《Saiyan in a Cultivation World》Chapter 16 - Training and Inheritance (Part 2)


Back in his dorm room, Fang Xiong was sitting on his bed and slowly edging his Ki around his body. He did this by splitting a stream of Ki into dozens of smaller lines of Ki and independently moving each of them.

"Ahhh, shit...!" but it wasn't very easy, as could be seen over the past 30 minutes of Fang Xiong trying to complete the training. If one could complete the training without the Ki dissipating, one would officially have superior Ki Control to the average Cultivator.

But anything with 'superior' in the title would never come easily.

And so, Fang Xiong had been ardently practicing for a while on this technique and out of the dozens of lines he makes, he can control 10 of them with relative ease while the rest of them seem like oil-covered snakes, alluding his grasp.

It seemed to Fang Xiong that 10 lines were a bottleneck of sorts for him, so he knew he had to just stay consistent and practice until he wears the bottleneck down and gains a chance to advance his Ki Control.

Fang Xiong let out a sigh before stopping the exercise and starting on a different exercise, one that wasn't so annoyingly tedious.

Ever since a month ago, his teacher, Freya, had been teaching him more advanced stuff compared to his Uncle had all those years ago and one subject of that was Ki Vein Enhancement.

The basic premise for Ki Vein Enhancement was that you cultivate your Ki, purifying it and compressing it until it's dense enough and pure enough to outmatch the quality of your Ki Veins, and then you flood your Ki Veins with the refined energy and the energy will then widen, expand and enhance the overall durability of the Ki Veins.

The advantages of this are that you can let more Ki travel through your Ki Veins, at a faster pace and your body even receives a small buff from enhancing the veins.

So, Fang Xiong kept his eyes closed and started to bring all his Ki together before looking at it with his inner eye.

Weirdly enough, he didn't need to purify or compress his Ki, his body just upgraded the quality of the Ki constantly, without Fang Xiong even having to go through the processes usually needed for it to do so. After speaking with Freya as well, he'd found out that his body also seemed to constantly produce more and more energy, like a generator. Freya even went as far to say that he has about 50% more Ki than someone at his level and the quality of the Ki is much higher than average.

This knowledge did cause a bit of pride to swell up in Fang Xiong's chest, but it was soon squashed by the memories of his fight with Xiao Mei. His Ki could be as strong as he wanted but if his body wasn't at a higher level, he'd be pummeled into the ground when he goes to beat the reasons of Xiao Mei's changes out of Xiao Mei and her friends.

Pushing such thoughts out of his mind, Fang Xiong got on with the Ki Vein Enhancement. He slowly, inch by inch, directed his mass of Ki through his Veins, expanding them and also leaving behind a little bit of his yellow ki to nourish the Ki Vein.

You'd think they'd already get nourished by the Ki traveling through them every day but surprisingly they don't. Mainly because the Ki travels too fast and doesn't settle in the Vein like what Fang Xiong is having it do now but also because Ki does what it's told, if a cultivator tells their Ki to reinforce their arm, it will reinforce their arm instead of enhancing the Ki Vein it is in.


Fang Xiong continued to slowly push his Ki through his Veins and slowly but surely increased their durability while also giving his constitution a bit of a buff.

He also seemed to find that there were smaller Ki Veins that he didn't use very often. Fang Xiong thought about what he read about Ki Veins in the library all that time ago.

There are two kinds of Ki Vein in the body, Main Veins, which are the Veins Fang Xiong uses to transport his Ki around his body to reinforce it, and the other type which are called Auxillary Veins, these Veins are dormant and not used by most Cultivators and because of that people just leave them alone.

But Fang Xiong was curious about what would happen if he expanded the Veins and flooded them with Ki when they were ready. Would he gain a bigger buff than the Main Veins gave?

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and figured he'd have to ask his teacher what would happen if he tried it. He didn't try it now because, for all he knew, he could die if he messes up on the expanding of the Veins.

After another hour, Fang Xiong finally finished improving the quality of his Ki Veins and could feel their strength and ability to withstand a lot of pressure, "That should be good enough--" as he was speaking he heard a small beep and he went silent.

Slowly, he got off his bed and gradually moved into a combat stance.

Another beep went off and this time he was ready for it and using his keen senses, he pinpointed the sound to something under his bed. Eyes twitching, Fang Xiong realized what the beeping was and lifted his bed up to look at what was causing the noise.

He saw the box his dad had given to him before he left a month ago and could see that a red light on the front of the black box was slowly flashing.

Picking it up with his free hand, Fang Xiong put the bed back down and sat on it before trying to open to the box. When he by chance put his finger on the red light, it flashed, flooding the room in red light and almost blinding Fang Xiong.

When Fang Xiong's vision slowly came back and wasn't just the color red, he saw what was inside the box. It looked like a tube with a button on one end and a small hole on the other end, it was all white in color.

Fang Xiong picked it up and suddenly a flash appeared out of the box. Expecting another flash of light, Fang Xiong instantly closed his eyes before slowly opening them a second or two later feeling pretty embarrassed and also happy that no one was around to see his humiliating behavior of flinching at a light.

Shrugging off the thoughts of his behavior, Fang Xiong looked at what had appeared from the light. It seemed to be some kind of screen made of light and it had sentences on it, sort of like a hologram but much more solid looking.

Taking himself away from how it looked, Fang Xiong decided to read the writing on it.

Dear Fang Xiong,

It's time you learned about who you really are, my son. Place that tube on the back of your head, with the hole facing the skin and the button away from it, and then press the button. It'll sting but you will learn about where you came from.

But always remember Xiong'er, you are my son, forever and always, no matter your heritage.


Sincerely, your Father, Fang Shen.

Seeing what was written, he could tell his Father seemed to pour a lot of emotion into it and it made Fang Xiong smile, the feeling of affection feeling much better than the cruel feelings Xiao Mei had given him.

But past that, Fang Xiong read about the part that said "It's time you learned who you really are" and his smile slipped off his face and he looked at the writing with a more serious expression.

He read through the instructions and looked at the device in his hand. He looked conflicted for a few seconds but ultimately decided to trust his father and put the tube into position behind his head.

"I hope I do not regret this, father..." a pained expression passed over Fang Xiong's face and he pressed down on the button.


Like it said in the hologram, Fang Xiong felt a prick of pain in his head but that pain was overrun by some kind of liquid entering his skull and gifting him with something; Memories.

Pictures and images, tastes and sounds flooded his senses and caused a kind of sensory overload, causing Fang Xiong's eyes to roll back into his head and for him to pass out. This seemed like it was meant to happen, however, as Fang Xiong was fine, he was in a blank space looking at a shadowy figure.

Slowly but surely the shadowy figure started becoming more corporeal and appeared as a person in front of him.

The man was tall, much taller than him and his father, he was easily 7ft tall and his frame was filled with muscle. The man had a mane of wild, spikey black hair worn in back down his shoulders.

His black eyes shone with a kind light but hidden beneath that was brutality which said he would do whatever needed to get what he wanted to be done. To add to his already imposing appearance, the man was covered in scars with a prominent 'X' across his left side of his chest and another one that stood out was a scar stretching from his cheekbone to his jaw.

Both scars made it so everyone who saw him knew that he was very battle hardened.

Fang Xiong cautiously looked up at the man who wasn't that far from him anymore as the man slowly walked over to him and stood in front of Fang Xiong.

"Hello, my son, my name is Broly and I'm your father," the man's voice was slow and he didn't seem incredibly literate but Fang Xiong understood what was said clearly and was shocked solid by what the man said. The man didn't seem to see Fang Xiong's shock and simply carried on, "I must apologize but your mother and I had to send you off before we could name you, I hope you can forgive me for not giving you a Saiyan name."

Fang Xiong simply didn't understand anything the man was saying and backed away from the figure in front of him, clearly wanting to deny the information that was being presented to him.

The man, seemingly not bothered by Fang Xiong backing away, had a look of realization on his face, "Ah, you probably don't know you're a Saiyan, do you?" unconsciously, Fang Xiong just shook his head, feeling incredibly confused.

The man simply lifted his hand and a spiral of light rushed at Fang Xiong and into his head. Once the light entered Fang Xiong's head, he saw images, names and places, no planets. He fell to his knees and clutched at his head.

Currently, he was trying to not scream in pain, his pride not allowing him, but the feeling, and subsequent pain, of his head being stuffed beyond its limits was slowly chipping away at his pride.

After a few agonizing minutes, Fang Xiong could finally breathe again without his brain hurting. When he opened his eyes, he felt all kinds of information in his head. He closed his eyes again and looked through the bigger parts of the information.

He saw a faceless man, wild black hair, muscular body, and a tail just like his own. He knew this man was a Saiyan now, and he had all the same traits as this man, so what did that make him? A Saiyan, just like the man.

He opened his eyes and looked at the man who called himself Broly, called himself Fang Xiong's father. He saw that the man didn't have a tail, but the black spikey hair and the savage black eyes told him all he needed to know; That he was from a race of Warriors. Not from the world, he was currently on now but a different world entirely.

All of these realizations caused Fang Xiong to go into a catatonic state where he just thought about things.

First, he thought about his foster-father, Fang Shen.

Fang Xiong always knew Fang Shen wasn't his real father - He may have been stupid but he wasn't that dense. But if he never had solid proof, such as him finding his biological parents, he could always fool himself into believing he really was a part of the Fang family. But now, that thinking was finally shattered and he couldn't hide from the fact that he was the black sheep of the family.

His heart ached for a few moments before he stood up again, this time with a cold face, unlike his face when he read the hologram and smiled at his dad's affection, no, this face was devoid of that kind of happiness. For now at least.

Broly began to speak once again, but it was unlike he ever had to stop beforehand, more like he was put on pause like a video, "So, you now know what you're a part of, yes? Good, forget it for now at least, it is meaningless, you'll never meet another Saiyan where you hopefully are," Broly's face scrunched up, obviously reliving some hard memories but it soon relaxed," Which is a good thing, my son, as our race is quite a violent one..."

Broly looked the side and smiled while extending his arm, "But, not all Saiyans are horrible. Me? I am a troubled Saiyan, your mother on the other hand..." a relatively more slender hand grabbed Broly's and appeared out of nowhere in front of Fang Xiong, "Is one of the rare Saiyans who is both strong and kind. She's also incredibly smart, unlike me!" Broly had a silly smile on his face as he looked back and forth between Fang Xiong and the woman at his side.

The woman bashfully smiled and playfully hit Broly on his arm.

Suddenly, seeing them together, Fang Xiong remembered the dream he had all those years ago. This was that couple.

He'd always shrugged off that dream as simply that - a dream - so it had taken him a bit of time to remember them. But now he did. Fang Xiong was frozen in disbelief, feeling like some kind of identity crisis was taking hold of him.

Before he could stop it, he blurted out, "So, you two are my parents...?" neither of them answered him. It was if they didn't hear him, but in his emotional state, Fang Xiong didn't realize this and spoke again, a bit more loudly, "You two are my parents? Then why did you send me off?"

Again, there was no answer.

"ANSWER ME!" Fang Xiong roared, his eyes bloodshot as he looked at the loving couple in front of him. His eyes screamed for answers.

As if to reply to him, they looked in his direction.

The woman released herself from Broly's embrace and walked a few steps to Fang Xiong, "I bet you're wondering why your true parents abandoned you, right? Then let me tell you why we did it and why it saved your life..."

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