《Blades and Bonds》CHAPTER 33: The story of the little piggy
CHAPTER 33: The story of the little piggy
Without waiting for him to even reply, I kicked him on the abdomen sending him flying through a room. I thought that would have knocked him out, but it didn’t as he came jumping out of the hole on the wall. His armor was completely damaged, and he probably lost his sword as he came charging at me barehanded.
“How dare you kick the son of the governor! Die-“
Using my left fist, I punched him right in the face near his nose interrupting his speech. I feel something crunching under my fist as he flew back where he came out of. I see him going wild on the floor inside the room across mine.
“M-my nose! A-a-ahh! You bastar-“
Using my foot, I stomped on his face making him hug his head with his arms to protect it.
“S-stop I c-concede!” He begged and I suddenly stopped and crouched down towards him.
“Concede? Weren't we fighting to the death?” I whisper as I gave him a smile.
“w-what-“ He suddenly stopped talking as my fist met his mouth. I repeatedly punched him in the mouth until a few of his teeth flew out and blood was coming out of my fist from being cut. "S-stop. P-please no more."
I grabbed his wrist with both of my hands while placing my knee in his chest as I bring is arm straight upwards putting my arms around with a deadlock.
“How does it go again? Ah~ This little piggy went to market.” I say as I forced his pinky back further than what it's supposed to until his bone snapped from the joints.
“Ahhhh!!!!! Stop! Someone! Help me! Get him off me!" He kept screaming but no one came. Even when the other customers who were probably woken up by the sound, peeked out their doors and the minute they noticed what was going on, they bolted towards the staircase.
“This little piggy ate too many shits.” I grab the ring finger and forced it back until it snapped. He kept screaming trying to wriggle away from my grasp. It’s surprising he hasn’t activated any skill making me doubt he’s an adventurer.
“Stop!!! Spare me please!!!” He shouted between his crying and I can see his complexion becoming pale. I grab the middle finger this time and I see him trying to clench whatever remaining fingers he had while he uses his other hand trying to force my grip off but it feels like his strength is slowly diminishing or, maybe he was really weak from the beginning.
“Now this little piggy is so fucking ugly," I say bending back his middle finger as slowly as possible making him feel all the pain that’s coming. I kept forcing it until it finally snapped.
“Ahhhh!!!!! Mmppppffff!!” I hear his voice was suddenly muffled and when I look I see Suyeon covering his mouth while she’s looking down at him in the eyes. I can see a smirk on her face as he stares at her with fear and confusion.
I was about to talk when she opened her mouth. “Shhhhh. There’s are people sleeping~”
Haha, this bitch is crazy. I say in my mind.
“W-what are you guys doing?!” I hear a shout towards my right and as I look up, I see someone dressed in a flashy armor from a distance standing in front of the staircase. Right behind him is the bartender and the waitress that lead me to my room and they’re both in shock the minute they see the scene.
“And who the fuck are you?” I say as I let go of the guard’s hand turning around to face him. In a split second, he closed the distance between us and I can see his right hand coming towards my face.
“hmpf~ you're slow," I whisper as I easily blocked his attack. But the force of his punch sent me flying towards the room.
“I am the governor of this town! Son are you alright?!” He shouted running towards him. He swiftly pushed Suyeon out of the way as she still held onto his mouth preventing him from screaming.
Governor? Of a town? Isn’t supposed to be mayor? I whisper in my mind as I slowly stood up.
“Well~ then~ governor~ why is one of your men disturbing me right before I sleep?” I say walking out of the hole on the wall unscathed while I’m dusting off my shoulders from debris. I see him picking up his son and the bartender quickly took him and ran for the stairs. Suyeon is slowly getting up walking my way.
The governor paid no attention to me and glared at Suyeon. “After curing your sickness, you impudent bitc-“
“Uh, you didn’t answer my question. Who the fuck are you?" I interrupt him mid-sentence.
“Silence you vermin!” He shouted at me and the last word he said made me want to pop a vein out of anger.
“Vermin? Your guard banged on my door, called me a peasant, tried to kill me for no fucking reason. Governor, maybe I should destroy this whole town off the face of this fucking planet! Item bag!”
My bag materializes in mid-air and I quickly took out one of the ogre queen's axe. The minute the governor sees it, his eyes went wide. I brought my axe upwards as I rushed in and the governor jumps back barely dodging. I see him land and skids backward as he has his sword fully drawn while a trickle of blood drips down from his chin.
“G-governor!! We heard from the owner there’s an enemy!” A young guard coming up the steps screamed and the minute he sees’ me, he drew his sword and glared my way. “Governor! We can handle this!”
He runs past him towards me and I see the governor tried to stop him.
“S-stop!” The governor shouts at the guard rushing my way. More guard exit the stairway unsheathing their weapon one by one as they come out. The hallway wasn’t that big so only two people can fit side by side but nonetheless, they still ran towards me creating a parade.
“Pound!” I shouted as I charged at one of the guards holding a shield. He raised his shield and stopped right in front of me as I close the distance. Using my weight, I placed my right foot forward while turning my hips followed by my shoulder and my fist went straight towards the shield. The minute my fist made contact, the shield broke into pieces like it’s made of glass and the guard holding it flew back onto the other guards running behind. Another guard beside him swung his sword sideways like a baseball bat towards my ribcage. Using my left foot, I jumped up dodging his swing and as I descend, I shouted another skill preparing to obliterate him on the spot.
"Tenderize!" In a quick motion, I punched the air and my skill snapped out my hand like a bullet hitting him square in the face creating a cloud of smoke. I sent another punch towards the smoke and my skill pushed the guard through the ground as part of the floor collapse and I descend down towards the floor below.
“Ohp! Almost tripped there~” I say as I land on some rubble almost spraining my ankle. The place was a mess. Full of debris that came from the floor above. I look up and I see the guards looking down at me and they all disappeared probably to run towards the stairs to get to the second floor. I look at Suyeon and she’s located on the other side also looking down at me with a worried look and then slowly started climbing down hanging her feet first.
“What the fuck is she doing?” I mutter as I see her struggle trying to get down. She suddenly lost her grip on the edge of the second floor and came crashing down on the rubble. She quickly stood up dusting herself and ran towards me while at the same time I hear footsteps coming from behind me. As I turn, I see the guards exit the stairway and a couple of people also came out of their rooms. The minute they see the destruction I made, they quickly ran towards the stairway as the guards run towards me.
“Hahaha, I see you didn’t have enough. Well then, Item bag!” I quickly placed my axe in the bag. In such tight space, it’s better to fight the bastards barehanded.
“Die!” One of the guards shouted at me as he held his sword over his head.
What the fuck, is he really a guard? He’s full of openings.I whisper in my mind seeing him up close made it easier. Right when he swung his sword down, I catch his wrist with my right hand. He quickly looks at me with worry as I gave him a quick smile. “Pound~”
My fist glowed and I felt a vibration from the tip of my knuckles. Using my right hand on his wrist, I pulled him closer while I drove my fist towards his abdomen. Right, when my fist made contact, I let go of his wrist and using my hips, I turned sideways and I forced him to fly towards the ceiling as I uppercut him in the abdomen. The guard eyes went white before flying up and disappearing at the floor above.
“M-m-my inn!” The bartender shouted as he exits from the steps seeing the destruction I made. “Y-ye damn d-d-demon!”
“See? You fucktards call what you can’t comprehend, a demon. Let’s stop talking shall we?” In a quick motion and thanks to my seismic step skill, I closed the distance between me and another guard. I brought my fist towards his face hitting him right in the jaw. I see his head shook sideways as he fell to the ground like a rag doll.
“Ah fuck, I forgot to activate my skill. Pound~” I say at the guard who’s seemed disoriented on the ground in all fours. I put my hand right in his neck forcing his air pipe to close and he started choking and trashing around. Using a bit of force, I lodged his head on the floor I brought my fist down towards the back of his head. His head sank into the ground and cracks started forming from the floor traveling to the walls as the floor forms a dent.
“Shit, not again.” I waited for the place to collapse to the first floor but it didn’t. Everyone notices the cracks and they all froze in place not making any sudden moves. I slowly stood up and stepped on the guards face pushing it more into the ground as the crack spread to the walls.
I see the bartender about to cry as he quickly turned around and ran downstairs shouting, “Evacuate! Evacuate! Ye adventures and everyone! Evacuate!”
I hear screams from down below and footsteps, as they all scamper, probably trying to get out of the building.
“Ok then~ you fucking peasant guards. Are we done? No? Do you want more? Gotcha!” I quickly stomped on the guard's face causing his head to really sink and the whole place started crumbling as we both fell towards the bottom floor.
The guard's lifeless body fell right on top of the table and I land on my feet on top of him. As I look around, I noticed I’m in the middle of the kitchen. I look up and I see the hole I made going all the way up to the third floor. More guards came in through the kitchen door as I hear their metal armor clanking at every move.
"Ah, so you want more," I whisper. I hear a rustling behind me and when I turn, I see Suyeon hanging off the ledge and her feet flail around as she tried to get a footing. I see her grip on the ledge slip and she came crashing down onto another table back fist.
Ouch. That must have hurt. I wince seeing her bounce off the table landing on the ground. She quickly stood up dusting off her dress as nothing happened.
“What are you? Made out of steel?” I ask her but she just looked at the ground without responding.
“Let’s stop this now.” I hear a voice behind me and as I turn around and I see the governor coming in as the guard’s part ways for him to walk through.
“Well hello, bitch. Governor is it?" I asked him and he just nods still trying to exert his authority figure. “Wait, your name is governor? Must be. You can’t be a governor of a town.”
“What? No my name Dullar. I govern this town which makes me the governor.” He tells me.
“Huh? Who told you that? You fucking idiot, a governor governs a state. A mayor is in charge of the town so that makes you the mayor.” I tell him.
“What? No, I gover-“
“And who gives a fuck?” I interrupt him as I clenched my fist tight. “Let’s dance, shall we?”
“There is no way of stopping you unless we fight. Very well.” He says as he gives his sword to one of his men and started taking off his metal armor. “We fight fair.”
Heh,…it was fair with your armor and sword. He suddenly charged at me trying to grapple me in place.
“Oho~” I quickly sidestep backward avoiding his grasp and in a quick motion, I step forward quickly closing the distance between us. I swung my right towards him and he wasn’t fast enough to react as I made contact with his sides probably breaking a few ribs.
“Urggh!” I hear him groan in pain as my punch sent him skidding across the floor and crashing into one of the kitchen tables. Without waiting for him to recover, I close the gap between us again and all he did was block as I bombard him with punches one after another.
“Pound~” I whisper in a low voice and using my left hand, I brought it towards his chest. I see him bring down his arms trying to protect it and my fist met with his forearm snapping both his bones and right when I saw him move a bit due to the impact, I activated another skill under my breath, “Tenderize~”
My fist glowed red right before I hit his chest and it exploded upon impact. My punch sent him flying towards the wall where the knives hang in place. The minute his back hit the wall, it erupted, and he kept flying through towards the outside. Smoke filled the place for a brief moment and as soon as it cleared, I see him on the ground outside as the moon shines down on him.
“Governor!” Everyone shouted while some guards ran out of the hole. The walls started forming cracks and traveled across the ceiling as the whole building crumbled under the pressure.
“R-run! It’s going to collapse!!” One of the guards shouted and some of the scampered out the door while some ran out the hole towards the governor. I heard weird noises and a loud bang erupted from the side. I see that the corner where the walls and the ceiling meet erupted in place and the second floor along with the third floor started collapsing on top of me.
Whoever built this place sucked. The foundation is too weak. Since my tenderize skill is still activated, I started punching wildly above me and my attack erupted everything as the whole place completely collapses. I didn’t stop and kept punching wildly until my attacks started escaping and flew into the night sky like a firework waiting to explode from a distance.
Oh fuck, the witch stick. I remember about Suyeon and as I quickly turn around, I see nothing but rubble around me.
"Ah shit," I whisper and when I was about to flip some debris, she suddenly emerged out of the rubble and started dusting off her clothes before ran by my side.
“A-are you ok?” She asked me to while frantically looking around to see if I’m wounded but I just stared at her like she a new species.
This girl is not human. Not human.I say in my mind as she looks at me confused.
“Kid! Are you alive! Kid!” I hear the governor shout.
“Tsk, he’s still alive?” I say looking towards where I heard his voice. Debris and rubble of the building surround me and Suyeon. Creating somewhat of a circular wall. “Pound.”
I felt the vibration in my fist and I approach a part of the wall where the governor's voice is coming from.
“Guards! Hurry and remove the rubble! Get them out of there!” He order and I hear rocks being picked up and thrown to the side. A perfect opportunity to blow them all off as I swung towards the wall with a lot more force behind it.
The wall and debris erupted in place as it flew everywhere leaving only a cloud of smoke. I started walking towards the opening through the smoke and I hear Suyeon quickly follow behind me. As I slowly exit, I see the governor being held up by two of his guards. His arms are turning purple where I punched him. His chest also looks to be in a bad shape. They're a couple of guards on the ground unconscious near where I came out from making me want to laugh at how they’re all pathetic.
"There you are~," I said approaching him. All the remaining guards surrounded me ready to attack but I can sense fear in their stance. I even notice one of them shaking from fear.
“Stop!” the governor shouted, and his loud voice resonated throughout the area and everyone froze in place. “I give up. You win.”
“Really? I win? But I wasn’t trying to win.” I say as I walk towards him tilting my head. I see some of them look terrified and even the governor himself is losing color on his face.
“I-I have no quarrel with you. That axe you have is a proof.” He tells me. “It’s a proof I won’t win.”
“What axe? Oh, you mean that?” I tell him and I quickly called out my dimensional bag and pulled out the ogre queens’ axe. “This one?”
The minute some of the guards saw it, they lost color as their complexion turn pale while a bunch of the younger ones looked at each other confused.
“G-g-governor t-that’s t-t-he ogre queen’s axe!” One of the older guards shouted from the crowd surrounding us and it surprised me they know what it looks like.
“Oh? You mean that weak purple cunt?” I asked.
“O-of course! She terrorized these lands as soon as she became an overlord! Y-you how do you have her axe?!” The soldier shouted at me making me want to just slice all their heads off.
“Huh? In what sense I have to answer to you?” I tell him and no one said anything after that. They all just watched me as I started walking towards the governor. “Ok, now where were we, ah, as I said, I’m not here to win this fight old man~”
All of them backed away as I walked closer and closer towards the governor. Even the ones holding him fell on their ass as their legs gave out from fear. But the Governor stood his ground as I approach him.
“Very well. If this is fate. Then I cannot stop it.” The governor says as he drops on his knees waiting for me to strike him.
"Oh, how noble of you," I whisper as I get in front of him looking down right into his eyes.
If he knows the overlord, he might have information about the rest of them and Unum. I whisper in my mind trying to calm myself, but I couldn’t hold back as I kicked him in the head forcing him to fall on his back. I crouch down to level our eyes and gave him a smile.
"Tell these peasants, to stand down," I tell him. "Or else, they won't have legs to stand."
“M-Men! Sheathe your weapons!!” He shouted and all the soldiers just started looking at each other confused. “Do it now!”
After hearing his voice the second time, they all quickly sheathe their weapon as the Governor look back up to me. I gave him a smile that probably made his body feel cold.
“Now, let’s have a nice talk. What do you know about the overlords?” I crouch down towards him and gave him the biggest smile I can muster.
“I-I will answer all your question b-but not here. I-I’m on the verge of fainting from pain." He tells me.
"Talk," I say not giving a damn of his condition.
“A-all of the recorded documents is in m-my home.” He tells me. “G-guard!”
A guard approached him and stood behind the governor looking at me warily.
“G-get the head maid t-to get an f-folder on my desk. Tell her to also call the healer.“ He says and the guard when running towards the town center disappearing. No one made a move. Everyone stood on the same spot. I sat in-front the governor as I watch him cough blood as his breathing is becoming more irregular. Suyeon sat right beside me and hugged her legs like it’s gym class. A couple of minutes later, the same guard came back with a maid and a guy wearing a white robe and glasses.
“Governor!” The maid screamed as she ran towards his side. Then she quickly turned to me. “You! How dare you-“
I quickly jumped up and tackled her down to the ground. Then in a quick motion, whispered my skill while bringing down my fist towards her.
The governor's body flew to the side and the ground erupted. As the smoke subsides, I see the maid's eyes towards me as tears flew out of it.
"Watch what you say, I'm sleep deprived and not in a good mood," I whisper to her and all I heard is her whimpering cries yet it didn’t feel genuine. As if she wanted to die and cried because I let her live. I slowly look up and all of the guards who are still standing is grabbing the handle of their sword and is ready to attack me.
“Stop! No one move!!” The governor shouted and I see him on his side with one elbow towards the ground trying to get up. The guy with glasses and white robe rush towards him. He chanted a few things and a green circular rune appeared under the governor and I see his chest and arms slowly healing. I look back down and I notice the maid fainted from fear. I started walking towards the governor and everyone follow but keeping a far distance.
“So, where’s the information?” I asked him crouching down right next to the healer and I can see his hand shaking from fear.
“W-where is the documents?” He tells the healer.
“T-t-the h-head maid h-have it.” He stutters and I quickly stood up and walked back towards the unconscious maid. I see some of the soldiers are checking if she’s still alive and as I approach they held their weapon and stand their ground but never acted on their desires to cut me down. I started feeling the maid for any folder and I put my hand down a big pocket on the apron she had in front of her crotch. I feel a hard material and when I took it out, I see a black folder without any label on it. As soon as I opened it, it’s in a language I can’t read bringing my frustration up.
Shit.I curse in my mind. Since I didn’t want them knowing I can’t read their language. I placed the folder inside my dimensional bag and approached the governor once again. This whole time I’m going back and forth, Suyeon is following behind me like a dog.
“Hey, I’m freezing. What are you going to do about my position?” I say as I point towards the rubble of the inn where I was supposed to sleep for the night.
"I-I can provide you a room in my home." The governor said as I see him sit up. Then he clenched his fist as he got the movement of his arms again. His chest is in better condition but bruises here and there are still on his forearm and chest. I was thinking of camping outside of the town but I know for the fact that they will send more people my way.
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer Yasu.I tell myself as I stood up looking down towards him.
“You got guts to invite an enemy to your place. Well then, lead the way.” I say and the governor nods.
“V-v-very well. Everyone! Collect the injured and bring them around my villa!” He shouted and all the soldiers started scrambling everywhere.
“Oh and try not to get funny ideas. I still haven’t changed my mind about destroying this town. You do one wrong move, you won’t have tomorrow.” I say to him and he just nods in silence as the healer helps him up to his feet. As I look up, I see some of them started carrying those who are injured and walked towards the town center while a couple of them gave me death stare before retreating. I turn back around and I see the bartender kneeling down the remnants of his inn with his waitresses surrounding him.
Are they crying? I asked in my mind.
“Do not worry, we will take care of him and rebuild his inn. P-please, come follow us to my home.” The governor says as two guards help him and they start walking towards the town’s center. I walked barefoot following a parade of injured soldiers out towards the center of the town and towards another street.
“Ughh.” I mutter as I tap on my forehead. My daily episodes of pain in my head came in the wrong time and it feels like it’s going to burst. After a few hits, it started subsiding and my breathing went back to normal. I slowly walked following a soldier who's also carrying an adventurer that was injured during the fight. As I look around, I notice every house either has someone looking out his or her window or have their door slightly open trying to see what's going on. All of them are in their nightwear since the whole commotion happened in the middle of the night. They all probably woke up to the sound of the town's Inn crumbling.
“Hey, you. How did you find me?” I whispered to Suyeon who’s silently walking beside me.
“I-I asked the guard I was with where you were. Then they approved and escorted me here.” She tells me also in a whispered voice.
Huh? Approved? I whispered in my mind as I kept feeling something is off.
“And how the fuck did you become a milady? You’re far from being an English noblewoman.” I asked her.
“T-they just started calling me that. Actually that guy, the guard did. His father even told him to stop calling me since it’s not fitting to what I will look like.” She tells me.
Will look like? Something’s off the way she talks.
“But why did you muffle his mouth? I thought he’s your guard?” I whispered to her wondering why she did that.
“I…I was trying to help you.” She whispered as she looks towards the ground.
Help me? She looks like she was about to torture him herself. I say in my mind pondering if I should really keep her alive. She poses a threat, but then again, she might be a valuable asset.
We reached a gate that’s wide open and on the other side seems like a hill where the mansion is located on top of it. As we walk following a path, I see some of the injured soldiers slumped down the grassy field being treated by a couple of maids. The minute some of the maids see the governor, they rushed to him helping him walk towards the mansion but their expressions are dull with the lack of worry at all. Some of the other maids that’s free, rushed towards us and stopped in front of Suyeon.
“Milady!” They all shouted in unison and they’re move lively in front of her.
“Pffft!” I tried to hold in a laugh. I see her glaring at me.
“S-stop calling me that.” She says and they all just bowed in unison.
“Please come follow us, the governor orders us to escort you both inside.” Another maid with a different colored outfit approached us. She seemed like the assistant to the head maid of the place and I can already notice she doesn’t like me. As we follow the maid, I sense some unwanted glances that make me want to rip their eyes out of their heads. I held myself back since I’m too exhausted and it’s not worth my time and energy. But tomorrow will be a different story.
As we enter the mansion, I felt the cold marble floor on the bottom of my foot. There’s a giant stairway on the end of the room that split as it goes up and the steps are covered with a red carpet. The maid didn’t go up but walked towards a double door near the steps. As she opens it, I was introduced to probably the living room. It’s quite spacious with giant windows that are bigger than the door overlooking the garden in the back. There are a fireplace and a couch that encircle a coffee table. I see the governor sitting on the couch and the healer healing the bruises on his hands.
The Same healer I saw earlier but this time he took off his robe and placed it on the couch. His hands are hovering over the governor's arms emitting green light. The healer notices us approach him and nod my way as a form of greeting. The governor then turns around and welcome us as we get closer.
“Please have a sit.” He tells us. I decided to sit on the couch across of him and brought my feet up to dust it off staining the couch in the process. Suyeon sits beside me and brought her feet up placing her skirt over it and resting her head on her knees. At first glance from someone else view; she probably looks like she doesn’t have any legs.
"Well, this is a nice change of pace. Now tell me, where's Unum." I asked him, getting straight to the point.
“I apologize on behalf of my son.” The governor says as he bows my way.
“Governor! You shouldn’t bow in the likes of him!” The healer that was healing his hands shouted while glaring at me.
Likes of me?That last line made me see red as I jumped from the couch towards him. I pushed him down and swung towards the ground near his head. “Pound!”
My fist hit the ground beside her head and it causes the whole ground to form a circular dent turning the marble floor into a crater.
“Likes of me?” I say staring him down and his complexion turned white.
“Governor!” A shout came from the door and the minute it swung open, I notice the Governor waving his hand telling the guard to go away.
“P-please spare him. He meant no harm.” The governor begs me and I relax my body as I slowly stand over him keeping my glare.
“Tch.” I slowly moved back towards the couch and I saw it got tipped over due to the ground changing. I see Suyeon fell back along with the couch and is struggling to get up as her legs are stuck inside the upper part of her dress.
"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you," I say as I look at her on the ground.
I notice the healer shaking in fear as he gets up and quickly leaves the place exiting the living room weeping. The governor’s hands seem to be partially healed as he closes and opens his hand. He then nods towards the maid who just watched the healer almost got his face punched in. She quickly bolts towards the door exiting the room per instructions of the governor.
“So, what do you know about the leader of the overlord Unum?” I asked the governor and his eyes went wide in shock.
“Y-you know their leader's name?!” He asked as he suddenly standing up.
Tch. Shit, he’s useless the document he gave me is probably useless also. I say in my mind, as I know he doesn’t have the information I need. If he doesn’t even know his name, the chances of him knowing where Unum is, it’s slim.
“Guard!” The governor shouted and one of them ran in holding his sword ready to attack. “Tell a messenger to send a telegram! The leader of the overlord's name is Unum! Send it to the Viltair city and the Gold City!”
The guard quickly nods and ran back out where he came from. The governor sat back down and finally noticed me staring at him.
“M-my apologies. It is important news. This is the first I heard of their leader's name. Can you tell me more about what you know?” The governor asked.
“No, why would I? You have nothing to give back to me.” I tell him.
“Maid!” He called out and the same head maid I almost punched came in with her head down.
“Y-yes governor.” She asked.
“Get the best room ready for our guest Mr.- um what is your name?” He asked me.
“My name is Rikimura," I say lying to him. The last thing I want is giving him my real identity.
“Ah yes. Get the best room for Mr. Rikimura. As a form of our apology, you will service him tonight." He says and the maid suddenly looked up and the color of her face disappeared.
“Y-yes governor.” She stuttered.
“Don’t make me say it twice. This is punishment for aggravating our friend here. Now go!” He shouted and the maid bowed her head as she cried leaving the place.
What the fuck is wrong with these people. I asked myself slowly figuring out everything.
“I hope this will gain your trust.” He says to me smirking. And his face makes me grip my hand.
“Well whatever, but since you didn’t know the name of their leader that means you also have no idea where he is. Do you even know where the other overlords are?” I asked trying to use the moment to get information out since I can't read a damn thing on that paper.
“I know the seventh overlord's location, he is in the southern-“
“Rakh? The dude is dead. Who else you know?” I interrupt him and he froze for a minute.
“W-what? H-he’s dead?” He asked me.
“Yes, he's dead. Don’t get any bright ideas to send another guard to send some bullshit telegram. I have no time for this, tell me what you know.” I snarl at him.
“We don’t know his exact location like most the overlord. They don’t really stay in one spot and constantly moving around terrorizing people. Only Rakh we’re able to pinpoint.”
"Tsk, then you're useless," I mutter.
“How long will you stay here Mr. Rikimura?” He asked me.
"I was going to stay for three days until your son barged into my dreams and woke me up," I tell him I can see him clenching his fist. He probably remembers what I did to his son but he kept his composure and just smiled.
“Are you interested perhaps on staying longer? I can make you first lieutenant. With your skills and strength, you can easily go up the ranks.” He tells me as he takes out a cigar from the drawer of the coffee table.
“Why should I take the ranks when I can easily kill you right here and take over the town," I say getting irritated. “And no, I don’t want to be some damn soldier. I got better shit to do.”
"There are benefits working as an authority figure. You can get assigned to any city such as the gold city. I'm sure it's every adventurer's dream now of days to be part of the gold guild."
He continued on his rambling and the headache that disappeared earlier came back. I stood and started walking towards the door. There’s no point of me staying here and this guy is giving me a headache. I’ll leave this town and go on my journey to find Luro.
“W-wait! Where are you going?” He asked.
"I'm leaving," I tell him without looking back.
"Well, I know I won't be able to stop you from leaving. I-is she, your companion?" He asked me while looking at Suyeon who reverted back to the same position as she was earlier and slowly woke up rubbing her eyes looking at me.
Wait…was she sleeping this whole time?I say in my mind.
“Her? No.” I tell him looking her in the eye and she suddenly looked worried.
“T-then I will take care of her.” The governor says smiling.
Yasu, something feels off…Who cares. Leave this witch stick here. Or else she will pee in your mouth while you sleep. I whisper in my mind.
"Let her stay here," I say turning to the governor and she looked surprised when I said it.
You’re better off here so stop pestering me. I say in my mind. My main goal in the dungeon is to get her out, not babysit her.
I turn and walked towards the exit and I hear Suyeon scrambling to follow me out. The governor stopped her from going and held her back as I continued to walk towards the door.
“W-wait! Don’t leave me here! P-Please, take me with you! I want to go on adventures!” She shouted crying trying to break off the governor’s grasp.
“Relax young lady. Let the young man go. We will help you go on an adventure.” The governor says and he quickly turns to me. “We’ll take care of her. I apologize for tonight.”
I open the door and close it shut behind me. No one is outside the door, as the guard who went to leave a message hasn’t come back. As I left the place, most of the guards have disappeared probably went back to their local post or home since it’s in the middle of the night. Some of the maids are cleaning up bandages and other medical equipment they used to treat the wounded. As I walk out, some of them notice my presence and gently bowed as I pass them. I reached the town center where there’s a fountain and used its water to wash my hands and face.
"Tsk, this fucking town is full of weirdo's, Item bag," I whisper as I take out a towel in my item back to try my face and hands. I remember I still had a few swords that I haven't sold since I didn't need to. It might come handy just in case I need to use it for a fight. I placed the towel back in my bag when I remembered the gauntlets and decided to take it out.
“Hmm, maybe I can give her this. It’s quite useless to me.” I whisper to myself while I sat near the edge of the fountain. I look up and the moon is in full view. It hasn’t been long and I already made enemies.
“I need to learn how to control my temper or else, I’ll be making enemies everywhere I go," I whispered to myself as I stared at the planet on the sky. “Ok Yasu, go back and give her the weapon then leave."
I placed the gauntlet in my bag and started walking back towards the mansion. As I got close, the entire maid from the front yard is gone and the gate is closed. I tried opening it but it’s locked tight.
“Tsk, should I go back tomorrow? I don’t really want to go back to this town.” I decided to climb the fence and look for a guard. I walked around the estate but nothing.
I notice a stable from the distance where they kept the horse have a light emitting from the inside. I decided to approach it and ask whomever inside to bring Suyeon out. As I got close, I hear what seems to be a couple of people talking or I should say laughing.
“Bwahahaha bitch do it right!” One guy shouted out as I hug the wall from the outside.
“Hurry up man, I’m backed up. The governor gave her to us but don’t use her up all by yourself.” Another voice says.
"Well, since I have her mouth, why don't you lift her ass up and do her from the back." One guard says and that's when I decided to peek in.
What the fuck…I see the head maid and the other one who's suppose to perform night service for me on her knees. Their clothes are completely ripped and they're covered in scratches and bruises indicating a power struggle. The head maid is on the ground on her knees like a dog. One of the guards is behind her with his hand on top her head forcing her head down as he humps her wildly from the back. I see her muffling her own mouth trying not to let out a sound but I can’t shake the noise of her cries in rhythm with every thrust of the guard behind her.
“Oh Oh Oh! Shit, this is good!" The guard who has the other maid's head is thrusting is junk in her mouth so wildly that she ends up vomiting. But the guard never stopped and continued to thrust not giving a care about the girl's throat. One of the guards lifts her ass violently bringing her hole closer before ramming his junk in with such force that the girl left a muffled shriek of pain.
“Oh shit, I put it in the wrong hole.” The guard says looking down. “Ahaha this bitch is a virgin in the ass.”
They all laughed like it’s some sick play they’re going through but in reality, these girls are being forced. I decided to retreat to the back of the shed to crawl in the dark corner of the stable. They’re too busy and didn’t notice me crawl in the window. I sat in the dark inside the stable before deciding to move behind the horses, I decided to peek out and the head maid who’s on the floor was looking at me the whole time while keeping her mouth muffled with her hands. Tears are coming down her eyes as her body get thrust back and forth non-stop. I can see one of her eyes is bloodshot red as years poured out of it. I thought the guy behind her has spotted me also but he was too busy to pay attention to his surroundings. I gesture to her not expose me and she gave me a weak nod. I crawl through the side until I’m at a distance I can easily jump out and surprise them.
“Knockout~ Seismic step~” I whisper in the dark and in a split second, I jump out aiming a finger towards the guards. The minute I touch them one by one, a small rune appeared in their skin and they all fell on the ground like a ragdoll. I knew how to play around with my skill and using it for a slight touch would disable movement but it won’t remove the senses. Which means, they can still feel, hear, see, and smell, everything.
“W-what is this?!" One of the guards screamed as he becomes a ragdoll. I decided to muffle his mouth to prevent anyone from hearing. The two maids did the same and muffled the mouth of the other two.
“Wow~ You guys are animals~" I whisper looking down at one of the guards and the minute he sees my face, his complexion turned pale.
“Look at you go~ What were you aiming for? World Olympic for thrusting?" I whisper toward him. I hear the two maid sob uncontrollably making it hard for me to focus. “You two, be quiet.”
Their sobbing turned into silent cries as they kept their hands on top of the guard’s mouth. I turn back towards the guard in front of me keeping a smile on my face wide enough to show my teeth.
"Ok, I think you guys need to be taught a lesson~" I called out my item bag and took out three daggers while keeping one hand muffled on the guard's mouth. I grabbed one dagger and ran the tip of the dagger towards his nipples. I feel him breathing heavily under my palm.
"No matter how loud you scream, no one will hear your cries," I whisper to him smiling and in one quick swing, I sliced one of his nipples off and I see he closes his eyes due to the pain. "Oh, by the way, want to know how to rip paper apart properly? Here like this."
Without hesitation, I stabbed the guard's arms creating a dashed line around it. And when I got to bone, I made sure I dig in a little bit extra wiggling the dagger back and forth to cut his tendons. I can see the guard in intense pain as I stab his arm slowly creating a dashed line.
“Ok then after creating the dash, you just pull one part off and it comes right off!” I say grabbing near where I stabbed him and pulled it away from his body. I easily ripped his arms off and blood started spurting everywhere. The guard passed out due to the intense pain of having his arm ripped off without anesthesia. I let go of his hand and I notice he bit off his tongue as my pal is covered in blood. I stood up and looked at the two maids who was sobbing earlier but now has fear in their eyes as they looked back and forth between me and the severed arm I’m holding.
“I hit them with a skill that would paralyze them but they would be awake. I could have knocked them out completely but, wheres the fun in that~” I say as I drop the hand in front of the guards. I picked up the other two daggers I took out and threw it at the girls. "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. It's up to you two what you want to do, kill yourself or them, that's your choice."
Both of them slowly picked up the dagger with one hand while keeping the remaining hand on the guard's mouth muffling their cries.
“I do have one question. Where is Suyeon?” I asked.
"S-she's in the governor's quarters. U-up the stairs, the door with a gold frame." The head nurse says.
"Well then, have fun~," I say as I turn around. Right before I get out the door, I hear a gurgling sound coming from the guards as the two maids stabbed them continuously even after they died. I reached the front door of the mansion and as I suspected, It's locked. Right, when I was about to punch the door open, I hear a voice from a distance and I see the head maid along with the other girl running towards me. They’re completely naked and their hands are covered in blood.
“W-wait!” She screams in a low whisper. “H-here.”
She hands me a key and I smile at her. I quickly took it and told them to keep the daggers since they can sell it for a lot of gold. They bowed and thanked me for saving them. The two then ran towards the gate and disappeared into the night. I unlock the front door and I slowly creep in. The whole place was dark as the light was turned off everywhere. I slowly creep up the steps and walked towards the left. I didn't find any door with a gold frame so I reversed back and went towards the right.
"Bingo," I whisper as I see the door on the end of the corridor has a gold frame on it. I placed my ear near the door and listened to the sound inside.
“Ah!” I hear Suyeon shout followed by a loud thud right after.
“You stupid wench. You almost got all of us killed.” I hear the governor whispering on the other side.
I slowly pull my head away from the door as I grit my fist and teeth out of frustration. I hear scuffles inside and out of nowhere a loud thud on the door making me back up. I didn’t need to put my ear near the door since they’re right next to it and I can hear their voices clearly.
“Where do you think you’re going? My son brings you here to cure you, feed you, dress you and what do you do, almost got him killed and framed an adventurer strong enough to kill an overlord. Where did you find him anyway?” He asked.
“H-he found me and saved me!” Suyeon says between sobs and her voice is right on the door.
“You fucking lying wench, you probably gave him night favors. I kept you clean since my son likes you. But now that I see, you’re a goldmine. It hasn’t been long since I was assigned here and well what do you know, I hit a jackpot like you.” The governor says.
“I-i-I’m sorry! Please forgive me!” She begged.
“Ha! My son is severely injured because of you. Only if you didn’t have this rare legendary class, I would have thrown you to my guards. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t have a taste. This wench needs to be taught a lesson. You will be a useful tool after I break you.” The governor says and it made me regret leaving him alive.
“P-p-please l-let me go.” I hear her plead and that’s when I burst through the door kicking it with all the force I can muster. Both Suyeon and the Governor stumbled to the ground and as I got a better look, Suyeon is completely naked while the governor doesn’t have a shirt on.
“Y-you. What are you doin-mmmfffhhhhm!!!” I put my hand over his mouth muffling his voice. He probably tastes the blood of his guards since my hands are completely covered with it.
"Hi~," I say smiling. "Knockout~"
I flicked his forehead and a small rune appeared and both his arms went dead. But I know he’s awake since his gaze never left mine.
“Suyeon. Close the door and get over here." I tell her and she quietly follows my order. "Put these on and sit near the top of his head, muffle him when I tell you."
I tell him as I took out a pair of clothes in my bag and hand it to her. I slowly let go of his mouth and he started screaming prompting me to bring it back down.
“Come on now governor, just answer a few questions and I promise, I’ll let you go. I swear under for my name is Rikimura.” I tell him lying about my name then I slowly lifted up my hand.
“W-what do you want?” He says.
"Good, cooperation is the key. Ok, what were you planning on doing with this one?" I asked pointing towards Suyeon.
“I-I swears I haven’t touched her!” He says.
"Really? You found out she has a legendary class, what were you planning on doing with that?" I asked.
“S-she can be a valuable asset for the army.” He tells me.
“Ohhhh~, you know what class she has right?” I asked.
"Y-yes. She told us herself it's a class called a dancer." He replied.
"Oh, you should look for the one who has the other legendary class. What was it, ah it was called blade? I heard it's a lot stronger than that dancing one." I tell him and I continued interrupting his reply. "I heard whoever have that class is not quite right in the head. I heard they like to tell stories about little piggy."
“L-little piggy? What? What's that?” The governor asked me.
“Governor, before we commence explaining about little piggy, let me tell you my real name.” He then looks at me as I stare in his eyes. “Hello, my real name is Yasu.”
The minute he heard my name, his eyes went wide with shock. “Y-you are the one they’re looking for!?”
“Suyeon muffle him," I order her and I see Suyeon place her hands over his mouth causing him to panic and scream. But she held it in firmly that his sound and cries for help are nothing but incomprehensible noises.
"Make sure he doesn't bite you," I tell her and she nods. Then she looks down and gave the governor a smirk that made him lose color.
There's that look again, this girl is crazy.I say in my mind. I sat on the governor's stomach and picked up one of his unmoving hands. “Listen to me you stupid son of a bitch. I went through some serious shit just to save her and what the fuck were you going to do? Break her?”
I see he shake his head but Suyeon held his head down so firm he couldn't turn it any further.
"Well then, let's get the storytelling started," I say as I grab his pinky. "This little piggy went to the market~"
- In Serial1056 Chapters
The Storm King
Leon and his father, Artorias, are the last remaining scions of a once powerful and illustrious family of lightning mages. After barely surviving an attack that destroyed their home fifteen years ago, they now live in the dangerous Northern Vales, a desolate wilderness far away from civilization. But those who want them dead are strong, patient, and relentless, and it is only a matter of time before they find the two they seek... Posted first on my website, wardenreading.com, which will be 4 chapters ahead of anywhere else I post -- March 2020: Decided to stop doing that, Royal Road is caught up completely to all currently released free chapters, though my website is still there (and has maps!) -- Expect new chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday around 10 am CT I have taken the WriTE Pledge, meaning that I will see this story to completion, no matter how many eons it may take.
8 19982 - In Serial40 Chapters
A Vague and Indistinct Existence
Meet Andrew Quirk. Seventeen Years Old. Offbeat. Mildly Misanthropic. After an ambiguous amount of time spent in a nightmare dimension, he's finally made it back home to the human world. Now he has to deal with figuring out the rest of his life. This means dealing with the complications brought about by his inhuman state, and his decidedly ambiguous nature. He has to deal with his toxic home situation, school, and the stresses that come with becoming a functioning member of society after what feels like a lifetime of lunancy, magic, and violence. He may, or may not, also have to worry about having half the supernatural world gunning for him. His take on the whole situation: "Is this one of those situations where the crime 'is' the punishment?!" (Updates Sporadically)
8 314 - In Serial25 Chapters
Tale of the War God
In the beginning there were six Gods. Due to a dispute between two of them, they split into two sides and waged a war. At the climax, one God gave his life to end it. Time passed and his existence was slowly forgotten. Until one fateful day, due to the actions of a single girl, he was brought back. But the real challenge for the God had begun, because in a world that seemed to get along without him... ...Was he even needed? This is a story about the God of War, Calgar, and the lives of the people he encounters. Follow along as he struggles to regain his former powers, hesitate over his relationship with the other Gods, and learns what exactly has happened to the world in his absence. Warning: Tagged 15+ for Gore, Violence, and Mild Language Cover Art is Balthazar armor concept from Guild Wars, for which Calgar is based on.
8 193 - In Serial12 Chapters
Unique Fusion Magic Hex
World Essence. The mysterious energy coursing throughout the entire land of Vor'ten, and very possibly the entire world. This energy has allowed humanity to flourish, building great empires and vast kingdoms, conquering nature itself with just a sweep of their hand. Humans were the strongest existence, and with the help of channeling this World Essence, many were able to turn into Magic Knights, gaining magical abilities to combat the various fierce beasts throughout the lands.Alas... those glory days of old were long gone. Humanity has now been pushed to the brink of destruction, and now the remaining members of the human race are encased within giant domes known as 'Alkkras', made with the last remaining bits of the World Essence. It was said that those giant domes were the last gifts left by the remnants of the ancient human race, as a means to protect the future generation from the attacks of the many wild beasts roaming outside. Five Spiritualist Invokers, all combined together, used the last bit of the World Essence and sacrificed their lives to lay a gigantic, 1028-seal formation magic array to form these barriers, forever saving humanity, but also trapping humanity within these barriers.However, the humans were never completely helpless. No matter how little World Essence was left, the humans still had some remaining. Realizing the incoming crisis, the humans found a way to seal World Essence inside a special type of crystal. Soon, these crystals began to become implanted into weapons, turning them into World Essence Weapons, and they began to display properties of their own. Extreme heat. Bone chilling cold. Absurd sharpness. These normal weapons, after being imbued with the energy of the World Essence Crystals, began to form natural affinities to elements. Fire. Water. Earth. Wind. Darkness. Light. Using these weapons, one could become a Chevalier that wielded the power of the elements.However, if one wanted to reach a higher level of enlightenment and understanding, one could become an Invoker. Via the study of magic array formations, one could directly use the power of the World Essence to cast devastating magics upon the enemy. These people were Invokers, highly valued for their combat potential by the Army. These weapons and magical arrays were used in the great fight between the humans and the beasts long ago. They had long since been put away in storage, almost long forgotten...However, after ten-thousand years of suppression, the human race is beginning its counterattack against the Beasts... Synth was an Invoker in the Magecroft Academy. However, his talent was terrible, being only at the Spark Stage. This led to him being looked down upon and bullied. He was unable to cast any Calamity-rank or even Destruction rank spells, and was only able to cast Coalescing rank spells at the age of 17, a record low in the academy for cultivating these rare Invokers. Even though he put in more effort than anyone else, he was still unable to advance his Channeling Energy. But due to his constant research and study, Synth ended up creating a power that would go against the heavens - he had found how to Fuse spells together. After trying it out once, merging the magical array for the Small Fireball and the Mortal Judgement skills, he was able to create a mid-rank Destruction tier spell, Holy Judgement Flame. However, after this, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to fuse more spells together or even cast them, and noticed a weird, pentagram shaped formation on his left arm. He would later call this mark the Fusion Magic Hex, a curse that prevented the wielder from casting magic that wasn't their own...This meant that with the exception of Synth's newly created skill, , he was going to have to create unique magic arrays if he ever wanted to step on the path of becoming an Invoker! This power that destroyed the laws of the Invoking System, and his unyielding persistence in testing and creating new spells, would later gain Synth the nickname the Unique Fusion Hex, and lead him to become one of the strongest beings in the entire World!
8 76 - In Serial36 Chapters
Finding them
Daniel has 4 sons with his ex wife and things have never been great. He got a girl pregnant when he was young and married her to do the right thing. They never really loved each other but stayed together for there children. When the youngest child turned 4 his wife decides to leave and signs away her children. Daniel devotes his life to his sons, Mitchell the eldest is now 22, then there is Jamie who is 20, Hunter is 18 and his youngest Edward is 17. Daniel has had many one night stands and hook ups but never wanted to be married again, women couldn't be trusted after what his wife did to him and his boys. He travels overseas for business often and has different women he meets while over there for a casual thing but nothing serious. Daniel is a business man and owns an import and export business which is doing very well. His eldest son has started to help with the business and the others will too when they finish at university. Daniel gets a call from a detective late one night asking him to take his two children in. He had no idea he fathered another two children at all but is forced to prove that by providing a DNA sample. Dakota and Darcy are 3 year old twins, they have been bounced around foster care homes since birth. After they are found during a police raid a detective takes on the case of finding them a home. Dakota is the eldest by 25 minutes and a little protective of his baby sister Darcy. How will he react when 5 other males want to help care for Darcy?⚠️ brief mentions of drugs and abuse⚠️This story is unedited
8 124 - In Serial35 Chapters
Innocent or Dirty?
Where Jimin is an adorable teen who doesn't know much about the "adult" things whereas Yoongi is a mischievous not-so-innocent person.Yoongi accidentally texts Jimin thinking it's someone else. But he sticks around in hopes of getting into the "innocent" heart and maybe finding true love. Jimin on the other hand is completely oblivious to Yoongi's flirts and thinks that the others text are just him being nice. They become buddies through text messages until Yoongi becomes a music teacher in Jimin's school.AGE GAP*******Jimin is (18) and Yoongi(22)*
8 119