《The Life of a Dungeon》Chapter 19


The first thing that Teaghan did was use the interface to create a new room. This room would be used for experimentation.

She pulled up the interface and selected “create room”. A three-dimensional map of her whole domain appeared, and Teaghan had a choice of where she wanted to place the room. She chose a place in between the second and third floor.

Unlike before, Teaghan was given the option to put the room’s dimensions into the interface before creation. This interface also used cubic metres instead of just metres.

Even though all of these things were strange to Teaghan, she felt like this was the proper way of being a dungeon core. Something in her that before seemed empty was not filled.

After her brief wondering about her situation, Teaghan went back to creating the room. She imputed into the interface that she wanted the room to be 10 cubic metres and choose the room’s shape before pressing the create button.

When Teaghan pressed create, the room was instantly created, in the exact same size and location that she wanted. This made Teaghan very happy because it meant that so far, the interface was accurate.

Within that room, Teaghan decided to do an experiment. Like when she placed moss and mushrooms in one of her first experiment rooms and used cross-breed. Teaghan decided that she wanted to try to fill that room with as much mana as she could and see what would happen to the mushrooms.

After she made a small puddle of water fed by one of her water tanks and all of the mushroom species that she had on hand, Teaghan pushed as much mana into the room as she could.

Over the next couple of hours, Teaghan kept on pushing and pushing her mana into the room. What happened to the mushrooms over the time period was that her mana greatly affected the mushrooms differently.


There were three main effects. Some mushrooms rapidly grew, increasing their size a hundred times over. Some exploded, and those that survived the explosion seemed the same, but it did prompt Teaghan to look more closely at those ones. The other main change was that some of the mushrooms became monsters, and some gained sentience.

The first change grew different mushrooms to become as tall as the room. Teaghan guessed that the mushrooms would grow as big as the room she chose to do the same experiment in. These giant mushrooms also gave her a couple of potential ideas that she could use in the future.

The second change was exploding mushrooms. While she was inserting her mana into the room, some mushrooms got overwhelmed and exploded. The mushrooms that survived and didn’t change in size or became a monster stored the mana and became explosive themselves.

The third change was that two monsters were created from this experiment. The first was what looked like tiny mushroom men, and the second was a mushroom with a mouth full of teeth. At a cursory glance, the first monster was a small mushroom with a pair of arms and legs. Teaghan looked at the second monster and saw that it was about the size of a medium-sized dog. It looked like an ordinary mushroom, except it had a big mouth with what looked like razor-sharp teeth and two tentacle-like arms.

After looking over the experiment room, Teaghan received a blue screen.

Congratulations! You have created a new mini biome type: Mushroom Room

‘Huh,’ thought Teaghan. ‘That allowed me to gain a new mini biome? I would not have thought that. But, oh well. This works well with the idea that I have.’

She decided to see if any descriptions came out of the experiment room and pulled them up.


Tree Mushroom

A type of mushroom that is not limited to species. These mushrooms have gone through rapid growth through the use of mana.

Explosive Mushroom

A type of mushroom that is not limited to species. These mushrooms hold mana in its cap. If disturbed, the mushroom will quickly release the mana, creating an explosion that produces either light, sound, or a physical blast.

Mushroom Men

A species of sentient mushrooms that are primarily found in mushroom biomes. These mushrooms live in a group setting and are not all that dangerous. But if given time, they can become incredibly dangerous.

Chomper Mushroom

A species of monster mushroom that possesses a mouth with razor-sharp teeth and two tentacle-like arms. This species will take a bite out of anything close to its proximity, and it will use its tentacle arms to help hold down prey.

With the new things and the success of her experiment room, Teaghan decided to create more rooms. But as she went to create these rooms, something nibbled at the back of her mind. Like she forgot to do something, which was plausible with what happened before. But this nibble pushed her towards the outer reaches of her domain, into the part of the underground lake that she claimed. It tugged her all the way to the end of her domain, and she remembered what she wanted to do.

Just inside of her domain was the pile of interesting rocks, no crystals, clear-bluish crystals. She found these crystals right before the adventurers came. So, Teaghan went ahead and absorbed it.

When she absorbed the crystals, Teaghan started feeling like she had a brain freeze. She felt a ton of mana rushing into her core.

It kept on going and going. And it wasn’t stopping. Soon it started to hurt. As the mana kept rushing into her core, she received a bunch of warnings.

Warning! Too much mana is being absorbed. The core is not able to handle that much mana.

Warning! Too much mana is being absorbed! The core is becoming unstable.

Warning! Too much mana is being absorbed! The core is breaking!

As these warnings came in, Teaghan felt an agonizing pain inside of her. Her core, the only way she could live, started cracking.

Teaghan, in a race against time and panicking, took all of her mana and pushed her domain as far as she could.

Through the pain, she kept on pushing and pushing until the waves of mana going into her core finally slowed down and stopped.

With the mana not rushing into her core, Teaghan started to pass out.

The last she saw was a blue screen.

Co∯gratu⋇atio⊱s! You h∯*% u≖g⊱≈d∯d y∢∮r ≛n⊡≭f⋮c⋇

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