《Saiyan in a Cultivation World》Prologue - Tailed-baby in a Meteor


Fang Shen sat in his study, slowly breathing while looking at his hands in a deep trance of sadness.

His wife had just died while giving birth to their second child. His wife Xiao Yue had always had a weak constitution and couldn't hold up very well under any kind of physical stress let alone childbirth. They thought she'd be fine after her previous time giving birth to their daughter had no problems at all.

But for some reason, half-way through the birth, Xiao Yue suddenly died after spurting out a mouthful of blood.

To make matters worse, the baby boy she was giving birth to died shortly after her as well. These two events had pressed Fang Shen to the very limits of his psyche and left him emotionally crippled.

He just wished he had some way of knowing why it had happened, why his precious wife and newborn son had been taken from him. He raked his brain while he looked at his hands that had the blood of his wife on them, looking for anything to save himself from his sadness.

As he was thinking this, he felt the air thrum as if something was flying toward him at a high speed.

His sadness quickly disappeared, replaced by rage and vigilance. A mysterious energy flared around him and he flew upward and through the roof of his study and outside to look for whatever was daring to intrude him on his moments of grief.

But his anger was quelled quite quickly as he saw what looked like a shiny meteor flying at the courtyard of the courtyard he lived in. He flew up and his energy flared even further and he braced himself for impact with the meteor.


With a monumental bang, the metal sphere collided with his glowing hands and instantly stopped. Fang Shen looked at the metal thing in his hands and realized it had a red glass screen on its front.


Looking into it, Fang Shen instantly widened his eyes, oddly enough tears started pouring out of his eyes as his lips started quivering.

"A baby...boy...? There's a baby boy from the Heaven's...sent to me...?" Fang Shen could barely get his words out as he slowly lowered himself to the ground. Upon getting to the ground he placed the sphere down while still looking at it and muttering about the Heavens.

The sphere made a hissing noise and the absentminded Fang Shen continued to look at it as it slowly opened to show the boy inside without the red screen in between them.

The boy had long, straight-yet-slightly-wild black hair which ran the length from his head all the way to the bottom of his feet and a bit past them. The boy looked a few months old but he was still a fairly big baby like he was built to withstand great weight even at his young age.

The baby's eyes slowly flickered open to show two eyes of pure and bright amber which shone with innocence, which thoroughly enthralled Fang Shen. But at the same time as the eyes shone with innocence, they shone with primal brutality and an instinctive ferocity.

But Fang Shen didn't mind this, in fact, he felt it was a good thing as, in the martial world, these two traits were good things to have you just needed to know how to use them and when to use them.

Fang Shen walked up to the child and picked it up and found something completely odd.

He had a tail. A long tail covered in pitch black fur. This caused Fang Shen to pause before he spoke aloud to himself and seemingly to the baby.

"I care not that you don't exactly look fully Human, you are a gift from the Heavens and I will treasure you," Fang Shen looked into the boy's eyes and seemed to be thinking of something. The boy, on the other hand, was hitting his hands off of Fang Shen's arms with low thuds.


Feeling these thuds, Fang Shen couldn't help but feel proud of his newly-adopted son.

'He surely has inborn divine strength! Even as a child his hits feel as strong as a normal adult without Qi!'

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Fang Shen seemed to have forgotten his previous emotionally devastated state and was instead fully focused on the tailed-boy in his hands. At this moment, he resolved himself to look after this boy as his own and to also raise him along with his daughter, Xiao Mei.

"Hmmm...You look to have a strong body like a bear and fierce eyes like an animal, so I will name you Fang Xiong!" Fang Shen boisterously laughed as he threw the newly-named Fang Xiong into the air with joy.

By this point, multiple people came out of their houses and into the Clan Courtyard to see their Patriarch throwing a baby up into the air and catching him before hugging him and seemingly trying to hide something.

Fang Shen then got to explaining about how this child was from the Heavens and how he was adopting him in place of his late-newborn son.

He then proceeded to disappear into thin air before rushing to show his 3-year-old daughter her little brother.

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