《Until Then》Chapter 71


Borris could clearly remember the day his aunt had told him that she was going to bear him a cousin.

He sat shivering in the rain in the Rockfell market square, coins clattered into the small mug he had set out by those that walked by the four year old child in tattered clothes. He was waiting for his aunt to finish recruiting men to replace those that had recently met a sad demise on a barely successful theft. Their spoils had been given to the families that had lost their husband’s and sons, leaving them with barely enough to eat, let alone afford proper clothing for the icy rains that were common in late winter.

The Shield his aunt had assigned to him was fast asleep between stalls after having imbibed heavily the entire morning, oblivious to the cold in his inebriated state.

Borris had his arms wrapped around his legs, his lips turning a pretty shade of blue, when he heard the dreaded sound every thief feared.

“Oy! I remembers you! You lifted my purse a fortnight ago!”

Borris snatched the cup of coins, and tried to spring up when a furry hand grabbed him by the back of his shirt. His frozen limbs hadn’t been able to move as nimbly as they normally could.

“I’d remember those golden peepers anywheres!” The Beast Awares that had him was one of the dockworkers that liked to gamble, and lacked any skill for games of strategy or chance.

The few onlookers witnessing the confrontation didn’t want to mess with the burly man that held the child. It wasn’t because he was especially tall, but because his arms were the size of tree trunks. His leathery face leered baring his pointed teeth as he brought his face down to Borris, whom attempted to yank himself free once unsuccessfully, but quickly recognized it was no use.

“Yous pay me back my coin with interest, or else.”

Despite the fear wracking his body, he didn’t dare scream. He didn’t need more people seeing his face. They had been supposed to leave that night after pick pocketing the majority of the city clean, it would not be hard for people to start recognizing him should word get out.

“I’ve got nothin’to give you!” Borris hollered back in the Beast Awares face, refusing to cry or beg.

The dockworker growled, and hauled the young boy effortlessly to the nearest alley that ended in a stonewall that was impossible to climb, leaving no escape save for through the Beast Awares legs.

No words were said before a gigantic fist landed in his small gut winding him and making his vision grow blurry. The Beast Awares had obviously not used his full strength, for if he had he probably would’ve killed him immediately.

Borris collapsed on the ground choking, and was trying desperately to breathe, when he heard the most beautiful sound in the world to him.

“Sir you will step away from the boy.”

His aunt stood with her dark hair pulled back in a messy pony tail, her eyes flashing in the rain as she stood wearing nothing but a short sleeved tunic, and brown trousers with her two sai blades attached to her hips.

“You this rat’s mum?” The dockworker squared his body towards her.

“Can’t say I have the privilege. All the same, you’ll step away and let him on his way.”

“Yous don’t fools me. Yous got those same eyes. I sees the entire family runs dirty.” The bulky being squeezed his hand into a fist.


“No!” Borris had found a short supply of breath that he used to shout the word before he grabbed the Beast Awares leg, and sunk his teeth deep into his calf until he tasted blood.

He heard the man shout, and there was a shift of movement, but while Borris waited for the blow, it never came.

Borris was wrenched from the Beast Awares by a sudden movement, and a piercing cry rang out.

When he finally lifted his gaze, he saw that his aunt had one blade thrust through the large man’s wrist into the wall behind him, and the other sais tip was pressed into his meaty neck.

“The boy and I are going to walk out of here, and should you think to swing that pillar you call an arm, I will give you a nick that’ll have you bleed to death in this alley with no one the wiser.” She almost sounded bored.

He didn’t listen, the huge mass of his free arm had curled into a fist and was in motion, when his aunt twitched her wrist, and blood suddenly poured from where her blade had previously been.

Stepping back with both daggers in her hands, his aunt watched passively as the massive Beast Awares collapsed on the ground, his blood flooding from him, and flowing away to the puddles around them.

It was the first time Borris watched someone die.

He sat petrified on the ground, the icy chill of his drenched clothes far from his mind.

“Borris, let’s get a hot meal into you.” His aunt’s voice was gentle as she knelt down in front of him, and gently wiped the blood from his face that had remained after his bite.

“We don’t have much time, so I’m going to carry you.”

He managed to nod once as his aunt’s strong arms wrapped around him and lifted him up.

That was when Borris saw a trio of rough looking men gaping openly.

“As you see gentlemen, I am not just a silly woman who orders people about. Now, take care of the body while I get some food for my nephew.” Her commanding tone left no room for discussion, and they sprang into action immediately despite her being only a woman of twenty-nine.

They chose an inn near the gate to the city, and once the hot plate of stew that consisted of more vegetables than meat rested in front of him, Borris finally looked at his aunt whom was equally drenched as him, yet didn’t show any signs of the cold affecting her.

“Thank you Aunt Harry.” He mumbled the words through numb lips as he reached with stiff fingers for the fork in front of him.

“I think it’s time for me to start training you Borris.”

He sat bolt upright, his eyes wide.

“R-Really?!” His excitement was palatable.

Shaking her head slightly with a chuckle, she picked up her own fork.

“Yes. You proved yourself today when you attacked that brute to protect me, even though you didn’t stand a chance.”

“So does that mean I’m officially a Maggie?”

“Magee.” She corrected in a whispered tone eyeing the nearly empty inn cautiously.

“And not quite. It will be a long while of training before you could be one of us, and you would have to make the oath under Master Buschi. However, we can start once we set up a new camp.”

“Thank you aunt Harry!” Borris was beaming as his legs swung under the table, unable to keep still in the excitement.


“Borris… I have other news for you.” She cleared her throat awkwardly and looked to the ceiling momentarily while placing her fork back down on the table. Her nephew sat puzzled waiting for his aunt to tell him whatever it was. The woman never looked uncomfortable, and was as unflappable as a statue, which made the young boy begin to feel an ounce of worry.

“You’re going to have a cousin in a few months.” She said the words while letting out a long sigh and briefly closing her eyes as though exasperated.

Borris blinked.

“You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?” The pained look on Harry’s face made him shift embarrassed in his seat.

“Shit. Well… I’m going to have a baby Borris.” She blurted the words, and immediately after, rested her elbows on the table while pressing her forehead into her palms.

Borris paused for a moment. He remembered his aunt telling him that all babies had fathers when he had asked if he was born without one.

“Who’s the father…?” He furrowed his brow trying to understand.

“Gods. Of course you fucking remember that part…” Harry rubbed her face vigorously before dropping her hands to her lap.

“Do you remember Decker?”

“Yeah? He was alright.” Borris shrugged. The strange man had been a pure human that had worked with them on the last robbery, and had perished like the majority of the group.

“Decker’s the father.”

“Oh.” The young boy jerked his shoulders again It made enough sense. Picking up his fork, he shoveled a potato chunk into his mouth, and enjoyed its warmth on his tongue immensely, even if it was poorly seasoned.

“Borris, I want you to promise me something.” Harry looked serious again, and so he swallowed quickly, uncertain what other news there could be.

“Yes aunt Harry?”

“I want you to promise me that you will always protect your cousin. Boy or girl. You are the older one, you need to look out for them. Even if they annoy the hell out of you.”

Borris nodded feeling incredibly important to be tasked with such an important job.

“I promise, and don’t worry aunt Harry! I’m sure the baby and I will get along!”


Borris awoke to see that the oil had burned out at some point during the night, and could sense that the darkness was starting to lift.

He then remembered why he was cramped to a side of his cot, and his eyes flew open.

He stared down at Lady Beatha whom remained asleep, her mouth slightly open as she let out soft breaths, completely oblivious to the reality around her.

The world suddenly seemed a quiet and peaceful place to the Beast Awares.

Borris had noticed many things about the woman in his arms from the moment he met her.

The first were her eyes- a brighter green he had never seen. The second had been the expression on her face; shuttered, and yet there was something about her that spoke of hardships, especially when he observed the deep bags under her eyes.

She hadn’t slept well in what looked like months.

He had never met anyone like her, and it wasn’t that he was a stranger to lesser nobles, having crossed paths with the courtiers in several taverns and brothels where his aunt liked to find new recruits or to relax in peace knowing the owners were retired thieves of hers.

No, Lady Beatha was entirely different. For one, she must’ve been horribly optimistic about the world when she fled her betrothed he concluded.

She was entitled in every sense of the word in her expectations of people, and yet there was something righteous in her that seemed to challenge the Gods themselves.

Perhaps she did.

She had disobeyed their natural laws when it pertained to death for one thing.

Borris continued enjoying the feel of her wiry body pressed against him. She was small- but then again everyone was small compared to him. It was more that she was small in a way that made him want to hunch his shoulders around her, and shield her from any more hard truths in the world.

Any place on his body she touched, made him feel alive and right in a way he hadn’t in his entire life, and it was so potent that he began to wonder if she did in fact have magic that she was oblivious too.

The Lady gave a sudden small snort in her sleep as she nestled her face further into the cot, which elicited a knee-jerk reaction from Borris as he immediately pulled her closer to himself.

It was a big mistake.

His heart was pounding, and he suddenly felt the tiniest bit of tension rise in her back as though she were beginning to stir.

He didn’t even dare breathe until her own breaths returned to their usual pattern.

Slowly, Borris forced his mind to begin working again.

He knew he needed to exit the tent, or risk going back asleep and be discovered by one of his family members.

Why had he taken the risk of sharing a cot with her?

Offering basic necessities to someone in distress, sure, but…

A woman who could slaughter five healthy young men in cold blood and not shed a tear?

Was she truly someone to be trusted?

Why was he so drawn to her?

Borris needed to clear his head, and so with great care, he slowly shifted himself off the cot, picked up his coat, and stepped outside.

There was a fierce bite in the air that he had been spared from inside the tent under the blanket with Lady Beatha that helped greatly in clearing his mind, but did nothing to slow down his heart.

“Have a good night?” Borris didn’t jump or swing around at the sound of Champ’s voice, and instead identified his location while keeping his eyes forward in the darkness.

“It was definitely not my worst.” He could feel his mask tighten back into place as his cousin prowled into his eye line.

Champ was known for wearing tunics that hung open, revealing his muscled bare chest, and leaving his long hair flowing without tying it back. The women, and even some of the men of the camp, tended to openly ogle for the first few months once they joined, but would eventually get used to it- especially once they more than likely began bedding him. The Beast Awares wasn’t choosey about race or gender.

“Her smell is all over you.” Champ’s voice came out as smooth as honey, but his glowing eyes looked slightly too keen.

“And you smell like half the group as usual.” Borris stepped forward away from the tent, unconsciously worried that their discussion could wake up the Lady.

“At least we can trust the ones in the group.” Champ matched Borris’ stride easily. While not quite as tall as his cousin, he remained just as powerful.

“She could never best me in a fight, and she isn’t leaving without her Servicer.”

Borris finally stopped while Champ slowly stepped a few feet further, then turned to stand toe-to-toe with him.

“This entire situation is off. You and my mother are speaking in private quite often since that woman’s arrival, and now this. Mother noticed you two seemed… overly conscious of one another. Since when do you have special interest in anyone?” Champ smiled baring his sharp eye-teeth, but the smirk didn’t reach his eyes.

“It’s a delicate situation.” Came the vague reply.

“Are you planning on landing her in a delicate situation, cousin?” This time the smile did reach his eyes.

Borris’ expression didn’t changed, but he suddenly was acutely aware of every weak spot on his cousin’s body.

“As though you haven’t fathered at least half a dozen babes out in the world somewhere.” Borris rolled his eyes to the sky that was quickly erasing the stars as dawn neared.

“It looks like it won’t be a warm day.” He mentioned casually, hoping his cousin would stop with his interest.

“Ah yes, but you see, a pure-blooded noble giving birth to one of our own? You know our features tend to run a little strong. It wouldn’t take long for people to start putting the pieces together.”

“So are you accusing me of watering down nobility? Or are you after something else at this unholy hour.” Borris waited calmly, knowing that his light tone was irking his cousin even if he didn’t show it.

“I think you and mother are cutting me out of an important deal because you both are hiding something from me, and I think that Beatha woman is part of it. I also think you might be a little in love with her at this point, and that I believe is something you want to remain hidden from mother.”

“What would the advantage of your mother knowing be?” Borris asked dully, still refusing to rise to the bait.

“While I’m sure she would welcome a talented new recruit, I doubt she values a new member more than a big reward for a hostage.”

“Ah, so no advantage to announcing my wedding plans anytime soon.” Borris shrugged while casually side stepping his cousin blocking his path.

“What are you planning Borris?” Champ called playfully.

Grinning to no one in particular, he called back over his shoulder without breaking his stride.

“Something a little bit exciting I hope.”


It was approaching noon hour when Borris slipped into the Body Magickers tent while the man was eating an early lunch.

Upon stepping into the tent, he was surprised to find the Servicer Lady Beatha had called Arlen, was sitting up with his legs over the edge of the cot stretching. There were still bandages around his chest, but his healthy coloring had returned, and he looked as though he had only been recovering from a flu, rather than an arrow piercing near his heart.

The Servicer’s eyes shifted to him immediately, and Borris found for the first time ever what everyone described as unnatural about himself. The seamless mask that gave away no emotion or thought regarded him, only he seemed to be equally perturbed by the identical expression of his visitor.

“I see you have recovered quickly.” Borris kept his tone casual as he tried not to make his astonishment noticeable.

“I have. Thanks to your wonderful Body Magicker, I believe Lissen is his name? I am given to understand that my Mistress and I will be delivered to the North King later this day.”

The Beast Awares was once again startled. How had the Servicer heard that? No one was to say a word to the Lady or him. No matter, it wasn’t entirely accurate information.

“I have a few questions for you.” Borris blocked the tent entrance with his back casually.


“How have you stayed hidden without a Shield your entire life?”

Arlen stilled, but kept his face as blank as possible.

“I do not know what you mean.”

“How have you hidden being a half-breed from the Ruling Family all this time?”

The only show of surprise was a blink.

“I do not know what you’re speaking of. Is my Mistress safe?”

“I need to know how you are alive.”

“I believe I told you how Lissen has-”

Borris’ eyes flashed, and he saw the muscles in Arlen’s chest tighten.

“I have no interest in reporting you to the Ruling Family. I need to know for reasons I’m sure your Mistress will inform you of later.”

Arlen slowly stood with a fresh tunic in his hand. He was shorter than the Beast Awares, but that did not seem to faze him at all.

“I do not know what you are talking about, but you should know that no one can hide from the Ruling Family. You might evade them for a short while, but you will be caught sooner or later.”

“Let’s hope for both our sake’s that is not true.”

Arlen turned his chin and frowned, his blank façade finally interrupted.

“A chance. That is all I can give you. Kill anyone else, and I will not stop the retaliation.” Borris said the words quietly while studying the half-blooded Servicer in front of him.

Turning on his heel, he strode out of the tent, and headed back to the fire, passing by Lissen as he went without batting an eye. He stopped briefly in the circle of the group, making his usual small talk while pretending to ignore Lady Beatha tied to the tree at the centre of the camp behind him.

After an hour, he casually walked over to her with a cup of water and chunk of bread. He untied her from the tree but left her hands bound as usual for a meal.

She was blushing profusely and refused to meet his eyes as she took the food from him, and seated herself down gratefully, giving her aching legs a break from standing all morning in the cold. They hadn’t said a word to each other all morning.

“Arlen is standing and moving.” Borris surveyed those around him as he spoke, noting that he could see his cousin in his aunt’s tent far enough away that he would not eavesdrop.

He felt the Lady stiffen beside him.

“Duke O’Farrell is coming this evening for you, wait for the distraction, and don’t kill anyone.”

She didn’t say a word.

“I’ll try to say goodbye, but if I don’t get to, I’m sure we will see each other again one day.”

With that, he strode away towards his aunt’s tent, bracing himself for what was to come.

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