blood started to come out, the pain still made Viers uncomfortable but it was necessary so he grit his teeth and endured it. He looked at the wound closely for 5 minutes… it didn’t heal.

Viers smiled, he washed the knife and returned to his room then opened the window. Viers tended his wound then sprawl on the bed while looking at the night sky, the soft sound of rustling leaves from the trees outside entered his ears.

Whew… so many things happened at once I’m a bit overwhelmed. So my healing factor really is that pulse… that pulse came from my life-force… wasn’t that mean my healing factor wasn’t genetic or mutation? But can I say it was magical? Oh well, it’s neither biological or magical, perhaps it's both at the same time, no need to overthink this Viers, you have it, and now to a certain degree, you can control it, let’s leave it at that.

My life-orb is strong, vibrant and full of life, that’s the impression I get when I saw that glowing green ball but how could it be so strong? Was it the flower? Is the flower is a fountain of never-ending life force? That may be… the other possibility is the bull. Whatever I eat may be transformed into my life-force, if that is so, the bull’s flesh must’ve provided me with lots and lots of that juicy life-force! The skin alone could break my knife so that’s saying something.

Since my healing factor came from my life-force, does this mean I can’t die unless my life-force ran out? That’s good but I’m not going to test my theory and behead myself, I should also test my theory about the possibility of me gaining life-force by eating other beings. If that’s true… Isn’t it very OP?

Shouldn’t I consume everything and anything biological and then, after this planet is merely a big floating rock in space, I moved to the stars in search of other life to consume? Hur hur hur, nah I won’t do that, too much trouble and what good would that be for me? I’m not going to be the big threat to all life, what’s the point of becoming the big bad? I won’t serve as some boss figure, not mid-boss, not final boss, not bonus boss, not hidden boss, or whatever bosses left that exist in the gaming industry!

Now back on track, with my life-orb so vibrant, it should be safe to say that I won’t be running out of life energy soon even if I use some for fueling the healing factor, I assume the more heavy the injury, the more life-force it would take to heal me but it should be no problem for squandering it a bit when the occasion arise. For instance, I could use ‘I hurt but my enemy also hurt’ fighting style, aim for a dual exchange of attack, since I can heal and they could not, this strategy should be quite effective… but not suitable for when there are spectators, I should keep this hidden.

Now that I stopped my healing factor temporarily, any calories I burn now should affect my fat! The reason my fat didn’t decrease at all was because it hid behind my life-force, what a chicken shit move! But now you can’t hide any more oh fat, your days are numbered, buahahaha…

Aah… I’m tired from all the thinking, I should catch some shuteye…

Viers yawned and tried to fall asleep, he found the key to his power, a dilemma that plagued his mind for a long time, with the heavy burden in his mind lifted, he fell asleep easily like a baby.

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