《Easygoing Sect Leader》Chapter 27 – Ending up at the wrong dinner party


The next few days of the journey were peaceful, and Aki spent his time testing out the mask he had looted from the demonic cultivators. Outwardly, it seemed to be naught more than a plain wooden plank with eyeholes, but the inner side was covered in a complex web of formation carvings. When not worn, the mask did not seem to cause any special effects.

However, once it was put on someone’s head it instantly activated, making the judging of facial features practically impossible. Winter Gale doubted that even a third realm cultivator could break through the effect easily.

His disciple had seemingly used her time at the Pavilion to stock up on snacks for the journey, as her bag was again filled with fresh spirit fruit. Seeing her steadily snacking away at them, Aki felt regret that he had not remembered to purchase anything for himself to bring along. Besides, it would be unseemly for an elder of the sect to beg for scraps from his disciple.

Still, perhaps Aki’s hunger-filled gaze was not concealed that cunningly, as soon the woman tossed over a spirit apple to him.

“Master, these ones are so fresh, really gets the Qi flowing. You should give it a try.”

“Ah, well, certainly. If you insist, I suppose I must.”

Despite his attempts at remaining aloof, it was not the most convincing performance. The trip passed along in this manner, and eventually the pair arrived at their destination.

Ko Vola was by far the biggest city Aki had seen so far in this world. It lay in middle of the fertile river lands, a vast circular stone bastion at the crossing of the rivers. It had been a long time since Aki had last seen something on this scale, so he was eager to get exploring in the city.

He did wonder why the sect had no such dwellings near it, and why this mighty city was instead governed by a subordinate clan, but then he realized that the spiritual energy around here felt a lot more thin than near the sect. I suppose sects aren’t built in places fertile for farming, but rather in places fertile for cultivation.

Aki and Winter Gale did not need to present any identification to pass through the tall stone gates of the city, as their robes and bearing revealed their position. After stepping only two steps into the city, a cultivator from the Aho clan rushed in to offer greetings.

“Greetings honoured elder. We were not expecting a visit from you to our city, should we prepare for a meeting?”

Aki looked the man over – he was a second realm cultivator dressed in verdant green robes, but not a man he was interested in entertaining for longer than necessary. Aki was in this city after one thing, and one thing only: food.

“I am merely passing by on some private business, your clan has no need to take note of it.” Aki said, dismissing the man as fast as possible.

“Disciple,” Aki said turning to address Winter Gale. “Go inform the Soul Food School of my coming and have them prepare for a dinner meeting. I especially wish to sample some spirit chicken with whatever spirit spices they may have.”


“Understood, master. May I ask what you will be doing in the meantime?” She responded, curt and businesslike again.

“I will be doing some reconnaissance on various matters. I trust you will be able to find me?”

“Of course, master. I will get to it.”

All Aki honestly wanted to do was go explore the city, do some window shopping and observe local customs. He decided to skip any street food this time – a dinner meeting was in order after all. Aki wanted to be at his best for his first encounter with proper cultivator food.

The buildings closer to the walls were generally made of wood, while the closer to the centre he got the more he started seeing tall stone buildings. The city was rather densely built, making exploring it a rather hectic experience. They’re probably optimizing usage of the walls like this.

Aki kept his spiritual sense up as he explored, and noticed a curious detail. There were people at the very beginning of the first realm of cultivation here and there – still too early in their work to be admitted to any sect. The interesting thing was that they were predominantly beggars and other vagrants – most wealthier looking citizens had not one bit of cultivation in them.

I suppose only the truly desperate would dare risk the first chain of mortality and step into the world of cultivation.

There were all manner of shops here and there – peddling colorful clothing, tools and a plethora of other things. Fashions were most definitely not drab in this part of the world. Aki almost got jealous that other people got to wear all manner of fashions while he was stuck with his elder’s robes for the foreseeable future.

After about an hour of exploring, Winter Gale returned to him just as Aki was considering whether he could buy a stylish hat. His disciple had a thoughtful expression on her face as she returned – she seemed to be watching the crowds with a careful eye.

“Master, the meeting has been arranged. The Soul Food School were most accommodating and have made arrangements immediately. They are eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

Aki sighed internally. Again people are all too eager to accommodate me. Honestly, they could have taken a lot longer, but I suppose people are always in a hurry...

“Well done disciple. By the way, is something bothering you?” Aki asked, noticing his disciple’s restless gaze.

She stopped her people-watching with a bit of an embarrassed expression, and focused on Aki.

“Ah, it’s nothing major, master. However, do you need me at the meeting? I may have noticed something curious in this city which I would like to investigate.”

Hmm, she’s being unusually forthright. I suppose indulging her shouldn’t hurt, she is a sharp one.

“I will be fine without you, do not worry. Go attend to your suspicions.”

Winter Gale bowed to him and faded into the crowds, just as Aki realised something concerning.

Ah, I forgot to ask her for directions. I think the school was supposed to be somewhere in the outer western district? I’m sure it’s a noticeable place, there’s no way I would miss it.

Full of confidence, Aki headed out.

Half an hour later Aki had to admit something to himself – he was completely lost.


It was his first time in this city after all, and he had not really paid as much attention to his surroundings as he should have. In his previous life, Aki had been very used to using google maps on his phone to navigate everywhere, so the very idea of it being possible to get lost into a city was alien to him. As a result, he stood at a street crossing, looking every way desperately.

Now where the hell’s is this food district supposed to be? I feel like I’ve gone towards where it’s supposed to be, but I keep turning up at this one crossing over and over. My navigation attempts are just not working at all. I need a new plan.

Aki really did not want to ask the passers-bys for directions, as it would not be seemly for a sect elder to get lost, however it at this moment that Aki remembered another possible solution: his [Thread of Fate] technique!

What if I began using that technique, trying to see if the fluctuations of fate will point me in the correct direction? A meeting like this has to be very significant – the fate of an entire organisation is being decided after all. Drawing nearer to the meeting should in theory be noticeable with the technique, allowing me to follow the current.

Aki saw no problems with his plan, and immediately began to implement it. It would not do to be late for his hot wings after all! He closed his eyes and began using the [Thread of Fate], trying to feel at the fluctuations in it. He began to walk into different directions, relying on his spiritual sense for navigation.

Alright, if I go in this direction, I feel nothing, but I’m pretty sure going in that one resulted in some small fluctuations. Ok, I think they’re getting stronger, I must be on to something with this one. I’m so clever for coming up with this!

Aki was really rather proud of this hot or cold technique he was using, so he enthusiastically rushed through the streets with his eyes closed, seeing where the technique would take him. He walked on and on for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, until he eventually felt something stronger.

I think my spiritual sense just bounced off another cultivator! He seems to be waiting in front of a door, that must be the venue.

Aki opened his eyes and looked around. Ok, this does not look like the good part of town.

He had arrived in the midst of a shabby looking district near the wall, where windows were as often boarded up as filled with broken glass. Aki looked around doubtfully for a bit, then focused on the venue in front of him. He was in a small alley, standing in front of an out-of-the way restaurant. A tall and gruff looking masked cultivator was staring at him coldly.

Well, I suppose I shouldn’t judge based on the appearance of the place. I’ve eaten in rougher looking neighbourhoods, and those meals were often some of the best.

“Excuse me, is this the venue for the meeting?” Aki asked the masked man.

“You got an invitation?” he growled back, eyeing Aki with suspicion.

Aki scoffed, did this man not recognize his liege lord?

“Well, of course I have an invitation!” He responded, just a touch of indignation to his voice. This was organized for me after all!

The man took out an orb that glowed with a green hue from his pocket, checked it, then put it back.

“Seems that you do indeed. Masks on inside,” the man said, then shifted to the side so Aki could pass through.

Is there some sort of masquerade theme going on here? I had not imagined these were that type of folk.

Aki took out the mask he had looted from the unfortunate victim of the [PowerPoint] technique, then placed it on his head. After making sure it was secured, he opened the door and headed inside.

The hallway led into a large and rather nice-looking room with one big, round table at the centre of it. Only one other man was present, sitting at one of the many seats around the table. He was a broad-shouldered man with wild, messy hair and a mask depicting some kind of demon on his face. I knew this place would be nicer on the inside, but where are all the people?

Aki sat down at a place a few seats down from the man and got comfortable. At least the seats are comfortable.

“Excuse me, when will the meal be arriving?” Aki asked the demon-mask man.

The man did not respond, merely turning to stare silently at Aki for a moment. It was a rather intimidating glare and managed to cow even Aki into complete silence.

What’s wrong with him, is he mute or something?

Aki was starting to realise that something was wrong with the situation, but he did not dare attempt anything. Being thrust into a possibly unknown situation, his mind had gone completely into go-with-the-flow mode.

He did not dare ask another question, and slowly more people began to trickle into the room – all wearing different intimidating masks. Aki sensed a few third realm presences among them, though most were second realm. I don’t think the Soul Food School has this many third realm cultivators... Have I possibly made a mistake?

All the people, men and women with intimidating auras, sat down at the table and did nothing further. It seemed they were waiting for something. Soon the man who had been at the door returned inside and set an orb in the middle of the table. This time it seemed to be colourless, no glow to it.

“Let us begin this meeting of the League of Demonic Cultivators. Only truth may be spoken here, let all lies be revealed. Who will take the first motion?”

The demon-mask man who had been seated there first immediately stood up and pointed at Aki.

“Lord Enigma raises the first motion. Who the fuck is that guy? He may have the mask, but I know he’s not Lord Midnight Marauder.”

As he finished his words the stone in the middle of the table glowed green, and Aki gulped.

I don’t think this is the right dinner party...

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