《The Vorrgistadt Saga - Archives (2015-2018)》Episode I - A Blood-soaked Legacy Addenda (Work in Progress)
A Blood-soaked Legacy - Addenda
[Work in Progess]
I - Descent
II - A Matter of Runes
III - Tombs
IV - Night's Bridge
V - Skulls of the Fallen
VI - Vhoggli's Transgressions
VII - In the Darkness
VIII - Reigning Them In
IX - Places Lost to Memory
X - The Price of Discovery
XI - An Elemental Vengeance of Air
XII - An Elemental Vengeance of Earth
XIII - An Elemental Vengeance of Water
XIV - An Elemental Vengeance of Fire
XV - Escape
Plotline Information
Outside the Ruins of Neshran City
Oerstav Caelii (The Shattered Oracle Isles)
Morthav Province
Hoelatha Lands
Northern Heartsblood Core
Aelth Myrris (The World-plane of Myrris)
The Sixth and Final Age of Humanity
1,701 Ahn Reckoning (Post-Cataclysm Reckoning Calendar)
Year of the Trailing Stars - Traditional Year (2nd Last Traditional Year Before the Next Blood Year)
9th Day of Ostahl (First Month of Spring)
Plotline Inspiration
Theme: "Telling Ghosts" by Puscifer
Within the Den of the Mad One: "Dreaming of Glaciers" by God Body Disconnect
The Walls Close In: "Tyr" by Danheim
Visions of the Past: "Her Ghost" by Dance with the Dead
Memories of the Wounded Wolf: "Get Your Fight On" by The Prodigy
An Elemental Vengeance: "Sonne" by Rammstein
Dramatis Personae
Central Characters
Bhergom kolst Khaylant
Name Pronounciation: (B-HER-GHOM kohl-st kay-lant)
Name Etymology: Bhergom (male name) - Shortened Form of 'Bhergomil' (A Healing Herb with Blue-green Leaves)
Surname Etymology: kolst Khaylant - 'of the Kaylant Bloodline' (Esteemed Family from the Morthal Lands)
Species: Mhorrath (Human)
Ethnicity: Hoelatha
Tribal Origins: Athulma (Adopted Nominally Into the Alsira Tribe)
Former Caste: Tolshaltra (Courtier Caste)
Title: Master of the Authrakallin Order (Specialist in Authroc Training)
Role: Oracle
Age: 48 Years (as of "The Hunter")
Birthdate: 27th Day of Celannil - 1,653 Ahn Reckoning
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight - Celibate
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown - Graying with Age - Balding with Trimmed Ponytail - Trimmed Beard
Skin Tone: Light with Mild Tanning
Myrran Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (3.72 metres Terran)
Body Build: Formerly Muscular - Now Slightly Out-of-Shape
Myrran Weight: 260 pounds (233.5 kg Terran)
Parents: Jakoben kolst Khaylant (Father), Ollistha kolst Khaylant, niallus Llomn (Mother)
Siblings: None
Spouse: Unmarried
Children: None
Lineage of Note:
- None
Notable Characteristics:
- None
Demonstrated Haeth (Divinatory) Powers:
- None
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- "Only" by Nine Inch Nails
Isilda kolst Japhet
Name Pronounciation: (EE-SILL-DAH kohl-st jha-fett)
Name Etymology: Isilda (female name) - Shortened Form of 'Issa Khalda' (Ice Crystal)
Surname Etymology: kolst Japhet - 'of the Japhet Bloodline' (Merchantile Family from the Issautha Lands)
Species: Mhorrath (Human)
Ethnicity: Hoelatha
Tribal Origins: Issautha (Adopted Nominally Into the Alsira Tribe)
Former Caste: Veskaultri (Explorer Caste)
Title: Initiate of the Authrakallin Order (Specialist in Ancient Lore)
Role: Oracle
Age: 22 Years (as of "The Hunter")
Birthdate: 4th Day of Kollast - 1,679 Ahn Reckoning
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight - Celibate, but Open to Relationships
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde - Frequently Braided
Skin Tone: Very Pale
Myrran Height: 5 feet, 4 inches (3.2 metres Terran)
Body Build: Petite - Slight Curves - Lean
Myrran Weight: 130 pounds (116.7 kg Terran)
Parents: Asthyr kolst Japhet (Father), Vyka-Molth kolst Japhet, niallus Isaholme (Mother)
Siblings: Helda kolst Japhet (Twin Sister)
Spouse: Unmarried
Children: None
Lineage of Note:
- Related to Haelstromm kolst Isaholme, Ravager of the Kethyran Seas
Notable Characteristics:
- Elementally Attuned Bloodline: Water - Ice
Demonstrated Haeth (Divinatory) Powers:
- Astral Projection (Intermediate Haeth Augury)
- Essential Diffusion (Minor Haeth Control)
- Gazing with Neshran's Eyes (Intermediate Haeth Augury)
- Seizing Upon the Object's Truth (Minor Haeth Augury)
- Telepathic Defense (Minor Haeth Defense)
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- "Venger" by Perturbator
Merithault Haullpent, the Shattered Oracle
Name Pronounciation: (MERRY-TH-AUHL-TT haul-pent)
Name Etymology: Merithault (female name) - Shortened Form of 'Meri Thault' (Happy Hearth)
Surname Etymology: Haullpent - Descended from the Pherene-Morthav of the Ancient Hoelatha Empire
Species: Formerly Mhorrath (Human) - Currently Unknown/Undead
Ethnicity: Hoelatha
Tribal Origins: Morrah (Forgotten Tribe)
Former Caste: Not Applicable (from Before the Time of the Castes)
Title: Haethrex Secundi of the Sharr-vhult Oracles
Role: Oracle
Age: Apparent Age of 43 (as of "The Hunter")
Birthdate: 38th Day of Ghetral - 3,802 Years Pre-Cataclysm
Date of Death: 1st Day of Ullthane - 3,759 Years Pre-Cataclysm
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight - Formerly Committed - No Longer Applicable
Eye Color: Ice-blue
Hair Color: Blood-red - Long and Wild
Skin Tone: Formerly Pale - Now Inhuman
Myrran Height: 5 feet, 9 inches When Mortal - 8 feet, 4 inches Currently (5 metres Terran)
Body Build: Formerly Lean - Completely Alien Currently
Myrran Weight: Unknown
Parents: Primothain Phelrhent (Father), Kalysulan Phelrhent, niallus Ollanth (Mother)
Siblings: Nerethault Phelrhent (Younger Brother)
Spouse: Jornath Haullpent
Children: Maenthrai (Daughter), Serranos (Son), Nesbinet (Twin Son), Jhulessi (Twin Daughter)
Lineage of Note:
- Related by blood to Boulka, the Warrior-Queen of the Morthavi and Vanquisher of Vhaulgisaal
- Related by blood to Maenthrai, the Last Oracle (Daughter)
- Related by blood to Serranos, the First Martyr-knight of Morrthal (Son)
- Related by blood to Loelan Ryunath, Warrior-Queen of the Gladeguard (Grand-daughter)
- Related by blood to Jaethanna, the Bloody Witch of Ceranthos
- Related by blood to Bulithol Gaereth, the Mad Bull
- Related by blood to Ghelta kolst Wyghtsmourn, the Witchling of Alsira
Notable Characteristics:
- Absolute Elemental/Geomantic Control of Oerstav Caelii
- Damned Avatar of Ullthos, the Dark Master
- Destined by Vhaulgisaal: Bloodline Curse
- First of the Ullthosian Witchlings: Bloodline Curse
- Malleable Visage (All Victim's Identities)
- Omniscience of Blood: Bloodline Ability (Can Sense and Telepathically Connect to all Members of Bloodline)
- Soul Absorbtion and Control (All Victim's Personalities + Abilities)
- Undead / Immortal / Living God
- Unrestrained Command of Haeth (All Powers)
Demonstrated Haeth (Divinatory) Powers:
- Telekinetic Grip (Advanced Haeth Control)
- Telekinetic Throw (Advanced Haeth Control)
- Telekinetic Rage (Advanced Haeth Attack)
- Telepathic Suggestion (Advanced Haeth Control)
Demonstrated Unknown Powers:
- Awakening the Raellin Crystals (Unknown Energy Control)
- Tendrils of Ullthos (Unknown Energy Attack)
- Ullthos' Revalescene (Unknown Healing Control)
- Veil of Sharrniv (Unknown Illusion Control)
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- When Mortal - "Judged By" by Euzen
- Immortal - "Star Ruby" by Red Queen
Tyverus Mhalkath
Name Pronounciation: (TIE-VHER-US m-hal-kath)
Name Etymology: Tyverus (male name) - Shortened Form of 'Tyvarah Vethus' (Majestic Mountain)
Surname Etymology: Mhalkath - Title Name, Shortened Form of 'Mhallus Kathal' (Hammer of Retribution)
Species: Elementally Augmented Mhorrath (Human)
Ethnicity: Hoelatha
Tribal Origins: Athulma
Former Caste: Filidath (Law-giver Caste)
Title: Phalthran Rexis of the Wolf-killers Legion
Role: Guardian Knight of Morrthal
Age: 26 Years (as of "The Hunter")
Birthdate: 17th Day of Sumnistal - 1,675 Ahn Reckoning
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight - Open
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light-brown - Closely Trimmed
Skin Tone: Light - Weathered
Myrran Height: 6 feet, 10 inches (4.1 metres Terran)
Body Build: Very Muscular - Chiselled
Myrran Weight: 270 pounds - 390 pounds with Knight's Mantle and Augmentations (350 kg Terran)
Parents: Tylannis kolst Zyphont (Father), Raemona kolst Zyphont, niallus Fyrroth (Mother)
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Children: None
Lineage of Note:
- None
Notable Characteristics:
- Adamantine Skeleton: Ribs + Left Femur
- Augmented Reactions: Minor
- Augmented Sight: Minor
- Augmented Speed: Minor
- Elemental Attunement: Sword
- Elemental Command: Least / Minor / Intermediate
- Elemental Mantle of the Guardian-knights of Morthal
- Immortal (Age-delayed): Elemental Mantle
- Summon Elementals: Least / Minor / Intermediate / Greater
Demonstrated Qthallan (Elemental) Powers:
- Armor of Stvetha (Elemental Defense - Earth)
- Atulmatul's Dance (Elemental Attack - Air)
- Awakening Myrris (Elemental Control - Earth)
- Blast of Vorthax (Elemental Attack - Air)
- Chaelnor's Caress (Elemental Attack - Water)
- Chaelnor's Embrace (Elemental Attack - Water)
- Paladarc's Demise (Elemental Attack - All Elements)
- Trallt's Ambition (Elemental Cantrip - Fire)
- Vaeka's Lance (Elemental Attack - Fire)
- Vethic Rage (Elemental Attack - Earth)
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- Flashbacks: "Love Like Blood" by Killing Joke
- Current: "Burn" by The Cure
Name Pronounciation: (VV-HOE-GG-LEE)
Name Etymology: Vhoggli (male name) - Shortened Form of 'Vhorrga Linsaenga' (Shadowed Bloodline)
Surname Etymology: None
Species: Haemonculus
Ethnicity: None
Tribal Origins: None
Former Caste: None
Title: Master of the Authrakallin Order (Specialty in Blood Magic and Alchemy)
Role: Oracle
Age: Unknown - Immortal
Birthdate: 1st Day of Vhorram - 1,613 Ahn Reckoning
Sex: Apparently Male - No Actual Sex
Orientation: None
Eye Color: Black - Glows Green in the Dark
Hair Color: Gray - Scraggles
Skin Tone: Gray - Mottled
Myrran Height: 3 feet, 3 inches (2 metres Terran)
Body Build: Lean - Squat
Myrran Weight: 70 pounds (62.8 kg Terran)
Parents: Toulam kolst Vhalten (Creator)
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Children: None
Lineage of Note:
- None
Notable Characteristics:
- Blood-dependent: Toulam's Blood-elixir
- Blood Scent and Tracking
- Borrowed Discipline: Toulam's Command of Haeth Powers
- Command of Blood: Telekinetic
- Haemonculus
- Immortal: Minor - Does Not Age
- Immortal: Minor - Does Not Breathe
- Immortal: Minor - Does Not Eat
- Increased Resistance to Heat and Cold
- Night-vision
- Telepathic Connection to Toulam: Constant
Demonstrated Haeth (Divinatory) Powers:
- Cloak of Jhulkos (Minor Haeth Illusion)
- Seizing Upon the Object's Truth (Minor Haeth Augury)
- Telekinetic Leap (Advanced Haeth Control)
- Telepathic Defense (Minor Haeth Defense)
Demonstrated Saengva (Blood Magic) Powers:
- Haemonculus' Strength (Minor Saengva Control)
- Haemonculus' Dexterity (Minor Saengva Control)
- Sniffing Out the Blood Trail (Minor Saengva Control)
- Stiching the Bloody Corpus (Minor Saengva Healing)
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- "Bed of Thorns" by Gary Numan
Secondary Characters
Chace Nahlstradt
Name Pronounciation: (CHASE nah-ll-stradt)
Name Etymology: Chace (male name) - Shortened Form of 'Challath Cenvol' (Chalice of Courage)
Surname Etymology: Nahlstradt - Title Name, Shortened Form of 'Nahllus Stradt' (Road/Way of Spears)
Species: Elementally Augmented Mhorrath (Human)
Ethnicity: Hoelatha
Tribal Origins: Caella
Former Caste: Vhulkhovyr (Warrior Caste)
Title: Squire Rexis
Role: Guardian Knight of Morrthal
Age: 16 Years (as of "The Hunter")
Birthdate: 9th Day of Dhaulmor - 1,675 Ahn Reckoning
Sex: Male
Orientation: Unknown
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light-Brown - Shaved
Skin Tone: Tanned - Weathered
Myrran Height: 5 feet, 7 inches (3.4 metres Terran)
Body Build: Lean Muscular - Fit
Myrran Weight: 170 pounds - 210 pounds with Knight's Mantle and Augmentations (118.6 kg Terran)
Parents: Baemon kolst Vathcael (Father), Ulgarra kolst Erathanom (Mother)
Siblings: Zathandyr kolst Vathcael (Brother), Xenobyor kolst Erathanom (Sister)
Spouse: None
Children: None
Lineage of Note:
- None
Notable Characteristics:
- Augmented Reactions: Minor
- Augmented Sight: Minor
- Augmented Speed: Minor
- Elemental Attunement: Spear
- Elemental Command: Least / Minor
- Elemental Mantle of the Guardian-knights of Morthal
- Immortal (Age-delayed): Elemental Mantle
- Summon Elementals: Least / Minor / Intermediate
Demonstrated Qthallan (Elemental) Powers:
- Awakening Myrris (Elemental Control - Earth)
Maenthrai Ahlmunast
Name Pronounciation: (MANE-TH-RAY auhl-moon-ast)
Name Etymology: Maenthrai (female name) - Shortened Form of 'Maen Thraya' (Beautiful Daughter)
Surname Etymology: Ahlmunast - Descended from the Haulthan and Pherene-Morthav of the Ancient Hoelatha Empire
Species: Mhorrath (Human)
Ethnicity: Hoelatha
Tribal Origins: Morrah (Forgotten Tribe)
Former Caste: Not Applicable (from Before the Time of the Castes)
Title: Haethrex Acolyte - The Morthav Collegium
Role: Oracle
Age: 39 Years (Apparent as of "The Hunter")
Birthdate: 21st Day of Althann - 3,776 Years Pre-Cataclysm
Date of Death: 13th Day of Vhorram - 3,737 Years Pre-Cataclysm
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight - Formerly Committed - Estranged
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blood-red - Long - Often Braided
Skin Tone: Very Pale
Myrran Height: 5 feet, 7 inches (3.4 metres Terran)
Body Build: Slightly Muscular - Lean - Fit
Myrran Weight: 140 pounds (125.7 kg Terran)
Parents: Jornath Haullpent (Father), Merithault Haullpent, niallus Phelrhent (Mother)
Siblings: Serranos Haullpent (Brother), Nesbinet Haullpent (Twin Brother), Jhulessi Haullpent (Twin Sister)
Spouse: Kaisos Ahlmunast - Estranged
Children: Isyn (Son), Loelan (Daughter)
Lineage of Note:
- Related by blood to Boulka, the Warrior-Queen of the Morthavi and Vanquisher of Vhaulgisaal
- Related by blood to Maenthrai, the Last Oracle (Daughter)
- Related by blood to Serranos, the First Martyr-knight of Morrthal (Son)
- Related by blood to Loelan Ryunath, Warrior-Queen of the Gladeguard (Grand-daughter)
- Related by blood to Jaethanna, the Bloody Witch of Ceranthos
- Related by blood to Bulithol Gaereth, the Mad Bull
- Related by blood to Ghelta kolst Wyghtsmourn, the Witchling of Alsira
Notable Characteristics:
- Attuned to the First Nesharite Sphere: All Haeth Abilities
- Attuned to the First Nesharite Sphere: Soul Transplant
- Augmented by the Azhemyra: Minor Physical Boosts
- Augmented by the Azhemyra: Minor Mental Boosts
- Creator of the Nesharite Spheres: Imprinted Essence Upon All Spheres
- Destined by Vhaulgisaal: Bloodline Curse
- Devoured by Merithault: Soul-captured (Until Released by the First Nesharite Sphere)
- Protected by the Azhemyra: Wynnol's Cloak
- Second of the Ullthosian Witchlings: Bloodline Curse
Demonstrated Haeth (Divinatory) Powers:
- None
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- Younger at Oerstav Caelii (Shattered Oracle Flashbacks): "Cities in Dust" by Siouxsie and the Banshees
- Adult (Shattered Oracle Book I): "Losing My Religion" Lacuna Coil
- Adult (Shattered Oracle Book II): "24" by Jem
- Adult (Shattered Oracle Book II - Finale): "Lilith" by Perturbator
Mentioned Characters
Toulam kolst Vhalten, Grandmaster of the Authrakallin Order
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- Later in the Witchling of Alsira: "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Apocalypse Orchestra
Vhaltenesh, Primarch of the Authrakallin Order
Musical Inspiration for Character:
- Later in the Shattered Oracle Anthology II: "Backwards" by Depeche Mode
The Chiefess
!Moved from the old account! A world of savage barbarians, cannibalistic tribes, demi-humans, corrupt lords and monstrous creatures plague the Sothern Realm. This is now the world for a merchant. After being attacked by monsters, and saved by the mysterious but terrifying queen of one of the tribes, Charlie is thrust into a world he was not expecting. Can he help the realm, prove himself to his family, and above all survive the horrid horrors and brutal barbarians of the desert? Always editing and making the story more coherent, so if there are any grammar mistakes just know I'll get to them eventually. ps. also originally uploaded onto Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/366916/the-chieftess/
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