《Until Then》Chapter 68


When Arlen finally caught up with Aggie, she still looked pale, but less green.

“Did you… know the Fey woman the bard mentioned?” Arlen asked having already made a few educated guesses from what she had said about her time on the ship.

“I did. The Captain hadn’t shown his true colors at that time from the sounds of it.”

Her voice warbled, and she felt the bile rising back up in her throat.

“What was her name?” Arlen gently inquired without hurrying her response.

Aggie took advantage of the pause by taking several shallow breaths, trying to quell the twisting in her stomach.

“Ines. She was in the cell beside mine made of iron bars.”

She couldn’t say more.

She couldn’t say what the crew did to her friend…

The vomit was quickly coming, and Gods knew what else.

“I’m so sorry Aggie.” Arlen’s tone held a measure of grief that angered Aggie for some reason.

He hadn’t known Ines, how could he know how to be sorry?

“Love makes people blind and stupid.” She rasped, attempting to clamp down the fury she wanted to let loose on Arlen when he was merely trying to offer solace.

“In some cases, yes.”

“If I ever fall in love, imprison me somewhere until I snap out of it.” Aggie demanded grimly.

“Only if I don’t like your chosen mate.” He added gently teasing.

“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on liking anyone that much.” She waved her hand dismissively.

“A bit young for spinsterhood.” Arlen pointed out wryly.

“Only in body.” She snapped in a jesting tone.

“What about you Arlen? Once I free you, will you want a partner?” Aggie didn’t know why she asked the question, but was startled at the slightly guilty expression Arlen had in response.

“I… I don’t know. I can’t feel love, so I do not feel I am best equipped to say until I can.”

A reasonable answer, Aggie thought to herself with a strange pang of disappointment.

Why did she care?

“I cannot imagine you being someone’s… lover.” She cringed at the word.

“Being a lover is different than being a spouse.” The rigidness in his response made Aggie slyly slide her gaze over to her companion, and give him a slow devious smile.

“Arlen… did you perhaps… have ‘lovers’ on the Island before coming here?”

A blush rose on Arlen’s face as a beat of silence stretched.

“I had instructors.”

“…I don’t understand.”

Clearing his throat awkwardly, and shifting the reigns in his hands, Arlen tried again.

“The Ruling Family trains those of us meant to enter politics to obtain information in various forms should ours Masters or Mistresses command it.”

“Oh.” Aggie couldn’t identify what she was feeling as she looked anywhere but at Arlen, unable to face whatever expression he was making.

“How many have you… erm. Well. Sorry if that is too private I-”


Aggie whipped her head to stare at him.

“Wh-Why 7?!”

Arlen grimaced as he lowered he gripped the reigns tighter.

“We learned about pleasing people of different body types, age, genders, and different… preferences.”

Aggie was too stunned to say anything else.

Instead, she opted for an ongoing silence as she sat awkwardly on her mount while they meandered over abandoned hills, save for the odd farmers cottage and barn.

The news had greatly upset her.

How could the Ruling family force sex on their people amongst everything else?

With a sigh, Aggie attempted to explain silently to herself that the injustice of it all had to be the only reason his experience in the bed chambers bothered her.


She was uncomfortable of the topic for obvious reasons, but that wasn’t the only nagging emotion there.

Aggie wanted to protect Arlen whom was a truly decent person, and the fact that he had been forced into such atrocious acts, yet remained an optimist, baffled her.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the small possessive thread that had begun weaving itself into her heart long ago.


They rode in silence for most of the morning, without daring to glance at each other. Arlen felt his shame weigh heavily on him, and the small flicker of a darker emotion towards the Ruling Family suddenly appeared in his belly.

He frowned.

What was this?

He had never faulted the Ruling Family for making him efficient as a Servicer, or for trying to optimize people’s futures.

Though, was it only the wealthy that should be given the opportunity for a Servicer’s aid?

Why didn’t the Servicer’s have a say?

Arlen glanced at Aggie for the first time in hours. Her face serious as she stared ahead towards the horizon, clearly deep in thought over what was to come.

Arlen let out a long breath, and he too returned his gaze to their path ahead.

He realized then what he was feeling was resentment.

He resented the Ruling Family for taking any joy that they might have had in choosing their lives and loves for themselves. Instead they’d maimed and degrading what should have been held sacred.

It was the first time he had ever had such a thought.

He had just gone along with the absurd notion of disbanding the Ruling Family because Aggie was his Mistress, but… he finally began to see what she saw. He didn’t understand why it was happening that moment. Why it was seeing her innocent reaction to hearing his history, but-

Arlen’s thoughts were cut off as a blinding pain erupted in his back.

Darkness began to cloud his vision when he heard Aggie shriek.

She was calling his name… was she holding him?

The darkness overcame him then, the sickening weakness spreading quickly throughout his body, until he succumbed to the void of nothing that awaited him.


Aggie hunched over Arlen’s body protectively as they became surrounded. An arrow protruded from his back, her hands were already stained in his blood as she counted the number of men surrounding them.

There were a total of 5. All of them looked to be under 25, with their emotions of fear and uncertainty blatant on each of their faces.

Aggie had no pretense of their abilities, but she would not let them take her or Arlen.

She would not be captured again, and be subjected to further torture.

Flashes from her time on the ship entered her mind, and as the men stepped closer to her she grabbed the handle of Arlen’s sword, and drew out the knife from her boot.

They hesitated, but they didn’t stop drawing closer. As soon as Aggie was within striking distance they all lowered their weapon points at her.

1 crossbow, 3 daggers, 1 short sword and… a sharpened stick.

Aggie attacked then. Her dagger sunk deep into the man holding the crossbow, and after throwing it had pulled out Arlen’s sword immediately. She swept it wide, knocking away 2 daggers and the sword, but the third dagger pierced her side. With a shout, a terrified looking young man wielded the stick near her face.

Aggie’s vision turned red, and all memories of what came after remained a blur in her mind.

All she knew for certain was the next thing she clearly recalled, was standing over a pile of bodies, her hands, clothes, and face splattered with everyone’s blood.


They had been inexperienced, and weak.

Aggie turned her attention to Arlen, panic slowly rising back in her throat. She couldn’t even lift him back onto a saddle. Aggie dropped to her knees beside him, and with shaking hands, gently pressed her fingers to his neck. The pulse was weak, barely there… his face gray.

“You can’t die. You didn’t let me die, so you’re not allowed to.” Aggie felt tears spring to her eyes as their horses whickered from a distance. They had plodded away to nibble on grass during the fighting nonplussed by the commotion.

“Well, I may be inclined to help, but I have conditions.” Aggie’s head shot up to gaze into the face of someone she couldn’t see as they stood with the sun behind them. She hadn’t heard anyone approach after the red had filled her mind.

She then heard the sound of many more hooves pounding the Earth approaching her. As Aggie scanned around herself, she saw more than a dozen men and women surrounding her in a wide circle holding weapons. She then recognized some of the faces however, when she saw some of them sporting stumps where their limbs were.

They were the highwaymen from that morning.

“You see Lady Beatha, you happen to be quite valuable these days.” The figure towering over Aggie lowered, and she found herself staring face to face with a woman in her early 50’s. She had long wiry gray hair that was only half pulled back, and a weathered face that had faced the bitter winds of winter and sweltering sun of summer so many times, that her skin looked like leather. There were several black dots on her cheeks around her mouth, and a pair of large pointed ears poking out of her wild hair.

“If you agree to come peacefully, we will save your friend there.” She nodded towards Arlen’s limp body, forcing Aggie to swallow with great difficulty.

Turning her tear stained face to the woman, she finally managed to speak.

“Who the fuck are you?”

There was a series of titters that fluttered through the ring of men surrounding Aggie.

“Please feel free to call me Harriet the Highwayman, my Lady. Or if that is too much of a mouthful, you can call me Harry.” As she bowed, Aggie saw the swishing gray plume of a tail that was very much so like a feline’s.

“We have an agreement Harry, but know this; one way or another, I will see you bleed for this. Should he die? There is nothing I will not do to raze everything you care about.”

Harry’s eyes flashed, a strange golden color passing through the previously dark amber shade.

“I have heard and seen what you can do my Lady. I don’t intend on making the same mistake as the others.” The older woman said with a raised an eyebrow and smile.

Aggie’s gaze narrowed, momentarily glaring at the woman before she unconsciously gripped Arlen’s hand harder.

“Save him.”


Aggie had been bound by the wrists, and was in the same saddle as Harriet as they rode back to a camp in a forest barely an hour away from the attack.

A cart had been brought for Arlen, and sitting there waiting, a Body Magicker prepared for his patient.

Aggie sincerely doubted they were as skilled as the Minkies Queen, and she momentarily wished that the redheaded ruler were there. She would be able to heal Arlen far better than whatever hacks the group of bandits had.

The cart carrying the pair followed more slowly, with the Magicker, a man with long white hair and glimmering blue eyes crouched beside Arlen. His eyes remained closed in a tight frown as he continued to push his Magicks through to stave off the pull of death over Arlen.

They arrived at the highwaymen’s site, that was obviously only there for temporary means, and Aggie saw the true numbers of the group.

Harriet appeared to be their leader, but there was somewhere between 50 and 60 men and women alike. Some were sitting in deep discussions outside of worn tents, others were sparring, but regardless of what they were doing, when Harriet passed, they turned and gave shallow bows.

Until they noticed Aggie, and then they immediately began whispering amongst themselves.

Once the horses stopped in front of one of the largest tents in the camp, Harriet swung her leg over the steed and dropped down, her long black coat swishing around her knees as she went.

With a grunt, Aggie did the same without the use of her hands, and allowed herself to be lead by the woman on a lead towards a group of men and women that stood staring at the new arrival with blank expressions. Their ages ranged on the older side, but all of them, Aggie noticed, were clearly Beast Awares.

“Borris, Champ, this is that Lady Beatha both Kingdoms are chasing.” Harriet gave a swaggering jerk of her hip as she smiled, and Aggie saw incredibly pointed eyeteeth.

The men the woman had called both had amber eyes identical to Harriet’s, one had long wavy chestnut brown hair tied back, while the other had shorter straight hair that was beginning to be touched with gray.

Aggie was guessing they were her children.

The men studied Aggie carefully, while the others surrounding them stepped back.

“She’s the one who killed Lenny?” The man with long hair asked, his voice low and growling.

“She also happened to slaughter the new recruits, by herself.” When discussing the part about Aggie single handedly murdering a group of young men, Harriet had reached over and pinched her cheek.

The Lady suddenly found herself recovering her poker face from her time as a noble. She couldn’t let them glean anything about her past what they already knew.

“Really? She took out all 5 of them?” The younger of the 2 men whom had spoken first perked up, clearly interested in the news.

“It was quite impressive for someone her size. We thought she’d be less of an issue if we took out her male companion, but it was a delightful surprise.” Harriet conceded easily while smiling wickedly at her captive.

Aggie wanted to shout that the leader of the deceased men should show more remorse for their loss of life. The young recruits had been under her responsibility, yet Harriet found their demises more amusing than anything.

While the younger man grinned back at his mother, the older one studied Aggie far more seriously. A fact she both appreciated and lamented. He was taking proper account of the situation making him sensible, but it also meant he was less likely to make a mistake with her.

It didn’t matter though.

Aggie had realized what position she was in on the ride to the camp. The odds of her fighting her way out in time to rescue Maude was slim, which meant she had to use other means to turn the tables.

Straightening her shoulders, Aggie fixed her bright green eyes on Harriet.

“You want the best value for me I take it?” Both her expression and tone remained unreadable, making the highwaywoman raise an eyebrow with interest.

“Of course. Considering both Kingdoms are after you, a bidding war would be the most ideal in my mind.”

“Egging on both sides with armies and assassins is too risky for a group of 60. You cannot jeopardize yourselves by goading either side if you are to get what you want.” Aggie kept her tone away from condescension, and waited for the shift of expressions on her captors.

The younger man was the first to show his interest, next was Harriet, and lastly was the elder brother.

“What is it you are suggesting Lady Beatha?” Harriet’s coy tone sounded closer to a purr.

“Sure you stand to gain more from a riskier move, but why not get a sure thing? A private sale under threat of a bidding war makes the buyer less likely to seek you out unless you renege on the deal.”

Harriet laughed, and the young man grinned revealing his own pointed eyeteeth.

“So whom do you suggest we try to sell the both of you to?”

“If you want to make a sure deal, the North Kingdom honors their word. The South King cares little for me, and the South Prince is known for underhanded methods in his dealings. I can attest to that first hand.”

The elder son tilted his head to the side his face remaining blank as he studied her carefully.

“Well well, what makes you think we would take your advice?” Harriet tugged the rope holding Aggie, expecting the young woman to be jerked off balance, however did not get the satisfaction as Aggie held her ground powerfully.

She had the long end of the rope gripped in her right hand, minimizing the pull from her oppressor.

This earned a raised eyebrow from the quieter brother in front of Aggie.

“You would heed my advice because our goals while not identical, aren’t necessarily opposed to one another. The North Prince’s fiancé has been captured by the Southern Prince, and is asking for me as a trade. I was heading there to retrieve the Lady when you all intercepted my companion and I.”

Harriet tried to speak then, but Aggie continued her explanation.

“The South Prince’s reputation is well known, it is common sense to go for the safer deal. The North will want me for the trade, and or to keep me accountable for my crimes. Which would mean, my goal is accomplished, as is your own.”

“What would stop a rescue squad coming for you once we contact the North?” The youngest longhaired son questioned folding his arms across his powerful chest.

“What stops both Kingdoms sending one in the event of a bidding war?” Aggie returned immediately having prepared the answer prior.

“Fair point.” Harriet seemed to be having fun hearing the Lady’s proposition.

“In my scenario, everyone wins. The Lady Maude is rescued, you receive coin, and keep your heads. Once the trade is made, I will break out one way or another with my companion, so it is of little consequence to me.”

“Except you threatened me nary an hour ago.” Harriet pointed out casually making both her son’s stiffen.

“Of course. You nearly killed my companion, I will definitely come for you, but I am not the immediate problem.” Aggie shrugged calmly.

Harriet tilted her head and studied her for a few moments, looking for signs of deception, but when she didn’t find any tells, turned to her sons.

“Borris, Champ, come with me. I’ll tie this one over by Jorgin’s tent.”

The men followed in Aggies wake as she was pulled back through the camp she had just traveled through, until she was in the center. There was a sturdy maple tree, its bright yellow leaves carpeting the ground beneath it, and that was where the tied her.

As Harriet instructed her to stand with her back to the trunk, Aggie turned to the woman.

“Could I face the cart my companion is on? I want to watch your Body Magicker.”

Harriet narrowed her eyes.

“We are not taking requests at this time. I will send the Body Magicker over later to inform you of your friend’s condition.”

“I demand to see him when the Magicker is finished. I will be far less compliant otherwise.”

Harriet glared. She did not take kindly to threats or orders.

“We’ll see.”

The woman stalked off, bringing both her sons with her, and allowing people to begin their perusal of the new hostage.

Many who stopped by were harmless in their jeers and curious looks, Aggie knew though that it would escalate once the men she and Arlen fought got a chance to get nearer.

They had missed the knife in her bindings, which she could loose into her hands behind her back by squirming. However, she didn’t want to give away that particular card just yet.

Aggie waited for hours while men with stumps for their limbs eventually ambled over to her as she predicted. All in all, their aggressions were far milder than she had anticipated. They shouted obscenities, and occasionally risked a quick kick at her shins, but interestingly enough, Aggie could see the fear in their eyes as she stared at them without a whisper of emotion.

Little did they know she was grinding her teeth to promote the façade of her indifference- Aggie didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing her wince at the state of her bruised shins. Eventually they were called to other duties, and left her alone.

Aggie was left waiting until the daylight had faded to dusk, and her breath came out in plumes in the cold night, when Harriet and her sons returned. The men stood several feet behind their mother, while Harriet stood closest to Aggie.

The trio studied Aggie with glowing eyes in the creeping darkness, while their followers slowly formed a wider circle around them, awaiting to hear the plan.

“We will try contacting your North King and see what he will pay. If we do not hear a reply in 3 days, we will take you to the South King and take whatever price we deem fit.” Harriet announced steadily without any of her former humor.

“How is my friend?” Aggie questioned levelly staring unabashedly at the woman.

Harriet nodded to someone behind Aggie’s position against the tree.

The Body Magicker Aggie had seen before appeared in front of her, his face haggard and worn as though he had been awake for days on end.

“Your Servicer will recover. I cannot say I am familiar at treating their kind, so recovery is tough to estimate.”

“Did you just say Servicer?!” Harriet barked her eyes flashing at the Magickers back.

“I did.” The man turned around while Aggie cursed inwardly. She had forgotten that Body Magickers knew the different species when treating them.

“Weren’t all Servicers recalled?” Harriet demanded turning to her son with short hair whom was studying Aggie’s response carefully.

“That is exactly what has happened. He may be one of the few remaining, or could in fact be the very last one on this continent. Which means… that we just learned which of the rumors is true.” It was the first thing he had said in Aggie’s presence, and his voice carried the most sonorous tones she had ever heard in her life. She would bet a fair amount of coin that his singing would be quite remarkable to hear.

“Which rumors Borris?” Harriet demanded over her shoulder glaring at Aggie.

“That the Lady Beatha ran away with her deviated Servicer.”

There was a rush of murmurs around Aggie while she focused all of her energy on remaining unreadable.

“Gods, Harry what in the world did you bring into our camp?! We need to kill him immediately!” One of the men whom resembled a white wolf on hind legs snapped, his yellow eyes narrowed accusingly.

Aggie’s heart pounded. If they went to kill him right then and there she had no chance of saving him. Her mind raced, she came up with only a few plausible solutions, and was about to suggest the most lucrative of the ideas when Borris spoke again.

“We gave the Lady our word we would save him. We always keep our word Trent.” He met the Beast Awares gaze head on, forcing his challenger to lower his eyes.

“How can we not be concerned over a deviated Servicer?!” A woman called out, her long orange hair tied back with her pointed furry ears turned towards her leader.

“He is unconscious and recovering from grave injury, but most importantly, if he is still traveling and protecting his Mistress, that means he is still bonded to her.” Borris pointed out stepping closer to Aggie, his gaze narrowed as he studied her.

Everyone went silent as Borris continued staring down at the Lady, whom in return continued staring up at him nonplussed.

After a moment of thoughtful silence, he turned back to his mother.

“I would like a private discussion with Lady Beatha.”

Studying her son for a long while, she finally nodded her consent. No one spoke out against such a strange request, which Aggie found alarming.

Borris untied her from the tree, but continued to watch her every move. She had never truly been treated as a threat before, and found that it was both complimentary and a nuisance.

“Remember Beatha, your Servicer’s well-being depends on your good behavior.” Harriet reminded her glowing eyes boring into the Lady’s back.

Aggie didn’t bother answering as Borris lead her through the camp to a tent that was placed close to the larger one they had first met by, with Harriet and Champ following behind.

Borris signaled them, and they halted outside of earshot while Borris held the tent flap open for her to enter.

Inside was a single cot, a chair, and a small portable table that had nothing but a lit lantern on its surface.

“Please sit on the cot.”

Aggie shot him a dangerous look.

“I prefer sitting above you. I have no intention of anything like that.” He explained glaring as though insulted.

Aggie slowly seated herself, and estimated her various options of self-defense should he prove to be vile.

“The Body Magicker told me something quite interesting before he made his announcement to the camp.” Borris began as he leaned back in the chair with his hands clasped loosely in his lap.

In the enclosed setting, Aggie suddenly realized how big a man Borris was as he hunched his broad shoulders to avoid his head hitting the top of the tent, his firm bulk dwarfed everything in the tent, including her.

Aggie waited quietly.

“He told me that your Servicer is something of a rarity. A half-breed.”

Aggie’s heart dropped to her stomach, and nearly showed her emotions as she waited for him to continue.

“Does this news surprise you?” He asked after a moment leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

“That isn’t possible. Half-breeds are slaughtered.” She parroted tonelessly.

“I see. You already know what he is.” Borris smiled.

Aggie wouldn’t fall for the bluff. She had used that trap on others back in her days as a noble.

“It is not possible for him to be a half-breed.” She returned patiently, and savored the small eyebrow twitch her reply garnered. She would deny it until the day she died.

“Oh but it is possible Lady Beatha.” His smile dimmed but didn’t disappear as a lock of his brown hair fell forward.

“What makes you think that? And if it is possible, why not announce it to your followers?”

Borris’ eyes gleamed with delight, and despite Aggie knowing she had made no error in her behavior, she had the distinct feeling that she was the mouse in front of the cat. A very big and, maybe slightly handsome older cat.

“I didn’t announce it because that would spread rumors which could bring the Ruling Family to us, and that is a power we are smart enough to avoid.”

Aggie waited for the rest of his explanation.

“As for how I know it is possible, aside from the proof of your Servicer out in the cart? That would be because I happen to be a half-breed myself. Half Servicer, half Beast Awares.”

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